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Joe Biden’s catastrophic presidency represents the final surrender of the West

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11 hours ago, Social Media said:



In the wake of Alexei Navalny's tragic death in Siberia, a stark reminder emerges for democracies worldwide: some nations play by rules diametrically opposed to those of the free world. The demise of the Russian dissident underscores a broader trend where despotic regimes advance while democracies flounder.


The West, led by the United States under President Joe Biden, finds itself in a precarious position of retreat. From the emboldened actions of Putin's Russia to the audacity of Iran's Islamist government, the unfree states are flexing their muscles with impunity, while the free world struggles to respond cohesively.


In the Middle East, Iran's revolutionary regime wages a multi-front war, using proxies to threaten regional stability. Qatar, purporting to be a mediator, harbors terrorist groups like Hamas and the Taliban while leveraging its financial clout to silence criticism. China, too, capitalizes on Western vulnerabilities, ensnaring nations like America and Britain in its economic web.


Under President Biden's leadership, America's resolve appears weakened, evidenced by recent diplomatic missteps and the botched Afghanistan withdrawal. The collapse of a Senate border deal highlights a troubling shift toward adopting policies reminiscent of Trump's "America First" agenda.


In this environment, the absence of robust leadership exacerbates Western vulnerability. Washington's retreat invites aggression, emboldening adversaries and eroding confidence in the West's ability to defend its values.


The situation calls for a recalibration of priorities. While diversity and representation are vital, they should not supersede the paramount importance of national security and strategic foresight. Democracies must recognize the folly of pursuing policies blind to geopolitical realities, lest they continue to cede ground to authoritarian regimes.


As the world grapples with escalating tensions and existential threats, the West must reclaim its leadership mantle. A renewed commitment to principled diplomacy, coupled with a robust defense of democratic values, is essential to navigating the challenges ahead.

In conclusion, the West's leadership void under President Biden poses a significant threat to global stability. By prioritizing short-term political gains over long-term strategic interests, the free world risks further erosion of its influence and security. Now is the time for decisive action and unwavering resolve to confront the adversaries of freedom and democracy.




Why it's claimed for a leadership of the "West"?

The West is not the majority in the world but still on the colonial path to rule over all the "non White".

It's a sign of arrogance. It's time for America to step down and give up persuing to be hegemon of the world. 🙏

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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

I tend to believe that Biden is running in 2024--and 2020--because Trump is running.  He believes that it's that dangerous for Trump to even be sniffing the WH, let alone occupy it.  And he thinks he's the only one who can beat Trump having already done so.  If Trump ever pulls out--or is somehow disqualified or loses the primary--I believe Biden would step down.    

Yeah, I totally agree. Hence the ball is really in the fate of Trump's court.

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8 hours ago, bamnutsak said:

From the linked opinion piece...


At the head of this problem lies the absence of leadership from the White House. While Russia has put its economy onto a full war footing, China continues to push its military exercises and Iranian proxies fire missiles across its region, the British and American armies have serious recruitment problems, perhaps caused by our delusion that “diversity”, “representation” and other such woke mantras should be the priority of our armed forces. 



So there it is, diversity and wokeness (whatever that means) are the problems.



I haven't seen any evidence to unequivocally demonstrate the DEI improved performance. Logic would indicate that competence and appointment on merit would be more likely to improve performance. I worked in the US during the 'quota' days, it was pretty awful, I have to say. 

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

A very flawed article especially since Trump negotiated the withdrawal from Afghanistan, in an extremely cowardly and hurried manner, after assuring the Afghan translators that they would be taking care. They were abandoned like pieces of wet cloth, that is what Trump thinks about the Armed Forces. That's how little respect he has for the men and women who fight overseas and those who aid them. The man is dangerously unprepared for a war and he garners no respect from the Armed Forces, nor the top generals. 

But isn't that like how the US leaves almost everywhere? Was Vietnam better? They don't long after the people who help them like translators, and local officials. It will be how they leave Iraq and Syria as they inevitably will.

Anyway, if the plan was so awful why did Biden carry it out? He must have thought it was a good plan to try to implement it, must he not? 

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Can anybody name a country the US has invaded to impose democracy where they have succeeded ?  I know that in Chile and Iran they knocked off the democratically elected leaders because they did not like them and they are prepared to cosy up to devils like the Saudies if there is a dollar to be made. Democracy is not serving the USA well with a choice between a senile encumbant and a crook.

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The amazing thing is that people would still vote for Biden, an obviously incompetent and mentally impaired president. They can't care much about the USA putting party loyalty before common sense.

Edited by proton
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18 minutes ago, jingjai9 said:

Don't you think Edward Snowden is America's Navalny?  America did not have Snowden killed, but he is in exile and skillfully marginalized by the US Mainstream Press. 






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20 minutes ago, retarius said:

But isn't that like how the US leaves almost everywhere? Was Vietnam better? They don't long after the people who help them like translators, and local officials. It will be how they leave Iraq and Syria as they inevitably will.

Anyway, if the plan was so awful why did Biden carry it out? He must have thought it was a good plan to try to implement it, must he not? 

Did he really have a choice? Was the U.S. public opinion ready to support an extension of the war in Afghanistan? Wouldn't have Biden called a war-mongerer for that?

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1 hour ago, NickyLouie said:


Biden's team orchestrated the failed pull out, problem with your type is the horrible insecurities that come out when faced with an Alpha Male.




You mean the bone-spurred alpha male? 😆

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1 hour ago, NickyLouie said:


Biden's team orchestrated the failed pull out, problem with your type is the horrible insecurities that come out when faced with an Alpha Male.




Who's the Alpha Male? I hope you don't mean the morbidly obese crybaby trump? Richard Simmons is 10,000% more Alpha than trump could ever be even in his NFT astronaut and fighter pilot fantasies. I'd need to see a credible DNA test to prove trump even has a Y chromosome.


You might want to Google trump's ordered release of 5000 Taliban jihadi prisoners as part of the US withdrawal. Those jihadis subsequently took over and run Afghanistan, and it is believed some carried out the airport attack when the US was exiting.

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1 hour ago, retarius said:

But isn't that like how the US leaves almost everywhere? Was Vietnam better? They don't long after the people who help them like translators, and local officials. It will be how they leave Iraq and Syria as they inevitably will.

Anyway, if the plan was so awful why did Biden carry it out? He must have thought it was a good plan to try to implement it, must he not? 

My understanding from everything I've read about it is that his hands were tied, everything had already been said in motion by the ignoramus, and there wasn't much he could have done. I wonder. 


The level alof abandonment of those translators was pathetic and shameful. 

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14 hours ago, flyingtlger said:

Are you kidding?

I'd take Biden over tRump any day.....


First of all, this thread isn't about Trump, and secondly, because Trump is worse doesn't mean Biden is a capable leader

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4 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

I don't like Joe. I think he's done a wonderful job during his first term but while campaigning for the 2020 election he said he would be (and I quote) "a bridge to new generation of leaders."


This clearly meant one term. He has gotten far too long in the tooth and hubris has grabbed him by the short hairs, making him think he's the only one who can fix the 2024 election. Remind you of a fat, orange skinned fraudster who claims HE'S the only one who can fix the US?


Having said that, this article is a dreadful hit piece that has no credibility. "Catastrophic presidency?" Bitches, please!


If you want to critique his policies, there is plenty to scrutinize, but "catastrophic" is way too far over the top.






I'm wondering if Biden is sitting it out, keeping quiet and hoping that soon the dems will announce a replacement presidential candidate and VP. 


The dems have been silent on this but maybe that's part of their strategy, and I'm expecting that they well understand;

- Biden is to too old to continue much longer.

- Biden has achieved good things.

- His current VP hasn't achieved much and doesn't look likely too.

- Because of his age Biden is obviously NOT capable of another 4+ years. 


Come on Dems get your fingers out, nominate a credible / capable / younger replacement team.


Seems to me there plenty of possible dem candidates with the right capabilities / track record / affiliations and the right personal charisma. and younger.

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Do you really think Biden is the one who make decision for all world actions ?!! 🤣 His job is reading pre written speeches, signing all papers that required to be signed by the president, answering reporters questions if he can 🤔, even though that is mostly the White House speaker job.

Edited by The Theory
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Oh, look! We may soon know the truth about Russia Russia Russia from another source at the heart of the matter.


Assange faces what could be his final court hearing in London starting Tuesday as he tries to stop his extradition to the U.S. The High Court has scheduled two days of arguments over whether Assange can ask an appeals court to block his transfer. If the court doesn’t allow the appeal to go forward, he could be sent across the Atlantic.



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10 hours ago, Arindos said:


A lot of the journalists at The Telegraph are left-wing. In fact there is a dearth of right wing journalists in much of the western world it seems and even in India.


Murray is anything but left wing.

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8 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

The only thing missing from this ‘op-ed’ (i.e. hit piece) is the assertion that all of this would never have happened if Trump were still president. He could have solved all those issues with just a few phone calls. If only he hadn’t been playing golf during most of his presidency…..


It would be interesting to know for sure.

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