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Why do super markets insist on re stocking shelves during the day?

Asquith Production

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4 hours ago, Ralf001 said:


Yeah.. I dont class Makro as a supermarket... Like tops/foodland/frienship/villa.


But Makro use walker stackers in the aisles, not fork lifts.


Not really interested in what you class Makro as and they use Reach trucks inside their Aisles, their Electric stacker trucks do not have high enough masts.

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19 hours ago, youreavinalaff said:

It's cost saving. Savings that can be passed onto customers.


In the UK, Lidl and Aldi stock up during the day. Look at their prices. Always lower than other supermarkets. The stores are always busy. It obviously is a business plan that works.

As much as I agree, I was a little disappointed in Lidl a few years back. I went into the store in Harlow (Essex) and they had no lemons or limes. The re-stocking lady - who later became good friends with  me - said they never sold lemons and the limes were sold out. Or was it the other way round. Anyway, I didn't get too upset. Just done without.


Lidl's water was lovely. Restocking lady told me over breakfast some weeks later, that they got it from a spring in Romania.

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15 hours ago, Bangkokhatter said:

I think you protest too much, the OP made a true point about stock replenishment in Thai Supermarkets.


Only you can't accept that and decide it's Thai bashing, it's no different to making a comment on the general driving skills on display here, but thats not Thai bashing as you agree with it.


Wind your neck in a touch and accept it for what it is, an observation. 


Nope.... I don't think you are suffiiently astute to grasp the point - perhaps instead of making 'wind yer neck in' comments you pull your own out of your backside and re-read the opening post where the Op singles out Thailand as if this doesn't happen else where. 






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6 hours ago, Asquith Production said:

It is an issue especially for those people in wheelchairs and who have limited mobility and then have to negotiate these obstacles


Thats a fair point, a lack of consideration for those in Wheel chairs is an aspect of Thailand that I would consider different (worse) to that in many of our home countries. 


But, are the isles not also partially blocked when re-stocking shelves in the day time in the Supermarkets in other countries (i.e. UK & US)... 



This is the point I am contesting - it seems Thailand has been singled out for doing the same thing that exists in other nations. 


I recall not being able to get a push-chair down a Sainsbury's aisle because there was a large 'cage' blocking the way while staff were replenishing the shelves....   

.... But go to a supermarket in the weekday day time in the UK and see all the blue-rinses leaving their trollies abandoned in the middle of the aisles while they have a gossip >>   I'm more sympathetic to the ppl doing their jobs. 


The reality remains - while this happens in Thailand, its not an issue that exists solely in Thailand as indicated by some in their 'want' for a dig a the Thai's....   I get it, familiarity breeds contempt, but be accurate and fair when levying criticism. 





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6 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

My local Tesco appears to have adopted a policy of 100 shelf stackers to block your progress and 1 checkout to finish you off 🤔


In the UK I assume...  ????



And don't forget all the closed 'self check-outs' in some areas, because its been proven that people are a bunch of pikey thieves !!!! 



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16 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

So why don't you see this in the UK or US?

You do. Maybe you have not but they are continually stocking the shelves. Same in Italy you see it all the time. It is either restock the shelves or customers cant buy the products and I seem to remember a shops function was to sell things.

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22 hours ago, Asquith Production said:

Yes I know but I am talking about the timing of restocking

I completely agree. The Lotus's at the top of the Threpasit Road are always restocking the beer and alcohol mid morning. Now that the area is so small you can just about move around it when there is no restocking going on. As there are no alcohol sales between 2 and 5pm, why on earth do they not do it then. But there again that would be too easy.

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15 hours ago, Bangkokhatter said:

Only you can't accept that and decide it's Thai bashing, it's no different to making a comment on the general driving skills on display here, but thats not Thai bashing as you agree with it.


Covered below -  If you're going to levy criticsm, be fair and accurate with it, otherwise it is a Thai-Bash.



There is very little doubt that criticism of traffic behavior, traffic conditions and road safety in Thailand is warranted and fair criticism...   its quite different from having a whinge about stocking supermarket shelves in the day time that happens world wide. 


If you can't recongise that... again...  put that head out of your.... 



3 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

The reality remains - while this happens in Thailand, its not an issue that exists solely in Thailand as indicated by some in their 'want' for a dig a the Thai's....   I get it, familiarity breeds contempt, but be accurate and fair when levying criticism. 

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3 minutes ago, thailand49 said:

Probably the same reason the road work is done during the day! 

They dont give a <deleted> when they feel you need them more than they need you 🤣


Plenty of road work is carried out at night. 


Perhaps not out in the countryside....   but in major cities that are incredibly busy in the day time and evenings major road works are carried out at night...



If you regularly drive around the city, particularly Bangkok, in the early hours (i.e. after 2am) you'll see those massive concrete slabs lifted out of the way for subterranean work to be carried out...   usually related to some form of either water works, or BTS / MRT line construction. 

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6 minutes ago, jimn said:

But there again that would be too easy.


Yeah... 'It would be too easy... and even dumba$$ stupid Thai's are incapable of doing easy things' ..... right ??????


It is this element of Thai-bashing that I'm trying to highlight in this thread - some of you guys are racist bigots, though you'd never admit it because you think you are making critical observations when really you are masked by a myopic bias. 




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Just now, LukKrueng said:
23 hours ago, Asquith Production said:

It makes shopping very difficult and  makes it impossible to look at or reach certain items

Send your wife for shipping. Easy.


No need to go that far....  Online shopping in most area's of Thailand is very efficient and reliable these days (although the tops Website did recently go down).


The point is a valid one.... Wherever we are, in a supermarket, shop, side-walk, car park, trying to cross a road etc....  there should be ample room for anyone to easily pass (i.e. a wheel-chair or a pushchair etc).....    And a lot of 'Thailand' does exist in some sort of parallel world which is oblivious to the needs of disabled people - but it is slowly getting better.


I just find the 'shelf re-stacking' example a flawed example of this as the opening post and many follow up comments are carrying the fundamentally flawed criticism that this 'shelf stacking in the day time' is only a Thai thing.






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5 minutes ago, BTB1977 said:

 Because they close at night. And the staff goes home. Not hard to figure out. Think about it. 


All supermarkets world-wide.... 'could' employ a night shift.....   Not hard to figure out. Think about it. 


In fact a lot of them do....  its quite likely that plenty of Thai supermarkets also re-stock larger main items throughout the night too...  we just haven't noticed it - because, why would we ???  ever been to a supermarket at 3am ?



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20 hours ago, billd766 said:

Grow up, work around it like normal people do.

But this leads to the question; what is Normal.


Personally, I'm not bothered about the restocking. As in my local Big C. But across the road in Lotus, there is hardly any customers, so restocking is not an issue.  And this scarcity of customers has been like this since 'Tesco' was taken down from the sign outside.


Restocking; don't care. What is an issue for me is cat-food prices. How can Lotus get away with charging 44 baht for a 400g tin? In Big C (Big Care) there are cans for as low as 29 baht a tin. Apples and oranges one might say. But the cats know.


But back to 'normal'. Are we guilty of judging others by our own experiences? I like nature, and back in England, I would not purposefully run the car tyres over conkers (horse-chestnuts) that were in the road. I mentioned this one evening in the Short Blue, and I got a different perspective from a nice lady. She said to run over the nuts, to provide food for other creatures. ''But,'' said I, ''would that not lead to squirrels getting hurt?'' ''Perhaps,'' she said, ''but they would have died on a full stomach.'' She got me thinking, and I stopped swerving round the conkers. The lady's name was Lovelace. We became good friends.


IMO, 'normal' is not an exclusionary word. My normal might not be the normal; of leading figures.


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23 hours ago, Photoguy21 said:

They restock when the items on the shelves are getting low. I doubt if it is to annoy you.

Actually, the problem is they don't restock th shelves. Just leave pallets and boxes of product in the aisles and keave them there so you csn't get to the shelves!


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2 minutes ago, Irish star said:

They don’t do it in USA , night shifts 


Are you suggesting that of the 62,383 Supermarkets & Grocery Stores in the USA, none of them replenish their shelves in the day time ???


... Its only the stupid Thai's who do that, right ???? :whistling:

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There are so many people who choose to live in Thailand who enjoy making mountains out of molehills.  More than thirty years ago when I still lived in the United States, I managed a very large food and drug store.  The store was open 24 hours a day.  Much of the restocking was done at night.  However, there was still quite a bit that was done during the day.  I never had any customer complaints about staff blocking aisles.  In fact, customers could always easily find staff on the sales floor if they needed any help.  There are many issues that are much more important to address.  Relax, calm down and enjoy the time you have left in your life.

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3 minutes ago, CM Dad said:

There are so many people who choose to live in Thailand who enjoy making mountains out of molehills.  More than thirty years ago when I still lived in the United States, I managed a very large food and drug store.  The store was open 24 hours a day.  Much of the restocking was done at night.  However, there was still quite a bit that was done during the day.  I never had any customer complaints about staff blocking aisles.  In fact, customers could always easily find staff on the sales floor if they needed any help.  There are many issues that are much more important to address.  Relax, calm down and enjoy the time you have left in your life.

That is alright if you are able bodied. Not everybody his

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On 4/1/2024 at 3:09 PM, Asquith Production said:

Just returned from a well known supermarket chain after having to jump over and push past trollys loaded with goods and trays of eggs on the floor with staff cross legged alongside them. It makes shopping very difficult and  makes it impossible to look at or reach certain items.  It does not seem to matter what time of day I go in their is always someone stocking shelves and causing a blockage. In other countries they have staff to resupply when the shop is closed. I realise that some products need to be restocked during the day but today every aisle had someone in it and the ones that did not had products causing a blockage.

Do you really mean EVERY aisle??


I have more trouble with Shoppers and trolleys that think they are the only ones in the store, often leaving their trolley in the middle of the aisle while they go 'awalking'

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5 minutes ago, ChrisKC said:

Do you really mean EVERY aisle??


I have more trouble with Shoppers and trolleys that think they are the only ones in the store, often leaving their trolley in the middle of the aisle while they go 'awalking'





1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

.... But go to a supermarket in the weekday day time in the UK and see all the blue-rinses leaving their trollies abandoned in the middle of the aisles while they have a gossip >>   I'm more sympathetic to the ppl doing their jobs. 


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1 minute ago, ChrisKC said:

Do you really mean EVERY aisle??


I have more trouble with Shoppers and trolleys that think they are the only ones in the store, often leaving their trolley in the middle of the aisle while they go 'awalking'

Yesterday yes. It was one one of the medium sized outlets where the aisles are narrower. Their was not staff in all the aisles but their was produce in almost every aisle ready for putting on shelves. Around the chill area they  had eggs all emptied on the floor.

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On 4/1/2024 at 3:09 PM, Asquith Production said:

Just returned from a well known supermarket chain after having to jump over and push past trollys loaded with goods and trays of eggs on the floor with staff cross legged alongside them. It makes shopping very difficult and  makes it impossible to look at or reach certain items.  It does not seem to matter what time of day I go in their is always someone stocking shelves and causing a blockage. In other countries they have staff to resupply when the shop is closed. I realise that some products need to be restocked during the day but today every aisle had someone in it and the ones that did not had products causing a blockage.

Its  not just shelf stocking that seems to be a daytime only activity

Are there any workers on the " important " constant roadworks that work during the night as not to disrupt traffic during the Day, or at least to minimize the disruption.

I think the introduction of night workers on these road works would speed the entire operation up no end


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