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Swiss Expat Critically Injured in Scooter-Car Crash in Pattaya


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20 minutes ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

It is clear now who was at fault... now we will wait and see if the car driver is connected or has money.

It would be good to see the car driver connected and has money. 


That incompetent Swiss guy should not get a penny, bloody reckless behaviour. I hope the car driver and occupants were not injured. 


Authorities need to check to see if Swiss guy has a driver's licence, he shouldn't be on the roads driving, putting us all in danger. 



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11 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


He most likely had head injuries... So would a pedestrian or anyone else crossing the road... 


As per the photo posted by 'THEN' there is a fixed white line that would suggest the SUV had to yield right of way.


The location of impact suggest the SUV travelled into the junction while the 3 wheeled disability vehile was already crossing.


i.e. The SUV was travelling at speed with no intention to stop....   it would have hit any other motorcycle or anyone else crossing the junction because he was 'not prepared to stop' or didn't consider he needed to slow down at a crossing.




I agree, after seeing that picture.

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18 minutes ago, Ralf001 said:

The swiss guy was using the road illegally so he is at fault.

Unfortunately, you are trying to simplify the Thai law. In Thailand the law has two aspects. That is right or wrong and need and hurt. Many times the need and hurt part will take a higher value than right or wrong. So, the result will probably be that the Swiss guy needed to use the road to buy his medicine as he had difficulties walking that far. That will end up with a settlement where the driver of the car will have to pay up.

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What is it with all these foreigners tourists expats comming to Thailand and trying to show their thainess and do things they would not even dream back home ? But the main fault is with the Thai police who just does not enforce the helmet rule and other road rules towards all - locals or foreigners.

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11 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


This is the junction....  from the direction the SUV was travelling....  the SUV didn't yield and was likely travelling at speed, IF another vehicle were travelling from the other direction (from the left in the pic below) the SUV would have hit them too.


The SUV has to yield for anything already on the junction, clearly it didn't - SUV driver 100% at fault here IMO.    





This is the junction from the direction the disabled-scooter was travelling.

There is no pavement, no other option but to ride on the road, riding on the road (with a disability scooter), cycling along the road or walking along the road is not illegal in this case... 





It seems quite clear that the SUV driver was not going to stop for anything and was prepared to hit anything in his way, or stupid enough not to think anything would get in his way... (*clearly as stupid and dangerous as some of the posters on this thread).





We have those white lines in my town also. They may as well not be there as no one seems to pay attention to them. It seems that there is one poster here that claims to not pay attention to them.

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37 minutes ago, Gottfrid said:

So, the result will probably be that the Swiss guy needed to use the road to buy his medicine as he had difficulties walking that far. That will end up with a settlement where the driver of the car will have to pay up.


Plenty of pharmacies in that soi so that BS excuse aint gunna fly.

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12 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

Can you find info of no head injuries? The poster also started with most likely. Something that probably most sane readers would agree with.

You writing and sane in the same sentence is funny.........🤭

Have you got that Luxury Villa photo yet......  😂

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12 hours ago, WhatMeWorry said:

Better a wimp than a fool, fools get killed.

I think it is others that get killed by those who or cannot read what's going on around them on the road.

Perhaps it's my heavy goods vehicle training kicking in, eh......🤗


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12 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


The fixed while line indicates the SUV has to stop and yield for 'anything'....


The flashing red light (at that junction) also indicates the SUV has to stop and yield for 'anything'.... (although I can't be certain that the traffic light was flashing at that time).



What is clear is that the SUV entered the junction without being prepared to stop or yield for anything.... 


It could have been a kid on a scooter, a pedestrian, a cyclist, a motorcyclist, a samlor, someone pushing a cart, another car.... a person on a mobility scooter.... It doesn't matter what it is.... IF there is something already in the junction the vehicle approaching (from the same direction as the SUV) has to stop. 



I truly hope you do not drive....   







Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 20.34.53.png


This is quite common at this intersection and others along the railway line.


Impatient and ignorant morons that don't know or care about the rules of the road try to play chicken and blast through making the traffic that actually has the right of way stop. 

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35 minutes ago, pierrenoel said:

the car hit electric scooter,he is wrong

How could the SUV avoid the collision? 

It's a busy, main road, cars, trucks and buses travelling at speed. 

The Swiss guy came out of a side street on to a main road at speed, not slowing or looking. 


I see an elderly guy on a invalid scooter racing out of a side street without stopping or looking.

It's weird that some people here can't accept this as unusual, dangerous driving. 

Who here would do something so stupid, you people won't live long driving in this manner. 



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23 hours ago, dddave said:

"Stop" signs mean nothing, nor do blinking red lights.  A perfect example of growth with no planning.


Not sure about that, but they might make it a bit clearer who was at fault for the accident.


What a dangerous intersection, glad I haven't encountered it. Presumably the Swiss guy knew the route (to his meds) pretty well, so should have exercised extreme caution right there. Not to blame him for the accident. Hope he recovers well.

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3 hours ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

That's rich... show me the source on road use in rural Thailand... this isn't your home country and your rules do not mean shoot here.


Climb down of your high horse there Tonto.


1. That mobility scooter is not road legal in Thailand.

2. This accident did not happen in rural Thailand... location is irrelevant though so not sure why you mention it.

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On 4/22/2024 at 12:28 PM, brianthainess said:

Not legally required on an electric disability trike, or license needed.

Regardless, when calamity comes, whoever’s fault it is, the motorbike or trike rider’s skin will meet the road surface. 

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22 hours ago, Asquith Production said:

My understanding is of you hit someone you are mostly at fault. I am sure that trike did  not have enough power to accelerate in front of the suv. 

as usual , two wheelers normally travel minus the situation awareness , plowing ahead regardless, hoping other vehicles gave way to them. If accident happens, blame it upon karma . 

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On 4/22/2024 at 11:51 AM, dddave said:

impossible to determine who entered the intersection first.


Perhaps you could take a clue from the picture that shows the swiss guy is almost all the way through the intersection before the idiot hits him?

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2 hours ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

How could the SUV avoid the collision? 

It's a busy, main road, cars, trucks and buses travelling at speed. 

The Swiss guy came out of a side street on to a main road at speed, not slowing or looking. 


I see an elderly guy on a invalid scooter racing out of a side street without stopping or looking.

It's weird that some people here can't accept this as unusual, dangerous driving. 

Who here would do something so stupid, you people won't live long driving in this manner. 


SF - That is not a 'side street'... as per the road markings and flashing red light (which I'm not sure was flashing at the time), its clear that the disability-scooter & Motorcyclists are the ones on the main thoroughfare and had a right of way.... 

The SUV should be yielding in exactly the same manner as the grey sedan.


I just don't see how the behaviour of the SUV driver could be defended in anyway - he crossed the 'white line' at speed without yielding while another vehicle was on the junction.


Have you looked at all the photos and video ?


Its 100% clear that in blowing through the junction in the manner he did the SUV driver was driving illegally

> Seeming speeding

> Ignoring road markings

> (Possibly) ignoring a red-flashing traffic light (which means stop and then enter according to right of way rules)




I also get your point that with local knowledge cars ignore the traffic rules and some do not give way.... (the grey car gave way though).

But, the SUV sped across a blind junction (blind from the left) at which road marking 'instruct' they must give way.


I also agree the elderly Swiss guy was reckless in crossing a junction without greater caution, but the SUV was also completely reckless in crossing the junction in the manner he did.

I agree that he was taking additional risk riding with-out helmet.

I also agree that the Swiss-man placed himself at additional risk riding that disability scooter at what appears to be the same speed as those scooters riding around him.


Here's the video again... 

Here's a photo of the junction again...




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7 hours ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

It would be good to see the car driver connected and has money. 


That incompetent Swiss guy should not get a penny, bloody reckless behaviour. I hope the car driver and occupants were not injured. 


Authorities need to check to see if Swiss guy has a driver's licence, he shouldn't be on the roads driving, putting us all in danger. 


This is a particularly odd statement from you...


I understand you think the Swiss-man was reckless in not taking more caution when travelling across the intersection.


However, you have completely omitted any comment on the MU-X SUV driver in his 2 tonne vehicle completely ignoring the junction and blowing across it with complete disregard for safety or consideration of anyone else. 


Your user name is 'Safety First'.... and while you accurately point a finger at the Swiss-man for his lack of safety consideration for his own wellbeing, you have completely ignored that the SUV driver is not only driving in a manner with is unsafe and reckless, but its also illegal.



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11 minutes ago, CanadaSam said:
On 4/22/2024 at 11:51 AM, dddave said:

impossible to determine who entered the intersection first.


Perhaps you could take a clue from the picture that shows the swiss guy is almost all the way through the intersection before the idiot hits him?


Indeed....   Swiss-man already in the muddle of the junction before the SUV enters.



Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 13.19.44.png

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13 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


Indeed....   Swiss-man already in the muddle of the junction before the SUV enters.



Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 13.19.44.png

Dicky, is it possible to get an accurate overhead view from 53ft to help us further analyse the root cause of this accident?


Also maybe the year of manufacturer of the Swiss mans vehicle and the rogue SUV. 

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35 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


This is a particularly odd statement from you...


I understand you think the Swiss-man was reckless in not taking more caution when travelling across the intersection.


However, you have completely omitted any comment on the MU-X SUV driver in his 2 tonne vehicle completely ignoring the junction and blowing across it with complete disregard for safety or consideration of anyone else. 


Your user name is 'Safety First'.... and while you accurately point a finger at the Swiss-man for his lack of safety consideration for his own wellbeing, you have completely ignored that the SUV driver is not only driving in a manner with is unsafe and reckless, but its also illegal.




It is a side street entering a busy road. 

It crosses the train tracks. 


Have you travelled on this road the SUV is on? It's a busy road, I'd say it gets similar traffic to the Sukhumvit. Do you give way to all side roads when travelling on the Sukhumvit? 


I see these reckless foreigners on their disability scooters driving around Pattaya, breaking the law regularly. Have a look at the video, he travels through the intersection at speed without looking, was he suicidal? 


That poor woman driving the SUV, she was minding her own business, travelling at speed (its a main road, all traffic travels at speed) then suddenly, seeing this lunatic cross her path would have been very scary. 


People need to be accountable, the Swiss guy racing through a busy intersection recklessly is very irresponsibile, he has no regard for the other road users. 

If the Swiss guy wants to hurt himself, don't affect others. 


If you drive in this reckless manner I hope you have a will, better still buy yourself a Kenworth truck, so when you shoot out of a side street recklessly, at a busy intersection, at speed, without looking you'll be protected

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6 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

It is a side street entering a busy road. 

It crosses the train tracks. 


Have you travelled on this road the SUV is on?


Well, yes, have travelled this road many times, and ALL sensible drivers SLOW or STOP to make sure it is clear to proceed through this intersection, NOBODY drives through this intersection without doing that, EXCEPT this one lady, who probably did not even notice that the guy next to her WAS stopped to let the swiss guy through, non-existant driving skills for Thailand, IMHO!

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9 minutes ago, CanadaSam said:


Well, yes, have travelled this road many times, and ALL sensible drivers SLOW or STOP to make sure it is clear to proceed through this intersection, NOBODY drives through this intersection without doing that, EXCEPT this one lady, who probably did not even notice that the guy next to her WAS stopped to let the swiss guy through, non-existant driving skills for Thailand, IMHO!

Nope, I disagree, the road parallel to the train line vehicles travel at speed limit through intersections. 


So, from what you are saying you would do as the Swiss guy did, travel at speed through intersection without slowing or looking. 

Probably why the roads are so dangerous, all the foreigners driving recklessly. 




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