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15 million people to receive cash instead of digital wallet payments


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4 minutes ago, Ben Zioner said:

They could even improve that by giving everyone else a  one off 10000 Baht income tax credit valid 10 years. i.e you don't work? Get off your a$$ and we'll help you.

Good approach.

But, it makes only sense, when the economy is able to provide a sufficent number of jobs.

The average low education level, by an ancient education system, the greed of employers, who often "prefer" illegal employees, in low level sectors, like constructions. Btw, where a crisis, let's say in an "optical" way is hard to recognize.

To circumvent the already redicoulous low minimum wage. Just two collaborating issues to unemployment.



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I'm really confused now.


The whole principle was that this was going to be a huge multiplier and boost the economy no end........how strange that that is suddenly no longer the case.....what changed???




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Cash ......much easier I imagine...... for certain pigs (who hog the trough) to get their grubby little hands on the money.


Digital lent much greater opportunities for control and management.

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Give it to pensioners and people with disabilities as they basically get nothing from their own government !

Think my mother in law gets about 7-800bht a month to live off from the government 🫤

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7 hours ago, CharlieH said:

45m people, 30m have reg for digital, leaving 15m that havnt or can't because of their status, most being old and rural probably.

Cash is simple, easy and it works.

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Well I think most of us knew not everyone would get the 10,000 baht digital wallet money  wise 

Why do studentsc16 years old plus wealthy  people need it

Only those in need should get it 💰 

Interesting times coming up 

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Very unfair if this is true!  why flip flop from the promise they made to try and win votes this was meant to be for 60 million not 15 million there are going to be many unhappy people who will now go without 

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6 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I wonder how many Thais planned already how they will use the 10,000B which will surely be in their pocket by the end of the year.

And how many will be unhappy when the realise they've just been excluded from the hand-out.

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7 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

How often was this changed already over the last couple of months? And it seems some changes just happen suddenly within a day.

One would think for one of the most expensive popular schemes in the history of Thailand there should be a little more planning and organizing and execution of a detailed plan involved.

But no, one day Thaksin wants this, and the next day he is in a different mood, and everybody pretends that is normal.

Maybe someone should tell him and his lackeys that it looks bad changing something all the time.

Amazing Thailand


He has obviously been taking lessons from the Numbskull of a PM in the UK, he changes his mind like the clock changes time.

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So just another flip-flop here it’s like normal flip-flopping so the Prime Minister is a daughter of the Prime Minister who fled the country in 15 years lives, multi millionaire life flies back in and his private golf stream jet about $65 million enter and flood the country a day before she was convicted stealing so now they have the daughter of this guy in there gonna be running things  Amazing Political seen in Thailand talking about crazy stuff so they really never issued a red card or whatever you call it on the Red Bull kid. No one knows where he is. He’ll be back as soon as the required period is over for running over and killing a cop.TIT

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

government is set to give 15 million citizens 10,000 baht in cash

this move reflects a shift in strategy.

This shift in policy will cost an estimated 122 billion baht

calculator time (everything is quoted directly from the article):

15mio Thais x 10,000 baht = 150 billion baht


these 150 billion baht will cost 122 billion baht (estimated)...


maybe the TAT can explain these numbers...



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Thaksin:10,000 Baht to Reach Vulnerable Groups in Sept




BANGKOK, Aug 23 (TNA) – Former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has announced that 14.5 million vulnerable individuals will receive 10,000 baht each in September.


At the “Vision for Thailand 2024” event, Thaksin presented his vision for the first time since his return. The event was attended by numerous dignitaries, including cabinet ministers, business leaders, and corporate executives.


Upon arriving, Thaksin was greeted by a continuous stream of attendees. He shared a table with prominent Thai business figures, including Dhanin Chearavanont, Dhanin Chearavanont, the senior chairman of Charoen Pokphand (CP) Group.


Photo: Thai News Agency


Full story: Thai News Agency 2024-08-23


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8 hours ago, thesetat2013 said:

Pretty obvious to deduce the people will love getting the free money. It is a good scam paying off the poor so the government will be liked and voted for next elections.

Just like other countries.

I don't see the foreigners in the UK complaining about government handouts.

Wait a minute,  they get them as well.

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