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Why Men Are Rejecting Marriage

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On 9/27/2024 at 8:23 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

Marriage was a good idea when the wife had to stay home to look after the kids and cook the meals while husband worked.


It's a bad idea now that only benefits women, IMO.


Who would drive a car if there was a 50% chance of dying in an accident?

Most driving accidents are caused by lack of attention.....same for most divorces.  Lack of attention while choosing a mate followed by more lack of attention to issues after marriage.  Great reductions in both accidents and divorces are not that difficult.

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18 hours ago, theblether said:

The effects of the Age of Isolation have already started. The second half of this century will be a catastrophe as literally you'll pick up the phone and no one will be there to help you. Four hour waits for ambulances are now the norm, two weeks to see a GP. 

But not if you've married happily in to a large Thai Khmer peasant family ...

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On 9/27/2024 at 3:57 PM, KhunLA said:

Not sure it's all about men rejecting marriage.  May be more about women being self sufficient, and realizing, they don't need men as past generations thought they did.


I found independent, self sufficient woman putting off marriage, family life & kids till much later, if at all.

Educated women are far more likely to reject marriage in favour of a career than uneducated women.

For proof see Japan and Singapore where women are choosing to remain unmarried and childless.

The problem for the countries in question is that the children that are being born are to less educated parents, with problems in the future.

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19 hours ago, theblether said:

The effects of the Age of Isolation have already started. The second half of this century will be a catastrophe as literally you'll pick up the phone and no one will be there to help you. Four hour waits for ambulances are now the norm, two weeks to see a GP. 

Caused by overpopulation. Also Drs have had enough of the heavy workloads and abusive patients, as have nurses and anyone having to deal with the dregs of humanity.

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As most of us are a victim of the western marriage laws that are totally biased towards women in the west.  Most of us have come here (and other SEAsian countries) because we can either remain single, and/or we can build a relationship with a women (or whatever) that has old school values.  We currently live in a gated community in Isaan - the vast majority of the women living here stay home and look after the kids - the way it was when we were kids - and the way it is supposed to be IMO.  Feminism has caused the problems the west for many reasons, one of them being because of their total and utter focus on getting things for the women - often at the expense of the men. 


The guy is the video has summarised the problem very well. If I was a young man in the west I would not get married either. I would work and save/invest, have fun and do things with my single mates, and then when wealthy enough - retire early and move overseas and find a partner that has the values I want to 'invest in'. Many will stay home country and do everything I said, except not go overseas. Nowadays they have seen what happens to so many men (thanks to social media) and they now ask themselves why buy and risk so much, when it is better/safer to rent.


One poster has already stated what IMO will the Answer - if you can call it an answer - more a prediction.  Robots will be developed that are more than willing to perform the roles that a man wants - there is already a huge demand for such a thing, and that will only increase over time.  ASt that time in the future, IMO the choice for men in that future will be - Pick a partner and get married and have kid/s and see what happens (hope) - OR stay single and dont marry, with the plan to move with your money to a 'better' culture/society with marriage laws that are at least even - OR stay single and dont marry with the plan to get yourself a robot or prostitutes (or both).  Women will be less needed in the future - only for those that want kids - they are sewing the seeds of their own destruction right now and they just cannot see it.  

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On 9/27/2024 at 10:57 AM, KhunLA said:

Not sure it's all about men rejecting marriage.  May be more about women being self sufficient, and realizing, they don't need men as past generations thought they did.


I found independent, self sufficient woman putting off marriage, family life & kids till much later, if at all.


Unskilled, unmotivated woman seem to look forward to being married ... until they realize ... oops, and want out.  Then that 50/50 piece of paper comes in real handy.


75/25 if they popped out a few rug rats :cheesy:



Yes I recently have read about the declining birthrates in many countries, (i.e. thailand, S. Korea, Japan, etc) and the sociologists opine  that much of this has been caused by the UN's programs on female equality and push for them to be more independent since the late 1900's.  It has worked!  Women are firmly entrenched in the workforce of many countries, like the idea of some independence from male authority and equal in earning capability.  As such, after the pandemic caused shutdowns around the world, economies are suffering.  Women don't want to be burdened with a child or children to care for, men sure don't want that responsibility lashed onto their backs, so marriage is now alien to those younger generations as they both men and women struggle to find a job just to survive so no kids, no marriages and soon, other

 countries will be like Japan - having to call retirees back to work just to keep businesses open.   Is easier divorce a solution?  I don't think so but I am old and think old fashiion wise but I haven't ever thought about divorce as I am happy.  

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