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3 Foreigners Injured In Bangkok Bomb Explosion

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Israeli Embassy, Bangkok

The Israeli Embassy is located to the north of Sukhumvit Road, close to Asoke Road. The closest BTS Sky Train Station is at Asoke, which is connected to the MRT Station atSukhumvit. Alternatively the MRT Station at Petchaburi is about as close to the north.

5th Floor, Ocean Tower II

75 Sukhumvit Soi 19 (Asok)

Bangkok, 10110

Easily spotted by the goons walking around patrolling the building, walking in and around the cars....big guys with short-sleeved shirts, Rayban specs and looking a tad-uptight...as if they've put their steroid pill in the wrong orifice

An indirect swipe at Israeli vigilance--yes, we understand your point, despite your lack of finesse.

Given recent history (WW2 and following) the Israelis have every right to be vigilant, especially given that their neighbors at one time or another have publicly vowed to wipe them off the map.

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PM calls urgent meet with intelligence/security agencies tomorrow at 8am, following the Bkk explosions. Via Twitter

Yeah waiting until tomorrow is REALLY urgent!

Guess they need at least a little time to collect information from other organisations around the world and get their own investigation underway. Not much can be said right now.


Perhaps (if this guy is/was Iranian) he was headed somewhere else????


RT @Aim_NT: @veen_NT: dpa: Saeib Morabi was refused a ride by the driver, prompting him to toss a grenade into the cab."

Many taxi cab drivers seem to think that the service they provide is purely for their own personal convenience. "Mai pai, rot tit!"

One would think that a key to this puzzle could be "Ask the Taxi Driver" where Saeib Morabi was going to !!!!! ???? and why did he refuse to take him.

Win wai.gif

That is much too high a level of thinking for Chalerm.

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You can kiss your tourism good bye Thailand.

Will they march on the iran embassy NOW?

Tourism agencies eye march on embassy over US terror warning


All the ThaiVisa anti-US critics, tourism agency protesters, and Thai government officials who complained to the US because of their warning--- can now get in line for their Statements of Apology.

TV posters can start here, if you'd like...whistling.gif

With all due respect, but I think this is an inappropriate incident / time to gloat. Anti-US criticism, tourism protesters etc. aside, people were injured and many others could have been killed or seriously injured and scared for life.

It still seems unclean what exactly his agenda was, who sent him and if this lone bomber was in fact the threat that the US authorities warned about.

PS: No, I didn't criticize the US terror alerts.


Just an idea, but yesterday a bomb went off attached to an Israeli embassy van in New Dehli, and another bomb was found attached to an embassy car in Tblisi, Georgia. Israel has already blamed Iran for these attacks.

Mossad has been responsible for bombing their own embassies in the past. I would assume the ones in Dehli & Tblisi is to give them reason to bomb iran. Which I would imagine would be coming this year at some point

Mossad = many instances of false flag terror attacks

And now it's a good time to false-flag Iran

An Iranian terrorist, on orders from Teheran no doubt, throwing bombs in Sukhumvit 71 !!!


and its only walking distance away from the Israeli embassy

Soi 71 is not near the Israeli embassy. The Israeli embassy is in Ocean Tower II just of Soi 19


Why are people who have a different opinion called conspiracy theorists....I certainly am not...

Well, let's just check with good old Webster to see "if you is or if you ain't."

CONSPIRACY THEORY: a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators


I know this are well, my girlfriend used to live in soi pridi banomyong 34 and I used to sometimes stay at the Varindavan Hotel just around the corner from that school. There is a big mosque on Suk 71 near here, the call to prayer always used to wake me up when I stayed at my girlfriend's place. The only Embassy in this general area is the Nigerian Embassy.


An Israeli False Flag does make sense though. Especially following the possible False Flag bombings in India and Georgia yesterday. Iran or Hezbollah are not that stupid to screw up simple bombings. But Israel and US need to justify attacking Iran.

Hub of Armchair Conspiracy Theorists: This TV thread now...

These kinds of topics ALWAYS bring them out from under the rocks. I stubbed my toe today. It hurts! Blame the Jews!

Jews seems to be happy when they can live inside their communites. The muslims have this need to expand and convert (that is shared by the dominant western religion too). If I could chose one to share earth with it would be the jews... World would be a better place if religion where viewed on the same line as too much alcohol or too much TV. And addiction that needed to be treated if starting to affect personal life, friends and family.


National police chief rushes back to Bangkok from Chiang Mai following bombing

February 14, 2012 5:32 pm

Police Commissioner-General Pol Gen Priewphan Damapong cut short his trip in Chiang Mai and rushed back to Bangkok after he learned of three explosions involving three Iranians.

He said he had received the report and he had instructed the Metropolitan Police chief to launch man-hunt for two Iranians on the run. The third Iranian was badly injured after a bomb fell on himself.

Priewphan said he instructed the Special Branch Police and all police agencies to step up security and perform more checks on foreigners.

The Nation


I am SOOOOOOOO Happy to see that dirty f$%&k with his OWN legs blown off. The only shame is that nobody walked up and threw salt on his legs.


You can kiss your tourism good bye Thailand.

Will they march on the iran embassy NOW?

Tourism agencies eye march on embassy over US terror warning


All the ThaiVisa anti-US critics, tourism agency protesters, and Thai government officials who complained to the US because of their warning--- can now get in line for their Statements of Apology.

TV posters can start here, if you'd like...whistling.gif

With all due respect, but I think this is an inappropriate incident / time to gloat. Anti-US criticism, tourism protesters etc. aside, people were injured and many others could have been killed or seriously injured and scared for life.

It still seems unclean what exactly his agenda was, who sent him and if this lone bomber was in fact the threat that the US authorities warned about.

PS: No, I didn't criticize the US terror alerts.

No one is gloating. However, it bodes us well to remind ourselves who on TV are regular US-bashers, and who in government are prone to blow hot hair when they perceive tourist dollars are at stake.

They should and need to be discredited in the public eye.

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I'm quite in shock right now. I used to live right there. As in, so so so close. A lot of my friends still live very close to there. I used to walk past that bus stop almost every day, sometimes waiting for buses there. Always thought that the area was safe from anything like that as everything scary seemed to happen in other areas. No longer. Man, I just can't believe it. Walked past that exact spot so many times...


Years of training and preparation at terrorism school went out the window when Saeib encountered his first Bangkok taxi driver.

A meltdown not unlike that shared by many of us on our maiden trip to the Kingdom...whistling.gif

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Hezbollah and Palestine? Where you making this stuff up from? Hezbollah is from Lebanon, Palestinians live in the area occupied by the Israelis since 1948 called Palestine. I fail to see your connection. Ah maybe i do....they're both Muslim!

Thats correct, I never said it Hezbollah was from Palestine. My connection was why would Hezbollah want to target a country who has just recognised Palestine as a state when Hezbollah also support a palestinian state.

In the words of Winston Churchill - A pacifist is someone who feeds a crocodile in the hope they are eaten last. To make an assumption based on a terrorists claimed pretext is tantamount to surrender. To make my point would Nigeria recognizing Palestine stop the hell that's breaking loose there?

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Years of training and preparation at terrorism school went out the window when Saeib encountered his first Bangkok taxi driver.

And now everyone in Starbucks is staring at me because I'm laughing so loud.

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I gather his last words were 'Allahu Akbar'..

I wonder what that means...hit-the-fan.gif

Putting aside the fact he isn't dead.

In this case I think his last words were more likely: Oh, shit

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They are all carved out of the same stone. A guy walking around with bombs wether they are pipe bombs or not is a terrorist plain and simple.

He was in an area populated by all races including what we call "farangs" so who knows who or what his real target was.

Despite what everyone here speculates: hit-the-fan.gif

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dam_n thats 2 minutes down the road from my home. I was wondering why there was no traffic while on my way home, now i know why.

No idea why, but this soi in sukumvit is a muslim area with many mosques. Possibly related.

Could it be a jealous boyfriend on valentines day????

So it's unlikely that Muslims would attack a Muslim area. Could it be an Israeli False Flag like those in India and Georgia??

Four Lions! It's happening..

If these guys are terrorists then I'll be shocked.. Bloody amateurs..


People are we getting a little carried away here - all that is known is some guy that had Iranian cash on him and lives with other Iranians tried to blow up a taxi that refused to drive him and then blew himself up trying to attack police. The is scant enough evidence yet to do more than hint at Iranian involvement, let alone Mossad flase flag scenarios. and I would suggest that it would be a lot easier to blow up a building in Isreal and blame the Iranians than coming all the way here to attack a taxi!

Your sequence of events omits the apparent fact that it was the detonation of a grenade in the Iranian's/Iranians' apartment that started this off. The three Iranians fled, one of them carrying a satchel with (at least) two more grenades inside. Chucks one at a taxi driver who refuses to take him and the second at a cop who tries to stop him doing any further damage. This is panic and escape, not planned targeting.

The immediate questions for me are (a) what will a search of the apartment reveal? (B) where are the two other Iranians? © was the legless one carrying more than two grenades when he did his runner? (d) how long will it take Sherlock Chalerm to lift the immigration photos of all three perps and give them to the media?

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So many different stories at the moment, one is that a man (Iranian) came out of a house covered in blood and tried to stop a taxi, the taxi driver would not stop so the man tripped trying to stop him and that was when the bomb he was carrying went off and blow his legs away, two other men (Iranian?) run off from the house carrying another bomb this may be the one that was thrown at the police. This came from a TV Thai twitter. I am sure the story will change again. I hope the bar owers in Cowboy and Nana take note and make sure their service girls are switch on to customers leaving bag!!


I live very near to the location. There is a mosque nearby and many Muslims live in that area and I would bet that they are as apalled as everyone else in the neighborhood as I have never observed any outward hostility toward anyone.

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Partial quote from another Nation release on the story:

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Thani Thongphakdee said it could not be concluded for the time being that the explosions were acts of terrorism. He added that the explosions might not be related to terrorist warning by foreign embassies, which was lifted 10 days ago.

Or they just might be!

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