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Hooters opening in Pattaya!


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Pattaya would be the last place on earth you'd ever see a Hooters

It would no doubt be over priced, 1000 baht for a steak so you could ogle at a few girls wearing tight clothes.

....when soi 6 is only a baht bus ride away, and you know what you can get for 1000 baht there

Pattaya DOES have a Hooters. Why are you speaking in a theoretical viewpoint?

I just read the first page, thread started off as a theoretical

LOL, there is a hooters in pattaya, just down from soi 12, LOL, on beach road

Thats kind of retarded, Go in there pay for an overpriced meal because the waitress has tight shorts....or walk across the road 700 baht for a BJ

So do you stand by your original statement that Pattaya is the last place a on to see a Hooters?
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Pattaya would be the last place on earth you'd ever see a Hooters

It would no doubt be over priced, 1000 baht for a steak so you could ogle at a few girls wearing tight clothes.

....when soi 6 is only a baht bus ride away, and you know what you can get for 1000 baht there

Can you please enlighten us? What's happening in soi 6 and what can you get for 1000 baht ?

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Pattaya would be the last place on earth you'd ever see a Hooters

It would no doubt be over priced, 1000 baht for a steak so you could ogle at a few girls wearing tight clothes.

....when soi 6 is only a baht bus ride away, and you know what you can get for 1000 baht there

Pattaya DOES have a Hooters. Why are you speaking in a theoretical viewpoint?

I just read the first page, thread started off as a theoretical

LOL, there is a hooters in pattaya, just down from soi 12, LOL, on beach road

Thats kind of retarded, Go in there pay for an overpriced meal because the waitress has tight shorts....or walk across the road 700 baht for a BJ

So do you stand by your original statement that Pattaya is the last place a on to see a Hooters?

LOL, well no, theres one there now, we can all see it.

A statement I can stand by however, is that If I ever head down to beach rd after sunset, and I havent had sex in a while, I know where that thousand baht is going, and it aint on the steak

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I thought they were going to make it big time when I first heard they were building it. A perfect fit for the current tourism situation in Pattaya. I never understood the people predicting failure. Of course, I'll never go there.

They have no 'built' anything! There is no roof and no solid walls! Its a shell - a veneer- All fur coat and no knickers! But if people are convinced that they sell 'food' and 'beer' then at least we can be confident that there is a holding pen for the culinary uneducated and the easily satisfied tourist who ' wish they'd never left home'. To me it appears a soulless dump with all the character and gastronomy of a MacDonalds junk food joint..............There will always be impressionable uneducated Indians and Arabs and low end American WT to fill such places but it is not anything to celebrate. No Hooters, anywhere in in the world, promotes anything life enhancing - just the corporate exploitation of women and the promotion of rubbish food.

"All fur coat and no knickers!"

Just the way I want it!

"But if people are convinced that they sell 'food' and 'beer' then at least we can be confident that there is a holding pen for the culinary uneducated and the easily satisfied tourist who ' wish they'd never left home'. To me it appears a soulless dump with all the character and gastronomy of a MacDonalds junk food joint............."

Ah, you only dine in soulful locations. Good for you.

"There will always be impressionable uneducated Indians and Arabs and low end American WT to fill such places but it is not anything to celebrate."

If one accused you of snobbery would one be wrong? BTW, if you really are a snob (and I dare say the chances are good) what on earth are you doing posting in the Pattaya forum??

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought they were going to make it big time when I first heard they were building it. A perfect fit for the current tourism situation in Pattaya. I never understood the people predicting failure. Of course, I'll never go there.

Given the cost of food and drinks I still think it will be hard to be successful in Pattaya.

I believe Phuket and Bangkok are much more likely to be successful because you have more upmarket tourists and more expensive venues but Pattaya really has been traditionally a cheap Charlie destination and nothing I have seen lately leads me to believe that is going to change anytime soon.

It's full of posh restaurants and expensive hotels. Wealthy tourists live it up there. Me and my pals reckon we blow a minimum of a thousand quid a week in Pats and Bkk when on holiday. There are some budget travellers but to get the real Pattaya experience money is required.
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  • 3 months later...

Sad to say the place seems to be going downhill. Met some friends there for lunch today. Service was on par with Kiss. Only 2 or sometimes 3 bored Hooters girls lazing around. Ended up fetching our own menus and ordering at the bar. "Music" much too loud, impossible to escape, and devolved from tolerable 80s schlock to the Walking Street go-go bar mix (miss it?). Request ignored (with that famous Thai indifference) to turn down the music so we could talk comfortably. No farang manager around to care. No Hooters girls dance routine.

Well, the food was pretty good when it finally arrived.

I won't be back anytime soon. Might give it try during the high season, if it survives; low season seems to me to have taken its toll. But may you have a better experience.

I wonder if many of the Hooters Girls got "sponsored" like many of their Pattaya nite-working sisters? This could account for the lack of staff.
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Sad to say the place seems to be going downhill. Met some friends there for lunch today. Service was on par with Kiss. Only 2 or sometimes 3 bored Hooters girls lazing around. Ended up fetching our own menus and ordering at the bar. "Music" much too loud, impossible to escape, and devolved from tolerable 80s schlock to the Walking Street go-go bar mix (miss it?). Request ignored (with that famous Thai indifference) to turn down the music so we could talk comfortably. No farang manager around to care. No Hooters girls dance routine.

Well, the food was pretty good when it finally arrived.

I won't be back anytime soon. Might give it try during the high season, if it survives; low season seems to me to have taken its toll. But may you have a better experience.

I wonder if many of the Hooters Girls got "sponsored" like many of their Pattaya nite-working sisters? This could account for the lack of staff.

I think the lack of foreign managers is more telling than any nonsense speculation on the waitstaff doing P4P. I visited several times and didn't see the aged lotharios getting lucky, nor did I see the young studs getting any extra attention either. It is the back-end of low season and they will hire managers when the trade picks up enough to warrant it... which it inevitably will. Managers will hire waitresses and gobby amateur DJ's and it will be business as usual.... until the next low-season where everyone forgets the previous one and how they got over it.

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Time to start herding the Chinese in.

The Chinese would all have a group heart attack when they saw

Hooters prices....

Now if Hooters had a buffet to feed to the never ending bus loads

of ravenous Chinese that might work....

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  • 3 weeks later...

The 2 Hooters in Nana area seem to do well. BKK people are used to higher prices. Pattaya will have a hard time. The stories I keep hearing from owners of hotels and their Cheap-Charlie clientele in Pattaya are amazing. And it won't get better with the declining quality of most things here. There are fewer and fewer reasons to vacation in Pattaya. One of them seems to be affordable and good golfing. MS>

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  • 1 month later...

Update after a few months break with HOOTERS.

Visited twice last few days. Both times around 21.-22.30 Both times quite busy, lower floor about 3/4 full and good clientele. Good atmosphere. 


Some positive changes done:

Extra monitors with sports on terrace. Big stage gone, so is the horrible band. Very good mixed music & great sound-system at just about reasonable volume.

The BULL was moved to the back and extra tables are now in the stage & ex-bull area.

Staff was friendly, spoke good E and was much better than the initial staff. Still relatively few girls, but service was as good and friendly as in the US. Seems there is new manager, things have obviously improved.

Negative point was, that one of my friends, we were a large group, got his "VIP-card" withdrawn as he paid. A girl came over and explained they no longer honor this time-limited card (well before expiry!) in the future and he would have to apply for a new one on their website. We could not find any info about this on their site.

And a real negative point:  PLEASE get a recipe for the "NEW" Clam Chowder! No comments on details, but this soup has NOTHING to do with a clam chowder, the semi-raw potato-cubes don't make a chowder. Happy to pay 220 ++ Baht for a good chowder, but not for what was served. Did not complain and hope they will change this asap, so I finally can eat a good chowder nearby.  THX. & Good night.  MS>

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They could add strategically a few nice potted palm-trees and it would look so much better. It is just too plain. But overall good steps have been taken and I am sure it will get better, after all most places are still empty, not so HOOTERS. Have a nice day. MS>

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4 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

Rip off joint with very unfriendly staff.  Why go?


Of course, right. But  as long as there is a never ending supply of first time visitors the place does not have to count on repeat customers. Time will tell how sustainable that attitude will be. 

Edited by morrobay
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3 hours ago, morrobay said:

Of course, right.


Why right when moonseeker just contradicted it? Or is that just the usual knee-jerk?



But  as long as there is a never ending supply of first time visitors the place does not have to count on repeat customers. Time will tell how sustainable that attitude will be. 


moonseeker just went there on Tuesday and found changes and an attitude conducive to repeat customers. You, on the other hand, haven't been recently, so what do you know?




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Ok fine I dont know having never been there. But Ive had enough bad attitudes around here to easily/hastily agree with  bkk6060.

Did not really focus on moonseekers recent experience there. Having been recently impressed with his knowledge in the 'construction off shore/beach restoration project -  thread,  then I would tend to agree with moonseeker on this. 

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1 hour ago, morrobay said:

Ok fine I dont know having never been there. But Ive had enough bad attitudes around here to easily/hastily agree with  bkk6060.

Did not really focus on moonseekers recent experience there. Having been recently impressed with his knowledge in the 'construction off shore/beach restoration project -  thread,  then I would tend to agree with moonseeker on this. 


moonseeker's shown himself one of our sanest posters, doesn't just blow hot air, bash, and whinge as so many love to do. So yeah, be a good idea to pay some attn if he's said something on a topic, esp when, as you note, you actually don't know anything about it.

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16 hours ago, moonseeker said:

Thank you all guys. Nice to get positive comments and mails from time to time. TV gives me the chance to balance my overly negative attitude (bitterness) towards many aspects of life here. I make an effort to turn my obsessions of observing, reading, analyzing, learning (and looking for negatives ;-) into something a bit more realistic, factual and I review/re-live the experience/post, before I add just another superficial rant to the thousands we can read every month. Life has been mainly good to me and I am lucky enough to have lived a very! active life on several continents. At my age it gives me some satisfactions being able to help many friends and people daily with a wide range of problems. Sometimes even here on TV, which is a fantastic platform for all foreigners here. Thank you to all the level-headed, patient moderators and people behind the scene, who keep TV at such a high level, certainly not always easy, especially with some of the Pattaya-clientele. Sorry, now I have started from the subject: HOOTERS


I have roughly 43 years of hotel, restaurants, bars & clubs experience, amongst other interesting  activities and obviously I walk into any place with my eyes wide open. HOOTERS Pattaya I have followed from the first day,  I thought it would be a nice addition and bring in a bit of fresh international air. I am always happy and pleased to see ANYBODY having success in any venture & I can never understand why people start putting some venture down, often without any knowledge or understanding of such business. None of my many successful business-friends would ever write, what we can often read on similar subjects.

By now it seems most of my remarks have actually been taken on by the management and the place is slowly taking off. Staff have been very friendly from the beginning and by now most of the staff speak reasonable E and are much better organized. Yes, a couple of the ladies behave a bit like models, can't blame them...Just make them smile and they turn natural.....Certainly NO attitudes on our tables ever, but neither do we have an attitudes and we know things will go wrong here once in awhile. 

Prices are international level, what else can we expect in this prime location in a ww.- well- known franchise? Food is good and plenty, with the exception of the new clam-chowder :-), I am sure this has already been corrected.....

The layout and the rather large area needs a bit of a breaking-up and a bit more tropical flair, which will make people more comfortable and attract more guests walking by. A bunch of nice potted palm-trees well placed, some fancy HOOTERS-umbrellas would do the job just fine.

In season I would consider running some great tropical specials (drinks & food) from opening till 5pm with light mixed music, during the day more Caribbean/Mexican/Bahamas-type. 

I am sure management is getting plenty of ideas from the US and will come up with fun-events etc. to keep the place interesting for all of us. They might consider a HOOTERS-Truck which appears at events like the boat-show, race track, concerts etc. selling "affordable"

famous wings & curly fries with good music and a fun girl on the microphone. Minor effort and it would spread the word, bring in new people etc. etc.  Best of luck to all business-people in Pattaya, very tough place to succeed, but this would have to be discussed in another post.  Good night. MS>



Based on your latest review, I'll bring a small group of friends there next week. I can reluctantly handle a Kiss level of service but not LOUD Walking St. go-go music, so if they refuse to turn that crap down, we're walking out immediately, as we should have last time. Oh, and I'll avoid the clam chowder. ;) I'll post of our experience.


BTW, no need at all to have any "overly negative attitude (bitterness) towards many aspects of life here," as indeed most of us cesspoolians actually don't.


Problem is, as Pattaya detects a puckered sphincter, it begins to treats that sphincter worse than others. Somehow it KNOWS that you just ain't gonna be able to enjoy our street carnival daily. Never gon' let a due appreciation for surreal sidewalks, cold Chang from a 7/11, a cheap haircut, and classic Pattaya double bubble sandwich massages outweigh what you think are the negatives. You just ain't no hansum man and that's all there is to it. Why? Who knows. Maybe you're too superior. Too negative. Too weak; too delicate. Too inflexible. Too intolerant. Can't accept risk. No street smarts. Can't learn any Thai. Don't have the money. Can't find a way to cope. Whatever. You can be in Pattaya but never of Pattaya.


So Pattaya simply figures that, in the absence of all hope of your redemption, you gotta go. That means you can't dwell contentedly, not to say blissfully, here in our tropical beach resort, round the enchanting glow of pink neon, with we few, we happy few, we band of cesspoolians. (Hah! Sorry, just couldn't resist.) And with our wimmen or reasonable facsimiles thereof. :)


Yeah, best to help you reach ASAP the terminal "last nail in the coffin" and "killed the goose" gibbering stage and bugger off with sour grapes. After all, that would be best for you and spare the rest of us more of your bashing. It's the only way, as reasoning and rational perspective are utterly futile.


@JESSVANPELT has it right: 


I also understand that this is a THIRD WORLD country, so right away I'am not going to get upset about all the things that are not the same as they are at home, If I wanted things that way I'd stay at home and a lot of the Moaners here should have, Unfortunately Thats the only bad part of this place. . . .


Being Happy here is Easy, Accept it for what it is and enjoy it
    --JESSVANPELT, on 2015-10-08 11:59:10




Edited by JSixpack
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