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Trump to announce decision on global climate pact soon


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Trump to announce decision on global climate pact soon

By Valerie Volcovici and Jeff Mason




FILE PHOTO: Hundreds of environmentalists arrange their bodies to form a message of hope and peace in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, December 6, 2015, as the World Climate Change Conference 2015 (COP21) continues at Le Bourget near the French capital. REUTERS/Benoit Tessier/File Photo


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he was nearing an announcement on whether to pull out of a global pact to fight climate change and was listening to people on both sides, while a source close to the matter said Trump was preparing for a U.S. withdrawal.


A U.S. pullout could deepen a rift with U.S. allies and the United States would join Syria and Nicaragua as the world's only non-participants in the 195-nation accord agreed upon in Paris in 2015.


Responding to shouted questions from reporters in the White House Oval Office, Trump declined to say whether he had made up his mind, saying, "You'll find out very soon."


"I'm hearing from a lot of people, both ways," Trump, who has previously called global warming a hoax aimed at weakening U.S. industry, said as he met with Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc.


The source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Trump was working out the terms of the planned withdrawal with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt, an oil industry ally and climate change doubter.


White House spokesman Sean Spicer declined during a news briefing to say whether the Republican president might opt for an action short of complete withdrawal.


Under the pact, virtually every nation voluntarily committed to combat climate change with steps aimed at curbing global emissions of "greenhouse" gases. These include carbon dioxide generated from burning of fossil fuels that scientists blame for a warming planet, sea level rise, droughts and more frequent violent storms. It was the first legally binding global climate deal.


Under the pact, the United States committed to reduce its emissions by 26 to 28 percent from 2005 levels by 2025.


In the past few days, the chief executives of dozens of companies have made last-minute appeals to Trump.


The CEOs of ExxonMobil Corp, Apple Inc, Dow Chemical Co, Unilever NV and Tesla Inc were among those urging Trump to remain in the agreement, with Tesla's Elon Musk threatening to quit White House advisory councils of which he is a member if the president pulls out.


Robert Murray, CEO of Murray Energy Corp[MUYEY.UL], an Ohio-based coal company and major Trump campaign donor, urged Trump to withdraw.


Trump has said the accord would cost the U.S. economy trillions of dollars without tangible benefit. For the Republican president, a withdrawal would reflect his "America First" approach to policy, unencumbered by international obligations.


Trump refused to endorse the landmark climate change accord at a summit of the G7 group of wealthy nations on Saturday in Italy, saying he needed more time to decide.


A U.S. decision to withdraw from the accord could further alienate American allies in Europe already wary of Trump and call into question U.S. leadership and trustworthiness on one of the world's leading issues. A pullout also would be one more step by the Republican president to erase the legacy of his predecessor, Democrat Barack Obama, who helped broker the accord and praised it during a trip to Europe this month.


Trump has changed his mind on large decisions before, even after signalling a move in the opposite direction.


A U.S. pullout could have sweeping implications for the deal, which relies heavily on the commitment of big polluter nations to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.


The United States is the world's second-biggest carbon dioxide emitter behind China. A shift away from coal to cleaner-burning and cheaper natural gas in recent years has cut U.S. carbon emissions to near 30-year lows, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.


The Sierra Club said a U.S. withdrawal from the Paris deal would be a "historic mistake." Friends of the Earth said the action would "sacrifice our planet to the fossil fuel industry" and make America the world's "foremost climate villain."


Democratic U.S. lawmakers said withdrawal would undermine U.S. credibility and its position as a global leader, empowering nations like China to not only drive the climate agenda and set international standards but also reap the economic benefits of a growing clean energy sector.


At a conference near Los Angeles, Democrat Hillary Clinton, whom Trump defeated for the presidency last year, said withdrawing would be a mistake. “Part of what keeps us going is that America’s word is good, and that you stand with your prior administration whether it was of your party or not,” she said.




U.S. coal company shares dipped alongside renewable energy stocks on Wednesday. The market reaction reflected concerns, raised by some coal companies in recent months, that a U.S. departure from the agreement could unleash a global backlash against coal interests outside the United States.


Other countries rallied behind the Paris accord on Wednesday.


A U.S. pullout would be disappointing, but the European Union stands ready to take global leadership on the issue, European Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic said in Brussels.


The European Union and China are working on a joint declaration reaffirming their commitment to climate and energy policy and the implementation of the Paris agreement, according to an EU official with knowledge of the plans.


Trump vowed during his 2016 presidential campaign to "cancel" the Paris deal within 100 days of becoming president on Jan. 20 as part of an effort to bolster U.S. oil and coal industries. That promise helped rally supporters sharing his scepticism of global efforts to police U.S. carbon emissions.


Supporters of the climate pact are concerned that a U.S. exit could lead other nations to weaken their commitments or also withdraw, softening an accord that scientists have said is critical to avoiding the worst impacts of climate change.


After taking office, Trump faced pressure to stay in the deal from investors, international powers and business leaders, including some in the coal industry. He also had to navigate a split among his advisers.


Senior adviser Steve Bannon, who wants Trump to focus on actions that will rev up his conservative political base, has long opposed the Paris accord. Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and top adviser, has come to the view that the standards set out in the agreement did not work for the U.S. economy and the question was whether to try to change those standards within the agreement or pull out, another senior administration official said.


Trump's daughter, Ivanka, favours staying in, the official said, and she has sought to ensure her father heard all sides in the debate.

Trump has already moved to dismantle Obama-era climate change regulations, including the U.S. Clean Power Plan aimed at reducing emissions from main coal-fired power plants.


For a graphic on the 2015 Paris Agreement to limit climate change click - http://tmsnrt.rs/2f3oKDV 


(Reporting by Valerie Volcovici and Jeff Mason; Additional reporting by Roberta Rampton, David Alexander, Doina Chiacu, Chris Kahn, Richard Valdmanis, Timothy Gardner, David Ingram and Rodrigo Campos; Writing by Will Dunham and Doina Chiacu; Editing by Nick Zieminski and Cynthia Osterman)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-06-01
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Given that Trump has gone for profit over environment and put a climate change naysayer in charge of the EPA, I am not hopeful he will not renege on this agreement. Doing so would be an abhorrent action, guaranteed to anger people all over the world. I wonder how America will react if a global backlash saw US goods being boycotted, or a carbon tax being placed on US exports.


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It sounds like he's decided on pulling out (no jokes about Fred, please).


Unless Ivanka can work some magic overnight, it looks like we're all in with Nicaragua and Syria.


Hopefully the God Covfefe will take care of global warming.

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But just what if Trump is right ? I would venture there is a possibility that natural phenomena such as undersea and above ground volcanoes spewing rivers of molten lava are adding more to global warming than our paltry contribution, pouring billions of thermal calories into our oceans 24 hours of every day, unstoppable and seemingly unnoticed by the politicians. And this is not even taking into account the daily contribution of good old sunshine ! 

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                               Trump, in his profound ignorance, IS PULLING THE US OUT OF the climate accord.

Among other things, it's proof of how little his perfect daughter can influence him.  Instead, Trump chooses to pull into his turtle shell, and side with anti-science corporate ding dongs.


                     Trump's asinine decision will have big repercussions, not least the further declining of the US's influence.  As for jobs:  MORE jobs get created with clean alternative energy policies than with fossil fuels. China, India, Europe, and Australia will be at the vanguard of creating new jobs via alternative energy, and the US will be left behind with its boots stuck in black oil mud.

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7 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

But just what if Trump is right ? I would venture there is a possibility that natural phenomena such as undersea and above ground volcanoes spewing rivers of molten lava are adding more to global warming than our paltry contribution, pouring billions of thermal calories into our oceans 24 hours of every day, unstoppable and seemingly unnoticed by the politicians. And this is not even taking into account the daily contribution of good old sunshine ! 

So what you're asking is "what if Trump is right, i.e., what if Trump knows more than the world's scientists".....is that what you're asking?  Seriously? 

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6 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

But just what if Trump is right ? I would venture there is a possibility that natural phenomena such as undersea and above ground volcanoes spewing rivers of molten lava are adding more to global warming than our paltry contribution, pouring billions of thermal calories into our oceans 24 hours of every day, unstoppable and seemingly unnoticed by the politicians. And this is not even taking into account the daily contribution of good old sunshine ! 

                      Your venture is scientifically wrong.   Even if that were true, it's still incumbent on us to begin to clean up our hominid act.  Your logic is like saying:  'I have a house which is being destroyed by mold and insects.  I think the mold problem is worse, so I won't worry about the insect problem.'

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                   Since Trump is so keen on diversions (...away from the onslaught of accusations that he and his buddies are treasonous), .....perhaps his Climate Change decision is part of that equation.  The CC decision is so headline-grabbing, that Trump thinks it will divert attention away from his grave problems at the WH.


                               After that buys him a few days off the headlines, maybe Trump will drop one or two MOABs in Iran or N.Korea - that will buy him some more time to hide away in the bowels of the WH, avoiding talking to the press corps or any folks who don't lavish praise upon his orange head.

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12 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

But just what if Trump is right ? I would venture there is a possibility that natural phenomena such as undersea and above ground volcanoes spewing rivers of molten lava are adding more to global warming than our paltry contribution, pouring billions of thermal calories into our oceans 24 hours of every day, unstoppable and seemingly unnoticed by the politicians. And this is not even taking into account the daily contribution of good old sunshine ! 

Suggest you do a little research on greenhouse gases and global warming. Global warming is not caused by volcanoes heating up the ocean. Global warming is caused by greenhouse gases from burning coal, oil etc. The greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap heat from the sun (like a giant greenhouse) and the temperature goes up.

Blaming volcanoes for global warming is a bit like blaming immigrants for you not having a new pick up truck.

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21 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

But just what if Trump is right ? I would venture there is a possibility that natural phenomena such as undersea and above ground volcanoes spewing rivers of molten lava are adding more to global warming than our paltry contribution, pouring billions of thermal calories into our oceans 24 hours of every day, unstoppable and seemingly unnoticed by the politicians. And this is not even taking into account the daily contribution of good old sunshine ! 


But, but, but I thought Trump said global warming was a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese? Are you saying he's presented some scientific paper supporting "volcanoes"?


At least we know it's not his hair-spray.






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World wide boycott of Coca Cola and Pepsi. That will also cut CO2 emissions ( and some CH4 I suspect!).


Any news on Trump's coal fired cars? Or is Tesla going to win that race? Snigger...

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5 minutes ago, Grouse said:

World wide boycott of Coca Cola and Pepsi. That will also cut CO2 emissions ( and some CH4 I suspect!).


Any news on Trump's coal fired cars? Or is Tesla going to win that race? Snigger...

Speaking of Tesla, Elon Musk is just one of many enemies Trump will make in the business world if he bails out of Paris...




In a way, I almost hope Trump leaves.  It will hasten his exit as POTUS. 


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He is my president and I think he is a scourge on humanity. I hope the world has enough patience to wait until he can be removed and give us the benefit of the doubt that he is a temporary ABERRATION ... assuming there is anything worthy left of the USA after he's done his dirty work. 

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China and Europe are moving forward without Trump


"The United States and Europe appear to be hurtling toward a messy breakup. China, meanwhile, is ready to pounce."


"Beijing is in prime position to capitalize on major policy fissures that have emerged between Europe and the Trump administration on climate, trade and defense."


"The new dynamic will be on full display on Thursday in Brussels, when Chinese Premier Li Keqiang meets with EU counterparts at the annual EU-China Summit. Hours later, President Trump is expected to announce the withdrawal of the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement."


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GOP Congressman: God Will ‘Take Care Of’ Climate Change If It Exists



Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) told a constituent last week that God can solve the problem of climate change if the global phenomenon truly exists. 

The 66-year-old Republican, who is a climate change skeptic, made the remark at a town hall in Coldwater, Michigan, on Friday.






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14 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

GOP Congressman: God Will ‘Take Care Of’ Climate Change If It Exists



Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) told a constituent last week that God can solve the problem of climate change if the global phenomenon truly exists. 

The 66-year-old Republican, who is a climate change skeptic, made the remark at a town hall in Coldwater, Michigan, on Friday.






Well, now I know what OMG means for the GOP.

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55 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

The biggest case of short-sightedness in history. Let the world suffer just to pander to his base.

And in the (not even so) long run it will put the USA way behind other countries economically.

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1 minute ago, stevenl said:

And in the (not even so) long run it will put the USA way behind other countries economically.

Yes, it is very self destructive. Entirely the opposite of make America great again. 

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12 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

It was reported yesterday that Trump had already told those around him that he was pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement and I wonder if that was to see what reaction it would bring before making it official?


we have Elon's message..... it's on twitter....


if Trump quits the 2015 accord... Elon will stop showing up at the White House. 

and Larsen C seems to be upset too. only 13 km to go now.... perfect timing. it'll break as Trump announces his great decision for us all.


Edited by maewang99
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I hope Trump does pull out of this agreement. Whatever the claims, IMO it will not change anything weatherwise, while costing us dearly.

I'd wager that not many, if any, of the people that are so pro the agreement have given up driving fossil fuel cars, flying in airplanes, using fossil fuelled power stations electricity, and eating food produced and transported on vehicles powered by fossil fuel, stopped using plastic bags or items produced from oil, or even using a computer housed in plastic made from oil.

It's easy to demand action when it's on other people to carry it out.


It doesn't take a Paris agreement for governments to introduce anti pollution measures like banning cars in cities, providing cheaper public transport, limiting human reproduction, eliminating mass tourism and building alternate electricity generation solutions. That they will only do so if ordered to do so by the Paris agreement shows just how pointless the rhetoric is.


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16 minutes ago, maewang99 said:

thank you Elon Musk.  

everyone else who is at all literate and informed should do the same.

don't even wait.


He wants to spread humanity over the universe. Trump SHOULD get rid of him. Humans have already stuffed up one planet, they must not be allowed to stuff up any more.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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19 minutes ago, maewang99 said:


and Larsen C seems to be upset too. only 13 km to go now.... perfect timing. it'll break as Trump announces his great decision for us all.


Larsen C - You are talking about sea ice in the banana belt. Hardly a catastrophe if it does break off.



Studies show that the former Larsen A region, which was the furthest north and was just outside the Antarctic Circle, had previously broken up in the middle of the present interglacial and reformed only about 4,000 years ago.


Was that was caused by human activity?

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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

He is my president and I think he is a scourge on humanity. I hope the world has enough patience to wait until he can be removed and give us the benefit of the doubt that he is a temporary ABERRATION ... assuming there is anything worthy left of the USA after he's done his dirty work. 


5 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

GOP Congressman: God Will ‘Take Care Of’ Climate Change If It Exists

Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) told a constituent last week that God can solve the problem of climate change if the global phenomenon truly exists. The 66-year-old Republican, who is a climate change skeptic, made the remark at a town hall in Coldwater, Michigan, on Friday. 

                               OMG, bringing God into the conversation is really a stretch.  We see, each year what God is capable of:  tornadoes, mudslides, tsunamis, forest fires, ebola, beheadings, killing babies before/during/after they're born.   Deists believe that God is all powerful and omniscient.  If that's true, then God is responsible for all the human misery articulated in this paragraph.  


                          I'm not a deist, so I don't have to try and twist it all up in my mind.  If further proof were needed, of the destruction caused by God, look no further to what deists shout out when a profound calamity befalls them: "Oh my God!" or "It's all God's will."   To take it to another level, listen to what Muslim deists shout out whenever something profoundly destructive happens or is about to happen, "Allah Akbar!"  (God is Great!).


                     If deist Republican Tim Walberg actually said what's in the quoted post above, then he's as stupid as the Muslim deists who bomb produce markets when they're full of people shopping.

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A U.S. pullout could deepen a rift with U.S. allies and the United States would join Syria and Nicaragua as the world's only non-participants in the 195-nation accord agreed upon in Paris in 2015.



This would put the US against the entire world (194 nations). With whom Trump wants to do business then? At the moment everything what comes out of his twitter mouth is only destructive.

He brings zero new ideas. The boycott of all US products could then be a consequence.







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3 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

A U.S. pullout could deepen a rift with U.S. allies and the United States would join Syria and Nicaragua as the world's only non-participants in the 195-nation accord agreed upon in Paris in 2015.



This would put the US against the entire world (194 nations). With whom Trump wants to do business then? At the moment everything what comes out of his twitter mouth is only destructive.

He brings zero new ideas. The boycott of all US products could then be a consequence.







That should be the result if he does this but the USA is too big a market for many to boycott.  He already has the distain of the majority of the world and this will just affirm the useless moron he is but......  When it comes to dollars it is amazing how selective people get.

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