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Video: Crisis at Pattaya beach! Thai media steps up campaign to clean up resort

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7 hours ago, champers said:

Beach cleanups are pretty futile. When the tide comes in it brings a fresh load.

That's why in some Mediterranean resorts it's done every evening ...

After 4 years here our time is over due to commitments back home plus the kids schooling options being better.
Have to say I'm not that unhappy to be going back and as my wife is Thai we may be back some day.......  
I'm not sure what area we may come back to but it be researched first and won't be the Pattaya/Chonburi area again. 
We are contemplating moving back after being away for 4 years. We too will probably choose another city than pattaya. I think its run its course. A real shame as it had the potential to be one of the best cities in the world.

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Is this a genuine attempt to clean up Pattaya beach, or are they just going through the motions?

Ha ha yes I get get it...they are definitely going through the "motions" !
The sorted "motions" are then used for beach nourishment at the north end.
6 hours ago, simple1 said:

Been going on for years. I remember when I visited Pattaya back in the late 1980s at Wongamat Beach, suspended in the sea water was waste toilet paper which stuck to my legs, not so bad now, but...


Take a look at international sites such as TripAdvisor - all very damning of Pattaya Beach area

In those days they made decent quality toilet paper, you could use it to write notes, send letters, even wipe your bum. Now you can't even blow your nose, it just collapses into a soggy mess.

Did you know, by the way, that commercial meringue powder is exactly the same stuff...hopefully without the flavouring added.

1 hour ago, TunnelRat69 said:

I have been in JomTien for a week now, was looking at a place to rent, loads of them, then I went down to JomTien beach, although I didn't see  anything close to what is on the video, it still is pretty f'd up.   Might take a ride over to Hua Hin for a week and check out the area, i am in no hurry.   

Depends which way the wid blows...


Not sure what it is like now.....my dad you use to have a fishing boat in Harwich along with I guess 30 other boats....all made a living and all long, long gone....50 years gone

As a kid we used to watch the barges go down the Thames...full of shit, and I mean human shit, from London...one after the other and open their guts and drop it into the the North Sea.

Whether that affected the fish population I neither know nor care....but he who casts the first stone and all that stuff.

Maybe Thailand is really 50 years behind the UK and just catching up.

11 hours ago, Dobredin Ghusputin said:

At least they're not yet digging up dead bodies on the beach like Samui.

Well, in Pattaya you don't need to dig them up since you'll either see them falling from buildings and smashed to the pavement. 


Waste of time.  A bunch of do-gooders at the end or a sewage pipe waiting for the next turd to slide down the pipe.  The way you clean a beach is to stop pumping shit into it.

5 hours ago, TonyClifton said:

Tony knows that the only way to clean up any beach is to have the locals treat their beach with respect. Tony saw this in Da Nang where the beach was mainly used by the Vietnamese People. Tony saw pride in the beach by the Vietnamese locals but Tony fails to see any pride in the Thais who destroy the once wonderful beaches of Thailand.  Tony knows it is time to leave.

Alright already...goodbye tony.


Not familiar with this particular beach. Is it the one along Beach Rd? I assume one would not want to swim there, am I right? I've waded along ankle deep along beach RD. I have swam in Jomtien Beach, and the beaches at Koh Larn


Pattaya was a dump 20 years ago and there was no social media, now  the same old story continue but wait something new is coming maybe Tat will say its a farang cruise ship who dump is garbage in the ocean...........




Ok so move away from Pattaya all of you, move to Vietnam or whatever. 


Maybe the beaches will be cleaned up in the future maybe not.  I don't use the beach anyway for swimming. I have a large swimming pool in my condo so I am happy and still great food in the restaurants here , I tried Chiang Mai , too boring for me. 

If I want to swim in the ocean I just hop to one of the islands. 




17 hours ago, kcpattaya said:

Yearly some 35 million tourists visit Thailand generating near 2,000 BILLION Baht in tourist revenues....
You simply CANNOT believe that Thailand is not taking care of their well being. Sabai sabai mentality will never change.

And that is while Pattaya looks and smells like a cesspool. Think what they could make if it was CLEAN & PRETTY.


33 years here and I DO BELIEVE that Thailand does not take care. Grab the 10 baht that is close by rather than work for the 100 a little further away.



Everyone has to take some responsibility for this mess and it's not just in Pattaya. It's all about bad habits and ignorance of consequences of ones actions. 

We can't just blame the authorities for how people carelessly and uncaringly dispose of waste. We're all guilty to varying degrees and until we understand and actually take ownership of our ways and habits nothing will happen to improve this. 

The ocean is where most rubbish ends up if not properly disposed of and by default becomes the dumping ground for all our waste.....and there is a lot of it. Perhaps time to reflect on some of our own habits from little things like disposal of cigarette butts, plastic products to name a few. 

Hopefully this video will make us sit back and think about how we can tackle this problem at a personal level without abdicating the whole responsibility to the authorities, who no doubt have their important role too. 


Food for thought next next time you throw out rubbish carelessly. 


The ultimate responsibility is to the "authorities" its no good everyone carefully keeping all their waste or even separating it into neat piles if the "authorities"
collect it all and just dump it irresponsibly.
Still waiting for an answer as to the locations of the official government approved sites where citizens can "properly"
dispose of their electronics,batteries,white goods,furniture,oil,tyres,building rubble etc etc....seems it just finds its way to a vacant lot of land a klong or the ditch along the side of the road.
This photo from Jomtien next door to "high class" condos.


And the astonishing and really shameful part of all this, is that a clean up crew for the beaches is a very low expense for the city. A roving crew, that cleans up a few beaches a day, costs the city about $2,000 per month. They go from one beach to another, so they are able to return to the same beach, after just a few days, to pick up the new refuse. This amount to nothing for a city as large, and dynamic as Pattaya. So, the only explanation is a tremendous lack of initiative, and indifference, and greed. And a lack of consciousness, pride, and vision. Pattaya will never have world class beaches. But, for the sake of your own pride, at least make them presentable. Sorry guys, that silly excuse that we are poor, and do not have the money, just does not work in this day and age. We all see right through that one. Your revenue is into the billions of baht. Grow up. Do the right thing by your people, and by the hundreds of thousands of tourists that come to your city. Otherwise, you just look like a local council of fools and charlatans, who care about one thing and only one thing. And we all know what that one thing is don't we?


They need to

1) clean up/filter/change the waste disposal going in to the sea in the area.

2) More regular collection and removal of rubbish actually in the longs and beach areas

3) Announce fines for all (Thais especially) people disposing of rubbish or burying it on the beach (I have seen hotel staff do that on their beach fronts.... dig a hole and bury beach rubbish in it!!!)

4) educate ALL the people in general that times are changing and plastic and glass does NOT belong in a river, long or beach

5) With regard that beach, they need to truck in mire SAND to top up the beach area like they do in many other prime resort areas around the world..... looks GRIM!


It's an uphill battle but many countries have done it successfully, so Thailand should be able to do it too, especially if they value their reputation and want the tourists to keep coming. 



Thirty years ago the whole of Pattaya smelt like an open sewer. They gradually over the years got rid of some of the worst smelling areas, but it seems a lot of the sewerage and rubbish ends up in the ocean . Wouldnt swim at Pattaya beach for quids.


This place is turning into one big dump. Trash covered vacant blocks in bangkok, mountains of plastic bottles and other crap on koh larn, the age old and continuing garbage crisis on samui, and this filth covered debacle in patts, no wonder I spend so much time in the bars!!


It has been lie this for years, it will never change unless the central Government (PM) steps in.

The Pattaya council have the money but but but. They should ban smoking on or around the beaches, on the spot fine, with a 10% refund to be collected at the council office to check f the police have paid it in.

same fine for hrowing rubbish, bags, cups, bottles and paper.  Provde excessive amounts of rubbish bins. 

More CCT cameras around.

There are ways. 

If food venders are seen throwng rubbish down, 5,000 fine and their cooking items and chairs etc confiscated. Peole need to be taught a lesson they will remember.

12 hours ago, balo said:

Ok so move away from Pattaya all of you, move to Vietnam or whatever. 


Maybe the beaches will be cleaned up in the future maybe not.  I don't use the beach anyway for swimming. I have a large swimming pool in my condo so I am happy and still great food in the restaurants here , I tried Chiang Mai , too boring for me. 

If I want to swim in the ocean I just hop to one of the islands. 




Why ? Have you only got one leg ? :whistling:


I have seen people digging for baby clams many times.


How far from shore does the pipeline take the partially treated sewage (human waste)? They need to remove the sewage plant and build a 4-stage one away from Walking Street.


Why don't they build a safe entrance to Walking Street on the North end? It is a cash cow, Right now you have a choice of squeezing against a wall as Chinese tourists march by and bang into you or walking on grating (dangerous for women in heels) by the smelly waste plant.

2 hours ago, elgenon said:



Why don't they build a safe entrance to Walking Street on the North end? It is a cash cow, Right now you have a choice of squeezing against a wall as Chinese tourists march by and bang into you or walking on grating (dangerous for women in heels) by the smelly waste plant.

The South end of the Beach promenade is a disaster zone with   that  construction  trailer trash mess, the portable  water pumps the locals blocking the narrow footpath, and concrete junk barriers. Then there is the abandoned  mess of the  beach sand fill project at North end. Unbelievable 





Negative Dept.

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