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Chinese kid pooping outside Central Festival


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4 hours ago, zzidenn said:

In paris people pee everywhere, especially in the metro system it's pretty common to see somebody taking a pee whilst people walk past... once I also saw a big old turd....its not just a Chinese thing.....

The French sound like absolutely barbaric disgusting creatures.  Are you serious, are the French really so uncivilised and carry on like this?  Thanks for the heads up or are you just taking the piss out of us?

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I have to say the Chinese in London (I don't have a great deal of experience with them outside of that) were in my experience generally clean, quiet and respectful people. Probably the only significant sized ethnic migrant group into London that  most others found inoffensive... What happened? The Chinese I see in recent times tend to be loud, pushy and exhibit dirty habits. They make Russian tourists look good (at least they are generally clean and have a high percentage of babes in their population)

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6 hours ago, balo said:

I witnessed in broad daylight a Chinese family letting their kid poop on beach rd , right in front of Central.

how does that tally with headline claim "Chinese family pooping..."? :coffee1:

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By request I ask mod to change the title to Chinese kid pooping outside Central Festival  


Sorry about the misleading title , if you want pictures of adults pooping in public they are available with a Google search . 



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I have to say the Chinese in London (I don't have a great deal of experience with them outside of that) were in my experience generally clean, quiet and respectful people. Probably the only significant sized ethnic migrant group into London that  most others found inoffensive... What happened? The Chinese I see in recent times tend to be loud, pushy and exhibit dirty habits. They make Russian tourists look good (at least they are generally clean and have a high percentage of babes in their population)

In London mostly those Chinese are originally from Hong Kong and they are 2nd or 3rd generation British Chinese, born and bred in England and won't speak a word of mandarin! Also... If they are indeed mainland chinese and not hong kong or Malaysian Chinese then they will have a bit more money than those that are tourists for a few days in thailand... so they will invariably have better manners.
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15 hours ago, zzidenn said:

In paris people pee everywhere, especially in the metro system it's pretty common to see somebody taking a pee whilst people walk past... once I also saw a big old turd....its not just a Chinese thing.....

Yeah you are right.. The African and middle Easterners do it too..

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I watched a guy lift a garbage can lid to throw out a soda can and as he did a diaper rolled out onto the ground.  You had to be there but the guy just stood there..defeated.  Here he was trying to keep Thailand clean and now was faced with the dilemma to pick up or not pick up the diaper.  You could "see" his brain working for a good ten seconds then... "no, phuck that" came over his face.  It was hysterical.

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18 hours ago, diddygq said:

Yep, a normal thing when I lived in Zhengzhou, China.  It's normal for the babies, toddlers, and children usually have a hole cut in the back of their undies and they just pop a squat.  The children usually carry some tissue with them for a gift wrapping on top of their business.  I've seen a few adults do it but it's not as common. Possibly because their public bathrooms are in the worst conditions you could ever imagine (Squatters, no doors, hole in the ground, literally shit everywhere, and the worst smell humanly known to man). It's a little different in first tier cities like Szchenchen and Shanghai but a normal thing in every other city.   That being said, you think that would be on the list of things their tour guide should educate them on what not to do in any other country in the world. 

Hey man! I lived in Zhengzhou too. I worked at the Zhengzhou University of Engineering teaching English to morons. I have many pictures and videos of the place along with scenes exactly like this. Toddler pants are more like chaps, basically 2 legs sewn together at the belt line. Kids squat and dump everywhere.


It was the single foulest most disgusting place I have ever seen, hands down. Here's a pic of the toilet in the local pool hall and walking to it from the university. This is Zhengzhou. I quit my contract 1/2 way through because I hated it so badly.


Why were you there, out of curiosity.

Bathroom Pool Hall.jpg


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19 hours ago, wirat69 said:

In New Zealand it is mandatory for dog owners to pick up pooch's poop in public places. The article does not make it clear whether Mrs Chin did so on this occasion!!

Yes, but is it mandatory to pick up Human poop? Elephant poop? Horses**t?

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29 minutes ago, Penicillin said:

 Not sure the photo was really necessary.  

Without the photo... I wouldn't have believed it.

as it is, I wish I'd skipped it.

I was planning a holiday to see the Great Wall.... now I may skip that, too!


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It's normal in more remote areas and cities in China, as is the spitting and snotting on the ground.....


I lived in China for 5.5 years and I hated that part of it.... but in the main cities like Shanghai, Beijing this is NOT the normal....

China has had a rapid increase in wealth, travel and education the last 20+ years so things are changing for the better but you have older generations that don't know better teaching or continuing with the old ways even today, especially in the 2nd or 3rd tier cities....

Even the modern Chinese look down on this behaviour.... but YES, the TOUR COMPANIES offering these cheap holidays to the UNEDUCATED should be EXPLAINING the Do's and Don't's to the tourists!  


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Again, it goes to show the complete lack of interest on the behalf of the Thai government.  I cannot ever remember seeing a public toilet block anywhere in Thailand in my 12+ years of visiting.  This for a supposedly progressive country that relies fairly heavily on tourists revenues.  I know that the malls have loos but that takes away the bulk of the responsibility from the local council who would, you'd expect, have adequate money from the rates and taxes to provides for the needs of the visiting hordes.  Of course, corruption takes its terrible toll and you end up with this.

They claim to be trying to attract better quality tourists but really provide f*** all in the way of facilities.  Their approach to public hygiene and sanitation is adequately demonstrated by the state of Pattaya beach.  Pretty much anywhere in the developed/developing world, beach adjacent toilets/shower blocks are common place.

Thai "face" sadly prevents them from acknowledging that they have a lot to learn and so this mess (pun intended) will continue ad infinitum.

As for the Chinese?  Well, you get what you deserve when you open the gates to the yellow hordes.


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21 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I don't get it.

What happened? 

Emergency, couldn't walk a few minutes?

Didn't know there were toilets in modern shopping malls?

Didn't know they were free?

Making a statement about their feelings of Pattaya?




I've seen this in quite wealthy areas.   Kids led outside and squatting over the gutter.

Maybe pooper scoopers needed for these quality tourists.

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Just now, saminoz said:

Again, it goes to show the complete lack of interest on the behalf of the Thai government.  I cannot ever remember seeing a public toilet block anywhere in Thailand in my 12+ years of visiting.  This for a supposedly progressive country that relies fairly heavily on tourists revenues.  I know that the malls have loos but that takes away the bulk of the responsibility from the local council who would, you'd expect, have adequate money from the rates and taxes to provides for the needs of the visiting hordes.  Of course, corruption takes its terrible toll and you end up with this.

They claim to be trying to attract better quality tourists but really provide f*** all in the way of facilities.  Their approach to public hygiene and sanitation is adequately demonstrated by the state of Pattaya beach.  Pretty much anywhere in the developed/developing world, beach adjacent toilets/shower blocks are common place.

Thai "face" sadly prevents them from acknowledging that they have a lot to learn and so this mess (pun intended) will continue ad infinitum.

As for the Chinese?  Well, you get what you deserve when you open the gates to the yellow hordes.


There used to be one on Beach Road Pattaya, but was torn down because it became a popular BJ place with Katoeys hanging around, wouldn't let anyone shit in them.  the pipes ran straight out into the sea.

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2 hours ago, pattayadon said:

Let me get this straight..... U.S. and Europeans are referred to as incompetent, rowdy, drunk, and/or crazy, but Chinese and Russians are called "Quality Tourists".  Hmm, Good luck with that Thailand!

Have to agree with you and the Chinese tourists I have seen there in Phuket are anything but "quality tourists", but then I have seen another side to the Chinese and it is totally different to that which we are seeing here.


I had a 10 year relationship with the Chinese girl in New Zealand and she was one of the nicest, well mannered, kindhearted and considerate people I've ever met, however the fact that her parents were university lecturers and she was brought up in a "wealthy" (well for China anyway) environment had much to do with this.


Fast forward to those whom I see here and as I've already mentioned on another thread, they are absolutely dreadful, with terrible manners, absolutely no idea of social norms, idiotic understanding of how traffic works and why they shouldn't walk four abreast in a road and no consideration for others.


The worst I have seen was the Chinese guy sitting in Starbucks with his bare feet on the table and using nail clippers to trim his toenails, and hard skin and this flying all over the place. I brought this to the attention of the manager and he had stern words with this guy, as did I, and as the staff were cleaning the mess up, the Chinese guy looked aghast that he was being told to stop this behaviour – – just amazing/disgusting. And as if to cap off the "Starbucks/Chinese experience", a few days later a mother let her child defecate within a few metres of the place, next to some seats where people usually sit to pass the time of day, this when there were toilets not 100 metres away.


There is nothing, absolutely nothing I have seen about these tourists which would convince me that they are nothing short of the lowest of the low and surely Thailand can do better than this with its tourism promotion.

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1 hour ago, Cereal said:

Hey man! I lived in Zhengzhou too. I worked at the Zhengzhou University of Engineering teaching English to morons. I have many pictures and videos of the place along with scenes exactly like this. Toddler pants are more like chaps, basically 2 legs sewn together at the belt line. Kids squat and dump everywhere.


It was the single foulest most disgusting place I have ever seen, hands down. Here's a pic of the toilet in the local pool hall and walking to it from the university. This is Zhengzhou. I quit my contract 1/2 way through because I hated it so badly.


Why were you there, out of curiosity.

Bathroom Pool Hall.jpg


The toilet photo reminded me of a rather nice hostel I stayed at for a week in Guangzhou.   The only thing which turned my nose was the notice in the toilet, insisting that ALL paper be left in the waste paper basket.

After a few days and the basket never being emptied, I decided to ignore that instruction.

Thank heavens for Thai toilets!

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21 hours ago, Muggi1968 said:

Does it matter...  Thailand do not care about sanitation anyway. Here is dog poo and garbage anywhere....

Do not know where you live but here in chiang mai there is daily garbage pickup and the streets are clean.

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