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Tony Blair warns British voters: time is running out to stop Brexit folly

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27 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I have a sense of humour. 


You just aren't funny. 

Correct, deadly serious as I am trying to up hold democracy under difficult circumstances

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2 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

Correct, deadly serious as I am trying to up hold democracy under difficult circumstances

Yeah, sure...that’s what you are doing. 

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20 minutes ago, nong38 said:

Tony is so clever he can only speak to the mirror! What other people think does not matter because he is a souper interlectual! He is so clever, he can remember to take his pants down when he goes to the toilet so there!! That what other people think is irrelevant and simply does not believe all this nonsense about people not loving him and adoring him like some sort of god/savior, therefore he must continue to save GB from the Brexit anomaly where 17.4m people bothered to disregard his guidance, well Tony news for you is you had your vote same as anyone else, accept it, you lost people have worked you out, you are not a Socialist you are worried yo are going to lose a fortune when we leave the EU and as Maggie said..........."just rejoice at that news!"

Tony maybe be clever but Joe Public can see through him, here is a graph of his support.



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2 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

Come come Bluespunk be a man and stand up and be counted

What are you insinuating

Are you suggesting this is personal or is your insinuation about the content of my posting in general

Lets not let this descend into bickering its to important would you not agree on that at least


It is simply that your agenda is clear from your posting. 


Your unwillingness to accept others have the democratic right to call for another vote is something I find distasteful. 

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15 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

Even I have got to hand it to you there a nice sidestep I suggest you exercise a little more caution in future

Not excepting a democratic decision is more than distasteful its undemocratic you might want to factor that into your thinking

No sidestep.


You can advise me all you want but I will post as I see fit. Keep your advice for those who would have any respect for it. 


I have at no point not said brexit should not happen. Stupid as it is, the brexiteers got their wish. 


However, those calling for another vote are not disrespecting anything. 


It is exercising their rights. 

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3 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

The majority must always take precedence over the minority

It is undemocratic to do otherwise

You and the others who hold a similar opinion are just cherry picking to suit your agenda


No one is stopping brexit. 


Calling for another vote is exercising legitimate democratic rights. 


Supporting democratic rights is cherry picking?


Yeah right, only in the eyes of the authoritarian. 

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6 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

Do you actually know what the word democracy means

The majority decision carries the day

Please explain to me why a minority should be able to cancel out a majority

We all have democratic rights but the winners decision must always be sacrosanct 

Because they lost is not a valid reason 


Nobody is cancelling the brexit vote. 


They are exercising their right to call for another vote. 


Another vote that may or may not lead to a change in direction. 


That is not the same as cancelling anything. 


That is a perfectly legitimate thing to do. 


That is democracy, no matter how much you maybdislike it. 

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7 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

Bluespunk, why do you keep insisting that the democratic rights of a minority should overturn a democratic decision made by a majority

Can you not see that is not a sensible position to take

How do you justify it from a democratic point of view

Coming from a self professed holder of a very good degree in politics perhaps you have a valid reason for that thinking formed from your degree

I am a supporter of real democracy in real life, I am just not a fan of your version

Don’t tell me what I am saying, if you are unable to grasp simple facts. . 


Calling for a vote is a democratic right. 


One wonders why brexiteers are so worried by this. 

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4 minutes ago, Jip99 said:




Didn't we do that already ?



We only need to win once....



I didn’t vote, don’t want to vote, won’t vote if there is another vote. 


The brexiteers won and shall reap the consequences of the vote, whatever they may be.


Still doesn’t negate the right for others to call for another vote. 


That’s  democracy. 

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Just now, oldlakey said:

I am not telling you what you are saying because I dont have to, simply because its pretty clear what you are saying

I wont comment again on your second line as its apparent it would do no good in a democratic sense anyway 555555555

One must stop wondering and give a brexiteer the third degree to obtain a answer

The good news for you is that you wont have to canvas them all as I know a minority decision will be quite acceptable for your purposes

My purposes?


You mean supporting the legitimacy of others to call for a vote?


Don't need a decision on that. 


It’s already an established democratic right. 

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4 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

Sorry Bluespunk but the losers have already exercised their democratic right

It was a home win for the Brits, I dont think we will be relegated we as a nation have too much backbone and guts our history proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt

It might be 1-00 AM here rather late for me but I spotted what you did there

You dropped the another in this Post I am replying to as against the usual their democratic right to call for another vote

Nice try but you will need to get up earlier than that as the old Brit saying goes

Perhaps when you are more awake later today you will explain what on earth you are rambling about here. 

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Just now, oldlakey said:

You are just being evasive now Bluespunk


I think I know where this is heading - nowhere, and the powers that be will be closing the thread down!

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1 minute ago, sambum said:

I think I know where this is heading - nowhere, and the powers that be will be closing the thread down!

Yes you are correct

Thats me done

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