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As I approach 75 I'm thinking the day may soon come when viagra could be a part of my life.    But having not needed it I know absolutely nothing about the drug so maybe someone can enlighten me.     Can you buy them at any drug store and do you need a prescription?     What do they cost?    What is the dosage.   Any side affects?    Feel free to add any additional info on the subject that you feel may be helpful.    Thanks for any replies.

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6 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Sidegra is available from pharmacies, the cheapest of which is Fascino 4x100mg for 210 baht, can break them in half

Why would you break them in half?     Because 100mg would be to strong?     Or is it economic, you are getting 8 pills for the B210?

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Why would you break them in half?     Because 100mg would be to strong?     Or is it economic, you are getting 8 pills for the B210?
As Sheryl says in the post above, usual dose is 50mg, most people seem happy with that dose or even less. You can try less and work up. You can buy 4x50mg tablets and break them in half if you wish.

The various types all seem to lower blood pressure hence why you need to know if you have low blood pressure.

Common side effects are mild nasal/sinus congestion, red face. I used to feel my blood flowing faster. Although side effects are mild, i didn't really enjoy feeling that way so i stopped 18 months ago, but if you need it you need it
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You need a prescription (and it is a good idea to talk with your doctor before you take Viagra/Sidegra).

But even with a prescription you will find that outside the tourist areas, most pharmacies don't carry Sidegra. Those who carry it may just sell it to you without prescription at a higher price (eg 250 or 300 baht instead of the official price of 180 baht). That's 1. illegal, and 2. stupid. See your doctor. 

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6 hours ago, bra said:



About 10 years ago I had one Viagra tablet for the first time and all that I got was a bad headache and a nose bleed. Very romantic!!! I have not bothered since. I find if you have a lady with whom you share a good personal relationship there is no need for additional chemical assistance.

How old are you?  If you are over 80 congratulations if not maybe amend your post as age specific. 

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Just now, zaZa9 said:

Be really cautious.

This stuff should have bigger restrictions .

I know of more than one who has had stroke after taking them.

A quarter tab should be ample.

They tell you?  Pfizer scientists Peter Dunn and Albert Wood create a drug called sildenafil citrate that they believe will be useful in treating high blood pressure and angina, a chest pain associated with coronary heart disease. 


Viagra should be routinely prescribed to prevent heart attacks and strokes, researchers claimed last night.

The anti-impotence pills can drastically improve the functioning of men’s hearts, Italian scientists found.

A team from Sapienza University in Rome looked at 24 studies involving 1,622 men, and published the findings in the journal BMC Medicine. 





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25 mg could be enough to start so you could always use a pill cutter. It's hard to cut the pill precisely so just take a piece that looks like a quarter of the pill or even less and try it out. Go to many pharmacies and ask for the government made Sidegra and buy it from the pharmacy that sells it closest to 200baht. Don't buy from the street!


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1 hour ago, PerkinsCuthbert said:

The principal side effect is that for several days after popping the lozenge you have a semi-limp schlong the size of a well-stuffed salami to drag around with you. My advice is wear cargo pants with plenty of pockets stuffed with bulky articles so that the situation is disguised somewhat. 

Did you have to mention cargo pants!? That's enough to make me lose my you know what!

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