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UK plans to introduce border controls on EU goods after post-Brexit transition


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Will democratic consent "snap" when the UK is forced to accept US rules, or Canada rules, or Australian rules etc etc.

The thin end of the wedge.


The prime minister’s Europe adviser will argue that the UK’s standards of regulation are often higher than the EU and that democratic consent “would snap” if either side was forced to accept the other’s rules.


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4 hours ago, bristolboy said:

You understand the intricacies of the food import business better than those who actually are engaged in it? It's clear that what you are engaged in is faith-based forecasting. Can you also tell us the date of Jesus' return?

well must be from Bristol UK up the road from my old home. The "Bristol Bubble Bunch" we called them  In their own fantasy world . Just as that comment you made proves

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None of you europhiles  can respond to the "  EU dictat"  that is  if you want to trade with EU "Abide by OUR rules and courts when trading with EU countries and also when you trade with non EU countries" .. Sunk you all with that one fact !

Edited by pixelaoffy
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2 hours ago, bannork said:


The Cable Car- cost 60 million pounds, used regularly by just 4 commuters.


That was built for the Olympics and it was profitable .

Notice you just use the regular commuters and not the people who use it but not regularly to give a distorted view 

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24 minutes ago, candide said:

Don’t worry, the back to the future crowd are already preparing a clipper to take up the pearl river and show those Chinese some english pluck. 

Sing with me! ‘One World Cup and two world wars, do dah, do dah’...

Edited by samran
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(And here a warming up for the Brexit boys....Haha )


Daniel Boffey in Brussels

Tue 18 Feb 2020 13.36 GMT


UK Brexit negotiator accused of treating Britain and EU as 'two different planets'

Verhofstadt says it would be a ‘hell of a job’ to achieve success using David Frost’s approach



Boris Johnson’s chief Brexit negotiator has been accused of treating the EU and the UK as if they are “living on two different planets” after vowing to break all regulatory ties with Brussels.

Guy Verhofstadt, the former Belgian prime minister who has led the European parliament’s approach to Brexit, said it would be a “hell of a job” to secure a successful outcome from the negotiation using the British approach.

“It’s not a good thing that we continue to discuss the future relationship as if the UK and Europe are living on two different planets because the UK market and the market are so close to each other – physically, geographically,” Verhofstadt told reporters during a joint press conference with Sadiq Khan. “And so, these things are so intense that we have to look at it in a little bit of a different way than to simply say, this is a pure free trade deal.”




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28 minutes ago, david555 said:

Do you really in all honesty believe that Boris 80 seats majority make impression on E.U. matter? Like I said before a few miles out of the Cliffs of Dover that 80 seats  fades ….on E.U. soil ????


Now  the politic leader of E.U. has not the advantage May had  , E.U. considering her difficult power status in HOC …..now Boris  , no pity …, white cotton gloves are off …… only seems U.K brexiteers boys don't get it yet ????

Of course Boris Johnsons 80 seat majority makes a difference, when May was running the show all we got from the likes of Barnier, Verhofstadt and Tusk was snide remarks and sarcastic comments, we sure aint getting that now, I wonder what has changed, oh I know Johnsons 80 seat majority.

The EU are bricking it wondering how they can bridge that gap, and it'll take more than a Cadburys Snack to bridge it.

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4 minutes ago, vogie said:

Of course Boris Johnsons 80 seat majority makes a difference, when May was running the show all we got from the likes of Barnier, Verhofstadt and Tusk was snide remarks and sarcastic comments, we sure aint getting that now, I wonder what has changed, oh I know Johnsons 80 seat majority.

The EU are bricking it wondering how they can bridge that gap, and it'll take more than a Cadburys Snack to bridge it.

O.K. you still don't get it …..????  short time shall tell you the different approach result 

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1 minute ago, vogie said:

So what are you trying to say, we should abandon democracy because you don't like the result of the United Kingdoms referendum.

Who really has time to care about England's referendum anymore?


It's done and dusted. England has a new PM who knows the best words. 


It's time to move on and think what are the real life consequences to the rest of the world. Are there any? Is England anymore important? It probably still is, quite like Russia is. 

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27 minutes ago, vogie said:

You can't have your cake and eat it.????????????

Oh No ?  delicious  Eating it regularly and enjoying it …...having my cake and eating it ???? (dixit PM May...)

Pattaya made 


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