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Government health minister: Watch out for "dirty farangs" spreading the virus in Thailand


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I know he is an idiot so not all that bothered by his comments. However, if I was leading the Thai government, his ass would be out the door yesterday. He makes a laughingstock of Thailand and its government.

Edited by Silencer
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7 minutes ago, Beal said:

Yes , that's how I deal with it , even moronic tr#mp and his supporters does that , so I will in return, if u racially abuse me , I will in return.

Why do you complain at all? 


You're a racist yourself judging by your posthistory. Or are you a privileged racist, only your kind are allowed to be racists? Imo it's called hypocrisy. 


Edited by Okis
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6 minutes ago, Beal said:

Yes , that's how I deal with it , even moronic tr#mp and his supporters does that , so I will in return, if u racially abuse me , I will in return.

Good to know you fight racism with racism and that you use Trump and his supporters as a model in how to counter hatred. 

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Just now, les1 said:

This is an outrageous comment he should know better absolutely disgraceful. Obviously he has no idea about this virus.  Problem with people like this is mentality he has no common sense at all. ????


He's in the job based on the need for coalition partners. Has "head" of his party he must be given a plumb position. He isn't in the job for his relevant knowledge, skill, qualifications etc.


He clearly thinks he knows more than all the experts around the world who say that wearing masks doesn't do anything. He also must've missed the PM's request for people to save water and shower less.


He also seems a keen student of Goebbels. Find a group to blame everything on, focus people on that group and deflect them on looking at your own performance.


This is the problem with coalitions. 

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hmm obviously suffering from farangsiemer disease or farangmentia (as Thais don't have such ailments), maybe he should

have a chat with his cohorts over in the media and education depts as he obviously forgot where they are.... started in China,

by Chinese who have been invading Thailand until recently... 



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Obviously didn't look at the Chinese restaurants in Khampaeng din road who let their drain water run into the road and put all their bags of waste food on the footpath across the street and let the grease swill all over the path which is now stinking because of the hot weather!!!!! It's becoming a health hazard but its ok they're Chinese not farangs I guess!!!

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3 hours ago, from the home of CC said:

the guy is an uneducated tool for sure but for me what is striking is that this same scene is being played out in the west (no, not officially) with the Asians being the boogieman, just goes to show that when the s*** hits the fan across humanity many degrade to subhuman..

Good point- there have been many cases of SE Asians being abused or even beaten up back in Europe. 
However not being abused by Government ministers !  

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2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

What the <deleted> is this <deleted> problem.  Did he get a wedgie from a foreigner one day.  I believe that he is a racist turd, who would complain about anything he finds that a westerner does.  He is a despicable little man..

Educated in the US. Probably compared dicks with his classmates (we all did it). It's left him with a lifelong inferiority complex against farangs.

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7 minutes ago, Beal said:

Make sure u take ur shower before going.back , I've seen ur dirty lot on kaosan road being so dirty, shower once a week.


How do you know the foreigners you see on Koasan road only shower once a week? Did you ask them all? Carry out a statistically valid survey? 


Or did you just make it up like you did the assertion that most foreigners are criminals in their own country?


Actually, you demonstrate how easy it is for politicians to flame the fans of latent racism and prejudice in some individuals. 

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If the details are true then the guy is an idiot.  Even more so, he's a dangerous one - if people who really hold these views have high office then, given the way "elections" work, there's an increasing chance that the words will turn into actions if things get bad enough and we could see ordinary moderate folk join in a witch hunt to rid the country of the Unshowered Ones.

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2 hours ago, Mywayboy said:

Cheeky <deleted> Thailand is one of the most unhygenic countries in the world.Nose picking & spitting champions.

Nose picking champions yes, but they don't spit as often as Indians....in India there are many citys where the walls are all a different color for the first meter, that's from spitting.Tobacco spit stained wall in an old mall : WTF

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