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Just had the COVID inspectors around checking on me.

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My experience this year has been that overall Thais seem a lot more laid back and patient with us than other years I can think of. I suppose we could cynically put this down to the usual Chinese visitor wave being annhilated this year, they can't afford to alienate us, but I don't know - people just seem more polite than I remember on some earlier occasions where staggering rudeness would come occasionally.


I don't speak Thai beyond a few words and don't know what may be muttered behind the scenes (if it is) but I don't sense suspicion or hostility even right now at this Covid-19 time and what will likely be my last lengthy visit here after visiting on and off over 21 years (just finding it too expensive now)


Maybe I'm more aware of my actions and come across better? I've always tread lightly, anyway, but I've just been pleasantly surprised overall by Thai interaction this year.

16 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


CV is not a bacteria... It's a virus...

Correct. Which is why washing your hands even for a few seconds can help for preventing CV.  The 20-30 second requirement is really specified for killing bacteria.

1 minute ago, Monomial said:

Correct. Which is why washing your hands even for a few seconds in plain water can help for preventing CV.  The 20-30 second requirement is really specified for killing bacteria.

Why does soap work so well on the SARS-CoV-2, Covid19 the coronavirus and indeed most viruses? Because it is a self-assembled nanoparticle in which the weakest link is the lipid (fatty) bilayer. A two part thread about soap, viruses and supramolecular chemistry.

The soap dissolves the fat membrane and the virus falls apart like a house of cards and “dies”, or rather, we should say it becomes inactive as viruses aren’t really alive. Viruses can be active outside the body for hours, even days.

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Two ladies and the Kamnan have just left my place. Asked the wife where I had travelled from, took a couple of photos of me and Kamnan (who I know quite well) and left. Didn't even ask my name or for my passport, no temperature checks etc etc. I think the ladies must be local health people. Obviously the bamboo grapevine works well as we have never done a report to local immigration - ever. The only way immigration would know where I am is from the entry form where I put the wifes address. But the locals sure do!

4 hours ago, WalkingOrders said:

How strange, my wife and I were at MAKRO today, and same employees as usual laughing and joking with us, no strange looks, or avoidance from anyone.

 Same same. Phuket. 


Bonus effect: no traffic, even during "rush hour." 


The membrane wall is made out of fat and this virus is respiratory specific, the soap with the alcohol acts like an emulsifier like wash your dishes and that breaks down the cell membrane and the genetic material breaks up and dies ( virus dead ).


A comment on moderation (thread title) has been removed.


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"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

3 hours ago, LomSak27 said:

You think it might be connected to the Thai Health Minister Anutin, screaming about 'dirty farang and disease carrying < deleted> not once but REPEATEDLY?! 


I have been told this is only to deflect the fact the virus was spawned in Wuhan China. the initial carries and cluster cases were related to chinese and korean tourists, visitors and Thai illegal workers from those countries.


Or are you hearing something different?

Oh yes. Much. much different.

1 hour ago, nervona81732 said:

The membrane wall is made out of fat and this virus is respiratory specific, the soap with the alcohol acts like an emulsifier like wash your dishes and that breaks down the cell membrane and the genetic material breaks up and dies ( virus dead ).

Now I know why my mother always wanted to wash my mouth out with soap, it all makes perfect sense, thank you....

8 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

Where did you get this info?  


You may be confusing viruses with bacteria.


I was under the impression that to kill most viruses (and the current one in the headlines) the hand sanitiser needs at lease 60 percent alcohol content.  The one they were using was just normal anti bacterial hand wash.... with a very low alcohol content.


Anyway, does not matter I suppose... as I made the token gesture of going alone with all the crown so as not to get singles out, which I think is what a lot of people are doing. 



Read this and you might learn something:


8 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

I was under the impression that to kill most viruses (and the current one in the headlines) the hand sanitiser needs at lease 60 percent alcohol content.  The one they were using was just normal anti bacterial hand wash.... with a very low alcohol content.

There are hundreds of articles on the internet specifying washing your hands with soap is just as effective as using hand sanitizer. Look up recommendations on UNICEF website. If you are not going to do the research to inform yourself I wouldn’t blame others. In addition, 2 meters is the recommended distance between people in public spaces in the USA now. 

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7 minutes ago, Onrai said:

2 meters is the recommended distance between people in public spaces in the USA now. 

tell  that to  the   bts

7 hours ago, MeePeeMai said:

Meanwhile, the Thai's sit around the table eating sticky rice and other Isaan food with their fingers... in the mouth and back into the same dish that everyone else is eating from (not to mention villagers all drinking from the same cups dipping them into the cooler filled with ice water).

These are the kind of people who always have to pay the bill at the end of the day since thousands of years ...

9 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

I've noticed an anti-foreigner vibe currently. Kind of understandable in this type of crisis, we were all apprehensive of Chinese initially

And yet the  Chinese were  encouraged to come, welcomed, and embraced. Meanwhile, non mainland Chinese have been ostracized and treated like plague carriers despite  many being lower risk than Thais.

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9 hours ago, MikeN said:

I just had a visit from a local health aide who had been ordered to check on “the farang” living in the town.

Who is a "local health aide."  
"I need to see your passport."
Are you the police?  No.  Now get out of my house.

  • Like 1
9 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

That is a sad and unsettling story.


It's very unnerving how many people are reacting to this virus, and I think we are seeing the true faces of many raciest and ignorant people now, and it will only get worse.


It is not just here in Thailand by any means though.  


I also live in a small village, but there are a few farangs here.  There is a very small local bar we go to a couple times a week, for several years, and I know the owners and family really well, we all got along great all this time.  But, lately the attitude has changed of the owners there.  The female owner is so scared about the virus and told me we should in isolation in our house for 14 days.  I though she was joking at first, but sadly no.  last time we went back and they are all frantically washing their hands with some liquid soap every 5 minutes, and we did not do it... so they bought the dispenser to us.  


I found myself feeling compelled to do it, even though I read the bottle and it was only anti bacterial soap... nothing to do with viruses and it had only weak alcohol in it.. not enough to kill the virus.  Did I tell them they were all wasting their time using the useless stuff... no... I just played along with it to keep them happy.


It was clear that their attitude has changed toward us... and they are scared to come near us now (the lady in particular now does not chat to us and always sits as far away from out table as she can), because of the rubbish their have been watching on the TV and gossiping amongst themselves.  



I live in a small village and haven't see any Covid-19 xenophobia.
That's what I like about small village.  People know me.  Lived here for over a decade.  Haven't seen anyone who is put off by me based being "a foreigner who might have the virus."  From where?  I freaking live here.
That xenophobia seems to be reserved for government officials and upper-end Thai society and city dwellers in the tourist business.


It doesn’t help when the health minister announces that all foreigners are dirty people who don’t wash themselves . No mention that the majority of Thais never wash there hands when they visit the toilets in the shopping malls .i used to eat at a sushi bar within the mall until I saw the guy who made the sushi have a pee and went back to his stall without washing his hands on top of that they love squeezing the zits on there faces or scratching there backsides but they never wash there hands 

9 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

unless you have scratches or cuts on your hands the viral particles cannot enter through intact skin.

lol ????

1 hour ago, Onrai said:

There are hundreds of articles on the internet specifying washing your hands with soap is just as effective as using hand sanitizer. Look up recommendations on UNICEF website. If you are not going to do the research to inform yourself I wouldn’t blame others. In addition, 2 meters is the recommended distance between people in public spaces in the USA now. 

In the USA, on the beaches, in the bars, and on the streets for an extended Spring Break, you will find university kids crammed together partying day and night up til this moment. CV won't be leaving the US anytime soon.


This morning a thai guy buying street food walking merrily along in my direction made a big show of pulling his t-shirt over his nose and mouth mask style as he got close to me and then immediately undid it after he had passed.  Did make my blood boil a bit.  

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