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Post COVID-19 tourism in Thailand: Bargain travel deals and high quality tourists

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Thailand elite should take this opportunity to promote and issue a massive discount for their elite visa programs by at least 40-50% if they want people staying longer and spending their money that will help the local economy. 

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Quality lol What they are aiming for is dullards with cash. Just got to look at the METV as an example... Need to leave 6k (GBP) in a bank account for 6 months. I'm financially secure because I wouldn't even think of doing such a stupid thing. Amazing Thailand. 

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As a generalization Thailand is a magnet for cheap charlie holidays. Once airfares double post pandemic to keep to social distancing rules, probably 75% of Thailands regular tourist demographic will not be able to afford to travel. The pain will be real and it wont just be a short sharp shock but a long protracted slow climb back to any reasonable tourist numbers.  

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3 hours ago, itsallmine68 said:

So , does this men the $100,000 prerequisite for Covid insurance is done with??? and a test for covid 72 hours prior to flying approved by the Thai Embassy?????

And of course we are all going to spend our entire 14 day holiday here in quarantine. That is assuming they give us a visa on arrival (you come Thailand too mutt... visa denied).

Edited by DaRoadrunner
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3 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

You would think they need a high quality government first. And that ain’t gonna happen any time soon. 

Probably not.  Depends how long it takes for people to realize this.


Also just read an interesting article that clearly states that tourism won't truly be buzzing again until 2023.  

I really think that people are living in an illusion right now - this is a pandemic and when these things happen they are very disruptive.  We have a record number of people on the earth, and all these people crowded together spells big trouble.  

There really is just no way that any civilized or uncivilized country would let their citizens out to get infected while on vacation to have them come back and slam shut an entire country again.  Having an economy's GDP of 15 or 16 percent based on tourism is positively ridiculous.  

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6 minutes ago, Caldera said:

I would do many things, but I wouldn't prepay any holiday in the distant future - too much has happened in the last two months, who knows what will happen until February 2021!


You pretty much would have to had to be dropped on your head to book a tour in the fall right now.  I mean please, LOL!  Nobody truly knows what is going to happen by then.  

Let's hope that its better news than it seems.

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10 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Don't think I've ever been to a Thai beach that was anything but 'dirty'.

They should take this opportunity to clean up both the beaches and their much prized image. Though the whole world knows what Thailand has become so it would be a bit like putting lipstick on a pig.


High quality tourists? Were we ever treated as such?


You cannot pimp an entire country and expect tourists to return.


One thing the Thais appear to have done better than others is suppress the Covid virus, (if one believes the figures). However, open the door to tourism too soon and they risk a second wave of infection as the rest of the world is behind on recovery and still infected.

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3 minutes ago, DaRoadrunner said:

One thing the Thais appear to have done better than others is suppress the Covid virus, (if one believes the figures).

What SEA countries have worse COVID stats then Thailand? 

As far as I can see, the more Shopping malls a country has, the higher the infection rate.

(works for almost everywhere in the world)

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Quality tourists defined:  Those tourists that arrive at the airport,  give away all their money in tips to immigration and then re-board and fly home!


Of course they will still be required to have Insurance.

Edited by mlmcleod
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12 hours ago, webfact said:

The outbreak allows Thai tourism to shift its focus to quality tourists rather than quantity,” added Ratchakitprakarn.

Classic Thai business approach: raise your prices when you get fewer customers.

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16 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

What SEA countries have worse COVID stats then Thailand? 

As far as I can see, the more Shopping malls a country has, the higher the infection rate.

(works for almost everywhere in the world)

Measure the spread by the number of soapy establishments and one can easily see how the Thais massaged the figures.

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13 hours ago, smedly said:

question on online visa application for Thailand


- How many times do you shower in one week

Once, but only if I really need it (to bowdlerise QE1).

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17 hours ago, ChipButty said:

That would be nasty pay for your ticket 12 months in advance and the airline goes bust!

You have a good point there.


I wouldn't put my money on any given airline being around, at least in their current form, 6-12 months from now.


I'd be keeping that credit card safely in my wallet for now, and watch how things pan out over the next few months

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