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Covid-19: Three quarters of Thais want to keep foreigners out, many cite fear of virus, says poll


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Thais think a lot of things, it's there right to think what they want, but, I've lived here for 20 yrs and have enjoyed meeting and joking around with the so many Thai people. Go to NYC or Paris, see how friendly people are to you. The reception is nothing like you get here. Thai people are the best.

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4 minutes ago, Miami007 said:

I agree that the 20% official number does not take into account much of the bar/ nightlife scene and many other business that rely on tourism.  

Obviously, countries will survive a 20% or 30% reduction in GDP - if it happens in 1 year (rather than slowly over time) and the population remains constant, it only will lead to a lowering of living standards.  Either there is an overall lowering of standards and an equal share of the burden or some people will continue as before while some lose much more than 20%.  As long as 74% of the Thai population is fine with the 25% of their fellow citizens losing most of their income, how can "outsiders" argue with that?  


Will there be any implications on society in general when 20-25% of the population have no income?  Will the government (through taxation of the entire population) provide a safety net?  If not, will the 20% simply suffer or maybe attempt to improve their economic situation by taking from the people "who still have"?

How long will it take until the loss of income for workers in tourism will cause them to spend less money on restaurants, consumer goods etc etc?  Then these business suffer and reduce employment

How long will foreign companies keep manufacturing in Thailand, if managers can not visit the factories and if staff doesn't feel welcome?  That will lead to even more of an economic loss.  But there is always farming to sustain the population, if everything else is gone.  BTW, domestic tourism will need to triple to overcome the loss of international tourism income - hard to see Thais spending so much on vacation when there is a worldwide economic crisis.


It is a small start and doesn't seem a "big deal" to some - but raising the drawbridge and filling the moat will eventually isolate a country and may turn back the clock 50-70 years.  I am not sure that too many people around the world would like to live in the next North Korea (which apparently never had any infection and death from the coronavirus)


No country can survive with a drop of GDP by 30% .... no country has ever faced a recession that grave. The biggest slump Thailand ever faced was a fall of 6% back in 2010-11 !!!!


This is how bad the current situation is. 

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2 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

How do you expertly handle a first time crisis such as Covid?


One city in the USA, Orlando for example, welcomes in more tourists each year than the entire country of Thailand.


Now throw in the major cities such as LA, Chicago, New York, Dallas, Miami which has millions of people coming in everyday from ALL over the world.


Anyone blaming any country of poor handling? Just not realistic.



I am getting tired of these comments too. Some people are using the terrible situation is Europe and the US as opportunities for comparison with Thailand. They jump on any opportunity for favourable comparison to give them some self satisfaction. However this is not the topic to start playing with, not when people are dying.


The reality is that the countries are so different. Europe and the US (new york particularly) are temperate climates, not tropical which is where the flu viruses spread more freely (its the main reason why the flu season is in the autumn/winter). There are also big differences in how people live in each country,, there is more "indoors" living in cooler countries, huge congestion on transport, people travel further to work, more central shopping centres and less "local" shopping,, etc,,, So the silly, look how well Thailand has done against the west is a redundant conversation... Thailand is fortunate, some countries not so much. Right now i feel for Brazil, Mexico, Russia and India at the moment,,, all are seeing rapid increases but I am hardly going to start comparing..

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10 minutes ago, FigaroLucowski said:

Thais think a lot of things, it's there right to think what they want, but, I've lived here for 20 yrs and have enjoyed meeting and joking around with the so many Thai people. Go to NYC or Paris, see how friendly people are to you. The reception is nothing like you get here. Thai people are the best.

I find the UK people much friendlier towards foreigners then Thailand.. No comparison.. UK is a modern, liberal society accepting of different nations without much fuss,,, Thailand absolutely no where near, 50 or 60 years behind...

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44 minutes ago, FigaroLucowski said:

Thais think a lot of things, it's there right to think what they want, but, I've lived here for 20 yrs and have enjoyed meeting and joking around with the so many Thai people. Go to NYC or Paris, see how friendly people are to you. The reception is nothing like you get here. Thai people are the best.

I used to go to Thailand some years ago on business, I was asked to relocate there, lived in Pattaya for 7 years. All I saw was a consistent slide in attitude towards foreigners, i saw it in simple places like the bank, in restaurants and don't even mention the roads. I had 2 incidents where I experienced the police being called, 1 for burglary of my friends home, the other for a couple friends of ours mugged and beaten on the beach by a gang of ladyboys, in both cases zero interest from the police. My friends cut their holiday short and flew home. I have never lived and worked in the countryside of course and it may be better there but from my experience of Pattaya and Bangkok it is the not the place for me or my family and all the latest reports just strengthen that point for me..

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14 hours ago, JCP108 said:

I'm still here. But, I have to travel to the U.S. soon for family matters. What would have been a temporary trip now has become moving back with no notion of when/if I can return to Thailand. Bummer. 

 A sensible plan may be submitting a health certificate for testing COVID19 free before departure at an airport. International airlines require masks throughout trips and in airports. The question is what forum of proof would the Thai government require?

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I haven't read all this thread - it's far too boring so this point may have been made.

The title is "Covid-19: Three quarters of Thais want to keep foreigners out, many cite fear of virus, says poll"


Surely that should be:

"Covid-19: Three quarters of the very few Thais we chose to ask want to keep foreigners out, many cite fear of virus, says poll"


The OP says  "The poll asked 1,116 people their opinions from June 9-12th."

Out of the whole population of Thailand?  Really??


It's non-representative and basically just publicity-seeking of Suan Dusit, whoever they are.

Edited by VBF
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On 6/14/2020 at 7:30 PM, JCP108 said:

well... you've only yourself to blame. 

Actually, many people have lots of different factors involved in why they left Thailand and can't get back in, not just "myself" to blame. Some people's lives are not as straight forward.......or as perfect, as yours. 


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17 hours ago, webfact said:

More than 75% of Thais polled last week do not want foreign tourists to be allowed back into Thailand just yet. 

Did they also ask some of the poor bar girls in Soy Soho, or whatever the place's name was?

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2 hours ago, VBF said:

I haven't read all this thread - it's far too boring so this point may have been made.

The title is "Covid-19: Three quarters of Thais want to keep foreigners out, many cite fear of virus, says poll"


Surely that should be:

"Covid-19: Three quarters of the very few Thais we chose to ask want to keep foreigners out, many cite fear of virus, says poll"


The OP says  "The poll asked 1,116 people their opinions from June 9-12th."

Out of the whole population of Thailand?  Really??


It's non-representative and basically just publicity-seeking of Suan Dusit, whoever they are.

I'm going to guess you never studied statistics.


A good pollster will select a representative group and even a figure like 1,116 probably has something like a 97% Confidence Level.


Folks have done the math over the last few hundred years and they know what a "statistically significant sample" is. From a stat point of view 1,116 is actually pretty high. It's likely---I'd have to do the math for an exact number---but one could probably hit a 95% Confidence Level with about 500 people. It sounds odd if you haven't studied the science, but it's pretty sound.

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18 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

Tourists aren't coming in from overseas for a good while yet, even if the borders opened tomorrow with no restrictions.


International travel won't return to normal for many months yet.


Business owners and people employed in the foreign tourism sector will continue to suffer, but those that diversified or rely on domestic tourism will survive. 


The whole thing was a massive, unsustainable bubble anyway, and the environment is no doubt breathing a sigh of great relief.

Thailand was not benefiting from Chinese tourism, only the rich benefited, and a billionaire thai minister is touting there return . Meanwhile the wuhan high speed railway is flying ahead with Chinese financing and Burmese labour, Myanmar is now full of c19 Bangladesh also the thai borders are surrounded with C19. On top of this Thailand is taking credit as being a safe country after letting thousands of  Chinese into Thailand when the virus was running wild in wuhan.  Now they want Winnie wuhan flue bear back as soon as possible. One thing is certain, airlines will never be the same . The world has gone mad this virus has exposed how mad the worlds leaders are. Donald Duck  versus Joe Alzheimers  Biden for the next president of Disney land

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I would guess that Thailand will start with those Asian countries that have things under control and have tourists with money. China, South Korea, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan; followed by Australia then the Northern Europeans and finally the Brits and Yanks last. The Asians and Australians this summer, Europeans in October and the rest in December. That way Thailand is open for the winter tourist season.  A lot of people still won't come especially the older retirees. They won't be going anywhere until there is a vaccine

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Said it months ago, the 31st of July is the first chop, then what's left will be chopped up slowly, so all the pratts from last year talking about " Abiding by the law "and "Having sufficient savings", and those that can't jump through the "Hoops" should go home........  Well, suck it up fellahs, they're coming for you shortly..... 

The Thai people are ok, it's the pack of K*&^S at the top that are full on xenophobic half wits (Anutin and his cronies) who are now kissing the rear end of China in the hope they can lend some more money and sell a bit more country, even Cambodia's doing the same cr#p at the moment, maybe the same boss in charge ? 

I legged it last year to a country next door, got a job there and will be going back very shortly, sadly i don't think i'll be "Allowed" back into the country that i've lived in for thirty years, also sadly i know that western countries will not be treating Thais the same way...... So glad that i don't own a pot to pi&^ in here, because there's one thing i know about Thailand, you'll be leaving everything you can't pick up and run with......  Enjoy the hoops......... 

Edited by SupermarineS6B
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19 hours ago, Chivas said:

I'm being incredibly polite but what planet are you on....??

The government is making plans as we speak to open for international travel. I know it's silly but Tit

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11 hours ago, smudger1951 said:

Maybe tourists from selected covid-19 free countries will be allowed in but can there be that many kiwis or aussies clamouring to get into Thailand ? Unless they have a partner. Let's see, 

Yeah underestimate the Thais. What is "Covid19 free". It will.be crawling with Europeans and Chinese. Most of Europe is (almost) Covid free

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Unfortunately, we long-term residents who don't leave the country will be tarred by the same brush. Do we need to wear something that shows the Thais that we are safe and have been here for years or decades? I vote for a big yellow star stitched on the front of the shirt. 

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21 hours ago, connda said:

But - those at the top pulling the levers of power are obviously financially insulated from the pain.  They have no dog in the fight so they can keep the country locked-down and isolated as long at they want.  The "little people?"  The wealthy, including leadership, could give a rip about the commoners.  That's pretty much baked into the fabric of Thai culture and societies.  Just watch some Lakhon on TV about the 'good old days' in Thailand when slaves and commoners literally grovelled at the feet of the rich and wealthy.  No doubt they pine for the 'good old days' of Thailand.  Nothing like the Covid-crisis to wheel that model back onto the stage again.  :dry:

When the money runs dry I dont see the thais sitting back...I recall past protests when I first visited


I was riding my mbike over Iron bridge in CM and I swear a TANK starting coming at me from other side.


As thais seem to love having a sit in...becomes like a big party and snack fest...as noted, time will tell

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It should be clear to most by now that the only solution is going to be living with this virus no matter the consequence long-term, that populations globally have been totally stitched up and many ruined beyond repair whilst the big players have mostly been bailed out and supported.. literally trillions created out of nothing for the same ones who benefited in 08 or debt on a scale previously unimagined for the rest...  


The great reset and theft from mostly the middle class and smaller businesses is happening right now all over the world, by the time this is over a massive % of people who have worked hard all their lives to build something will have lost everything for a media induced panic less dangerous or risky than crossing the road. When the dust settles history will record this as the biggest global panic, economic and social disaster ever.. it already is in fact..sadly we are only part of the way through this,  governments will probably fall before this is done and social unrest will likely become commonplace... Take away peoples ability to earn temporarily they get angry like a recession but take away small business ability to employ others enmasse and future to do so accross many industries simultaneously and you take away the corner stone of society and tax revenues,  systems will fast begin to collapse then people get really angry and those with the skills start to organise and pushback. Revolutions happen most successfully when the middle class have had enough. Although Im sure this is all intended by TPTB, the next decade is going to be pretty unstable at the least no matter what continent your on, none of it looks good, not economically, not socially, not opportunity and certainly not geo politically... 


Shame on people for believing and trusting in their governments, they are there for one thing, power and to control the masses, nothing more. The next stage of this plandemic will probably be a second wave also killing no more than seasonal flu but at the end a rushed claimed inoculation by big pharma that is likely to be unsafe and side effects for millions,  likely to be seasonal at best and probably linked to international travel permissions. The digital DNA/chip passport is already in the works for many nations and they have been working towards it for years.. 


50 years ago hardly anyone went abroad and its looking like it will soon be returning to those times but though means of force... People are unable to deal with the loonys screaming on twatter and social media etc, people are subjected to so much BS online every day its making them incapable of clear thinking and LOS was never good at that to begin with. Thailand was fun while it lasted and we do not expect to be able to return other than maybe for the occasional visit..  im glad I got my family out of Thailand before global social media hysteria and madness took over. 


Lovely place LOS but its time is done as are many other nations we thought would stay constant and stable. I hope I am wrong. Sadly I dont think I am...



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Just now, essox essox said:

A VERY SMALL number of people were asked.....so not a good reflection 

Think you might be surprised how small the number needs to be. That aside, I don't get this thread. If same poll conducted in for example my country (AU)

My guess would be closer to 80% supporting not tourists presently. 


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1 hour ago, Trujillo said:

I vote for a big yellow star stitched on the front of the shirt. 

Unfortunately you just desecrated the graves of my mothers relatives who died in the holocaust with that statement.  I know it was meant in jest because of the way we get treated by the Government here sometimes, but it still brings back bad memories.

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22 hours ago, Walker88 said:

but there is a camp within the current govt that is not friendly to farangs, nightlife or alcohol.

They might try to do something about the farangs, but they'll have a hard time going up against the Thais' own well-ingrained alcohol culture. They are by far the largest consumers of it in their own country. The thirsty Thais can't stop drinking with the bars shut. The parking lots of 7-11s have been littered with beer bottles in the morning. They've also got the powerful Thai-Chinese dynasties running Chang and Singha to contend with. You must also remember when Prayut went to them hat in hand. Heh, he certainly can't do that, and tell them to wind down at the same time. Whatever the govt's plans are, I'm afraid they won't have much success in stymieing the flow of booze. The profits from which are realized when it flows into Thais, bars, hotels, and also farangs.

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13 hours ago, Traubert said:

Yeah  but you are OK in Cambodia, right?

Very well thank you. Cambodia (Siem Reap) is great. I wished I had moved here from Thailand years ago.

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