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Multi-ministry drive to open up Thailand to foreign tourism by October 1st, tourism minister


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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Multi-ministry drive to open up Thailand to foreign tourism by October 1st, tourism minister

That means the same as we got now .

Because if they Lift Any of the restrictions that are in place now they will be Doomed by there own Stupidity and Wuhan Flu influx.   

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5 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

1. You get rid of Pipat, and the other cowards, and extremely timid people blowing up the economy. 


2. You start designing sensible plans. Like any and all people from all nations are welcome starting tomorrow. If you are willing to subject yourself to quarantine and pay for it, no restrictions should apply. None of the applications to the consulate nonsense. No bloated health insurance. 


There is an insane plan being floated on Samui right now. It goes as follows. Have a laugh:


Many destinations that are heavily dependent on international tourism have been especially hard hit by the various travel, transit, and entry bans. There is no clear timeline set for Thailand to allow international arrivals outside of residents, Thai citizens, some business, and healthcare sector travelers.

Now, the Tourism Association of Koh Samui has come up with the following plan according to the Bangkok Post:

1. Only visitors on Thai Airways operated flights would be allowed to enter the country (often the most expensive airline to fly to Thailand).

2. Guests would be tested for COVID-19 upon arrival to Koh Samui.

3. You would then be required to quarantine for the 7-days inside your room and not allowed to roam through the resort/hotel facilities even if your test is negative.

4. Between 7 – 14 days, you are allowed to use hotel facilities outside of your room/suite, but not allowed to exit the hotel grounds.

5. After 14-days, you could leave the hotel grounds but only with a unique wrist band.

6. You need to exit Thailand within 30 days of your arrival (the maximum allowed to stay without a visa).


This is probably the craziest idea from tourism operators that I have come across. Are they this detached from reality?

How can anyone even remotely think that tourists would entertain this kind of a hassle to “vacation” in Koh Samui when you are essentially a prisoner for the first 14 days and then allowed to roam with a special wrist band attached?


I understand that some of these hotels are becoming desperate due to lack of revenue, especially in Koh Samui that is an expensive destination within Thailand to fly to because Bangkok Airways owns the only airport (and I would assume charges monopolistic prices to other airlines).

It is unclear when Thailand is going to reopen again for international tourism arrivals. It isn’t easy to see this taking place anytime soon. Plans like the one above won’t generate any meaningful results even if miraculously implemented

I agree this is one of the more craziest of concepts, but it truly shows we are just revenue to the locals, nothing more. Koh Samui for one has so very little to offer in the form of good dining, while you're stuck in your depressingly decorated room. Once you are freed from there, they will certainly be taking advantage of your presence outside the guests room, by trying to pour drinks down you. I know when I visit there, the waitresses seem depressed and make like they don't understand me when I ask for soda water. They want to sale alcohol knowing that once a person starts to drink, they will at least order another if not two more drinks to accompany the first. Then if you get to the stage of wrist band, you can look forward to what? Oh yeah the tore up broken inner road within Chaweng to walk around smelling the fantastic sewage which is exposed through out the vacant night life that barely existed before covid arrived. Koh Samui has always been over rated, and under developed in any meaningful way that might benefit a tourist looking to have an enjoyable, forget memorable time. The happy newly freed tourist will just have to pay for rides to find an open restaurant depending on the time of day they wish to dine, since the places that are of interest all have their own set of operation hours, which unless you are local you will spend at least a few days trying to figure out where or when things are open, and on which days.

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1 minute ago, alzack said:

NO QUARANTINE needed They won't let anyone in from Europe/USA/India

Probably 10 million Chinese, what fun, what lovely people the chinks are

No guarantee that mass tourism will be allowed by the CCP, they are advocating the population to holiday within China. The rich Chinese will come, the tour groups are gone.

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

In its place is something he referred to as "twinning countries" and regions.

Another pipe-dream, most other countries are suffering more than Thailand, more are out of work or on a budget because of reduced working hours or worse redundancy, holidays are the last thing on their minds.

Thailands documentation mountain to get here for one is off putting, insurance policies that are difficult to gain if affordable by singles let alone a family. 

Quarantine for 14 days on arrival, tracking after that and possible quarantine on arrival back home.

It's one thing opening up, but expecting anyone to come is an entirely a different matter.


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"twinning countries" and regions.

8 hours ago, webfact said:

What this will actually mean remains to be seen

desperately waiting for more clarification as the term "twinning countries" and regions" are quite confusing, but again so are all their postings,  just bunch of BS to keep people guessing

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24 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

It's fairly obvious that they will need to open the doors to tourism soon, all those hotels need to be filled for high season. They will have to test at the airport and ditch the 2 week quarantine.

Yes to both.


Patently obvious need.


Patently obvious solution.



Edited by Enoon
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Opening up to countries that have minimal risk still has risk. Im not one of these panicky poo 2nd wave goons who hides under the bed with a mask tattooed on my face, but, should the country not open up to individuals who dont have the virus and not countries? A month ago, Vietnam was probably the safest country to 'twin' with but a new very small outbreak has put everyone on the back foot again. Everyone looks at the US and UK and mentions how high the numbers are there, which makes it seem to anyone that their thought bubble will be re-enacting the black death!! The percentage of any country (or the world) who have the virus in miniscule compared to the population.

The economies should have been back running months ago, possibly never even suspended. But here we are.

I hope China is way down the list for twinning. But TiT so I doubt that. Laos and Cambodia would be good starting points. Although, lets say TH has a twin with both these countries and they in turn have a twin with Vietnam, then one could travel from Vietnam to TH and vice versa without being twinned

Opening at any time is gonna be a risk because of those asymptomatic cases. Herd immunity from the off was the way to go but the authorities scared the worriers enough for that not to happen!!

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7 hours ago, JoePai said:

As long as they are quarantined properly I can see no problem

Of course they wont and rationally should not need quarantining if from a similar COVID successfully managed country as Thailand.  Will be no point in any quarantine if say we allow tourism to and from say New Zealand or China which we can sensibly tourism twin with and where there is currently no Covid case much like Thailand.  But of course badly Governed countries like USA and UK (my own now sad homeland) would and must still need full quarantine for those that are essential travellers into Thialand, like husbands returning here to their Thai wives, and especially those with children. 


Way too much cynicism and negativity is expressed here on TVF, as I honestly think that the Thai Governmetn have handled this COVID crisis surprisingly very well, even if a little over the top at times (like the pointless alcohol ban for example).  However, I believe that a little too much precaution is far better than not enough as we see so stupidly in the USA and UK for example.  I personally am very glad I live here in Thailand where i feel far safer than if I still lived in the badly governed UK where COVID is truly still rife and a big problem. 


I have some positive hope for this hopefully soon to be available Sputnik 5 COVID 19 vaccine from Russia, which is one of the few places along with China that I trust these days to produce a safe vaccine and not for profit but for true care of people and public health. I say that logically and evidence based rationally, rather than politically.  I hope Thailand do the right thng and welcome this new very promiosing Russian vaccine too so it is soon readily available here and at low cost.  Apparently I understand that it should be supplied at not much, if any, more than development + produiction + distribution costs.  I would certainly trust a COVID virus from Russia once it has been passed by them as safe for distribution, and as a cowrad after a few weeks for it to show there is no unexpected side effects of course.  I certainly will never trust anything from the corrupt western greedy profits first rip off big pharma as we have enough evidence of their failures before putting greed before people.  

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They just want the CHINESE to return.

The country that has destroyed the world economy and The Kingdom's tourism industry.

I personally will never understand the reliance on China.

The Kingdom can/has supported itself for many years. The Baht remains strong. 

Why oh why do they want to ruin everything by inviting the return of the Chinese.

Do they think that the USA, Brits, Aussie, German, Indian, the world, will be rushing to plan vacations surrounded by spitting, arrogant, unhygienic Chinese tourists?

The backpackers won't even visit. 

Look what has happened in Laos. A Western tourist(1 week or more) is as rare as rocking horse s**t because of the Chinese.

Cambodia and Vietnam must be rubbing their hands together with glee in anticipation for the influx of tourists.

I wish the powers that be at the very top would understand and put a stop to it all.

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7 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

How will the case of the guy released after quarantine and now returned to hospital testing positive to covid today going to sit with relaxing controls.

Took the words right outuhh my mouth. I just read the story. Thais are paranoid of this virus....this little 'plan' is not going to happen.

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5 hours ago, ravip said:

Reading through the thread, the Thai government should seek the guidance of the TVF experts for a successful opening of the country. None could beat the expertise available herein.

Even though there are no obvious emojis here, I read this as dripping with sarcasm. Hence the thanks. 

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Non sense from beg of bubbles proposals, guess same non sense coming up. Good fight against virus do nt match with total failure to save the economy & actually the poor people. Some investments in correct testing machines at airports arrival instead of tanks, + usual directives now to protect transmissions should be more than efficient and enough 

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2 hours ago, phitsanulokjohn said:

They can open it up as much as they like,but so long as restrictions exist,what tourist would want to come,with potentially many days of their vacation stuck in a hotel,plus all the paperwork required,not to mention the added expense.

Waste of time&money.

Not what I'd describe as a holiday.

A lot of people are currently working from home, with their employer’s approval. So why not work 15 days from a hotel in Bkk, one with a stable wifi? And then kickstart the actual vacation by just stepping out of your hotel? ????

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10 minutes ago, NoComment said:

They just want the CHINESE to return.

The country that has destroyed the world economy and The Kingdom's tourism industry.

I personally will never understand the reliance on China.

The Kingdom can/has supported itself for many years. The Baht remains strong. 

Why oh why do they want to ruin everything by inviting the return of the Chinese.

Do they think that the USA, Brits, Aussie, German, Indian, the world, will be rushing to plan vacations surrounded by spitting, arrogant, unhygienic Chinese tourists?


How disgustingly and arogantly racist that is !!!  Do you think we should rely on the massively clearly corrupt USA and UK then rather than China ??   By all the evidence we can all claerly see, the answer to that is I truly don't think so despite being a Brit myself.


You must also then ask "Do they think the decent Chinese and other Asian tourists will be rushing to plan their vacations here surrounded by the spitting, arrogant, unhygenic Western tourists ??"   Hmmm ???  All nations have their fairly equal share of such undesirable morons, and neither China nor USA nor UK or anywhere else is any different in that respect.  Its high time we stopped this stupid ignorant China/Russia/Venezuala/Syria etc bashing and sanctioning and unlike sick Washington and London,  and their pathetic weak subservient allies, start to positively and beneficially work together in harmony with the World.  Incidentally there is good evidence that the COVID virus did not originate in China at all but the were the  first to identify it and take urgent vital action. It seems there is soem evidence that it may have started in France or Spain. China are one of very few countries, yes like Thailand, that have responsibly and effectively handled the COVID problem well putting people before greed and stupidity.


All I am trying to say is lets more make love not war and act together more rationally and sensibly especailly when it comes to COVID 19 precautions. 

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1 hour ago, tribalfusion001 said:

It's fairly obvious that they will need to open the doors to tourism soon, all those hotels need to be filled for high season. They will have to test at the airport and ditch the 2 week quarantine.

Yep agree and don't understand why so many posters bend over backwards to complicate and outdo each other with their boring swipes.

There are models, like Iceland that Thailand can learn from and I'm not too fussed with the semantics of bubble vs twins. Dare say that will morph into bilateral arrangements with a number of different countries.

Can't help feeling they'll get there with October 1st... as they need to.. and can make it work.

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