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Opening up Thailand to tourists a "potential catastrophe", wait six months urges Chula doctor


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57 minutes ago, connda said:

The 3M N95 masks with a exhale valve may decrease the viral load you receive from an infected person (good for you, good for at risk hospital staff who should have them) but if you're infected?  You exhale unfiltered viruses right out the valve (bad for everyone else). 
Most other masks are next to useless, well except for providing the wearer with a false sense of security.  My favorite choice that I use is the plastic face shield or so-called Thai Hiso-Mask <laughs>.  Totally useless but you get to check the "I'm complying with mask mandates" check-mark at your local Big-Box Hypermart, malls, and other corporate run stores as well as any other place mandated by Thai government orders and still be able to breath.  :wink:

The 3M N95 masks are sold in 2 versions - with AND without valve. I know what I am talking about since I have both versions - see photo. 





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6 hours ago, AbeNormal said:

Including me


why not prop up the economy and the businesses that are struggling for a further 6 months since Thailand claims to have plenty of money, then open up when it is reasonably safe to do so


people will not stand for more lockdowns and curfews 

The problem is they didn't prop it up the first time. 

A lot of hot air about nobody will be left behind...

We know one person who got 5000 baht, one time. 

What they did get was mass unemployment. 

And without some returning expats or retired people, ok a few tourists too, they are screwed.

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3 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

The Thais and many Thai loving expats will have us believe foreign tourism is less than 10% of Thai GDP. 


I wonder why the Thais aren't talking about anything other than foreign tourism. It is almost like the whole of Thai economy is tourism with a little bit of industry. Strange 

Good point.  It would be a good idea for Thailand to track not just the GDP derived from foreign tourism, but also the number of jobs.


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As usual, it's usually the rich who don't want to open the borders. These people don't care about the sufferings on the millions of unemployed.


Chula doctor... highly paid but unsympathetic.

Edited by EricTh
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2 hours ago, barryofthailand said:

The Thai government has always said that tourism is only 7% of the economy. Now we are finding out differently. The Thai government should start treating expats better starting with immigration.

Immigration have nothing to do with tourists, except stamping them in and out. They have everything to do with expats. Don't confuse the two. And they should indeed treat expats better. Now they know that, with us remaining in the country due to the pandemic we are, surprise surprise, not the threat to national security they claim, whose every movement around the country must be tracked as happens in somewhere like North Korea. But I'm not holding my breath, and will continue to bend to their demands in order that I am allowed to visit my wife.

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6 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

It need be acknowledged that there is an inevitable lag time for recorded fatalities from an increase in infection rates. No doubt there will those  who will insist that these two graphs "prove" the risk level has been exaggerated  as  opposed to the  reality  only  time  will tell !

With vaccines near  becoming available ( reportedly ! ) the  decision to wait  or open up is not a choice I would  wish on anyone. The  damage done so far could easily be compounded if a significant community infection rate arises for  any reason. Thailand  may be seen as an attractive  destination now because it is  presents low  risk. Tourist arrivals  may be a short lived  boon if that situation changes.

Millions booked holidays to France Italy and Greece only this month....the dimwit sheeple tourist doesn't care or even believe there is a virus so it won't make any idea to them what Thailand's numbers are

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13 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Immigration have nothing to do with tourists, except stamping them in and out. They have everything to do with expats. Don't confuse the two. And they should indeed treat expats better. Now they know that, with us remaining in the country due to the pandemic we are, surprise surprise, not the threat to national security they claim, whose every movement around the country must be tracked as happens in somewhere like North Korea. But I'm not holding my breath, and will continue to bend to their demands in order that I am allowed to visit my wife.

At the first opportunity, they will be back to mirroring China (culturally and through policy) and the anti-Western agenda. It may be a few years now, but ultimately the Thai elite (who are, surprise surprise almost always ethnic Chinese) never wanted us here. 

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the government propoganda and lies ABOUT ZERO INFECTIONS locally for

three months, while releasing news about a foreigner here and there who

got caught positive while in quarantine, in backfiring.

now they cannot claim that it is time to bring back some foreigners, because

they are the dirty ones who will infect the pure and healthy thai.

truth is that there are many infected and sick thai people.

truth is that the only way to live with this virus is the swedish way: to keep

all open, suffer some casualties and build herd immunity.

truth is that many more thai people will die from poverty and starvation, if the

country will remain closed.

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It would be interesting if it was possible for someone legitimate to do a scientific study on how effective the Thai ASQ and local Thai quarantine processes have been in catching CV cases as opposed to letting them slip thru, as the Chula doctor fears.  I have no idea how he's getting his estimates on the number of infected cases that would/could somehow slip thru.


As long as the government is willing to require the mandatory 14 day quarantine for all incoming travelers from abroad, I don't see any reason why they couldn't be able to scale up the quarantine and treatment resources to meet whatever demand there is among folks, who are willing to come here with $100K USD of med insurance AND pay for their own two week quarantine process.


Unless they were to start granting large exceptions to those requirements, the number of  "tourists" wanting/willing to come here under those conditions I don't think is going to be exceedingly large.

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7 hours ago, Oldie said:

Time to look for N95 masks again as long as they are available. 

True, and you'll need them once they start burning the fields, 2.5 PM levels start going thru the roof when the air pollution season comes back around at the end of the year. 

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7 hours ago, mr mr said:

the economic disaster about to unfold will make corona look like a common cold. there will be more thai who kill themselves than the covis. 

It is an influenza, notice the emphasis is on cases now ,no longer deaths, as its been proven that only elderly and infirm are impacted & dying . The Media must keep the virus alive & the Politicians keep the people in fear

readying for the NWO from our globalists

The Govts actions are no longer rational


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Somebody has got it right for once. Only thing is they should wait 12 months before allowing ANY foreign tourists in. Look at what has happened in Australia & New Zealand, and they only opened up their land borders for domestic tourism, and have some states have had to close them again because of the increase in outbreaks and deaths. I don't agree with a lot of things the PM here does, BUT he seems to be only ONLY one thinking rationally when it comes to C19. He should be telling his ministers and the TAT to all pull there heads in.

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He said that if Thailand allows in 100,000 tourists it was likely that 500 of these would be infected with the virus. 


He reckoned that out of these 65 would slip through the net potentially infecting people in Thailand.


Wasn't that the Somchai who always failed his math tests? 

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2 hours ago, Skallywag said:

The economy is getting worse daily in tourist cities.  Best to open up for anyone willing and able to travel or the results could be more devastating than the virus.   Doctors can tell you how to protect yourself and if you choose not to wear a mask and keep your hands clean and social distance, yes you could get the virus.  Likely this will not change in one year or 2 years.  Viruses never "go away" quickly, polio took almost 6 years before widely and safely in use, then another 30 years before the world was rid of polio for good.

A vaccine will ameliorate infections to a degree, yet not for everyone.  Remdesivir and other anti-virals are the answer as well as taking precautions wearing masks, sanitizing, social distancing etc..

New Normal is here, time to practice it and get on with life as best we can without government restrictions. 

Well said. Couldn't agree more!

Edited by Flying Saucage
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25 minutes ago, TigerandDog said:

Somebody has got it right for once. Only thing is they should wait 12 months before allowing ANY foreign tourists in. Look at what has happened in Australia & New Zealand, and they only opened up their land borders for domestic tourism, and have some states have had to close them again because of the increase in outbreaks and deaths. I don't agree with a lot of things the PM here does, BUT he seems to be only ONLY one thinking rationally when it comes to C19. He should be telling his ministers and the TAT to all pull there heads in.

He thinks he is the saviour for the population not realising the long term economic effects it will have on Thailand which will take many years to recover from causing more damage Covid.



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Thai authorities are the junta, it is not a democratic government, the people have no say.  One doctor says - DISASTER if Thai opens up to tourists, wait 6 months. One doctor. Disaster to whom?  To the Thai people??? The authorities never consider this.   I cannot repeat this again, the necessity of opening up tourism, wisely but with purpose, is very important, otherwise the whole infrastructure of tourism decays.  No one, no tourist, wants to come to a decaying country.

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

Have you ever noticed that the only people who advocate for closure, economic shutdown, keeping the borders locked down and preventing foreigners from coming into the country, are people that are collecting a full salary, with major benefits?


A message to this doctor. Keeping the country closed another 6 months will be a complete catastrophe for millions of people who are not earning the kind of money you are earning you simple minded man. You are blind. You have no compassion, only fear and timidity. 


The country needs to be open tomorrow to everyone from any country, who is willing to undergo quarantine. It is zero risk for Thailand if they follow protocols, there's no need to have foreigners go to the consulate to beg for permission. Just buy a ticket get a covid test, and jump on a plane. If you are willing to pay an exorbitant amount of money to be locked up for two weeks in a hotel room. Anybody who's willing to do that should be allowed with open arms. 


The panic mongers should be jailed. 

The covid test is part of the issue, they are difficult to come by and there's no guarantee if getting results within the timeframe required. Most tourists will not take that risk. It's also completely pointless asking for this if people will be quarantined regardless. 

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34 minutes ago, mogandave said:


.........It’s pretty easy for people on the public teat drawing full pay while mostly “working” from home to want to wait...

What I believe most of these and the pensioners saying same seem to over look:  if the economies of the world do not get back to normal production and shipping all the money in the world will not help you, there will be nothing to buy.



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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

Have you ever noticed that the only people who advocate for closure, economic shutdown, keeping the borders locked down and preventing foreigners from coming into the country, are people that are collecting a full salary, with major benefits?


A message to this doctor. Keeping the country closed another 6 months will be a complete catastrophe for millions of people who are not earning the kind of money you are earning you simple minded man. You are blind. You have no compassion, only fear and timidity. 


The country needs to be open tomorrow to everyone from any country, who is willing to undergo quarantine. It is zero risk for Thailand if they follow protocols, there's no need to have foreigners go to the consulate to beg for permission. Just buy a ticket get a covid test, and jump on a plane. If you are willing to pay an exorbitant amount of money to be locked up for two weeks in a hotel room. Anybody who's willing to do that should be allowed with open arms. 


The panic mongers should be jailed. 



not all the people who say the country should be kept closed are making money from it.


My wife and i are haemorrhaging money by not having tourists in out town.

however i can see the problems that this illness is causing, stop thinking of yourself and look at other peoples perspectives.


i have recently returned to Australia due to work commitments and i am seeing firsthand the effect Covid is having, maybe in your special world Covid is not an issue however it is causing big problems outside of Thailand.

Lockdowns, paranoia, and government restrictions will be heaped upon you as soon as you start to get cases in Thailand.


Spidermike you seem to be extremely vocal in criticising Thai government and the way they handle running THEIR country, if it is that bad, go back to Ameristan. and leave Thailand to the Thais.


Thats what i think



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Almost every country that has opened their borders have had a 2nd wave which is worse than the first, I have a family member who lives in China who has said that China has many cases that are not being reported correctly to the outside world.


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Stay closed and millions of Thai will keep suffering.

Open up and some tourists and Thais will eventually die from covid 19.


How many deaths are they willing to accept, to save the millions of thais suffering in the current situation?

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I think its all about saving face to the rest of the world and also being seen to be strong in front of the Thai people. If the Thai people have suffered this long and the government opens up the country and there is a massive increase in CV cases then it would be open revolution for sure. This guy it a smart political operator. 

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