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Biden leads Trump by 12 points nationally among likely voters - Reuters/Ipsos poll


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2 hours ago, simple1 said:

Yes. Clear signals trump is unfit for the Office of the President of the USA.

All good - as long as we both agree that The People are never wrong.

They might decide something different than you or I believe to be 'right' - but that is how it works.


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18 minutes ago, AussieBob18 said:

All good - as long as we both agree that The People are never wrong.

They might decide something different than you or I believe to be 'right' - but that is how it works.



Doesn't work like that in the USA. The popular vote is not the deciding factor in a candidate's victory. There the Elector College. Trump's 2016 victory was achieved despite losing the popular vote.

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22 minutes ago, Sujo said:

And in an absoute no surprise report. Trumps team, with exactly zero scientific knowledge changed the cdc reports to suit trumps narrative.



Makes you wonder at what point someone should be arrested for advocating the over throw of the government.

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10.15am update: Donald Trump confronts Merkel with damning verdict on EU

Donald Trump told Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel the EU was "worse than China only smaller" and treats the US "horribly" during a tense meeting, a former senior Whitehouse official has said.

John Bolton, who was the President's National Security Advisor until last year when he left his post in acrimonious circumstances, makes the startling revelation in his new book The Room Where It Happened.

Mr Bolton also reveals the President's contempt for former European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, whom Mr Trump regarded as "vicious" and full of "hatred" for the US.



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3 hours ago, 3NUMBAS said:

Mr Bolton also reveals the President's contempt for former European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, whom Mr Trump regarded as "vicious" and full of "hatred" for the US.

Translation: he disagreed with me.

He says pretty much the same thing about every Democrat state governor.



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5 hours ago, 3NUMBAS said:

10.15am update: Donald Trump confronts Merkel with damning verdict on EU

Donald Trump told Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel the EU was "worse than China only smaller" and treats the US "horribly" during a tense meeting, a former senior Whitehouse official has said.

John Bolton, who was the President's National Security Advisor until last year when he left his post in acrimonious circumstances, makes the startling revelation in his new book The Room Where It Happened.

Mr Bolton also reveals the President's contempt for former European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, whom Mr Trump regarded as "vicious" and full of "hatred" for the US.



I guess they have felt flattered! ????

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On 9/13/2020 at 6:40 AM, simple1 said:

Obviously, you know nothing of Australian defence posture / investment.

Obviously I struck a nerve with you on Australians building more ships. There is a bully on the block, if they jump they will wind up at the bottom of the sea. The South China sea does not belong to China. Taiwan is a free Country. Philippine Islands belong to the Philippines. Japanese Islands belong to Japan. Vietnamese Islands belong to Vietnam, and Vietnamese fish belong to the Vietnamese.

Edited by Damual Travesty
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10 hours ago, 3NUMBAS said:

10.15am update: Donald Trump confronts Merkel with damning verdict on EU

Donald Trump told Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel the EU was "worse than China only smaller" and treats the US "horribly" during a tense meeting, a former senior Whitehouse official has said.

John Bolton, who was the President's National Security Advisor until last year when he left his post in acrimonious circumstances, makes the startling revelation in his new book The Room Where It Happened.

Mr Bolton also reveals the President's contempt for former European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, whom Mr Trump regarded as "vicious" and full of "hatred" for the US.



Oh yes, the Germans, the regularly poll to have the lowest regard for Americans then any other European Country. Time to remove ALL US troops from Germany - even if the Germans find that as "unacceptable" .

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11 hours ago, 3NUMBAS said:

10.15am update: Donald Trump confronts Merkel with damning verdict on EU

Donald Trump told Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel the EU was "worse than China only smaller" and treats the US "horribly" during a tense meeting, a former senior Whitehouse official has said.

John Bolton, who was the President's National Security Advisor until last year when he left his post in acrimonious circumstances, makes the startling revelation in his new book The Room Where It Happened.

Mr Bolton also reveals the President's contempt for former European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, whom Mr Trump regarded as "vicious" and full of "hatred" for the US.



Update, what update. Old news, and exactly in line with Trump: alienating allies.

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53 minutes ago, Damual Travesty said:

Oh yes, the Germans, the regularly poll to have the lowest regard for Americans then any other European Country. Time to remove ALL US troops from Germany - even if the Germans find that as "unacceptable" .

Can you arrange for them to bee pulled out of the UK too? Usless as fighters and cause nothing but trouble here.


We campaigned successfully to get your nuclear weapons out of the UK, now campaigning to get rid of the rest.





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1 hour ago, polpott said:

Can you arrange for them to bee pulled out of the UK too? Usless as fighters and cause nothing but trouble here.


We campaigned successfully to get your nuclear weapons out of the UK, now campaigning to get rid of the rest.






An anonymous poster who 'fights' from behind the keyboard says USA troops are "useless as fighters". Goes ahead to pretend talking on behalf of "we". Ends with an off-topic link which doesn't have anything to do even with his own post, never mind the post replied to or the OP.

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1 minute ago, Morch said:


An anonymous poster who 'fights' from behind the keyboard says USA troops are "useless as fighters". Goes ahead to pretend talking on behalf of "we". Ends with an off-topic link which doesn't have anything to do even with his own post, never mind the post replied to or the OP.

Touched a nerve did I? Try reading my post in the context of the post I was replying to.



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19 minutes ago, polpott said:

Touched a nerve did I? Try reading my post in the context of the post I was replying to.




Nope, just what my post said. You can't actually refute it, hence the extra nonsense above. My comment stands.

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On 9/12/2020 at 9:08 PM, Tie Dye Samurai said:

1. encourage everybody at every opportunity to wear a mask while he leads by example and wears his mask whenever he is in public (and not be such a narcissistic snowflake that thinks a mask shows weakness)

I've seen him wearing his mask on tv. He doesn't wear eye protection which is just as necessary as a mask  to actually stop getting infected, and constantly adjust the mask which means if he has the virus on his fingers he's putting into his eye so he'll get infected.

IMO masks without eye protection are only half the solution, yet no one is calling for eye coverings as well. LOL.

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46 minutes ago, Morch said:


An anonymous poster who 'fights' from behind the keyboard says USA troops are "useless as fighters". Goes ahead to pretend talking on behalf of "we". Ends with an off-topic link which doesn't have anything to do even with his own post, never mind the post replied to or the OP.

Rare that I agree with you, but on this I do.

The Americans are as good as any, though any could do with improvement.

Americans certainly saved Britain from years longer war in WW1.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I've seen him wearing his mask on tv. He doesn't wear eye protection which is just as necessary as a mask  to actually stop getting infected, and constantly adjust the mask which means if he has the virus on his fingers he's putting into his eye so he'll get infected.

IMO masks without eye protection are only half the solution, yet no one is calling for eye coverings as well. LOL.


And still, for all the waffle on offer, miles ahead of Trump on this front.

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Fox poll update and all point to a fitter Biden than Trump in mental soundness, compassion and physiology health necessary to serve as President. 51% will vote Biden against 46% Trump if election held today. More damage to the Trump’s brand by his favourite cable TV which he watches 9 hours a day.


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11 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Rare that I agree with you, but on this I do.

The Americans are as good as any, though any could do with improvement.

Americans certainly saved Britain from years longer war in WW1.

Only because they had casualties from the Germans, otherwise they would have stayed out of the war.

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9 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Fox poll update and all point to a fitter Biden than Trump in mental soundness, compassion and physiology health necessary to serve as President. 51% will vote Biden against 46% Trump if election held today.

Long way to go for teleprompter Joe. I very much doubt he will make it to election day.

He cannot debate Trump, there is just no way. How are they going to deal with that? Positive Covid test???

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