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Poll: Majority of Thais say "NO!" to foreign tourists - they fear more Covid


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3 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

There is one thing that everyone is forgetting.  The main countries that we would be open to are having MAJOR DIFFICULTIES WITH COVID.


Can you honestly say that you would welcome people from the U.S. Canada and U.K. Almost every opther country is having trouble and the pandemic is rising again.  Personally I feel for the people that are involved in teh tourism business but, I really do not want to go back to phase 1 and start all over again.  Also I am pretty sure that the number of tourists that would be coming are not going to cause Pattaya, NANA and cowboy  to become their  old selves.


In the early days of this C19 Flu, scientists, politicians etc did not know that much about the virus and were scared by the now proven to be nonsense of some predictions, in terms of deaths etc. It was therefore (to some degree) understandable how some Countries initially reacted with lockdown etc. But you will remember that the initial reason given in some countries, was to reduce the spread until medical service were brought online and could cope with greater need - That need has never arrived, few are actually dying from the C19 Flu, even the so called second wave, has been no more than a ripple in comparison to the initial outbreak. Put aside the arguments for opening up counties for tourism as that just limits the debate. Now that the dust has settled, and the evidence shows us that the effects are broadly no worse that the Flu. Now is the time to try and get back to a relative normal, not just Thailand but all countries. 

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3 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

True, just look at Macau or Las Vegas...


Having said that, no country can cut 10% or more of its GDP and survive (economically).


In our hyper indebted societies, each dollar or baht count, and only growth can help manage the burden.


A 1% recession (shrinking GDP) is a disaster, because the debt needs to be served, and if it's not there are consequences for everyone, and not only the part of the population directly impacted.


The thousands of people working in hotels, for example, carry debt, and the hotel itself probably also.


With no income, these debts can't be served...the monthly payments for a condo or a car won't be made, leading the banks into trouble, as well as the car dealers who, in turn, will not be able to fulfill their obligations.


It takes some time, but in the end the whole country spirals into economic depression...

The banks with increasing non performing loans could get problems. There was an interesting article about this at a news source I am not allowed to quote. But if I look for instance at banks in Europe they are still optimistic but increase their loan provisions at the same time by huge amounts. I don't have a good feeling if I am honest. To allow higher Covid numbers is risky. It can get completely out of control and create problems in industries that don't have a problem yet. And another lock down could have much more severe consequences than the last one. 

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This is a classic example of "Lost in Translation".


When asked what the people thought about the handling of all these tourist schemes they unanimously stood up and shouted 


                                 โง่   โง่  !!

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11 minutes ago, ICELANDMAN said:

No serious information to the public and fear will cause more deaths than Covid, the truth about Covid that scientists say can be read here signed by 4439 health scientists  https://gbdeclaration.org/

This is pretty much what Sweden tried to do from the beginning one of the few countries with the gonads to go with the science and not some nutball's prediction model.The science says lockdowns may slow but not stop the virus.Herd immunity will be achieved either quickly or slowly.

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Sadly locking down the country is only temporary but the long terms affect to the economy and people will last much longer.

The people survey are right " no confidence in containing a second wave " it is coming and when it does the government has nothing in place to take care of the rise nothing!

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9 hours ago, CelticBhoy said:

"The Nida poll had a sample size of 1,318 respondents"

Out of a population of nearly 70 million! Come on, make an effort! 


A sample size of 1318 in a population of 65 million gives you 95% confidence that your answers are within 3% of the correct number. 




I question who they asked, how they chose the participants, and how they asked the questions.  It's not the sample size in question.  It's very adequate.  That's how statistics and sampling work.


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Why do so many of you want to just let the borders open and surely the virus loose?  What is yiur motivation?  No one has more motivation than me. 9 months apart from fiance but I dont want the largest part of the thai economy to be slowed down be another wave of covid.  And its not harmless even if you recover many patients have lasting damage.   You guys seem brainless  but I don't understand your motivation.   Why you so worried about businesses in tourism sector unless your in this business...all you  covid naysayers  need to reveal your  conflicts of interest.  

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2 minutes ago, impulse said:


A sample size of 1318 in a population of 65 million gives you 95% confidence that your answers are within 3% of the correct number. 




I question who they asked, how they chose the participants, and how they asked the questions.  It's not the sample size in question.  It's very adequate.  That's how statistics and sampling work.


so  go do your own poll.  See how much effort it is to get 100 people to take  a poll.  Also why your at it learn some statistics.  

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2 hours ago, mark131v said:

Blimey, Robb talking about democracy, well I never...


I thought you were of the opinion that some people were too stupid for democracy hence the need for military strong men to jump in and help the population by overthrowing their elected government, you know essentially destroying what little democracy there was because you and the rich found them distasteful...

Been against the military for some time do keep up.


But time and again polls have shown the Thais dont want tourists get in unless quarantine and tests are done. Hard to argue with that.


Its just the ones living off tourism and some locked out foreigners think differently.

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11 minutes ago, Elkski said:

Why do so many of you want to just let the borders open and surely the virus loose?  What is yiur motivation?  No one has more motivation than me. 9 months apart from fiance but I dont want the largest part of the thai economy to be slowed down be another wave of covid.  And its not harmless even if you recover many patients have lasting damage.   You guys seem brainless  but I don't understand your motivation.   Why you so worried about businesses in tourism sector unless your in this business...all you  covid naysayers  need to reveal your  conflicts of interest.  

good points, but you spoil it by using the expression "fiancé"

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2 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

No. You are funny. You are living in a city that likely has the most working girls per capita, of any city in the world. And you are somehow using that as a yardstick? Pattaya is completely unique. The industry in Phuket, Samui, CM and even Bangkok has been declining for years now. 

you could be right, but you spoil your point by using the expression "working girls"

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1 minute ago, robblok said:

Been against the military for some time do keep up.

Yep seem to remember your backflip after your vociferous defence of the junta and clear disdain for democracy and the will of the people...


2 minutes ago, robblok said:

But time and again polls have shown the Thais dont want tourists get in unless quarantine and tests are done. Hard to argue with that.

Are they the same polls that show 97% of the population is in favour of the junta or any other number plucked out of thin air for any number of things 'your' junta want's to enforce?


4 minutes ago, robblok said:

Its just the ones living off tourism and some locked out foreigners think differently.

Nonsense there is a ripple effect that affects many aspects of the economy and wealth of the population at large, you cannot simply write off a large percentage of GDP without consequence


Anyway Robb I reckon 'your' junta have achieved their aim of spreading fear of the world at large and hoodwinking the populace, they do that don't they they had you fooled for age's!!

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9 hours ago, CelticBhoy said:

"The Nida poll had a sample size of 1,318 respondents"

Out of a population of nearly 70 million! Come on, make an effort! 

Yep, a drop in the ocean. But if they wanted to cut to the chase, the next poll lets segregate it.

ie;   Which tourists they do not want?  in the poll , westerners , Chinese, others or All ?

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44 minutes ago, TERMINATOR3AB said:

I live in Australia  what is this Nutter talking about  ?


""ineluctable fact AU Gov pay of  losers much money to  stop robbing population on drugs  / alcahol"'  ?????????

I  thought  drugs illegal  in Thailand


...what are you on idiot  post




The Australian Federal Gov't has increased unemployment/jobseeker benefits  substantially in the wake of the Big Corona..


Presumably that funds Domino pizza,KFC,Maccas,the usual mull bowl and a few slabs of Toohey's New..because it is,most assuredly, not funding anything e else..


By the way..your English is so spectacular that,out of curiosity,I must ask just what part of the land of the dead wombat (roadkill) that you come from-within 10 thousand square km's will do..





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21 minutes ago, robblok said:

But time and again polls have shown the Thais dont want tourists get in unless quarantine and tests are done. Hard to argue with that.

Do you know the exact wording or the questions in these polls? Surely not, as nobody was informed about these biased polls in detail, I guess, besides the fact that many of these Thai polls are no real polls at all. Rather than that, they are simply propaganda written down without having asked anyone at all.


There are a lot of Thais who are afraid about Covid mainly because they fear another lock-down, but not so much the disease itself. They fear the economic impact of the paranoid reactions of the despised government, and would simply like to continue with their normal life. Or in other words, they would like to send Prayut to hell firstly, and then welcome the tourists back to the country.


Someone who lives in Thailand really should be experienced enough to understand Thai polls correctly.

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52 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

No. You are funny. You are living in a city that likely has the most working girls per capita, of any city in the world. And you are somehow using that as a yardstick? Pattaya is completely unique. The industry in Phuket, Samui, CM and even Bangkok has been declining for years now. 

I just can talk about Pattaya. I lived for a while in Patong and on Koh Samui. But this was almost 30 years ago. For sure things there might have changed since many not sex tourists traveled there starting with the Asian Crises. Suddenly the mostly empty beach in Patong was full of sun chairs. Awful. Even the stray dogs left. 

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Brainwashed by government and media. They need to be schooled in simple maths 70 million people and only 1 million tested for covid but road accidents dengue fever tb cancer and suicide dont make the headlines around the world and thai government want to look good in the worlds eyes but with so little testing???

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This should come as no surprise because the majority of Thais are superstitious. Anyone hosting simbols and statuettes of Chinese wealth gods in their home, and actually talking to them, has given over some intellectual capacity to superstition. Superstitious people are easy to manipulate. The government knows this and milks it.

Thais are mostly unaware of Prayut's dilusionary agenda of reforming Thailand as a playground for the rich. To distract the common people he successfully employs fear mongering, placating the woes of their economic hardship, saying that it is for the good of the country. In doing so he entrenches xenaphobia.

Their only hope is praying to that little statuette. The more they suffer economic hardship through Prayut's mismanagement, the more they will hate us. Very clever. ????


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This should come as no surprise because the majority of Thais are superstitious. Anyone hosting symbols and statuettes of Chinese wealth gods in their home, and actually talking to them, has given over some intellectual capacity to superstition. Superstitious people are easy to manipulate. The government knows this and milks it.

Thais are mostly unaware of Prayut's dilusionary agenda of reforming Thailand as a playground for the rich. To distract the common people he successfully employs fear mongering, placating the woes of their economic hardship, saying that it is for the good of the country. In doing so he entrenches xenophobia.

Their only hope is praying to that little statuette. The more they suffer economic hardship through Prayut's mismanagement, the more they will hate us. Very clever. ????

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8 minutes ago, fred110 said:

The richest 1,318 people were polled? ????



I think you will find that had it been the poorest 1,318 people the result would have been the same.



In this particular matter there is remarkable equality amongst the Thais.

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