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Thailand enters cold season today (Oct 22)


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Thailand enters cold season today



Cr.Maria Shanina


Thailand is officially entering the cold season today (Thursday), as temperatures in the northern, northeastern, central and eastern regions drop below 23C, said Korravee Sitthichivapark, Deputy Director-General of the Meteorological Department.


She said that low altitude winds have changed course, from westerly to easterly or southeasterly, adding that the average temperature, measured by  weather stations in the north, northeast, central and eastern regions, is under 23oC.


She also said that there may be scattered light rain over the upper part of Thailand, and the southern region is entering its rainy season. Regarding the tropical storm, which is now over the South China Sea, Korravee said that it is yet to be determined whether or when it will hit Vietnam, but the situation will become much clearer early next week.


Source: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/thailand-enters-cold-season-today/





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13 minutes ago, webfact said:

Korravee said that it is yet to be determined whether or when it will hit Vietnam, but the situation will become much clearer early next week.

Clearer or stormier .? 

The situation requires reviewing next week to ascertain if we had made enough merit to achieve the lucky required for it to give Vietnam a pelting instead of us .. is that what they mean 

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Cool season has finally arrived in Thailand

By The Nation




The Meteorological Department announced on Thursday that Thailand has officially entered the cool season, with mornings getting very chilly in the upper North.


The department said winds at the altitude of up to 3,500 metres have changed their direction to northeasterly or easterly, while winds above 5,000 metres are coming from the western direction.


The department said some rain is expected in most of Thailand, though the South will continue experiencing heavy rainfall.


Source: https://www.nationthailand.com/news/30396608



-- © Copyright The Nation Thailand 2020-10-22
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53 minutes ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

After 20 years, I've evolved thin Thai blood...I reach for my jacket or tuck under the sheets when it's under 27° ????

Same here, 10 years plus, weird physiological reaction, like in the UK I'd pride myself on my ability to withstand cold weather. I think a lot depends on whether you're living in an air-con environment or just taking the heat with fans.

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I'll never forget walking out of my condo in Bangkok about 15 years ago in a t shirt and shorts - the security staff were huddled together around their table wearing Parka's and calling "Now, Now"..........I think it was around 24 degrees.

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Even if I only been Tourist in Thailand I get cold at times when temp reach below 27 there. And here in Denmark people look at me like I'm crazy when it's 27  and I say it would be nice if it was a bit warmer. 

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28 minutes ago, lungbing said:

Canute wasn't Anglo-Saxon he was Danish.  And he commanded the waves to go back precisely to show to his men that he could NOT do that.


Danish, OK, thank you. That period in British history is not my strong suite! I originally  used the four letter (Royal) title by which he is best known, but for some reason that was deleted ! Hence the term "Anglo Saxon-Monarch". 


I do know that in his wisdom he used the tide to show that he was not omnipotent, but  "the folklore" however is that he tried to order the tides and that is what I am referring to.


I'm sure that you get the drift of my post, anyway thank you.

Edited by herfiehandbag
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14 hours ago, overt2016 said:

bloody hell, I've been freezing here in Bangkok for 3 weeks!

At least my power bill has gone down several thousand baht because I can leave the condominium sliders open all day and not run the air-conditioning. At night we can leave them open as well because I had screens installed so the bugs stay out.  Very nice now, still a little humid but in another month it will be perfect here in Bangkok. It was 24 in the unit this morning with a nice breeze. PM 2.5 was 6

Edited by ThailandRyan
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18 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

These announcements by Thai Government Officials regarding officially entering seasons on a specific date are quite remarkable, to me at least. They rather remind me of the Anglo-Saxon monarch Canute sitting on the beach in Kent!


Presumably, as a government decision they are the result of the appropriate amount of  "mulling" by various committees?

The announcements are strange, yes, since they never explain clearly on what basis they're being made, and often have no connection to actual temperatures. I think what "the cold season has begun" actually means is just that the southwest monsoon has fully shifted over to the northeast monsoon that prevails in the cool season:


18 hours ago, webfact said:

She said that low altitude winds have changed course, from westerly to easterly or southeasterly


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21 hours ago, johng said:

If you call 27 C  cool then  yes its "been cool"    however I'd say the  three Thai seasons  are

Hot and dry,Hot and Wet and Bloody Hot !!   ????

If you read the article you will find  that it is about the North of Thailand.

Go up into the hills and you can get 0C overnight.

Couple of years ago we had 13oC for about a week that is cool

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1 hour ago, StevieAus said:
23 hours ago, johng said:

If you call 27 C  cool then  yes its "been cool"    however I'd say the  three Thai seasons  are

Hot and dry,Hot and Wet and Bloody Hot !!   ????

If you read the article you will find  that it is about the North of Thailand.

Go up into the hills and you can get 0C overnight.

Couple of years ago we had 13oC for about a week that is cool

The first linked article actually referred to the whole country:


"She said that low altitude winds have changed course, from westerly to easterly or southeasterly, adding that the average temperature, measured by  weather stations in the north, northeast, central and eastern regions, is under 23oC."


i certainly don't see average temperatures under 23C throughout the country - not even low temperatures at that level.

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and with the cold weather come the burning season and the awful pollution that the government does nothing about.  The pollution makes the effects of Cocid-19 even more fatal and makes people more prone to catch it.  Good luck Thailand if we get what the rest of the world has been suffering

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1 hour ago, khunjeff said:

The first linked article actually referred to the whole country:


"She said that low altitude winds have changed course, from westerly to easterly or southeasterly, adding that the average temperature, measured by  weather stations in the north, northeast, central and eastern regions, is under 23oC."


i certainly don't see average temperatures under 23C throughout the country - not even low temperatures at that level.

Well we were down to 17C yesterday and there are many areas cooler than us. Apart from the fact her statement did not include all of Thailand.

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