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Meat Pie 47

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On 10/27/2020 at 1:08 AM, Meat Pie 47 said:

So why do farangs (most) complain about their wife's or girlfriends all the time

no matter what topic is posted. Most expats complain about their x wife's or 

Thai wife's don't you think it might be your fault some times? I was married 

for 30 years, never had any problems till I fell in love with a Thai girl. I was the

guilty part getting divorced. Now I am married for another 15 years and can't

complain about women at all. You have to take some responsibilities or blame 

for your self. And no I am not a women.

Fortunately I was never ever married in the West, only lots of girlfriends. So I have no reason to complain about any ex. 

I could complain about German divorce and alimony laws that state that the ex has always the first right to alimony. And precisely that is a problem for many Farangs and their (mostly younger) Thai wifes: after a divorce you are supposed to starve out your new Thai wife. The ex in Germany takes it all. So it *is* a problem for many. 

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17 hours ago, tifino said:

If a Mrs has to really try to scrape the bottom of the barrel each time, just to find something to be angry at about... then try not to worry - as there isn't really anything wrong with what you are doing... 


Just about every day something comes up to pop her cork... and most times it is really difficult to ascertain exactly what the 'real' problems she has uncovered this time around... 


I found by keeping a (well encrypted from being readable) diary of the wonderful things that have supposedly caused me to receive another ba bab bor explosion... 


hmmm, lets see what was yesterday?? 

 - ah yes we were down at the grocers. I came back past her with the trolley, and I was really happy with the thought that I just did a good thing!!  I showed her a 600ml Mexican Cola from the shelf...


Now Mexican Cola is a very rare thing outside of Mexico, and Mrs GFs Hubby had developed a taste for Mexican Coke, especially so because Mexico still uses Sugar and Not that Corn Syrup stuff init. 


Showed it to her and remarked we should quickly message her friend about it'

Mrs was already building up the irateness scale - first up retorting I should mind my own business


But I looked up the mobile number, and started the photo sharing process

I sent the photo anyway - whilst concurrently, the Mrs was berating me that the Mexican Cola was not the same as the photo her GF had months ago sent to her(us)


I was now being berated that it was not 'Mexican Coca Cola'

My retort was that beggars can't be choosers, and that her GFs hubby was simply 'anti corn syrup' 

and I had the answer for his basic problem...


p.s.   To obtain a 'Mexican Coca Cola' 600ml would cost about $119 via ebay, including postage to Australia


geez my answer to the basic problem really seemed so straight forward to me... 


I even offered for us to go visit, and do a blindfoild test to compare whether this 'Mexican Cola' would Pass?


I knew I was flogging a dead horse by now, and let Mrs think she'd won as usual




I did buy one bottle though... 



for those not up on History..

.- Decades ago: Coca Cola formulation changed from Suger to Corn Syrup - to reduce costs

 - In Mexico, the formulation was never changed over to Corn Syrup

And is a well sort after commodity






Well, I can't complain your post lacks detail.

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The first 5 years of my marriage were great and then bit by bit it got worse. We finally divorced after 16 years. Now we go out to dinner twice a month and get along great my daughter stays with me one night a week. I think that as I got older I got more cantankerous so living apart was better for both of us. Each to their own.

Edited by JusticeGB
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I am pretty old now and seen a lot....... When you are talking about 'relationships' .... I can't help but notice how many 'Nice girls' pair-up with 'Bad guys' and survive..... Occasionally a nice guy pairs-up with a 'bitch'.......

After a couple wives I have decided to permit my wife to enjoy same as I enjoy.... Therefore if I enjoy 'fooling around' then I suggest she ' fool around' the same........ That way, we are very 'OPEN' and it is not 'One-sided'...... I WORK HARD at making her want to stay with me.... BUT, If she chooses to go the door is always open to her....... I believe "WHAT IS GOOD FOR THE GOOSE -- IS GOOD FOR THE GANDER"..

But I find that most of my men friends like to be Whores while wanting their women to be 'Puritans'.... If you want her to be a 'Puritan" you must set a good example..... and a few men do exactly that..... On the contrary many men want their women to be 'PURE' while they are the WHORES

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27 minutes ago, JusticeGB said:

The first 5 years of my marriage were great and then bit by bit it got worse. We finally divorced after 16 years. Now we go out to dinner twice a month and get along great my daughter stays with me one night a week. I think that as I got older I got more cantankerous so living apart was better for both of us. Each to their own.

I alternate my time between a condo and my Thai GF's village, I think that keeps the relationship fresh. I like my solitude, and being with someone 24/7 is not for me. AFAIK she enjoys a bit of space too.

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4 hours ago, Kerryd said:

Yeah, because nobody "back home" ever complains about their wife (wives) or girlfriend(s), right ?

Where you are from is irrelevant. Guys who are married/in a long term relationship will almost always have something to complain about and they usually do it with other guys (misery loves company). Mutual support group.

No two people are ever going to see eye-to-eye on everything. Finding two people from two very different cultures, speaking two very different languages, from (possibly) two very different backgrounds who get along perfectly with each other all the time and never have anything to complain about ?
Your odds of winning the Thai lotto are probably better, even if you never buy a ticket.

And if you are on your 3rd/4th/5th wife, then the odds are the problem isn't with the wife/gf.

Got to find yourself the perfect girlfriend. They are a rare breed and probably won't be found in your local shophouse beer bar just down the block.

Possibly the closest thing to the perfect girlfriend. Enjoys sports, eats pizza, drinks beer, plays video games and loves running around butt naked all the time.

I dated her.  She has an expiration date.  Did all that but refuses to work or clean.  Also gained a good 20 kgs.

That's a nice semester at college girl though for sure!

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4 hours ago, Jack Hna said:

Are you sure you even exist though? 

A lot of content on reddit points to a lot of completely fake profiles on this site. Yours being one of them. I mean it could be really easy to prove we are different people in different places without anyone giving up anonymity.


Don't shoot the messenger.

Yep - we are here.....Haven't seen any bots around the house.....Do cats count?

Thanks for your humor....



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I don't complain to other people about my girlfriend generally, but there is some stuff that gets to me at times. And since this topic is about complaining, let me do my share for once.


- She often has this rude way of taking things I give to her. Like a forceful grab when I try to give something to her gently. I don't know if it's just a habit of her, but this annoys me.

- She often plans stuff for the weekend and I hear about it on the day of departure. We Dutch people generally like to plan our days, so I prefer to hear a few days in advance what the plans are and then I'm able to mentally prepare myself.

- Shopping (as with most women) can be a bit of a chore. Buying a lot of stuff we don't really need. Stopping at every small shop. Etc...

- Sometimes behaviour that's not very lady-like. 

- I like to work a lot. In part just because I enjoy working and in part because I want to have a good future for all of us. It seems my girlfriend sometimes can't grasp that I need to make sacrifices now in order for us to have a very relaxed life in a few years.  


I'm sure some of my habits annoy my GF as well, so at least it's mutual.


And my GF has good qualities as well: She cooks nice food. Keeps the house clean. Overall takes good care for our daughter. So it's not all bad ????


But ... in the long run, once our daughter has reached 18 years old or so, I will probably want to live separate or at least not fulltime together anymore. I won't be looking for another GF. Instead I will want to have my own time schedule again. And being able to work more, but on my own projects instead of for clients. Basically have a sense of freedom again and minding my own business.

Edited by wolf81
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I guess many relationships fail and many complain about it amongst friends etc.


On this forum the men who remain poisonous about their break up years later tend to express a degree of misogyny and bigotry which lends one to wonder if they themselves are are not the underlying cause of the initial relationship failure. 


Of course, there is no ‘one fits all reason’.... but some posters express such a vitriolic distaste of females, particularly Western females, I wouldn’t see my worst enemy in their company and suspect they are to blame. 






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6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Shame about the droopy tits.

They were quite nice - 13 years ago. Nothing a decent plastic surgeon in Pattaya couldn't fix in an afternoon though. (Her rear is getting quite large though.)

Would I complain if I was waking up next to her each morning ? Maybe only about my aching back and lack of sleep !

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7 hours ago, Kerryd said:

Possibly the closest thing to the perfect girlfriend. Enjoys sports, eats pizza, drinks beer, plays video games and loves running around butt naked all the time.


Hey you! Have you got a camera hidden in our condo? You left one out, loves wrestling on the bed naked.

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On 10/27/2020 at 1:08 AM, Meat Pie 47 said:

So why do farangs (most) complain about their wife's or girlfriends all the time

no matter what topic is posted.

For the same reason some farangs like to troll topics like this.  Why does anyone complain about anything?  Boring day 'eh?

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5 hours ago, kensawadee said:

I am pretty old now and seen a lot....... When you are talking about 'relationships' .... I can't help but notice how many 'Nice girls' pair-up with 'Bad guys' and survive..... Occasionally a nice guy pairs-up with a 'bitch'.......

After a couple wives I have decided to permit my wife to enjoy same as I enjoy.... Therefore if I enjoy 'fooling around' then I suggest she ' fool around' the same........ That way, we are very 'OPEN' and it is not 'One-sided'...... I WORK HARD at making her want to stay with me.... BUT, If she chooses to go the door is always open to her....... I believe "WHAT IS GOOD FOR THE GOOSE -- IS GOOD FOR THE GANDER"..

But I find that most of my men friends like to be Whores while wanting their women to be 'Puritans'.... If you want her to be a 'Puritan" you must set a good example..... and a few men do exactly that..... On the contrary many men want their women to be 'PURE' while they are the WHORES

It's called a double standard.

If my GF decided she wanted a bit on the side, it would be hypocritical of me to complain about that. Not that I think she would, we are both a bit long in the tooth for promiscuity.

My only reservation would be acquiring an STD such as genital herpes as a result, that's a no-no.

I've always been puzzled by the very beautiful women that hook up with guys that treat them like s##t.

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On 10/27/2020 at 1:08 AM, Meat Pie 47 said:

So why do farangs (most) complain about their wife's or girlfriends all the time

no matter what topic is posted. Most expats complain about their x wife's or 

Thai wife's don't you think it might be your fault some times? I was married 

for 30 years, never had any problems till I fell in love with a Thai girl. I was the

guilty part getting divorced. Now I am married for another 15 years and can't

complain about women at all. You have to take some responsibilities or blame 

for your self. And no I am not a women.

Because they shack up with hookers and expect them to have western minds and values. They also expect to control the relationship since they are weak men but later realize the woman has thoughts, hopes and dreams of her own since she is also a human. They can’t handle that and cause a lot of tension in the relationship causing it to fail. Then they complain.

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5 minutes ago, ExpatOne said:

Because they shack up with hookers and expect them to have western minds and values. They also expect to control the relationship since they are weak men but later realize the woman has thoughts, hopes and dreams of her own since she is also a human. They can’t handle that and cause a lot of tension in the relationship causing it to fail. Then they complain.


Are you are suggesting that every guy who complains about his significant other has ‘shacked up’ with a hooker?





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2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

I guess many relationships fail and many complain about it amongst friends etc.


On this forum the men who remain poisonous about their break up years later tend to express a degree of misogyny and bigotry which lends one to wonder if they themselves are are not the underlying cause of the initial relationship failure. 


Of course, there is no ‘one fits all reason’.... but some posters express such a vitriolic distaste of females, particularly Western females, I wouldn’t see my worst enemy in their company and suspect they are to blame. 






I certainly have a distaste for western women, having suffered serious financial bruising at their hands when two of them walked off with half my assets, having contributed next to nothing during the relationship.

I have no such reservations with Thai women. When they commit to a relationship, be it short or long, IME they give value for money.

I am quite sympathetic to them, and don't judge them at all, because I don't know what I would be willing to do if I was in the same strata of poverty.

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Women change and can go very fast. In the beginning, all is ok and then ...change.

It doenst matter what you do. 

meatpie, you didnt complain, but just left. You had an overflow of complaints and switched. 

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