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Immigration home visit . Charge 2000 baht ? Right or wrong ?

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2 hours ago, flexomike said:

giving up the short time probably pi$$ed off the wife more than the 1,500 baht - 555


Actually your spot on, but then again, I never miss out on a "short time", one life, live it I say ????


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7 hours ago, AlfHuy said:

Your wife is smart. She this ahead.


You don't pay, you live the country and wifey back to work on the farmland.

You pay, immigration happy, wife is happy as her future is guaranteed.


Smart lady you have.

Nonsense.  They asked me for  diesel money and told me they liked chicken soup.  My reply was they must ask their boss the pm for travel money, nothing to do with me....oh and my favourite is Tom Yang Koong and offered them water.  That was seven years ago and I see these same guys at renewal every year.  They sometimes hint about the cost of lunch and how they would really like a shirt like mine etc but I ignore them and have never had a problem.  Extensions go through smoothly every year.  I think they may actually respect me for standing up to them.

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8 hours ago, AlfHuy said:

Position yourself well in your living room.

Hide a camera and record the hand-over of admin. fee.

Just saying.


Why hide the camera? Tell them that you want to photograph you handing over the money, so there would be no misunderstanding as no receipt was available from them and you are worried that you might be asked to pay again.

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8 hours ago, Old Croc said:
8 hours ago, Bangyai said:

I will say one thing. For 40 years I have done visa runs. Not because I lacked the 400,000 but to avoid exactly this sort of thing. Now the wife is experiencing herself the exact kind of behavior I told her about. She is not at all happy with this new way of doing things.

So you've always had the 400k, but refused to put it into the bank for a couple of months to qualify for a marriage visa because of the remote possibility someone might ask for a bribe?

Where do you keep it if not in a bank?  (I can predict your answer )


How much has 40 years of border runs cost you? Was it worth the hassle and worry about rule changes catching you out, or a pandemic closing the borders, just to avoid maybe getting asked for a special administrative fee? 

Maybe those 40 years of using the back door is the reason they're having a go at you now.


I've made some excellent trips to neighbouring countries. At least you get something for your money, other than a stamp in the passport. And it is up to the poster what he does with his money, isn't it? What the hell has it got to do with you? Jeez.

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Anyone ever considered that this unnecessary home visit exists for the very purpose of extorting more money? I sure have. I have only done three extensions and I magically have a problem every time needing some additional fee for one reason or another. I too have had the wife pay the visit fee when they arrive to drink our cold drinks and ask my wife about two questions, wai's all around, smiles, spend ten minutes then ef off again from whence they came. The extortion here in Buriram is rampant.

Edited by Tounge Thaied
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I’d like to know how the OPs day went ..


I’m so glad I don’t have to deal with cr@p like this, Burmese and Cambodian factory workers are far more lucrative than expats westerners to our local immigration office.

I wouldn’t even acknowledged the request, basically there is no requirement to pay for a home visit, played stupid, tell them you are temporarily embarrassed at this present moment in time,, but then I have never been put in that situation.


It might be fun to play them at their own game, I had to sit for a photo with my passport across my chest, make them do the same with a 1000B note while the other guy stands behind pointing at his colleague, 


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3 hours ago, Bangyai said:


Not half as astonishing as the number of tough guy cyber warriors on TVF. 


Its like the inside of a Mexican prison here sometimes.

It's not the point to be tough or a warrior

in a couple if you don't have the control

it's your partner who is in charge.


Honestly i don't even know why you were open a topic here asking if to pay 

2000 bhts of tea money to an IO was right or wrong as your wife had

already taken the decision to pay it with YOUR money, whatever you wanted


As she said ''you are not in England here'', if i had a similar disrecpectful remark my answer

will be ''if i wasn''t here, you will be a peasant without money like all the others around you ''

and i could add ''it can be fixed quickly if you prefer to stand beside a random unknow IO 

and not beside your beloved husband'' don't forget the old saying 

never bite the hand wich feeds you.

The Thais have no memory, they need a regular booster shot

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54 minutes ago, sucit said:

I bet they have to pay to get themselves there, or something like this


they have service cars for it and the gasoline is paid by the govermement

if sometimes they prefer to use their personnal car, maybe it's because it's more discreet

when they park the car in front of the local karaoke on the way back to spend the farang's tea money

Edited by kingofthemountain
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2 hours ago, Grumpy one said:

10 baht per kilometre  is not asking too much to pay surely 


I am ok with this if  it works in the 2 ways

i am kind enough to travel 12000 kms to come to Thailand and help the local economy all year long

i am sure the Thai immigration will consider pay to me 10 bht per kilometre is not asking too much


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11 hours ago, Bangyai said:

Je suis allé à l'immigration hier pour demander la première prolongation d'un an en fonction du mariage. Il y a 30 minutes, ils ont téléphoné pour dire qu'ils seraient ici dans l'heure. Entre autres choses, ils disent que nous devrons payer 2000 pour la visite à domicile qui est à 100 k de leur bureau.


Sommes-nous sur le point d'être déchirés ou pas


Merci d'avance

It's illegal !!!  However make sure that you do not have a default of TM30 in this case the fine as per the regulation IMMIGRATION ACT,B.E. 2522 (1979) Section 38 and Article 77: Anyone who fails to comply with the provision of Article 38 is liable to a fine not exceeding 2,000 baht

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2 hours ago, Tounge Thaied said:

Anyone ever considered that this unnecessary home visit exists for the very purpose of extorting more money? I sure have. I have only done three extensions and I magically have a problem every time needing some additional fee for one reason or another. I too have had the wife pay the visit fee when they arrive to drink our cold drinks and ask my wife about two questions, wai's all around, smiles, spend ten minutes then ef off again from whence they came. The extortion here in Buriram is rampant.

I did the marriage extension for the first time in August 2019 in Kamphaeng Phet. (Retirements before that). Last year they phoned my wife 2 days before the visit and 4 Immigration police turned up.


My wife did the talking and got 2 neighbours to came over as well. I had my photo taken with a couple of those guys. All they wanted was the use of a power extenion cable and the WiFi password to log in. They were here for about 30 minutes. We offered cold water, tea or coffee and they chose coffee.


Then they went off back to their office.Not once did they ask for money or even a free lunch from my wife's noodle shop.

When I did my 2020 extension back in August nobody came to visit us at all.


In September 2020 the lady officer who does the extensions rang my wife to tell me that if I went to the office they would give me a 1 month "Covid" extension. She did in October as well and also did my 90 day report a couple of weeks early. When I go up there every 3 month for my 90 day report I always take some fruit from the garden for them.


My knee was playing up the last time I went and as I was leaving the lady came out from behind her desk and opened the door for me to go out.


I must be lucky I guess, or perhaps I really am a "hansum" man.

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Went for 90 day report today. Nice Imm. lady told my wife that I will need another extension in 90 days and if we go and see her one month before hand she will sort out the paperwork for us. My wife seems quite happy to have someone one the inside to look after the whole process. Just a bit of old fashioned mutual back scratching.


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12 hours ago, Bangyai said:


Did you read the original post ?  Yes...I paid 1900 for the extension yesterday at the immigration office. This 2000 baht today for a home visit, without a receipt is just blatant corruption.

Are you just learning now that Thailand is corrupt?

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