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I don't want to go to hospital as I may be told bad news.

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This time the doctor calmly said that father had a black spot on his liver but there were no signs of cancer and not to worry.


Did you pay for all the trips?


    You can bring a horse to a lake, but you can't make it drink.


    If he drinks Lhao Kao, he'll soon be past and the problem solved.


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15 minutes ago, transam said:

2,500bht, from what sounds like a quack, is a rip off......????


 No, these doctors are using the cosmic energy and see everything inside a patient's body.


Like the black thingy on the liver.


  Easy money for the Pajama quack doctor.


Trans, I'd do that for free and give you a more detailed story what's wrong with you for only 3,500 baht.


That's for the old expired medicine we have sitting around. 



Edited by teacherclaire
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I wonder if the tablets given contain/are steroids. My father-in-law would visit a local Chinese medicine doctor. He didn't like big hospitals either, until he had to be taken, after which he later passed away. I seem to remember him feeling better after taking is medicine, but had to go back for more. I think whatever he was given was just masking underlying problems, until they get to the stage when the body can't cope and collapses. 

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its very informative to know how people used to live in the 1500,  You can't change uneducated people brought up on a mixture of religious nonsense, old wives tails  and witch craft,  I very much doubt that the local quack had any qualifications at all and your relative was acting true to form for village people here.  

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After my FIL retired, he became obsessed w/going to healers and monks... it was quite interesting for a while and had many trips deep into the countryside... I think my favorite was an old man who prepared all this special water and melted candles into it then had my FIL lie down on the porch and took a big mouthful and spit it all over him, repeatedly.. as surprised as we all were, I was even more surprised when my FIL wanted to go back a week later... 


I drove him there and we were told the old man was in the hospital. I told my FIL that even this great spitting healer thought modern medicine was better when you are not well. That was the last time. 


He recently had double bypass and 2 months in the hospital plus all of his meds... 30 baht for all. 


And the foreign pills your FIL paid so much for were likely placebos which had a short term effect of him feeling better. 

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13 hours ago, oompie69 said:

Voltaire is quoted as having said "the art of medicine is about the doctor amusing the patient while the body heals itself" 

I think about 80% of the time that is true.  10% of the time they actually help you.  And the other 10% they make you worse.

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Bring the doctor to him, one problem solved. My MiL had the same symptoms for a while and she lost her battle with liver cancer after 13 years ???? In her case it were the doctors who checked and handled the case not correctly,  her 3 monthly and later 6 monthly check ups were a joke. I saved her a couple times because I gave money for the tests they needed to run but were not able to do under the free health care  system until the last time they were to late ????  

Edited by SomchaiCNX
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18 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

I thought I was reading the longest joke in history. I would have summarised that story in 3 lines, but that's me

I to through this was a joke gone wrong. Thais have this problem too often, bloating mostly caused by the food they eat also when people get older they have less stomach acid. So digestive aids help a lot and you can buy from any drug store. He should really see a good doctor as his problem may be more than just bloating.

Edited by vandeventer
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