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Foreigners who have been vaccinated still need to quarantine


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13 hours ago, Anton9 said:
13 hours ago, NanLaew said:

Not in Europe they don't. Even Sweden is passing a law to allow lock downs. This legal oversight was the excuse for their health ministry to go it alone with their dangerous policy of few social restrictions and flawed herd immunity misadventure.

Wow,a law to allow lockdowns.

Seems like we are going back to stoneage


I'm casting back in my memory here bit IIRC, there were NO laws back in the stoneage.

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9 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

Use Google.  The studies are all online.  And yes, so far, they've been proven to protect against this mutation. 


By the way, there are already thousands of mutations.  And the jab covers them all.

German pharmaceutical company BioNTech is 'confident' that its coronavirus vaccine works against the new UK variant, but further studies are need to be completely sure.

"The coronavirus vaccine developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca should be effective against the highly transmissible new strain of the virus, a UK media report said on Sunday.

I can't find any studies at all to show that it's effective against the new variant. 

Edited by Kaopad999
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2 hours ago, RaoulDuke said:

Many of the healthcare workers who received the first dose already are now coming down with Covid, because they acted like idiots and ran around for the last week as if they are immune, despite knowing that two doses are required. Ultimately, people are just incredibly ignorant and reckless, and the vaccine will only exacerbate that issue in the short term. In a few months, we will have a better idea of just how effective the vaccine really is, but it is definitely still too early to make any definitive decisions.


As  Healthcare workers they should know it takes a few weeks for the body to develop anti bodies, and pfizers for example is about 75 - 91% effective after a few weeks after first dose which rises to 95% after the second booster dose given 3 weeks later. 


So those getting vaccinated should wait 5 weeks before acting like normal, but also remember that just because they are vaccinated it does mean they are immune, since they don't know if the vaccine worked on them. 


Some mention that those getting vaccinated could still spread the virus and that's only important here in the beginning of the start of the vaccination program when there are not enough doses for all. 

When everyone that want their shots has gotten them, it's back to normal and then the anti vaxers can decide if they want a shot or not. 


If not I think they have a hard time travelling because a proof of vaccination seems like a growing idea worldwide. 


Those not wanting to chip in shouldn't be allowed into the game, so to speak. 

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Best way - give them the vaccine 14 days before they travel - still give them the Covid test 72 hours before flight as is the norm - upon arrival show test cert plus cert saying vaccinated then no need for quarantine - but as already mentioned all about the money! 

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1 minute ago, starky said:

What I'm saying is lockdowns don't appear to be working and how long would you like humanity to stay locked down? We've done 1 year whats enough for you 2, 3 5?

   Problem with the world is we are too precious its about survival of the species not the individual.  That's where you got me wrong mate if I have to be one of the ones that go or my family so be it. As for the rest of your ridiculous broken leg rant what has treating the ill got anyrhing to do with lockdowns?

  1 person in Australia under the age of 40 has died. Babies aren't dying neither are children. 40 000 a month die in the US from obesity alone thats more than covid. Wake up mate. Close all hospitals?  What a pillock.

Lucky obese people are not infectious with  obese gen , and baby does not walk or mix socially large  ...:wink:

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5 minutes ago, Kaopad999 said:

German pharmaceutical company BioNTech is 'confident' that its coronavirus vaccine works against the new UK variant, but further studies are need to be completely sure.

Exactly.  Listen to an interview with their CEO here:


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Just now, Jeffr2 said:

Yes, but where does it say that it's going to be 100% effective against the new variant? this is my point!  and this is why the Thai government are still worried and have their doubts. 

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18 minutes ago, phil2407 said:

Best way - give them the vaccine 14 days before they travel - still give them the Covid test 72 hours before flight as is the norm - upon arrival show test cert plus cert saying vaccinated then no need for quarantine - but as already mentioned all about the money! 

 That would require they had both shots 14 days prior to travelling, since Pfizer, moderna and Astra zenecas vaccines require 2 doses. 

So the vaccination should start 5 weeks before travelling, but that's nothing new.


Now comes the tricky part. 

There are several different tests on the market, and how are they reacting on a person where the vaccine is successful? 

Will the fast anti body tests flag positive? 

Will the PCR test? 


And if so how will that result be interpreted? 


Tried to find some info, but can't seem to find any how tests reacts on vaccinated people and how they are supposed to react. 


Edit : found this article in Danish translated to English. Interesting read about a new test beeing developed which can show what type of anti bodies you develop and if it's the right ones to protect you. 


Edited by Virt
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15 hours ago, ukrules said:

They're idiots, vaccination is the only way out of this mess and as such it's their ultimate goal yet it's obviously not good enough for them.


I suspect they will also be quarantining recovered patients as well, those who are immune to it?

Yes agree on the idiots, however, what proof the drugs work?  all are racing to produce....  I would not want to be a test person and grow ann extra nut...  and even if tests ok, long term cancer and whatever else....

no thanks....  

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15 hours ago, asiasurfer said:

As long as Thailand has ASQ, very few foreigners will come. By the way, what about Thais traveling to Russia or Europe to get their vaccine jab?? Do they need to quarantine upon return as well? 


I'm waiting for this trend to happen anyway: Wealthy Thais traveling abroad to get their Covid vaccine at their own cost. Because this government is not capable of getting the vaccinations going in Thailand, for a variety of reasons.


Also, wouldn't it be sad if travellers couldn't be ripped off any more in one of those overpriced, low quality ASQ's?? 


Good riddance TAT! 


you forget, VIP, army and most hi so's have an inbuilt imunity to the virus....

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14 hours ago, Eibot said:

I find it very reasonable. There is no evidence (as of yet) that vaccinated people cannot spread the virus to other (unvaccinated) people.. Until that proof is shown, it would be wise to keep the quarantine in place. Hence Thailand needs to get moving to get vaccination going here to get some sort of herd immunity. Once this has established (or partly) the quarantine can be lifted. 

agree and dont trust the drugs....  TH is correct...

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32 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

You can thank Bill Gates for this.  Who donated $1 billion to help create a vaccine that was a base for future viruses.  This mRNA stuff is high tech.  Really amazing how they did it.

Ah, good old Bill. The medical philanthropist

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15 hours ago, Oldie said:

There were enough cases already where recovered people got sick again. Also up to now it is not clear for how long the vaccination will help. Some say up to 9 months. But this is only guesswork. 

Including anything you say.... just hot air...

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14 hours ago, djayz said:

You don't honestly believe that those who can afford to fly to Farangistan for a jab would ever be inconvenienced by having to hole up in ASQ upon return, do you? Don't you know who I am?

you made my day, my month farangstan ha ha love it so much , you my friend are my main comedian,, ha ha.. it tickles me.. cant get it out of my head...

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1 minute ago, Seeall said:


you forget, VIP, army and most hi so's have an inbuilt imunity to the virus....


It's also the standard Thai. 

Gf's work college who is Thai just returned from Thailand after a brief vacation, and there were no quarantine period when she arrived from Denmark, so it seems like they are not putting everyone in quarantine and still possible to do your vacation if your Thai. 

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2 hours ago, ttrd said:

In Norway for intstance we do not get a certificate, but if you can prove that you have had covid and show a negativ test not older than 6 months when you enter the border (as a Norwegian citizen back from a red zone abroad) you do not need to be quarantined as you are not considered as contagious - so yes, in this matter a kind of a certificate ... :thumbsup:

... what I ment to say was showing a positive covid test not older than 6 months meaning you still have immunity and is not considered as contagious during a 6 months period.

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29 minutes ago, david555 said:

Lucky obese people are not infectious with  obese gen , and baby does not walk or mix socially large  ...:wink:

Correct obesity is not contagious. But eventually, hopefully, covid will die down a bit while those 40k a month still keep getting pole-axed. Or the 70 a day that die on the roads here no one seems to give a rats about them. Now what's the actual death rate for covid only deaths in the population below 65 years with no other contributing factors ????????????

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14 hours ago, rak sa_ngop said:

So where have you read that vaccinations are 100 % effective?


Enlighten us please.

Do you destroy an industry and put millions out of work if something to offset that  is only 95% effective . Do you not go out on the road because that’s certainly not 100% safe ? 
Do you now consider yourself ‘enlightened " ....??

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1 minute ago, starky said:

Correct obesity is not contagious. But eventually, hopefully, covid will die down a bit while those 40k a month still keep getting pole-axed. Or the 70 a day that die on the roads here no one seems to give a rats about them. Now what's the actual death rate for covid only deaths in the population below 65 years with no other contributing factors ????????????

You can have a fall and fracture your arm and it counts as an underlying factor in the UK. So over there about 50-60% of the population currently have contributing factors. 

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36 minutes ago, phil2407 said:

Best way - give them the vaccine 14 days before they travel - still give them the Covid test 72 hours before flight as is the norm - upon arrival show test cert plus cert saying vaccinated then no need for quarantine - but as already mentioned all about the money! 


And then remind them about the 20-something guy in Colorado without any travel history who has just been diagnosed with the new, highly-infectious variant recently identified in the UK (and in Germany last November).

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1 minute ago, starky said:

Correct obesity is not contagious. But eventually, hopefully, covid will die down a bit while those 40k a month still keep getting pole-axed. Or the 70 a day that die on the roads here no one seems to give a rats about them. Now what's the actual death rate for covid only deaths in the population below 65 years with no other contributing factors ????????????

younger ones also die on it (happened in Europe as in USA....) , but very low numbers with the first virus strain , now with more contagious it could reach more and quicker the " the before not in virus catch range ones "

 Only future time can enlighten us ... as said it is a new terrain virus 

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12 minutes ago, Virt said:


It's also the standard Thai. 

Gf's work college who is Thai just returned from Thailand after a brief vacation, and there were no quarantine period when she arrived from Denmark, so it seems like they are not putting everyone in quarantine and still possible to do your vacation if your Thai. 

Could see that yeah

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14 hours ago, rak sa_ngop said:

So where have you read that vaccinations are 100 % effective?


Enlighten us please.


14 hours ago, rak sa_ngop said:

So where have you read that vaccinations are 100 % effective?


Enlighten us please.

AND, stop it....  this is the problem these days.. The TELLYMAN says its a go and you beleive......  dig deeper.. Faranistan drug approvals.. ha ha, mainly organised mafia to make money.....

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16 hours ago, ukrules said:

They're idiots, vaccination is the only way out of this mess


For the last billion years of so, creatures have defeated infectious disease with immune systems. If vaccines were the 'only way out' of infectious disease, life would never have progressed beyound microbial single cells.
The results are in, and have been available for months, covid has less than a 0.01% mortality rate for healthy humans, including children. Let the common cold spread, just as it has done for millions of years among humans, and stop giving it new scary names ( SARS, covid 19, covid 21, corona ) = common cold. 

Edited by djuiiy
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2 minutes ago, djuiiy said:


For the last billion years of so, creatures have defeated infectious disease with immune systems. If vaccines were the 'only way out' of infectious disease, life would never have progressed beyound microbial single cells.
The results are in, and have been available for months, covid has less than a 0.01% mortality rate for healthy humans, including children. Let the common cold spread, just as it has done for millions of years among humans, and stop giving it new scary names ( SARS, covid 19, covid 21, corona ) = common cold. 


2 minutes ago, djuiiy said:


For the last billion years of so, creatures have defeated infectious disease with immune systems. If vaccines were the 'only way out' of infectious disease, life would never have progressed beyound microbial single cells.
The results are in, and have been available for months, covid has less than a 0.01% mortality rate for healthy humans, including children. Let the common cold spread, just as it has done for millions of years among humans, and stop giving it new scary names ( SARS, covid 19, covid 21, corona ) = common cold. 

It is a very interesting topic indeed... and opens up a whole huge debate...

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