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Why did you come to Thailand in the first place?


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True story. I was working in finance but the partnership was starting to break down I was losing interest fast with the 27 reps we had at the time causing nightmares with new legislation and decided to call it a day.....(note I had previously pullled out of going to the USA literally in the check in queue at Gatwick with the partner and another guy with cold feet last minute)


Few months later we decide to draw straws with me promising to honour the result of a new destination on pain of death lol.....in that hat was Joberg, Bangkok and Rio


Bangkok came out of the hat and one of the guys had been there in Patpong two years earlier. Tales of insanity ensued in advance of trip but nothing remotely prepared me for Pattaya and Bangkok that first trip. I flew home on the 17th November that year and was back pre Christmas and life had changed forever

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52 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

despise the government


53 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

politics here are absolutely regressive. The army is horrendous.


unless you are a politician I am not sure why you care about politics so much. 

You can not change a thing, you can not vote, why let it get to you. 

If you don’t give a stuff, it doesn’t matter. 

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Thailand was (and still is) conveniently located between Australia and England, along with a few other countries. 

I bumped into Thailand for a couple of months in the early eighties, and decided to return decades later.

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I love being asked this question when I meet someone in Thailand... 


Depending on my mood and the audience I’ll reply “For the hot B!t<#£$” and watch their expression.


The reality... I was brought over to Thailand fresh out of Uni and based in Thailand for regional work. Plenty of hot girls in the UK at that age, Thailand was no different on that front, just more interesting on the lifestyle and travel front - Life was fun, work was good, made many friends here, lived in Singapore and back in the UK for a short period returning back to Bangkok to base myself for regional work.


There is a temptation to move back to the UK now, but the Tax remains a big hit and the Int’l schools here (for my Son) are fantastic and better than the regular Schools in the UK - thus moving back to the UK would involve a huge tax hit and continued private school fees - the economics are actually fairly close even with the tax hit, the lifestyle is varied, the UK offers a lot, but so does Thailand - its a difficult choice.




Edited by richard_smith237
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I finished college and joined the U.S. Peace Corps in 1977.  Got language training and worked with the Land Development Dept in Loei, '77-79. Hung out with farmers.  Got married and then spent a year helping with the U.S. refugee resettlement program.  We went back to the U.S. mid-1980, raised two kids and have only visited occasionally since. We do own a nice house that the relatives maintain for us.  It would be nice to get back for a couple months every year.

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So you arrived at Don Muang without a hotel booking & back packed your way around enjoying the sights, smells, food, ladies more than likely on a wing & a preyer. So did I in 1968 but I do not blame the Government for not encouraging this kind of tourism as there is nothing in it for the country. 

By the way, I also got a free haircut in Singapore before being allowed through Immigration (just 3 years , i think) into self rule

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MrsJ and myself decided that we did not want to grow old in the UK. So retired here when she was 53 and I was 62. Here you can golf all the year around ... suppose you can almost do that in the UK but for several months it's 'king cold on them there fairways!!


Going away and staying in hotels is way cheaper than back home. Different choice of food, but it's ok. Access to hospitals is better. etc etc etc


Would much rather be here than in the UK now. Also have never been back since we left.



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I first landed in Thailand, and I recall it vividly, at 0608 hours on April 1, 1971. Welcome to U-Tapao AB! I was 3 months shy of my 19th birthday. I spent a year here before moving on to my next assignment in Vietnam. I departed Southeast Asia in March 1973. I was not to return here until 2001...ironically, 30 years to the day that I arrived in 1971. In 2001 I came for a vacation on a limited budget after suffering a mild heart attack the previous August.


I was to return a year later with some friends and stayed about 3 weeks. I decided then as long as wallet and health allowed, "I'd keep coming back. In 2003 I returned for a reunion of military folks who were based at U-Tapao in the day. I missed all of 2004 due to health concerns (Damned Agent Orange). I was over again in April and again in October 2005 with a second reunion that I organized and pretty much never went back home to the US.


Fast forward to this previous year, Due to Covid I've been stuck in the US about 5 months longer than had been planned. Seems the list of requirements to get back in are becoming more expensive and let alone time consuming. It's a good thing I still own a house in the US to live in. Currently, it's 25F outside (about -4C). I'm handling it well but my wife, not so much.

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I was assigned here by the U.S. Army in 1971. Under the Roles and Missions of the military, the U.S. Army operates all transport except air. That's trucks, railroads, and seaports. Also, during the Vietnam War the U.S. had support services (payroll, administration and such) for forces in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. We built a deep water port at Sattahip. Later, in Germany, one of my bosses was the Captain who was the last commanding officer at Sattahip (while he was still a First Lieutenant).

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In 2005, I had saved/fiddled 7 weeks holiday entitlement for an intensive/busy touring holiday in Australia.


I had every day planned months in advance for every day, all the 6 weeks I was to be there. 


Planning the return, I realised I would need to chill/rest after a hectic trip.  I would be going back to a British winter and work.  Tired and depressed that it was over. I would need a holiday to get over the holiday.


So I asked the specialist Oz travel (on internet) agent to suggest/book a beach side hotel in a quiet place anywhere in Thailand .. for 5 nights relaxation after my hectic touring. Left it to her.


I had never heard of Pattaya or did I have a clue what it was famous for.  


That agent changed my life. After 15 holidays here, 2 times a year ... I retired here in 2012.


Loved every second of every day. 

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49 minutes ago, Jack Hna said:

Arrived 4th Feb 1962 with a one way ticket, young dumb and full of cum. 


They call me stecher von London,locally, here.


Cos I been sticking it to any young piece of fine thai ass for over 50 years.

any number you can throw my way? ???? 

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Australia was dragging its feet issuing me a visa to visit for a year because I had a criminal record

Was P'ng and Moaning to a buddy who had been coming here for 25 years, married and adopted children here and returned with them to Canada

He said F Aus and come here

Never looked back


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On 1/9/2021 at 10:23 PM, Pilotman said:

around me in the EEC the infrastructure is fantastic and being improved each year.  Internet is fast and cheap and I don't seem to lose electricity much at all. I can buy all the western  foods I need at a good Big C.  Much better quality of life that the UK. 

The air pollution is improving every year as well; for the worst!

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On 1/10/2021 at 1:00 PM, spidermike007 said:

I suppose if I had unlimited finances, I would probably leave. I despise the government and immigration here, and it does feel like the nation is moving backwards. But, considering the fact that I do not have a fortune, I will stay. There are many issues to consider. Going back to the US is not an option. I would not want to live there now, unless I was being paid over a million dollars a year, and then I would only do it for 3 years, and then leave. For me, it is about quality of life, and my level of fulfillment on a daily basis, which I seem to have here in abundance. A big factor here, is the relatively light hearted attitude of the people. You just do not find that in the US, where most seem bitter, disenchanted, unfulfilled, and heavy hearted. 
This is an entirely subjective topic, of course. But some of us live very good lives here. Some of us have been fortunate enough to find an outstanding woman. For me, that likelihood of finding that back in the US, would be very low. Unless I settled for an old lady. No thanks. So, that is a big factor for me. The second factor is just the quality of life. Sure, I miss alot of the culture back home. The theatre, independent film (which I can download here with no issues at all, and a super fast 550 mbps fiber optic connection, at under 800 baht per month!), stand up comedy, variety of food, live jazz, etc. But I have a lovely home that I rent, for about 10% of what I would pay in California, I live very well on an income which is not huge, have access to great health care, at a tiny fraction of what it costs in the US, and do not have to put up with alot of the aggravation and joylessness, that I had to when I lived back there.
Thailand is still reasonable. It used to be cheap. Has not been cheap for a long time. But, it is still reasonable. I know people who pay 10,000 baht a month for newer 3 bedroom houses in nice towns here. In major cities in the US? $2000-3800 a month. America is so overpriced. That is 120,000 baht a month for rent! And who can afford to own, at this time?


Nearly every friend I have in the US is single. Why? Because for a man in the US, who is past the age of 50, unless he is willing to get with a woman at least his age, his prospects are dim for finding love, or companionship. Some guys like me, simply prefer younger women. Not kids, but women who are 5, 10, 15, even 20 or 25 years younger than us. For a dozen very valid reasons. I could break them down, but why bother? The PC crew will jump on this and say it is not right. You should not be able to have this kind of life, without jumping over ridiculous hurdles! Means nothing to me. I do not do PC. Why be with a woman our age, if we do not need to? Nothing wrong with it, if it works for you. But It is virtually impossible for a 60 year old man in the US, to hook up with a woman in her 30's, much less early 40's, unless she is very fat or very ugly, or he is a centi millionaire, or is famous. Period. It just does not happen in this day and age.

Here it is possible. Granted he will likely get with a woman of lesser means, who needs a guy who can provide some financial stability. So what? Who cares? Most women want financial stability anywhere in the world, whether they admit it or not. The difference is here the women are more honest about their financial needs and desires. I know a lot of men who have engaged in relationships with lovely, kind, supportive, humorous, and sexy women here, who are no longer lonely. We have very good lives. Fulfilling lives. Lives we could never dream of having back in the US, Oz, NZ, UK, Canada, or Scandinavia.

My wife is joyful, playful, smart, funny, affectionate, incredibly supportive, and light hearted. She is emotionally consistent, and is the same lovely woman from one day to the next. She has a smile on her face when she wakes up in the morning. Never experienced that in the states. Some Thais manifest that unbearable lightness of being, that is so delightful to be around. I cannot really get enough of that spirit, and feel so blessed to be around that, and to have found such a well adjusted and delightful creature.


Sure, Thailand has changed. My first trip here was in 1976! It was so much different than now. The politics here are absolutely regressive. The army is horrendous. Will that ever improve? I think so. I think the youth will eventually oust them, as they are virtually useless to Thai society, with the exception of protecting the elite, those in power and the super wealthy. But alot of things here have improved since then. The infrastructure here is quite good. Sure they could use a high speed rail. That would be amazing. Hopefully it will happen. The whole world is different now. The whole planet is being affected by a greatly expanding population, inflation, environmental issues, politics, Covid, and congestion. So, we are going to experience some of that no matter where we are. All I know, is that every day I wake up, I am very glad to be here, very glad to be with the woman I am with, and thankful for my life. Would I feel the same way in the US? I seriously doubt it. Most of my friends back in the US, say they would trade positions with me, in a heartbeat, if they could. I believe them. And I feel for them. There is one circumstance under which I would move back to the US. If a sponsor of some sort offered me a million dollars a year. I would do it for three years, then leave again! The quality of life where I came from is a pale shadow of what it used to be. No thanks.

There is one more consideration. No matter where we go, we still have to contend with ourselves, our attitude, our issues and our minds. So, some will always be seeking greener pastures. Nothing wrong with that. But, it does not insure fulfillment.

Great story. Not that its going to happen but why go back to USA for 3 years for 3 mill. sounds like a waste of 3 years considering the great life you have in Thailand. As they say money does not buy happiness. But I suppose it helps along the way. ????

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