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Do you live in a dangerous area or ever had your house robbed


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There are opportunists everywhere, if they see easy pickings they'll take them. Personally, I've been lucky over the last 17 years in Pattaya, sometimes drunk as a skunk late at night staggering around some seedy back-streets, but never had a problem. I probably don't look like I've got enough money to be worth the bother, and after a night tipping and buying ladyrinks in the Gogo's that's probably true, lol.

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7 hours ago, robblok said:

Never have been burglarized in Thailand nor in the Netherlands. Have lived in a gated community in Bang Yai for a long time 14 years. Now living in Thong lor with an almost private security guard (guards my home and the neighbors). So unlikely i will get burglarized.


As for the Muslim angle bit strange its people who are poor and lazy that will commit crimes like that. Maybe those on drugs. Guess what poverty does not make a difference between Muslims and Buddhists.


In my country your more likely to be victimized by a Muslim immigrant then a white guy but that is poverty and class related. Not religion related.

A lot of people have been burgled with private security guards , they know all your movements 

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With regards to danger in the manner of ‘personal safety’ and that of my family, I have no real concerns regarding break-ins etc..


The safety concerns I have in Thailand are more related to every day safety, i.e .idiots on roads, trying to cross a road, the cement truck with brake failure, the container truck cornering with an unsecured load, walking down the pavement in front of 7-11 past the soi dogs, boiling vat of oil with bare electrical cables hanging down etc, the wet market with an extension cable and plug sat in a pool of water... etc etc... the list in endless here... 


But that perhaps misses the point of the thread...  Other dangers are the potential for confrontational crime.

I see Thai crimes being somewhat opportunistic or passionate (anger). 

The opportunistic crimes are those lifting a handbag through an open car window etc..  

The passionate crimes are not really a concern, if we don’t upset people they won’t respond. 


Living with security on the gate means there is far less chance of a break-in, which would be extremely difficult. 


The potential for confrontational crime is always there, but it very rarely happens and is easily avoided by taking taxi’s at night rather than walking aimlessly drunk down an empty dark soi. 


That said, as people get more and more desperate the potential for random confrontational crime increases. 


I know of 3 handbag snatches in the last 10 years or so...  thats somewhat opportunist.


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We were house hunting recently....We looked at some very nice homes in some small villages with some friendly, enticing smiles among those just hanging around on mats daily....The trouble was, the houses were many times the nicest in the area - many times standing alone.....

We can travel from 3-6 months out of the country & I knew coming back we'd find the place ransacked....We like to sing karaoke once in awhile and just the sound system would be an initial draw....No amount of brown envelopes would make it any safer....Been through similar once before....


We settled into a small Moo Baan where the neighbors are all friendly, long term, and watch out for one another.....

It's quiet and safe....Not on a grand scale but a very comfortable 3x2 with large rooms....

And it seems very safe, based on all info...

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Been living in bkk 0ver 15 years, have seen 2 gun fights... the first was 2 police dodging between cars in a traffic jam shooting at eachother and another was a scene where i had to lay my motocyc down between cars as 2 opposing gangs from kareoke bars were shooting through the traffic at eachother while doing the gangnam style dance,

Never been robbed but had attempts by lady boys, oh just remembered i had multiple attemtps  of robbery at the side of the road by police in earlier years.

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12 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

Does anyone live in a " dangerous" area of Thailand or Cambodia even ?

I remember reading a few years ago on here of a farang who lived I think up near the Burma border and had a rubber plantation...who had to arm himself every time he went out .



I think it's safer to live in say Pattaya than many issaan village am I wrong ?


Are U confident in walking around your home area at night ?


Obviously there's " rough " or low class areas of all worldwide cities ...so do any of you live in these types of areas ?


As for house robberies / burglary it always seems to be farangs in country Thailand complaining rather than say Bangkok or Pattaya .


How safe is it to be living in a remote area of Thailand ...say a farmhouse ?

Do U need guard dogs ?

If you live on a remote area have U ever had anyone approach the house at night ?



 In all of Thailand ,I fear the soi dogs more than anything else ! This Issan statement ,Your wrong ! Just look at the police presence riding around in their vehicles in Pattaya! 

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22 minutes ago, roo860 said:

My wife had bbq chicken wings stolen from m bike basket, she called the police but they didn't visit the crime scene. 

They had bbq smudges on their uniforms ?

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I rented a detached house on quite a busy road but within only 1 km of the town of Lamphun. I was burgled twice. First time they took my PC, laptop, accessories, camera and a collection of watches. The burglars I know, must have waited for me to leave in my car while I went shopping - gone only one hour. They cut through the bars in the bathroom window that was only 18 inches square.

After that I locked everything in one room and locked it securely every time I left the house. In there I had a new laptop and some other valuables. I arrive home, again after going shopping to discover they broke the back door down and the same with the inside door, this time they leave with some of my nice shirts and my laptop that I hadn't even finished paying for! That was after only six months of the first time.

I have never given any impression of being wealthy - basically because I am not. But "I am a Westerner and I am bound to have some valuables"


On both occasions the police were called and after some photo shoots and lots of pointing it was left in their capable hands to arrest the villains and recover the loot. Unfortunately, the latter part of  this sentence is more my wishful thinking then any obvious action or satisfactory conclusion for me.


In all my life in England in many places all over, I was never burgled and I haven't been burgled anywhere else here.


I just think I was unlucky. Not an "area" to be thought of as dangerous, and nothing especially tempting for anyone to believe in easy pickings.


My landlord even gave me a gun with ammo but I gave it back to him after a couple of weeks - I know I wouldn't have used it!

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Over 15 years in Hat Yai and never had a problem. My house in the UK likewise, even though it's unoccupied 80% of the year. I've lived in many countries but have only ever been burgled once, that was in South Africa forty years ago, and I was robbed in Accra, Ghana, sitting at the traffic lights a hand came through the window and snatched the sunglasses off my face.

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13 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

Does anyone live in a " dangerous" area of Thailand or Cambodia even ?

I remember reading a few years ago on here of a farang who lived I think up near the Burma border and had a rubber plantation...who had to arm himself every time he went out .



I think it's safer to live in say Pattaya than many issaan village am I wrong ?


Are U confident in walking around your home area at night ?


Obviously there's " rough " or low class areas of all worldwide cities ...so do any of you live in these types of areas ?


As for house robberies / burglary it always seems to be farangs in country Thailand complaining rather than say Bangkok or Pattaya .


How safe is it to be living in a remote area of Thailand ...say a farmhouse ?

Do U need guard dogs ?

If you live on a remote area have U ever had anyone approach the house at night ?



I had a Thai gf who lived in Sapsamboon (sp?) about 25 clicks south of Sa Kaeo and close to the Cambodian border. She forbade me to go outside at night by myself stating Cambodians might murder me. Maybe she just didn't trust me out by myself, but I wasn't gonna take any chances!

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14 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

who had to arm himself every time he went out .


That should give him a leg up....


In the village we have a gated compound though we never lock the gate... there are 4 houses and 20 people so there is always someone around...

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