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Thailand aims for wider tourism reopening from October


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13 hours ago, sirineou said:

First of all, I don't believe anything they say. Even when it is official, and you do everything they require, they can just retroactively change it. They are a bunch of clowns. 

    They announced 7-day quarantine for vaccinated people, and you could use the hotel facilities after the third day if tested negative,. So we said Ok, we can live with that. We jumped trough all the hoops , provided all the nessacery documents, Purchased an ASQ, and plane ticket  , got our CEO and packed our bags. Two days before departure, the announced," Ohh . we changed our minds, if you cant make it in by the 6th , now you have to do 14 days quarantine, and you cant leave your room" <deleted>!!!  Lucky for us we had the recourses to , in two days, change our travel plans get a new COE,  and come in before the 6th. But how about all the people who could not? 

Now they say October 1st no quarantine." Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me" 

I agree. I was think the same way when I read this info. They are not reliable at all !

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13 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

If they say from October all you need is your UK vaccination card and nothing else I'll be back to the wife and daughter asap. I just fear whatever hoops they get rid of, they'll add a dozen more more awkward ones

They will change the rules at the last minute 5555

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Money,money ,money. This country has become obscene with its fixation on tourists money.

Until they can start a serious vaccination policy.( Which is not not going to happen anytime soon until the top man and  his corrupt minions have taken their cut) No one will want to come here. And I hope people boycott the place. With the new tourist tax and the way foreigners are being treated.

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4 minutes ago, Neal182 said:

Australians can't even get in to Australia, never mind anyone else.

Yes, they're on the greenlist though. Doesn't mean you can actually get in just that you're allowed by law to go.


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16 hours ago, sirineou said:

First of all, I don't believe anything they say. Even when it is official, and you do everything they require, they can just retroactively change it. They are a bunch of clowns. 

    They announced 7-day quarantine for vaccinated people, and you could use the hotel facilities after the third day if tested negative,. So we said Ok, we can live with that. We jumped trough all the hoops , provided all the nessacery documents, Purchased an ASQ, and plane ticket  , got our CEO and packed our bags. Two days before departure, the announced," Ohh . we changed our minds, if you cant make it in by the 6th , now you have to do 14 days quarantine, and you cant leave your room" <deleted>!!!  Lucky for us we had the recourses to , in two days, change our travel plans get a new COE,  and come in before the 6th. But how about all the people who could not? 

Now they say October 1st no quarantine." Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me" 

Exactly what happen to me I arrive May 6 have to do to 14 days after I was told only seven days three in the room 4 in hotel. Not happy.  Don’t trust what they say 

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2 hours ago, Neal182 said:

Australians can't even get in to Australia, never mind anyone else.


And those who can... catch Covid in quarantine... Fully vaccinated.


Too bad. ????




So long... "vaccine passeport"... And other schemes to "get back the tourists".


"Zero Covid" is a demanding cult...

Edited by cclub75
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17 minutes ago, cclub75 said:


And those who can... catch Covid in quarantine... Fully vaccinated.


Too bad. ????




So long... "vaccine passeport"... And other schemes to "get back the tourists".


"Zero Covid" is a demanding cult...

 six out of how many thousands vaccinated people? what percentage does that represent. The US CDC says that .01% of vaccinated people will acquire the virus and on that .01% most will be asymptomatic with a low viral load, and chance of passing it on. 

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The Maldives did this too.

You should see how out of control it is there.  They've been added to the growing red list.

Thailand will change their minds sooner rather than later.  This government is a real embarrassment with the consistent false and misleading statements.  Just look at the top stories here - they all contradict each other.

Just embarrassing.

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18 hours ago, ukrules said:

So what,  this is the list of places people from the UK are allowed to travel to :


  • Portugal
  • Israel
  • Singapore
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Brunei
  • Iceland
  • Gibraltar
  • Falkland Islands
  • Faroe Islands
  • South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
  • St Helena, Tristan de Cunha, Ascension Island


Source : https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-57026936


If it's not on this list then you are not going there.


If they don't let them in then they will either go elsewhere or stay home. Not a big deal.


It is very notable that Spain is not on this list.


I think they can go to Greece too, as I will as a french citizen : https://travel.gov.gr/#/

Edited by daejung
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20 hours ago, ukrules said:

Mark my words, this is simply not going to happen but even if they do attempt it in one way or another then we have what they're now calling 'green lists'.


The UK released its first green list today, it's short and only contains a handful of countries.


Portugal and Israel are the notable destinations.

If they get there hand out there ass’s and get folk jabbed then it will work ☝????

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18 hours ago, JayClay said:


I'm willing to bet that, unlike a lot of members of the TV posse, the majority of Thais have probably long since forgotten the remarks to which you refer...

Are they still calling it the UK Variant?  To the uneducated ear that is a problem.....

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11 hours ago, jaiyen said:

I am getting fed up saying this, but there are no planes so there will be no tourists ! Simple

"No planes" from where Antarctica? Maybe people are fed up of false narratives?

Anyone can travel to  Thailand from Europe, North America,  Asia, Middle East, simple. 

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11 hours ago, Rocking Robert said:

Compared to the UK yes minor 

Not really Minior, it is relative as they say!  When you look at how Thailand managed the virus from the beginning the numbers were low whether to believed or not is for another story. 


The measure Thailand put in place lock down, particularly not allowing flights into the country, lack of freedom the people have compared to true democracy countries it was much easier to contain.


The current outbreak is well documented for anyone who can add 2+2 together we can increase the conversation and say compare it to India and so on but the truth of the matter December 2020 it was a bit over 5,000 today it is over 70,000 five months very short time to get those totals.????

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22 hours ago, thailand49 said:

What adjective would be appropriate?  I tell you what is appropriated is what does Thailand has anything to do with the U.K. in this topic!  Sure it is the Virus but it is all RELATIVE and the rate of Thailand since December of the spread regardless of the population has zero relevance ZERO! 


When a thread comes up comparing Thailand and UK, I'll let you know!????

Would that be a MINOR deflection.

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Thailand should think about an alternative development model.
In the future, it will no longer be possible to live on subordination to mass tourism.
The world is moving towards another kind of society, with less anthropogenic activity.

Getting our butt on a plane will likely be a privilege for a few.

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