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Thailand reports 4,528 COVID-19 cases, 24 deaths

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1 hour ago, FarFlungFalang said:

With masks being so effective makes me wonder if anyone is wearing them or are they not so effective against airborne infection?

I  expect there are many situations inside the plants and factories where masks get removed and precautions lapse. The canteen for example....

Masks are a component of a required regimen.... which perhaps needs an update wrt the new variants.

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As the #COVID19 pandemic continues around the world, and because it’s not always easy for foreigners to return home, the Immigration department has extended the deadline to apply for a temporary 60-day extension of stay until 29 July. They can now stay until end of September.








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16 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Any info on how their close contact tracing is going as it doesn't seem to get mentioned anymore?In Oz the tell the close contacts to self isolated until they get their results, are they testing all the close contacts?

I’m guessing, but I suspect the scale of cases now been found in some of these large clusters means that contract tracing is taking a back seat to just sealing off the workers themselves in a compound. Mostly migrant workers don’t bring their kids and if they bring their wife, she’s working on the site too. Other contacts might not be in focus.


different for the non migrant worker cases I hope 

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14 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

You can put clothes on a mannequin but we all know it's still a mannequin.

As I've said before I hope the truth comes out i.e. conspiracy theory becomes truth i.e lab leak or even virulogical weapon. Maybe we will never know anything about this if the CCP get's it's way. I'm glad it's being looked at again and what's really needed is a whistle blower in China. Of course this will mean you and your entire family will disappear.

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3 hours ago, dinsdale said:

and now have 2 new variants the Thai variant and now found in Vietnam a mix of UK and Indian. This is described as airborne and highly infectious. No real reason to rule this mutation out here. How will the vaccs cope.

The new Variant that has been found in Vietnam is not a Mutation as such, but is a Hybrid of Two of the Mutations which have been discovered so far.

These Two Mutations are the UK ( Kent ) Variant, and the Indian Variant..

It is said to be an Airborne Variant and highly contagious.

Only yesterday Cambodia eased Border restrictions with Vietnam, so Thailand has to be extremely vigilant.

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The latest COVID new case trends chart from the Ministry of Public Health shows new cases reported Sunday from Thailand's 71 outlying provinces almost equaling those from Bangkok and its five adjoining provinces -- a rare occurrence during the course of Thailand's pandemic.


In the chart below, Bangkok and its five adjoining provinces are shown by the blue line, while Thailand's remaining 71 provinces are shown by the green line. The red line above shows total domestic cases for Thailand not including prison cases. For Sunday, Bangkok region new cases totaled 1,311, while the remaining provinces together had 1,288 cases in total.


As the chart shows, throughout the course of the pandemic, Bangkok and its adjoining provinces generally have accounted for a substantial majority of the country's COVID cases.


The change Sunday was driven by a huge spike of 754 new cases in Phetchaburi province, where a factory has become a major outbreak cluster, a number that tied Bangkok's case count for the day, as well as increased case counts in outlying provinces such as Chonburi (90), Narathiwat (65), and Chachoengsao (62).








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4528 tested positive? oh please what a load of baloney, ZERO cases in Thailand's second biggest city Chiang Mai. talk about a fabrication of numbers.


So let me get this right, Thailand suddenly gives a damn about prisoners, what have they suddenly become Denmark? They've found a way to fudge Thailand's daily  numbers by going to prisons and im sure are fabricating those inmate covid numbers anyway.


This is all an exercise of FEAR and just finding out that CP Foods who basically Thailand's biggest company and the owner is among the richest in Thailand has a 25% share in the only vaccine approved in Thailand, it's all making sense now.

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4 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

The prison cases, if truly daily numbers, means not only is the problem big inside the prisons but also the surrounding areas from workers and suppliers of goods.  I would hope the folks who worked in the prisons are getting tested as well as their families and that they are also being isolated from others.

thais only care WHO PAYS.. the whole country goin to die....

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4 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


With one dose.


1,088,222 fully vaccinated.


60,466 received a second dose (presumably over some 24 hour epriod encompassing Friday, or Saturday)



Only 1,088,222 have been Vaccinated fully.

The remaining number who have only one jab are not yet fully vaccinated, and if they have been administered Sinovac, then their immunity is only 3 % until the second jab.




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5 minutes ago, Kunjay said:

has a 25% share in the only vaccine approved in Thailand, it's all making sense now.

There are many vaccines approved in Thailand..... thou doth talk rot!

Sinopharm joins Sinovac, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna to be officially approved for use in Thailand.


Thai Tiger

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1 minute ago, Cake Monster said:

Only 1,088,222 have been Vaccinated fully.

The remaining number who have only one jab are not yet fully vaccinated, and if they have been administered Sinovac, then their immunity is only 3 % until the second jab.




It’s frustrating that so few have been vaccinated so far. But to be fair, the government has always made it clear that mass vaccinations would start in June.


of course, there was a risk in delaying vaccinations until June and although it seemed the government might get away with it, unfortunately the 3rd wave has caught them out.


whilst frustrating that mass vaccinations are starting late, what worries me is that the planned rollout is so lacking in overall objectives, consistency, co ordination and detail. Being late to the vaccination party should mean that plans had plenty of time to be worked out. Instead some of the stated objectives are clearly impractical pipe dreams.


I fear things will get more muddled before they get clearer, but hope not.

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has clarified that Thailand has entered into an agreement on exchange of vaccines, which was different from joining the Covax Facility


Ministry spokesman Thanee Saengrat issued the clarification in response to a news report that Thailand had changed its attitude on joining the Covax Facility. The report said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in April, had directed the Permanent Representative of Thailand to the United Nations in Geneva to approach the Covax Facility run by the World Health Organization (WHO) for a vaccine swap arrangement.


The vaccine swap arrangement is an agreement between two parties when one country wishes to obtain vaccines from another that has surplus vaccine and return it later when there is enough vaccine in the country, the spokesman said.


The exchange arrangement is a practice that many countries have, such as between South Korea and the United States, the spokesman said.




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1 minute ago, jacko45k said:

There are many vaccines approved in Thailand..... thou doth talk rot!

Sinopharm joins Sinovac, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna to be officially approved for use in Thailand.


Thai Tiger

True. Not a lot of moderna and J and J on the shop shelves at the moment though......

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2 minutes ago, anchadian said:

The vaccine swap arrangement is an agreement between two parties when one country wishes to obtain vaccines from another that has surplus vaccine and return it later when there is enough vaccine in the country, the spokesman said.

Thailand is now so desperate for any Vaccines, they are trying to obtain Doses on the knock from other Countries.

How sad for such a rich Country.

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4 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

Meanwhile on Saturday, health officials said that 3.5 million people in Thailand have now been vaccinated against COVID-19.

Half of those with only one jab...

Appalling statistic, certainly not something to brag about considering the infection rate now.

Back along 50-60 infections, it's all under control

100-200 it's all under control

400-500 it's all under control

1,000-2,000 it's all under control

now over 4,000 so what is it now?


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4 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

So it seems a lockdown is just not going to happen no matter how high the figures go. Instead the plan appears to be ride this outbreak out because the vaccines will create heard immunity.


Which is great but there are simply not enough vaccines currently and those that are being dished out are in a chaotic fashion with no rime or reason constantly changing which groups get them and leaving out the main priority of the elderly and vulnerable. 

Prayuts strategy... doomed to failure but he'll put a spin on it and come up smelling of roses.

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4 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

Thailand is now so desperate for any Vaccines, they are trying to obtain Doses on the knock from other Countries.

How sad for such a rich Country.

An admission of failure?

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3 hours ago, Blumpie said:

Most of us only have one jab, 63 percent as of today.  It's opening.  Cases are plummeting.  Literally falling off the cliff.

Phuket won't open.  Even if it does what on earth is it going to be?  Lameoid that's what.  

One jab is like doing half the job. Your not fully vaccinated until 14 days after the second jab

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I was in a clinic today and rook a fast-track covidtest because i have plan to fly back home after midnigth.The clinic was stucked with people leaving the country.The last 2 weeks im almost not outside,just a short walk to 7/11 and straigth back home again.Staying in bangkok these days is like a prison.

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2 minutes ago, stigar said:

I was in a clinic today and rook a fast-track covidtest because i have plan to fly back home after midnigth.The clinic was stucked with people leaving the country.The last 2 weeks im almost not outside,just a short walk to 7/11 and straigth back home again.Staying in bangkok these days is like a prison.

Good luck and stay safe

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MoPH chart showing the past week (May 24-30) of daily new COVID case reports for, as listed in order on the chart:


--All domestic cases in Thailand, with Sunday's 4,501 tally the second highest of the week.


--Bangkok province cases, with Sunday's 754 tally the lowest case count of the week.


--and cases from Thailand prison's, where Sunday's 1,902 case count was the second highest of the week.











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4 hours ago, Blumpie said:

Oh my goodness of course they won't be vaccinated by the end of this year.

They haven't even figured out how to get people to actually do it.  Imagine, 1200000 shots being administered by... who?!?!

you're right , It can not be done 

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One dose of Sinovac is very ineffective it was rated as only 4% effective in Chile hence their ongoing problems. With the government saying "x" amount are vaccinated this is very misleading. It only becomes effective 2 weeks after the second dose. Then only around 50% though it is believed to stop serious complications after the second dose.

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5 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

The prison cases, if truly daily numbers, means not only is the problem big inside the prisons but also the surrounding areas from workers and suppliers of goods.  I would hope the folks who worked in the prisons are getting tested as well as their families and that they are also being isolated from others.

And vaccinated 

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46 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Half of those with only one jab...

Appalling statistic, certainly not something to brag about considering the infection rate now.

Back along 50-60 infections, it's all under control

100-200 it's all under control

400-500 it's all under control

1,000-2,000 it's all under control

now over 4,000 so what is it now?


All under control

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