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US expats plead for vaccine help in viral Thailand


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15 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:



Has the U.S. government actually asked Thailand for such a thing?  I think not.


Has the U.S. government donated to Thailand the vaccines that would be used for such a program. I think not.


Is there any reason Thailand would deny a request from the U.S. government for something it's already granted permission to China for? I think not.



The U.S. does seem to have done some sort of deal with South Korea.  The US has almost doubled its earlier pledge to 1m.   According to this article "the 1 million doses would be used in June, including on some people on overseas business or diplomatic missions"    https://www.metro.us/south-korea-says-1/


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Maybe it would help if the US actually posted an ambassador to Thailand. You know, sort of like the Chinese do. Instead, of late, it always seems to be  temporary functionaries in charge.

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Another example of "misery loves company".


On 6/1/2021 at 9:11 AM, kingstonkid said:


 I fully agree that there are more Americans that are GREAT EXPATS ADN tourist but it is things like this that make people think of the entitled spoiled brat Americans of past.  


The fact that people come here to get away from their country for whatever reason and then expect their country to provide them as if they are in their country be they Brit American or even Canadian is ridiculous.  


The obligations of the United States to its citizens abroad are whatever it decides those obligations are. Is the Chinese govt's decision to ensure that its expat citizens are vaccinated also ridiculous?

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21 hours ago, ricardofel said:

All you farangs chose to live in Thailand, for whatever reasons, and now you pay the price for living under an incompetent government that does not give a hoot about you! 

i dont bad mouth any govt.  but they sat thier for long time,  now they want vaccine and want to get out to get it but cant.  to be clear i dont think the uk govt cares about them either.

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15 hours ago, thesetat2013 said:

Just remember.. the American government has quoted saying they will send 100s of thousand of doses to other countries free.. yet they refuse to send one dose to any american not in the USA at this time. A big slap on the face at how China takes care of its people compared to the USA. But in the end.. nothing will be changed to help those americans on Thai soil. 

And just remember those guys sitting in their offices in DC have no choice in most cases but to date and marry American women-they're green with envy and are getting even. I would like to time travel to 19th century America, it would be Americana on acid. But now? Outside a few spots  in CA and the museums and galleries in NYC and DC, it's all a mental wasteland. Some nice people, but really...

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On 5/31/2021 at 12:13 PM, phills2k1 said:

I’ll give you credit.  When most people can’t answer a question because they know it’ll destroy whatever point they were trying to make, they just ignore it completely 


But you actually responded to my post just to ignore it because you had no answer. 


listen to all the whiny expats who waited a year,  sitting around thailand having fun now the things get a bit rough and they want others to help them?  get out your wallet...

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i can tell you as someone that left a year ago and lived thru hell abroad thru this.  whiny expats sitting in thailand for a year .  get no mercy from me.   it was your choice now u live with it.  your embassy dont care about you.  get your money out. if u have any left  and a fix is at hand....get jabbed by the china vaccine. it works!!

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Now the J&J vaccines sent by the US will NOT be going to only Korean soldiers (an arguably valid thing for the US to do as Korea is a treaty ally). Now it is support staff and some civilians including the families of top Korean military...but the US government doesn't bother with US citizens overseas.


From Korean Press:  The Janssen vaccine was approved by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety earlier in April, but it has not been administered in Korea yet. Upon approval, the drug regulator restricted its use on people aged 30 and under due to reports of possible side effects related to blood clotting in younger people. 

Due to this age restriction, the government announced that the doses from the U.S. cannot be offered to most active service members here ― conscripts mainly in their 20s. Instead the vaccines will be offered to military-affiliated personnel, including civilians. 

The decision negates the initial purpose of the vaccine offer. In the press conference after the summit, Biden said, "We'll provide full vaccinations for all 550,000 of those Korean forces engaging with American forces on a regular basis, both for their sake, as well as the sake of the American forces."

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27 minutes ago, placeholder said:

I don't know what unfortunate country you hail from, but the 1st amendment of the United States Consititution guarantees citizens the right to petition their government. Nowhere in that amendment is said petitioning referred to as "whining."

Maybe that's how your country's constitution characterizes it?


What's more, who cares what you went through to get your vaccine? If Americans abroad are fortunate enough to get their government to give them support, why should it be incumbent upon them to go through what you did?


You know you can both petition and be a whiner...  anything you or your child could whine about can be made into a petition, but it does not make it any less whiny.

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9 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

You know you can both petition and be a whiner...  anything you or your child could whine about can be made into a petition, but it does not make it any less whiny.

But it doesn't mean it is whiny either. And the people criticizing Americans are asserting that said petitioning is and of itself whining.

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On 5/31/2021 at 9:16 PM, w94005m said:



We pay taxes from anywhere in the world to the US govt on the pretext they will help us in emergency. An unparalleled situation in the world.


Vaccination was done domestically in the US by risk of death. They were prioritized at the same priority as everyone except for US overseas taxpayers, which contribute enormously the US economy. We are simply asking for equal treatment.


The costs of distribution should be irrelevant bearing in mind the US promises for us with overseas taxes. However, the reality is that the cost of vaccinating US citizens in Thailand is possibly less than the same citizens in the US. They have already sent 4,000 for solely vaccinating Embassy staff. To send maybe 30,000 would probably have the same cost. Especially as it would only be to one location and the cost of staff doing the vaccination in Thailand is vastly less than in the US.


Your notes of benefits to domestic US citizens defies belief. We are talking about overseas US citizens who pay their taxes and get ZERO benefits. The same benefits you get from your government, but you do not have to pay any taxes. Lucky for you.




You make many assumptions none of which is supported by fact.


False Assumption 1: US duty to provide medical care to discretionary travelers.

There is no obligation and no duty to deliver a vaccine to any US citizen who willingly chose to go to Thailand. No one forced you to go to Thailand. You have the option of returning to the USA at any time to obtain vaccine. You and you alone made the decision to stay in Thailand.  Now you expect US taxpayers to subsidize your  medical care in Thailand.  


False Assumption 2: US taxpayers in Thailand contribute enormously the US economy.

What is this  enormous contribution? Do you have a $ value? There were an estimated 30,000 US nationals living in Thailand.  The majority of these people are drawing benefits, either government  employee retiree pension, veterans benefits or social security. This makes them a net drain on the US economy, not  a net contributor.

The income tax they pay is not going to add up to much.  The largest group of US taxpayers are the individuals and companies who pay duties and tariffs on goods exported to USA. 


False Assumption 3: The cost of vaccinating US citizens in Thailand is possibly less than the same citizens in the US.

It is not. It would be many times more expensive because the USA would need to create the infrastructure to deliver the vaccine.  The 30,000 estimated US nationals are spread throughout Thailand. They are not located in one location.

You mistakenly assume that the vaccination of US military  personnel and embassy employees is the equivalent of  a mass distribution. It is not. The US government had a legal and moral obligation to vaccinate employees it ordered  to Thailand. US government did not  order you to Thailand. 

The US government cannot  import vaccines into Thailand for use on non diplomatic or designated military personnel because the vaccine is not approved in Thailand and as has been explained many times, it is unethical and would create a backlash if the USA brought in vaccines for its nationals. A foreign government cannot import  drugs into Thailand, anyore than than they could do in the USA.   

Where would your one location be? Do you think US nationals are all located in Bangkok?  What do you intend to say to US nationals who's non US national partner and kids did not qualify for the vaccine?


You receive many benefits from the US government, the most important is your right to a US passport and consular assistance.  Your arguments are rooted in selfishness and a a delusion of self importance.


The reality you refuse to accept is that you, and you alone made the decision to  stay in Thailand.

You have the option of  going to the USA for a vaccine, but will not do so because you are either too cheap, or can't be bothered. If the vaccine was so important to you, you would have been on a plane to a US airport long ago. I know of American nationals who did that. I also know of UK and EU nationals who went back to UK and EU for safety concern. Some have returned to Thailand.  go to USA if this is such a big deal.  Don't expect the youth of America to subsidize your comfortable life in Thailand.

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16 minutes ago, oslooskar said:

Why are you so damned concerned with Americans and what their expectations of their government are??? After all, I can't see any skin coming off of your nose. ????


For some reason these people are extremely angry about us asking our embassy and government to provide Covid support. You would think everyone would be happy to see more vaccines flow into Thailand, even if they go from another country to its citizens living here. That would free up more vaccines for use in the general Thai and expat population. I know I'm happy to see China do what they did. If I were to be in line for one of these shots, it would mean I wouldn't have 100,000 Chinese trying to get in line in front of me. 


What I think would be timely would be for a group of Americans to approach the Chinese embassy for help, with reporters and photographers in tow. That ought to embarrass the do-nothing US embassy and government.

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On 5/31/2021 at 2:12 PM, bkkcanuck8 said:

The crisis is international, and the epidemiological fallout is international... and if the US were a good citizen (and in this case I don't doubt they are helping out internationally to some extent) they would help ensure support for international vaccination programs to vaccinate in countries less able to cope.... it is in our interest to reduce and/or eliminate the virus as much as possible internationally as if it is at large in the wild it will continue to mutate over time and could be another major issue (probably in several decades timeframe). 

I agree with you totally. Please google PEPVAR. 


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8 hours ago, sqwakvfr said:



I never said that:" you are NOT entitled to Catastrophic assistance from the US government?  "


So Thailand is currently in a Catastrophic State???

Covid is a catastrophe

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2 hours ago, oslooskar said:

Truly Amazing! I was just discussing that very same idea with my son last night at dinner. However, in all fairness I think some of us American expatriates living here in Thailand should first draft a letter to our president and representatives requesting Covid-19 vaccines and then send it to them. In that way they will not be able to say they were not informed of our situation. 

I believe this has already happened....which is the whole point of this thread.


[Democrats Abroad signed an unprecedented joint appeal with its arch-rival Republicans Overseas Thailand, plus the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 12074, and the American Women’s Club of Thailand, addressed to Secretary of State Antony Blinken on May 6.]




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7 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

I believe this has already happened....which is the whole point of this thread.


[Democrats Abroad signed an unprecedented joint appeal with its arch-rival Republicans Overseas Thailand, plus the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 12074, and the American Women’s Club of Thailand, addressed to Secretary of State Antony Blinken on May 6.]




Even if Blinken read it, State will do nothing. They only wait for orders from the White House.

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