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Expats over 60 urged to register for vaccine on Thai govt site


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15 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


You're misunderstanding their process....


The website that they (supposedly, but not actually) opened today for foreign nationals is the same website that they've been using for the past week or so to register Embassy staff and NGO staff for vaccines...


So up until today, anyone visiting that site would just have seen the info relating to Embassy staff, etc.... Then sometime in the past 24 hours, they updated the website to (supposedly) begin to make the same registration process available for foreign nationals.


Thus, that website was never meant or advertised to work for foreign nationals prior to today.... But of course, right now, it isn't working for foreign nationals either!!!



Foreign nationals are being vaccinated in NZ. The registration process is working fine for everyone. 

However it seems that the Govt is having some supply problems but managing. 

Vaccine supply is a problem worldwide, I don't see why Thailand is holding back on the private sector, Russia has offered vaccine all around the world, India has ordered supplies. 

I would gladly pay for this, it would take load off. 

 But I think getting Astra into production has not been easy as they thought, caught with the pants down. 

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Getting a page with a 1970 appointment year means that you have no valid appointment date for any email reply to confirm.  In other words, your registration for a jab wasn't completed.  I don't know what to do in this case.  If there is no answer tomorrow, I will go to the hospital on Wednesday to try to register.


Since Thailand is a racist country, it's not surprising that Thai people are not particularly disturbed about the discrimination regarding vaccinations.  It's no skin off their back.  It is interesting that no media source mentions this discrimination.  I guess that it's not newsworthy.  I think that there will be a backlash from prospective tourists.

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I registered for the vaccination on the Chiang Mai site using my passport number as ID. Everything went smoothly and I received an email that I would be notified of the time and place for my shot. I received a second email asking me to get a 13 digit ID by entering my passport ID. When I entered my passport ID I was informed that there was no such account. I tried to register a second time but was told that I was registered already. Not sure what to do next.

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16 hours ago, White Tiger said:


No.  I have an appointment for my 1st jab on Sunday in Khon Kaen.


Made the appointment in person at the hospital (Sri Nakarind) about 3 or 4 weeks ago & the staff there logged my details into the government system.


They (Srinagarind Hospital KK) are giving you the chinese vaccine correct?

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22 hours ago, Hyna said:


This website hasn't been working for many days, it said "for diplomats only".

Things have changed.  It is not working and says "try after 3pm".


It was open for a brief moment on Monday. I registered approximately 4:30 pm. A couple of minutes later I went back to the site to show my girlfriend and the system gave the being updated message and try again at 5:00 pm. As of now, 7:15 am Tuesday, I have not received any type of registration confirmation. These fools clearly have no idea what they are doing ????

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7 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


I was vaccinated today (in Bangkok) and saw other Westerners present at the hospital (vaccination area).

There was a steady stream of people turning up for their vaccination.


There were a number of hospitals to choose from when registering for an appointment a month ago. 


So... Putting your name down for a vax was not a failure for everyone. 


You will never get a vaccine if you don’t register.




I am delighted that you were vaccinated.


I was refused registration, face to face, at the direction of the man in charge, at the location set up by the provincial hospital in Chiang Rai.


The website very obviously is not working. Were it to work it would only serve to register those in Bangkok and Pattaya.


Reports here seem to indicate that this result is the case for many if not most of us.


It is not unreasonable to arrive at the conclusion that in fact the Thai Government has no intention to vaccinate foreigners despite their claims that they do.



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16 hours ago, clivebaxter said:

why does it have a drop down list of provinces, districts and sub districts then?

That’s a great question.  In Chiang Mai the province has its own registration app.  Seems redundant, but then again…..TIT!

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17 hours ago, rabas said:

I entered no insurance as you.


I had to manually choose the hospital assignment and the vaccine.

Go back and look for that. Can you do that?

Phaythai was one of 3 available that 'had vaccines'.


Edit: the available dates only appeared after 2:20 pm today. 


I was in the system at 4:30 pm and there was no option to select the hospital or vaccine.

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21 hours ago, Skallywag said:

What if you are over 60 but NOT living with these conditions?

  • Severe Chronic Respiratory Diseases (CRDs)
  • Coronary artery disease (CAD)
  • Chronic kidney disease (CKD) (5th stage)
  • Stroke
  • Cancer patients receiving chemotherapy
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity (weight > 100 kg or BMI > 35 kg/m²)

Then you're still considered to be vulnerable, due to age. 

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16 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


What vaccine did you try to select that drew that response?


Choice of 3 hospitals in BKK, 2 of them not possible to choose any date. One you could pick 2 dates and 2 timeslots but got the reply no vaccine available. This was at 3 PM.

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33 minutes ago, petermik said:

Website now saying open at 12 noon.....what day is anyones guess....????

Yes, restricted hours now - 12:00 - 15:00 only.

I wanted to log in to check my status and couldn't even do that!

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Myself and my Thai wife went in person to register at Pattaya International hospital at soi 4 on Sunday morning.

Five minute job, just signing a book with your details, there was a separate book for Thais.

They just told us they have no idea when they will get any vaccines so I will not hold my breath.


I have also heard Pattaya Memorial are also taking registrations. 

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Its only for Farangs who have either left the country, have died already or don't exist.
Anyone else good luck with that.
I went to the government hospital Banglamuang a month ago, they said come back on the 7th so that was yesterday.
They said the Town Hall has not given them permission to administer the vac to Farangs, ONLY THAI PEOPLE. "KHON THAI"

So If you are a farang F-off and die in your little rat hole. (my words, but basically thats the message)
I am 69 years old, I have Chronic Respiratory Diseases over weight and have Hypertension. and they turned me away... <deleted>

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5 minutes ago, JohnHans said:

Its only for Farangs who have either left the country, have died already or don't exist.
Anyone else good luck with that.
I went to the government hospital Banglamuang a month ago, they said come back on the 7th so that was yesterday.
They said the Town Hall has not given them permission to administer the vac to Farangs, ONLY THAI PEOPLE. "KHON THAI"

So If you are a farang F-off and die in your little rat hole. (my words, but basically thats the message)
I am 69 years old, I have Chronic Respiratory Diseases over weight and have Hypertension. and they turned me away... <deleted>


Go to a private hospital, they are registering Farangs. I went to Pattaya International at soi 4 on Sunday and registered.

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8 minutes ago, cauldlad said:


Go to a private hospital, they are registering Farangs. I went to Pattaya International at soi 4 on Sunday and registered.


I went to a Bangkok Hospital facility and they said they werent taking registrations as there was no vaccine supply to administer even though they want to administer it.

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1 hour ago, micmichd said:

Then you're still considered to be vulnerable, due to age. 


Available group: People aged 60 + years old, people living with any underlying diseases following;



I read this is "and", not "or". Guess I'm mistaken.


So the consensus seems to be over 60 YO, or any age, but having one or more of the seven conditions.


Looks like registrations open 12:00 - 15:00


To serve various groups of people for the vaccination appointment, registration for the reservation begins at 12:00 noon and ends at 15:00 each day.


website: http://www.thailandintervac.com/






Edited by mtls2005
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I’ve seen news reports that USA, UK, EU , Australia, NZ,Canada are Not recognising Sinovac or Sputnik as approved vaccines. So…..I’d suggest ensuring you get the Astra Z ,  Pfizer etc ….otherwise you’ll still be quarantined on return to your country.  
Then again…it’s only a label on the bottle , who knows what your getting.  
Keep away from Nepal…..they’re giving people boiled guava leaves to gargle with. 

Edited by Bozo travel
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1 minute ago, zaZa9 said:


I went to a Bangkok Hospital facility and they said they werent taking registrations as there was no vaccine supply to administer even though they want to administer it.

Pattaya International and Pattaya Memorial are both taking Farang registrations.

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5 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


Available group: People aged 60 + years old, people living with any underlying diseases following;



I read this is "and", not "or". Guess I'm mistaken.


So the consensus seems to be over 60 YO, or any age, but having one or more of the seven conditions.


Looks like registrations open 12:00 - 15:00


To serve various groups of people for the vaccination appointment, registration for the reservation begins at 12:00 noon and ends at 15:00 each day.



Yes, an inclusive OR. Either or, or both. 

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22 minutes ago, JohnHans said:

They said the Town Hall has not given them permission to administer the vac to Farangs, ONLY THAI PEOPLE. "KHON THAI"

And there is the problem. Almost anywhere else in the world the decision would be made on clinical need. Here it is driven by the xenophobia of the assortment of egos with small hands who form the local political clans.

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19 hours ago, biggles45 said:

How do they define 'Expat living in Thailand'? Having a work permit, or what else. What info is required when you register as proof of living here.? 

Yellow book? Pink card? Driving licence?

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8 hours ago, shdmn said:


What does it feel like to be so totally completely wrong @zaZa9



Have you read the whole thread ? 

One place issuing vax is not  "Mass Vaccination".

As I said -

"Sure , a  few  foreign plebs with work permits/pink books  will  get a vax  , and they will say , "Well WE got one " , and that  will be enough  to have us all  scrambling back to our laptops and hospitals ( that we really should be avoiding )  in the mistaken belief that  we are next."


So where did you join a mass of farang getting vaxed  yesterday ?


Oh , and how did  YOUR registration go btw  ?


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12 minutes ago, zaZa9 said:


Have you read the whole thread ? 

One place issuing vax is not  "Mass Vaccination".

As I said -

"Sure , a  few  foreign plebs with work permits/pink books  will  get a vax  , and they will say , "Well WE got one " , and that  will be enough  to have us all  scrambling back to our laptops and hospitals ( that we really should be avoiding )  in the mistaken belief that  we are next."


So where did you join a mass of farang getting vaxed  yesterday ?


Oh , and how did  YOUR registration go btw  ?


When I went to the hospital on Sunday to register, there was only myself and my wife at the counter. They were more people walking about on the street outside so in my experience, certainly no need to avoid private hospitals.

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1 minute ago, cauldlad said:

When I went to the hospital on Sunday to register, there was only myself and my wife at the counter. They were more people walking about on the street outside so in my experience, certainly no need to avoid private hospitals.


When I went to a private hospital I  always use , they said , "We are sorry. There isnt enough vaccine supply yet. Try next month."

I went to a private hospital , I dint say you should not.

I do , however , try to minimise my visits.

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"Phuket officials are keeping quiet on foreigners being able to register for the Covid-19 vaccine. 2 weeks prior the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that foreigners could register for a Covid-19 vaccine.

Earlier, Thaiger wrote that many (nationality not specified) who registered for a vaccine had their registration mysteriously canceled." Thaiger 7/6/21


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