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Vaccine registration in Pattaya area.(Expats)


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59 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

The thing that isn't being acknowledged in this thread is that many Thai people are just as frustrated and upset over their inability to register as us expats.  If you live in the Bangkok province, it's far less challenging than if you live outside simply becuase the limited stock of vaccines available to the public are being prioritized for the Bangkok area which is entirely understandable considering that the bulk of new cases is by far concentrated there.


Until the supply chain stabilizes and a stockpile begins to mount, I think you're  just "on hold" if you are living in a province outside of Bangkok.  


So, maybe that sounds like a pessimistic view, but the other side of the coin is the fact that those in charge are well aware that as long as densely populated areas outside of Bangkok remain unvaccinated; places like Chiang Mai and Pattaya for instance, that's a perfect invitation for new outbreak clusters to form, which could quickly become as bad, if not worse than what's happening in Bangkok right now. 


Remember that the Delta variant is growing exponentially and will soon the the dominant form of the virus all over Thailand, and I'm sure that is not lost on Thai officials!  So, there is every incentive for those in charge to do everything possible to be sure that ALL people, both expats and Thais, are vaccinated throughout the Kingdom as fast as possible.


I mean, the virus certainly does not discriminate by nationality, and every person that remain unvaccinated is just one more person that can spread the virus to the population as a whole.


If you really pay attention to the vaccination statistics, things are being handled about as well as can be expected based on the supply/demand issues, and the need to focus on Bangkok first.  There is still no reason to doubt that Thailand's high risk groups can become 70% vaccinated by the end of the year once this temporary shortage is fixed.

Thank you so much for the consolation. I have 4 preconditions of the 7 listed and I am 65+ old. Yesterday morning they showed up in white full body suits at our condo building and took away one neighbor livng on another floor. They sprayed the whole area (every floor and there are many) and this morning again. And this was probably not the Delta variant. But a Alpha would floor me as well. As well as expected ? My Thai Wife did "register" for whatever at Beach Road. No confirmation so far at all. We are not even sure she even went into the database. This is not what I call "as well as expected" exept that your expectations are really very low. Well, maybe you are right with that one.

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2 hours ago, moogradod said:

Thank you so much for the consolation. I have 4 preconditions of the 7 listed and I am 65+ old. Yesterday morning they showed up in white full body suits at our condo building and took away one neighbor livng on another floor. They sprayed the whole area (every floor and there are many) and this morning again. And this was probably not the Delta variant. But a Alpha would floor me as well. As well as expected ? My Thai Wife did "register" for whatever at Beach Road. No confirmation so far at all. We are not even sure she even went into the database. This is not what I call "as well as expected" exept that your expectations are really very low. Well, maybe you are right with that one.

Please don;t misunderstand what I'm saying.  I'm just as frustrated and upset as anyone could possibly be.  I have also wrangled with all of these bogus registrations schemes which seems to have failed one after another (both public and private) for the last month.  I have also witnessed people in the building next door to mine being escorted off to a field hospital becuase they tested positive last month, so yes I'm just as scared as anyone.  But honestly, what can we do except wait and hope things get better?


Consider that there are far worse places to be right now for an unvaccinated person when you look at statistics rather than listen to all the doom and gloom reports in the media and on forums like this. 


I mean if you compare the cases per million of population in Thailand, compared to many other countries, we, as unvaccinated people here in Thailand are actually fairly safe if we just use common sense precautions.




It's easy to forget that though all of 2020, case numbers were remarkably low and that was attributable to how the Thai health system protected us.  Unquestionably they dropped the ball early this year in not acting sooner to procure vaccines, but that doesn't mean they can't remedy that now.


I simply prefer to hope for the best, rather than be depressed assuming the worst will happen.


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4 hours ago, bradiston said:

Surely the problem they faced was not one of registering merely interest. They needed a commitment to purchase, hence the deposit. Without that, how could they possibly order? 5,000 or 5,000,000? It makes an enormous difference! People would just sign up everywhere, go home, change their minds. Of course they wouldn't be obliged to, or probably even bother, to let the hospitals know. So the hospitals are left with completely invalid data.

As I said, and I will say again, the real purpose of registration is to create a queue of interested and qualified (i.e.: high risk) parties AND NOTHING MORE. 


All interested parties should have been allowed to register...AND THEN ONCE THE PHA is ready to accept orders from the private hospitals, each hospital would text those in the complete registration queue requesting a deposit.  Those that seriously wanted the Moderna vaccine would pay at that time, the order would be placed, and all would be good.


If some on the list could not be accommodated due to quantity restrictions imposed by the PHA or the GPO, then all of those unserved people would still be a queue for the next shipments,  All of those people would at least have the assurance that they were still in queue, and not being forgotten about!


However, according to BOTH BHP and Pattaya Memorial, they simply set an arbitrary quota BEFORE they accepting a single registration and then closed registration once they reached that arbitrary quota!  How is that a fair and proper way to do conduct a registration?

Edited by WaveHunter
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11 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

I simply prefer to hope for the best, rather than be depressed assuming the worst will happen.


I completely understand what you are saying and I am with you including hoping for the best - but this saying goes on with ..but expect the worst. Nevertheless I am quite relaxed although I had my angry and depressed moments - not to the amusement of the hospital staff.


Just now I cannot deny being frustrated like you. It makes me even more angry to read such headlines such as "Prices for Moderna reduced" or "Anutin says vaccination goals met" etc. I do not even know how I could apply for a Moderna vaccination let alone getting a date or even - OMG - a jab - a real jab. I have heard in Switzerland they now slowly close the vaccination centers because of lack of interest. All my friends did get their shots (Moderna) there.


I wish you all the best getting your desired vaccine. I will keep trying as well. However this is getting even more complicated because I have no LINE nor FACEBOOK account given their privacy regulations and I will never be part of any social network (exept TVF ????)

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16 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

As I said, and I will say again, the real purpose of registration is to create a queue of interested and qualified (i.e.: high risk) parties AND NOTHING MORE. 


All interested parties should have been allowed to register...AND THEN ONCE THE PHA is ready to accept orders from the private hospitals, each hospital would text those in the complete registration queue requesting a deposit.  Those that seriously wanted the Moderna vaccine would pay at that time, the order would be placed, and all would be good.


If some on the list could not be accommodated due to quantity restrictions imposed by the PHA or the GPO, then all of those unserved people would still be a queue for the next shipments,  All of those people would at least have the assurance that they were still in queue, and not being forgotten about!


However, according to BOTH BHP and Pattaya Memorial, they simply set an arbitrary quota BEFORE they accepting a single registration and then closed registration once they reached that arbitrary quota!  How is that a fair and proper way to do conduct a registration?


Spot on as can be !! This is EXACTLY what I told the personnel at BHP but they stared at me as if I was an alien......just a moment ... OK, at least I am not green (yet)

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3 hours ago, moogradod said:


I completely understand what you are saying and I am with you including hoping for the best - but this saying goes on with ..but expect the worst. Nevertheless I am quite relaxed although I had my angry and depressed moments - not to the amusement of the hospital staff.


Just now I cannot deny being frustrated like you. It makes me even more angry to read such headlines such as "Prices for Moderna reduced" or "Anutin says vaccination goals met" etc. I do not even know how I could apply for a Moderna vaccination let alone getting a date or even - OMG - a jab - a real jab. I have heard in Switzerland they now slowly close the vaccination centers because of lack of interest. All my friends did get their shots (Moderna) there.


I wish you all the best getting your desired vaccine. I will keep trying as well. However this is getting even more complicated because I have no LINE nor FACEBOOK account given their privacy regulations and I will never be part of any social network (exept TVF ????)

Actually the saying goes, "Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst", and that's a good sentiment IMO.  So, in my case, I will wait as long as I feel that it's safe to wait, but if the sh*t hits the fan, I'll be on the first plane outta here to get back home for a vaccination. 


That's my worst case scenario plan.  I hope it doesn't come to that, but it's always smart to have a backup plan, ya know?


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43 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

Actually the saying goes, "Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst", and that's a good sentiment IMO.  So, in my case, I will wait as long as I feel that it's safe to wait, but if the sh*t hits the fan, I'll be on the first plane outta here to get back home for a vaccination. 


That's my worst case scenario plan.  I hope it doesn't come to that, but it's always smart to have a backup plan, ya know?


An alternative and very common approach is to Expect the Worst (You Won't be Disappointed), but then you'll be pleasantly surprised if it's not that bad!

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11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

An alternative and very common approach is to Expect the Worst (You Won't be Disappointed), but then you'll be pleasantly surprised if it's not that bad!

Expecting the worst is a defeatist reaction to a challenge.  Far better IMO to hope for the best and do whatever you can to have that happen, but have a firm plan for the worst case scenario.  For me, it would be pretty depressing to always expect the worst from life.  At least that's how I see it.  It's just how I prefer to lead my life.

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16 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

Actually the saying goes, "Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst", and that's a good sentiment IMO.  So, in my case, I will wait as long as I feel that it's safe to wait, but if the sh*t hits the fan, I'll be on the first plane outta here to get back home for a vaccination. 


That's my worst case scenario plan.  I hope it doesn't come to that, but it's always smart to have a backup plan, ya know?


You are right - I did remember the saying not correctly. But the version of Jingthing has some point, too. I cannot have a backup plan and leave Thailand to get vaccinated because then I cannot return because of the specific requirements that are currently imposed. It sounds pathetic, but I will die in Thailand anyway - Covid or not - and this is for sure. Currently there is no other option for me as to wait for a possibility to get really vaccinated - whenever that is.

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15 hours ago, Jingthing said:

An alternative and very common approach is to Expect the Worst (You Won't be Disappointed), but then you'll be pleasantly surprised if it's not that bad!

I believe that version is a valid one, too. It would be far too long here to elaborate that view, but change is inevitably woven into our being. So you cannot avoid loss and dissatisfaction unless you go a long way and take measures to counteract. To recognize that is as well a way to deal with the matter. This does not mean not to do your best under all circumstances. All part of the 4 noble truths as formulated by the Buddha but this here is not the place to go into details about that.


Whatever you think, believe or know - I wish you a Covid free time and may you get your vaccines someday.

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Surprise ! Surprise !  there's me thinking I could trust such a venerable  and upstanding establishment as the Bangkok. Hospital Pattaya .    Can you hear the sarcasm ????



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20 minutes ago, banglay said:

Surprise ! Surprise !  there's me thinking I could trust such a venerable  and upstanding establishment as the Bangkok. Hospital Pattaya .    Can you hear the sarcasm ????



Yes all the supplies they have yet to order are taken already..... not sure how that works. 

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28 minutes ago, banglay said:

If Lazada was in charge of the vaccinations and delivery Thailand would have hit the herd immunity target weeks ago   Lol 555555

maybe...but then we could see many fake vaccine made in ....

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1 hour ago, andre47 said:

maybe...but then we could see many fake vaccine made in ....

Well! Lazada couldn't do any worse than the fiasco that this administration is doing or should I say "NOT" do at this present time .  

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6 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Yes all the supplies they have yet to order are taken already..... not sure how that works. 

The Government Pharmaceutical Office (GPO) clarified all of this yesterday concerning Moderna vaccines.  They said:

  • All hospitals must forward their vaccine request to the Private Hospital Association which will place the order with the GPO on behalf of the hospitals.
  • The GPO has a prerequisite that all requested orders must be prepaid..
  • The GPO director said that 300 hospitals had placed paid orders and that an order by the GPO with the Moderna distributor should be signed sometime this month.
  • They made it clear that all orders received after last week will not be delivered until early 2022.

So, my big question is why the private hospitals shut down registration.  The GPO imposed no restriction or quota.  They only stated that orders placed after last week would be delivered in 2022.  In other words, there seems to be no reason that private hospitals could not have provided registration to ALL interested parties.  There is NO reason for them to have shut down registration AT ALL.


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1 minute ago, WaveHunter said:

The Government Pharmaceutical Office (GPO) clarified all of this yesterday concerning Moderna vaccines.  They said:

  • All hospitals must forward their vaccine request to the Private Hospital Association which will place the order with the GPO on behalf of the hospitals.
  • The GPO has a prerequisite that all requested orders must be prepaid..
  • They made it clear that all orders received after last week will not be delivered until early 2022.
  • The GPO director said that 300 hospitals had placed paid orders and that those order will be placed paid orders, and that an order by the GPO with Moderna distributor should be signed sometime this month.


So basically forget it for 2021......

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5 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

So basically forget it for 2021......

Yes, but why would they discontinue registrations for Moderna?  That makes no sense to me.  If I'm fortunate to get a public vaccination with SInoVac, it would be nice to know that I could revaccinate ASAP (i.e.: sometime in 2022) with a vaccines that may have better efficacy.

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19 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

They made it clear that all orders received after last week will not be delivered until early 2022.


That makes it just about pointless as a first dose, far too late. If it arrives in, say January 2022, it'll take at least a month to distribute it and get it into peoples' arms, assuming that the refrigeration unit doesn't break down in the tropical sun and the whole batch spoil. By then the lambda variant will probably be ripping through Thailand, we really need to get, at the very least, a first dose of something decent, and ideally two doses, in our blood before they open up in October. There are indications that AZ followed by an mRNA booster might be the most effective combination, so I think that's the best way to look at Moderna here now as it seems we ain't getting any this year. 

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Just received this from Bangkok Hospital Pattaya. looks like it's there alternative booking system for existing patients registered at BBH  .. So check your email in-boxes 



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16 minutes ago, banglay said:

Just received this from Bangkok Hospital Pattaya. looks like it's there alternative booking system for existing patients registered at BBH  .. So check your email in-boxes 



I am an existing BHP patient but did not receive this.

The QR Code takes you to a Google Form asking for personal data they have already.....

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6 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

I am an existing BHP patient but did not receive this.

The QR Code takes you to a Google Form asking for personal data they have already.....

I think it is BBH's way of confirming your intention re Vaccination ... I filled it in!  you have nothing   to lose if they already have your info.

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9 minutes ago, banglay said:

I think it is BBH's way of confirming your intention re Vaccination ... I filled it in!  you have nothing   to lose if they already have your info.

Even if they have your information already, they do not know if you wish to obtain the Moderna vaccine if they can get it - so how else are they to know?


I completed the form this morning as the Pattaya City Expats Club posted the link this morning on their website.


The information they ask for is your hospital number, name, & telephone number so they can notify you about availability of Moderna vaccine if and when they will have it available.  


Of course the when and if is the big question especially if their previous prepay registration results in claiming all the doses they will be getting - supposedly from Oct 1, 2021 through March 2022.


So, as Banglay says, nothing to lose in completing the form.


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Slightly off topic, but it might be advisable to keep quiet about receiving any vaccine here in Thailand as a foreigner. I've had looks/questions ranging from "How come you have and I not?" to simply "How much you pay?". Seems the Thais I've met really don't appreciate being behind a foreigner in the queue. But, tell them it was Sinovac, and it saves the day. Then they just think you're a complete idiot and fall about laughing.

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3 hours ago, banglay said:

Just received this from Bangkok Hospital Pattaya. looks like it's there alternative booking system for existing patients registered at BBH  .. So check your email in-boxes 



Thanks for posting.  I have been a patient at BHP but did not receive this email so thanks for posting it.  Just submitted it.  Not really sure if it is really any sort of actual pre-registration for their next ordered batch, or just another lame PR plot, but we'll see.

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