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Thai PM urges all to do their utmost to make reopening of Thailand possible in October


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1 minute ago, NanLaew said:


Citation needed. Preferably peer reviewed.


On another Covid-related thread yesterday, we had another of TV's Covid mental giants falsely claiming Sinopharm's first-shot efficacy was only 5%.

Plenty of evidence that shows Sinovac's first dose provides minimal protection against the normal Covid strain, its never been tested against Delta, logic says that it will perform less against that. On second dose it does get better on the ancestral but again its never been tested on Delta

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33 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

You do understand that it's also airborne and it doesn't need to be in water droplets.What makes you think it needs to be in water droplets?

It is in water droplets breath saliva , sweat i.e. you can get it from touching that's why you clean your hands after touching stuff.   

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54 minutes ago, dallen52 said:

And what exactly is he doing?


C'mon, he can't keep passing the buck.


China vaccinated 1 billion people this weekend.

Thailand has 62 million.

And about 3.5% vaccination rate.

Yes, but are they using true vaccines in China? Water is much cheaper.

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"We do job with a clear target"as clear as mud, the only thing clear is how unclear it is, when the so called people in charge don't talk to the other people in charge then no one is in charge

Welcome to Thailand 

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20 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

Irrelevant comparison..... 

Surgical facemasks are effective at reducing particles of 0.1 microns >99%.

Comparing normal breathing of air at negligible pressure drop to water being delivered at about 20-30 psi is foolish. 

They don't wear them in operating theaters for a laugh!




Well then try putting some water in a cup and dribble some water into the mask and see how quickly the water flows through the mask with absolutely no pressure just try it and see for yourself instead of denying outright, the masks do next to nothing to restrict water droplets.

Edited by FarFlungFalang
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23 minutes ago, the green light said:

so why fully vaccinated people need quarantine.? they are safe and will not infect others.


I think it is well proven that a certain % of vaccinated people can still get infected by the disease and spread it to others. The vaccines primary objective is to significantly reduce severity of infection and death, most vaccines seem fairly effective on this objective.


Therefore, introducing potential carriers via vaccinated people into a unvaccinated population is likely to create a bad situation.


Comparing that potential situation with current state of play in US, UK or others with high vaccine penetration through the entire population is comparing apples with oranges. 


Get it ?

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Thai PM urges all to do their utmost to make reopening of Thailand possible in October




I guess it would help if the pm could be a tad more specific. 


What can everyone do? Examples.


What constitutes one's "utmost"?




These sorts of vague appeals to a blind nationalism and patriotism probably worked better a century ago.



Might be simpler to institute martial law and order everyone to "do their utmost".



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4 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

This will fail like most Thai efforts. 


So much incompetence here. 


I've never forgotten what a Korean tv producer said to me when I worked with her at a tennis tournament in Thailand. She summed up the country perfectly in just a few words - the standards here are so low.

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It's dependent on there being a stricter lockdown immediately for a few months, and a very fast rollout of vaccines to within 80% of all adults.  Then it's likely there will be another peak in cases but with minimal loss of life (about the same as in a flu epidemic).  Nothing less will do.  Everything else is extraneous.

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3 hours ago, riverhigh said:

Absolute rubbish statement. Private hospitals back in December of last year pleaded with the Thai government to allow them to order the covid vaccine but were turned down. Even now their are restrictions on how much they can order. The blame is solely on the Thai governemnt for this mess. Absurd to expect business to invest money to re-open their businesses in October which will never happen. Thai governemnet has my vote of no confidence.


Glad you beat me to it, because that's exactly what I was going to say. You saved me some typing.

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Just now, Nanaplaza666 said:

Then the infection rate should be much higher with the humidity here and all the people not wearing them or wearing them wrong . The virus particles are smaller then the holes in the masks so he is actualy right . They don't do !@#$ all , but we just wear them because we are told to . 

Do you believe that face masks are ineffective in slowing transmission of the virus?

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3 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Firing the Health Minister, and appointing someone competent to get everyone vaccinated, would be a good start.

You could do even better if you quit yourself.

He is the Czar, and in charge, sort of like large Marge in charge of the buffet line only its the brown envelope line he is in charge of.

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Thailand needs millions of Rna vaccines.  The Philippines just ordered 50 million Pfeizer vaccines.  Whats the excuse for Thailand.  Sinovac is basically useless against the Delta variant but they keep getting more of it.  Sinovac creates a false sense of safety that will lead to more transmission down the line.

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3 minutes ago, MrJ2U said:

Thailand needs millions of Rna vaccines.  The Philippines just ordered 50 million Pfeizer vaccines.  Whats the excuse for Thailand.  Sinovac is basically useless against the Delta variant but they keep getting more of it.  Sinovac creates a false sense of safety that will lead to more transmission down the line.

I understand some front line health workers in Indonesia who have been vaccinated with Sinovac are now dying from COVID infection.

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Just now, Lacessit said:

I understand some front line health workers in Indonesia who have been vaccinated with Sinovac are now dying from COVID infection.

Yes, over 350 of them.  Also countries that have taken it like Chile and the Sychelles are having the same reoccurrence of the virus.

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3 minutes ago, Antonymous said:


Research shows that they are mostly ineffective, yes. A surgical or cloth mask will to some extent help to stop you snotting all over someone close to you if you cough or sneeze, but they cannot and are not designed to stop aerosol particles. Problem is that despite scientists telling us this even before Covid based on decades of research into influenza and again loudly when Covid started, the CDC did not admit that it was possible until May 7th 2021. By then the damage was done and everyone (who hadn't studied the actual research) was gripped with FEAR and felt it necessary to wear masks even in the least appropriate situations.


“Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids …


There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure.


Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza … In this review, we did not find evidence to support a protective effect of personal protective measures or environmental measures in reducing influenza transmission.”


Emerging Infectious Diseases May 2020; 26(5)


"C.D.C. has now caught up to the latest scientific evidence, and they’ve gotten rid of some old problematic terms and thinking about how transmission occurs,” Linsey Marr, an aerosol expert at Virginia Tech, told the paper. University of Maryland aerosol scientist Donald Milton said there should be a “better focus on good respirators” for those forced to work in close quarters. “A surgical mask, even if it’s tucked in on the edges, is still not really going to give you enough protection if you’re in a meatpacking plant elbow to elbow all day long with other people,” he said.”


And more here:


"Federal health officials on Friday updated public guidance about how the coronavirus spreads, emphasizing that transmission occurs by inhaling very fine respiratory droplets and aerosolized particles, as well as through contact with sprayed droplets or touching contaminated hands to one’s mouth, nose or eyes.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now states explicitly — in large, bold lettering — that airborne virus can be inhaled even when one is more than six feet away from an infected individual. The new language, posted online, is a change from the agency’s previous position that most infections were acquired through “close contact, not airborne transmission.”

In Australia there are documented cases of transmission from room to room in quarantine hotels which indicates something more than droplet transmission up to 2 meters.Now they are using the term fleeting contact transmission and just entering the air space of and infected person who is no longer there is enough to cause infection.

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