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Sinovac vaccine has 71-91% efficacy against COVID-19 Alpha variant – MOPH


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17 hours ago, edwardandtubs said:

The numbers are absolutely meaningless. Was this actually a double-blind placebo-controlled trial or another pointless look at the number of antibodies. These Thai studies have absolutely no credibility anymore.

My own study realised figures of 70 to 90.375% efficacy so I refute their figures ????

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I'm really coming more and more to the belief that the Thai government has/is working closely with the Chinese government. Maybe because they never bought the subs, maybe because the Chinese government has given them something else, or is promising them something else. Has anyone noticed that Thailand keeps getting more Chinese vaccines and is not trying for the other vaccines anymore. Put another notch in the wall for Chinland. 

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17 minutes ago, curlylekan said:

I'm really coming more and more to the belief that the Thai government has/is working closely with the Chinese government. Maybe because they never bought the subs, maybe because the Chinese government has given them something else, or is promising them something else. Has anyone noticed that Thailand keeps getting more Chinese vaccines and is not trying for the other vaccines anymore. Put another notch in the wall for Chinland. 

Well.......... blood is thicker than water, and China said early in the piece that they were willing to supply Thailand with their vaccines, on tick I think was mentioned.

The along came delta and scuttled the production of AZ as Thailand nor India can get the ingredients due to the size of the Indian outbreak.

This maybe a big disappointment to the Thai company that was geared up to mass produce AZ, who knows they may be a late charge

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4 hours ago, DefaultName said:

My reading is that, while Sinovac isn't the best at stopping you from getting the virus at all, it is good at stopping it from affecting you badly or killing you.  So, my take is that it's worth having if it's all you can get.


We may well end up safer if we take more than one vaccine to cover a greater spread of variants once they are readily available.

With Sinovac, it's really bad to delay between doses since the protection from infection after one dose is vitually nil. What giving a single dose does is make a breakthrough infection easy, giving a Delta mutation more opportunity to easily breakthrough when people are jabbed with two doses. This could make all those dosed with Sinovac vulnerable in a new wave. This will then make a booster, hopefully Moderna or Pfizer, essential. 

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3 hours ago, NanLaew said:


So where in your real world would you suggest these tests be made? The UK, US or some other country that doesn't use Chinese vaccines due to geopolitics and vaccine nationalism?

There is real world experience in Chile. 

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Mutations.....it's interesting and obviously true/proven that many viruses mutate (common cold being the one most quoted ),

BUT it's also interesting that SARS 1 (~~2003) just disappeared !

I was in Hong Kong at that time.....strict local lockdowns, tracing, masks etc, but no vaccine ever developed (or deployed ). 

THEN it just miraculously disappeared !! 

How did that happen ?

One theory I read was that it mutated itself to self destruction ?

People who had Sars 1 in 2003 have been tested 18 years later, still with antibodies !

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Zero credibility

That amount of cash being raked in on these deals will assure wealth for generations of selected people~anything to appease for large amounts of cash~fabrication for cash~easy money


Let's see a real study please

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49 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Not only is at 47%., but it's clear you don't understand what clinical trials involve. They don't take place in Laboratories.

I should have checked my dictation. It was supposed to read" not 47%".

Edited by placeholder
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7 hours ago, rabas said:


Doesn't work that way. Even seasonal flu changes to survive. COVID is new to humans so it's rapidly mutating to better attack its host. There is already a surprising number of more dangerous variants.  WIKI variants.


As for Sinovac, a vaccine that prevents death or serious illness but not infection helps generate mutations. This helps a virus learn how to get around the vaccine's immune response, and to spread more.


..dont agree.

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10 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Is this the same doctor Sircus who claims that sodium bicarbonate can defeat covid-19 by raising the alkalinity of the blood? 

No he does not say that, he and others have suggested that staying alkaline can help with cancer.

You should look at the video on his latest letter, or the one b4 which discusses vaccines, and is backed by highly qualified  doctors and quotes the nobel prize winner.

data used in that video is from Pfizer according to the doctors named and who present this study.

Watch it yourself.

I seriously doubt that his site would survive if the presentations were false, they would be taken down, and he would not survive, he 'still around and a great source of information that you can take as you feel. 

He always quotes source so if those quotes were false he would be sued, go figure shill.


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1 hour ago, curlylekan said:

I'm really coming more and more to the belief that the Thai government has/is working closely with the Chinese government. Maybe because they never bought the subs, maybe because the Chinese government has given them something else, or is promising them something else. Has anyone noticed that Thailand keeps getting more Chinese vaccines and is not trying for the other vaccines anymore. Put another notch in the wall for Chinland. 

You sure about that? It's negotiating for the Pfizer vaccine and hospitals are negotiating to get the Moderna vaccine.

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Explainer: Are Chinese Covid-19 shots effective against Delta variant?

BEIJING: Many countries, from China to Indonesia to Brazil, rely heavily on Chinese vaccines to inoculate their people against Covid-19, but there is growing concern about whether they provide sufficient protection against the Delta variant, identified for the first time. in India.

Below are the opinions of Chinese health experts on the effectiveness of homegrown vaccines against the Delta, which is becoming the dominant variant globally, and the virus preventive measures that China is taking.


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22 hours ago, Shuya said:

So the study did not take place in Thailand?

You've got to be kidding me! If you're going to bother making a comment, the least you could do is read the article. The VERY FIRST sentence said that it took place in Thailand! "Thailand’s Public Health Ministry announced the results of a real world study of the efficacy of the Chinese-made Sinovac vaccine conducted in Thailand today (Monday),..."

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3 hours ago, Robs5ct said:

highly efficacious in the prevention of infection and death from the Alpha (UK) variant of COVID-19, at 71-91%.


Between 71% and 91% ? What the hell does that mean ? 80% efficacious ?


If you actually bothered to read the article you'd understand what it means.... Always a good idea to read before commenting and wasting space on the board....

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These "tests" appear pretty meaningless to me. They don't show anything much about effectiveness at all from what I can tell. Nobody even knows if those people were exposed to the virus during those "at least 14 days" after their second dose, so how does that equate to effectiveness? And it isn't only Thailand that is doing such farcical "tests" to show effectiveness. It's a total joke to say something is effective when there is no knowledge if the people were ever even exposed to the virus to know whether or not they actually fought it off. And even if they did fight it off, it still would be inconclusive since it wouldn't be able to be known if their natural immune system fought it off or if the vaccine assisted in fighting it off. It is all total conjecture to make the masses feel safe while they rake in billions and billions of dollars (or whatever preferred currency).

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5 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

No he does not say that, he and others have suggested that staying alkaline can help with cancer.

You should look at the video on his latest letter, or the one b4 which discusses vaccines, and is backed by highly qualified  doctors and quotes the nobel prize winner.

data used in that video is from Pfizer according to the doctors named and who present this study.

Watch it yourself.

I seriously doubt that his site would survive if the presentations were false, they would be taken down, and he would not survive, he 'still around and a great source of information that you can take as you feel. 

He always quotes source so if those quotes were false he would be sued, go figure shill.

Sure because everyone knows fraudsters and con artists  don't survive and prosper on the internet. 

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