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Thais overwhelmingly believe Health Ministry unable to cope with COVID crisis


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I received notice that the AstraZeneca vaccines will be out of stock by 20 July 2021 and waiting for the new stock to arrive. Pfizer arrived, but US Government give a specific condition ... Give to the medical staffs first. However, the government ignored the condition, and give it to the VIP first.


Sinovac isn't recommended to take it, but you can consider Sinopharm that is better than AstraZeneca. 

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8 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Like you say all the top guys are heads down at the moment keeping a very low profile...

Phipat down south isn't out basking in the glory of his sandpit scheme... wonder why?

Maybe he'll show up at the quarantine facilities with a basket of chicken delight for all the tourists now confined to quarters?

Two big baskets of fruit and flowers for that German woman

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5 hours ago, Cake Monster said:
5 hours ago, webfact said:

91.9% of people polled said that the crisis had exceeded the capabilities of the Thai Health Ministry. 

And with Anutin at the helm, they are not wrong

Well, 8.1% must be.. ???? 

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5 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

why waste time and money? just ask the question a different way "What does the government do that does not exceed their capabilities?"

Ask not what the government can do to  for you but what you can do to

for the government.

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The country is ruled by 'grunts'. An Ozzie friend said the Japanese business that he worked for (on a project worth $100's of millions), pulled out of Thailand, mainly on the basis that the people they had to deal with were 'grunts'.

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

the crisis had exceeded the capabilities of the Thai Health Ministry. 

Yes indeed. In my opinion this Ministry and its "boss" has not come up with anything "concrete" in efficient and proactive ways to tackle the COVID problem, especially regarding the purchase of vaccines and a comprehensive vaccination program.

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1 hour ago, John Drake said:

From the governmental standpoint, you could be correct. But at the individual level, the first time around, people at least in Bangkok were willing to abide by the social distancing, store closures, and mask wearing. (Remember, right before Covid, people here were already wearing masks because of PM 2.5.  That might have given Thailand a built in advantage.)

look at the mess the Dutch government made with it intelligent lockdown and the not listening to the experts who warned that they did do all to fast. ignored the Indian and other mutations problem in the UK, ignored the German warnings about the by passing of the vaccins bij the mutation as they see a rise in more then 400 fully vaccinated people still got seriously sick. The result in just two week increase infected from nearly a few to now more than 10345. The Dutch have a high percentage of people fully vaccinated. and Still the want to have the Dutch population take vacation and to travel abroad to hot spots in Spain, Portugal and other places. Spreading the mutations in a world where most poele are not vaccinated. Many places seen that the elderly who where the first start to have declining protection rates of the vaccines and also made that Israel is looking for the third booster and the vaccine manufacturers apply for permission to have booster as third jab after 6 month. Sinovac even by the European Agency  is put at the same level as the others, therefore is used in several European countries too

When you know is happening this then in this perspective all is different them most here claim it is.  just put things in perspective and we all know the Thai views, visions and additudes too as well that is it is very well know it always easier to blame then to think and put things in perspective. Do not forget that not so long ago it was Thailand that was best of the class and put as an example how all should do it by the WHO. The same Thai who blame and complain now are the same Thai who not so long ago laught about the world how they struggelt with SARS-CoV-2. 

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1 hour ago, Soikhaonoiken said:

I'm glad the penny has finally dropped with Thai people,  this Government is just a bunch of clowns pretending to be ministers

You are being unkind to clowns. Clowns are funny at least, this lot are stark raving bonkers.

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1 hour ago, Soikhaonoiken said:

I'm glad the penny has finally dropped with Thai people,  this Government is just a bunch of clowns pretending to be ministers

Or just a bunch of ministers pretending to be clowns and in their own perspective (and ours) their doing a good job .

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2 hours ago, Thomas J said:

I "think" that was the 1st round of a 12 round boxing match and they declared themselves a winner before the end of the bout.  I also truly believe that Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Burma did nothing materially different than the UK, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, etc but for whatever reason South East Asia had extremely low Covid infection rates.  Now as they say, it is S.E. Asia's turn in the barrel. 

We all know, these countries "managed" to have low rates by completely seal off from outside world and minimal testing.

Europe has been more or less open, nearly completely open during summer for EU citizens.


Now we see the real capabilities of thai health system, there are people camping under the bridge, waiting for a hospital bed, others wait hours to get tested, (real) vaccines nowhere to find.

They know, if Corona gets loose in Thailand, there is no way to control it, thats why they imposed quarantine for arrivals.

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5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

8.1% of people polled then are apparently delusional if they think Anutin is capable.

8.1%? Doesn’t that just about parallel the % of those who hold gov’t jobs in Thailand?

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55 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

The Delta variant is 'sweeping' through southern China.....

Having lived and worked in China, I was recently surprised when a friend of mine sent me several photos of cities there that appear to be deserted. Then again, maybe ‘surprised’ is too strong a word. 

These are cities where you would see hoards of people at all hours of the day. 

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1 minute ago, DBath said:

Having lived and worked in China, I was recently surprised when a friend of mine sent me several photos of cities there that appear to be deserted. Then again, maybe ‘surprised’ is too strong a word. 

These are cities where you would see hoards of people at all hours of the day. 

That is scary!!!!

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All governments messed up to start with but did throw money around preordering vaccines. Thailand chose not to throw money around or preorder because they hadn't worked out the profit angle and still haven't. Greed got in the way!

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At the start I will agree they handled things pretty well, The boxing, HiSo Thonglor party 

& allowing the Songkran fruit salad travel amongst other things that should never been allowed did.

At that time there was still hope if the Government had ordered already   & deliveries forthcoming of 80mil doses of a decent vaccine with more to follow.

But I think they thought that they may just get away without spending & that it would mysteriously go away. 

The rest is history. Now, a complete shambles

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3 minutes ago, Surelynot said:



Anutin abandons Sinovac......people with Sinovac as first jab to receive AZ for second.......where is the science study supporting this move????


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3 minutes ago, J Town said:


AstraZeneca to be 2nd dose after Sinovac 1st dose, booster for medics


On Monday, Thailand’s National Communicable Disease Committee (NCDC) approved the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine as a second dose for people who have already received just their first dose of the Sinovac vaccine, with an interval of 3-4 weeks between doses.

The British-Swedish AstraZeneca vaccine will also be used as the third “booster” shot for medical personnel, the majority of whom have been inoculated with China’s Sinovac, according to Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul, in his capacity as the chair of the NCDC meeting.



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