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Thai netizens mostly endorse Thaksin’s vow to return


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34 minutes ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

In my experience the opposite is true. Most of the farangs with bar-girl wives and that frequent bars hated Thaksin and were supporters of the coup. 


I actually lived here before, during and after Thaksin and I am not married. Nor would I classify myself as a Thaksin supporter. 


I am just trying to be factual, objective and balanced in the face of the usual obsessives and coup supporters on here. 

mr meeseeks.    you are now nominated to head up the FOB  Committee  ( not to be mistaken for the SOB  Committee which has lifetime members ).    Your  Factual, Objective, Balanced

Committee will be comprised of members you deem worthy of carrying out your mission.

1.  Finding Facts   2.  Finding questions to determine which facts you will be finding  3 . Creating a suitable menu for the 3 hour buffet lunches   4. Creating new set of standard replies to the question :   why are things working out so poorly .


The purchase of uniform and chest decorations will be paid for by the members .   

Note:  mods will not be allowed on this committee as they already belong to another one.


chok dee 

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48 minutes ago, Bundooman said:

"at least he doesn't have a gun".

Are you sure about that?

If you've been here long enough, you will remember one of his ministers dining with wife and friends with an Uzi Machine pistol brazenly sitting on the dining table, which suddenly appeared to auto open fire, killing his wife, sitting opposite! 

So, if one of his ministers has such weapons, why would you think he wouldn't have one as well?



Yes, of course he would have armed protection, although an Uzi is perhaps a bit of overkill. (pun intended)


What I meant though, was the Army being in control here.

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3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

And Hitler built the Autobahn. 

There is seldom only black and white. Also some bad people did some good things in their lives.

That's the old 'and the Nazis did this' reductionist argument.  Shame on you!

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4 hours ago, Caldera said:

I'm not exactly a fan of the man, but there's no doubt in my mind that Thailand would be a better place now if the army hadn't meddled in politics. None of the Shinawatra governments were as inept and out of touch with regular Thais as the current one.

"None of the Shinawatra governments were as inept and out of touch with regular Thais as the current one."

I don't doubt that's true.


But IMHO there's another very important point - gaining power through vote buying and manipulation of many naive people who will (with all respect to these folks) vote for anybody for a bag of rice, free phone cards, a few baht.


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Thaksin was an angel and paragon of efficiency and probity compared to this lot. If he was in power the country would be vaccinated. It was sickening how some members on this forum actually supported the military coup against Taksin, the democraticly elected leader by 25 million votes. He only made one mistake. His US fueled murder campaign and war on drugs. He was the best the leader Thailand ever had and terrified the military who used non existent threats on to foment the coup. Since then Thailand has got worse. Soon it will be just a Chinese slave state as broke as Haiti, Nepal, Afghan of Bangladesh.

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6 minutes ago, scorecard said:

"None of the Shinawatra governments were as inept and out of touch with regular Thais as the current one."

I don't doubt that's true.


But IMHO there's another very important point - gaining power through vote buying and manipulation of many naive people who will (with all respect to these folks) vote for anybody for a bag of rice, free phone cards, a few baht.


The same analogy was used to justify Mao in his Chinese revolution. But at the end of the day nearly all of th people thought that having 2 bowls of rice to eat was better than before when they had only one. The same principle remains today and if you think people took money from one candidate and then voted for that same candidate at the election then well sorry, you are more stupid then you give normal Thais credit for.

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26 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

No, as much as I dislike Thaksin he didn't start it all. There were lots of greedy corrupt politicians before him.

Indeed there were, but he's the one who made the "great train robbery", made himself a multi billionaire.

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3 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Thaksin was an angel and paragon of efficiency and probity compared to this lot. If he was in power the country would be vaccinated. It was sickening how some members on this forum actually supported the military coup against Taksin, the democraticly elected leader by 25 million votes. He only made one mistake. His US fueled murder campaign and war on drugs. He was the best the leader Thailand ever had and terrified the military who used non existent threats on to foment the coup. Since then Thailand has got worse. Soon it will be just a Chinese slave state as broke as Haiti, Nepal, Afghan of Bangladesh.

It's also sickening that there are people on here who are willing to accept extra Judicial killings for political gain as a 'mistake'.  :crazy:


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4 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Thaksin was an angel and paragon of efficiency and probity compared to this lot. If he was in power the country would be vaccinated. It was sickening how some members on this forum actually supported the military coup against Taksin, the democraticly elected leader by 25 million votes. He only made one mistake. His US fueled murder campaign and war on drugs. He was the best the leader Thailand ever had and terrified the military who used non existent threats on to foment the coup. Since then Thailand has got worse. Soon it will be just a Chinese slave state as broke as Haiti, Nepal, Afghan of Bangladesh.

His war on drugs was only considered wrong as the HISO and elite drug takers were worried that their drug induced lifestyle was threatened. "Boss" the Red Bull murderer is a perfect example of how getting rid of Thaksin was made necessary by the establishment so  these wealthy families could carry on in an unimpeded privileged lifestyle. 

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1 hour ago, Excel said:

Firstly he is not banned by the UK as he has entered many times and he and  his sister has a 10 year business UK visa anyway. You have stated many things but not one link to support your allegations . Please be reminded that defamation laws in Thailand exist for everybody.

I've just heard that they're letting him in again...i missed that. You're very keen to correct me, but seems you're ignoring his record as PM which I just bought to your attention.

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5 minutes ago, steverino said:

Indeed there were, but he's the one who made the "great train robbery", made himself a multi billionaire.

And now, the Chinese are working on the great train robbery of Thailand. The high speed GTR of thailand. 

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34 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

You're so anti-Thaksin no amount of facts refuting your wild allegations will sway you - total waste of time.

Don't waist your time.

I think he's baiting you.

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1 minute ago, Khabib said:

And now, the Chinese are working on the great train robbery of Thailand. The high speed GTR of thailand. 

You're right there...and Laos, cambodia andd Myanma...access to the Andaman....quite a clever plan really.

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10 hours ago, harada said:

I hope his return turns out better than Benigno Aquino’s.

To many it was a glorious return, thaksin is well aware of this and is happy to <deleted> - stir from a distance. 

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2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

I have heard many similar stories of drug users being killed. Anyone who is OK with Taksin or his policies is either ignorant of the facts or has very weird ethics. 

There were many horrible stories including the 75 year old lady shot dead on her front porch and the 9 year old kid shot in his mother's car.  The story I heard personally was about an aborted murder attempt in outside Hua Hin. A couple of known druggies were drinking at a grog shop outside the town and one saw out of the corner of his eye someone creeping up on him with a gun.  So he quickly threw a chair at him.  The shooter shot and missed.  The he lost his balance and the gun fell out of his hand and he legged it into the pineapple fieds.  The two druggies caught him and beat the <deleted> out of him and called the police.  The assassin turned out to be a serving soldier at one of the local army camps.  No charges were pressed.  Everyone said that the yaabaa business at that time was controlled by a captain  in the Hua Hin cop shop who was also orchestrating the murders to eliminate competition.

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9 hours ago, ezzra said:

Two wrongs don't make it right, there are many multi billionaires in Thailand and we are yet to hear anyone of them spend any of their untold riches to help their destitute  fellow Thais, did you? i'd like to know which one?... 

The billionaire class are devout Buddhists who believe that the destitute pond scum are living out their bad karma while the billionaires are living their excellent karma.  In fact, their karma is so excellent that they can keep every satang and never share even .25 satang with any pond scum poor, and their own karma will still be so excellent that they'll be billionaire, maybe trillionaires, in their next lifetimes.  They should be Christians seeing that they have, "I'm not my brother's (or sister's) keeper" down to a tee.  These powerful billionaires who can influence every aspect of society as well as government, they are firm believers that the common pond scum should not be allowed any fun at all, as that too is their karma. It's their karma to suffer. The pond scum's karma is to be ruled by their betters.  And it's the responsibility of the billionaire class to assure that the pond scum commoners don't drink, don't have access to pain relieving drugs in anything but the most minuscule amounts if at all, that commoners must be in massive debt (to the billionaire class), that commoners attempting to relieve their own suffering by any method other then reclusive meditation are to be thrown in prison, no gambling, no anything that distracts the common pond scum from their worldly woes.  Have fun - go to jail.  That's pond scum karma and it's billionaire karma to make sure the pond scum suffer their fates. 
Now - pond scum need to wear masks, stay home, don't drink, don't talk to anyone in public, just be a quiet automatons when they are not working and making money for the billionaires.  In fact, the common pond scum should just be locked into their billionaire better's factories, plants, ships, and other places of work 24/7 and not allowed out.  Just stay where they work.  No fun or relaxation.  If not working, then sleep, then back to work all on the factory floor.
"You'll have nothing, and honestly, we don't care if you're happy or not.  Suffering is your karma pond scum.  Harvesting your wealth and living large is billionaire karma.  So grovel at the feet of your betters and maybe you'll get an extra cupcake.  Probably not though."

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1 hour ago, candide said:

False equivalency.

Don't you remember who asked Thaksin to start the war on drugs? The Dems hurried the investigation when they found out it was a can of worms. Do you believe it was in order to protect Thaksin.

Fact is that the people opposed to the yellow/green network are always held accountable (for good or bad reasons), whole members of the yellow/green network are not, except when they <deleted> off someone from the highest circle (the case of Sondhi).

I disagree do you believe the human right watch or Thai investigations ? I mean the Thai investigations cleared the army (something i dont think is good) But human right watch did not.


Anyway i say they should both held responsible and the way it looks is that Thaksin dwarfed the victims of the army. Just read it.


Anyway you are right that the yellow greens often get away and that is totally unjust no argument there. I mean drugdealer in goverment says it all doesnt it.


My point is Thaksin is a crook this bunch are crooks why replace one with the other and not try for something better. Anyway i really hope to see the last of Prayut and his army buddies. Not hopeful but it is my wish.

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11 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

I agree that had he been at the helm Thailand would not be in the pathetic mess it is in now, all caused by incompetent people acting as politicians. I am not sure the coup fan boys will agree !

Thaksin is the Trump of Thailand, get things moving in controversial ways

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33 minutes ago, steverino said:

I've just heard that they're letting him in again...i missed that. You're very keen to correct me, but seems you're ignoring his record as PM which I just bought to your attention.

Just heard from who ? he was granted that business visa 4 years ago. His record as a PM is irrelevant to his visa except of course he is the only PM since 1932 to have any idea how to run a country in these modern times. Maybe that does not suit you biased feudalistic thinking endorsed by the current crop of incompetent appointees , but who cares?

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