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"No one is safe until everyone is safe" - Aussie couple highlight foreigners facing vaccine trouble in Thailand


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I am sorry for them. There is a US territory, Guam,  3.5 hours from Tokyo where anyone with a valid passport and visa or visa exemption can travel to. A negative test is all that is needed to enter now and one can have their choice of US FDA approved vaccines. The time zone is convenient, +3 hours for work or to avoid jet lag.  Yes, there is an expense involved including the flights and accommodations. I have been back in Thailand now almost 8 weeks since my 2nd Pfizer shot in Guam and I highly recommend either the bargain flight of Zipair to Tokyo, US $180.00, or the regular ANA flight, and then a transfer on UAL. One can 1 day and receive the J&J vaccine or 17 days and receive Pfizer or longer if one choices Moderna.  If the Philippines were open that would be a cheaper solution, but Manilla is still closed.

Either way, to wait and pontificate when or if you will receive the vaccine or your country will or should provide the vaccine is fruitless. Move forward. Don't wait for others to provide. They generally, with the exception of family or friends, will not do so. 

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7 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

The message from the regime is, if you want a vaccination you might be best served in your home country.


But "If you want a "registration" we're here to help you."


Some days they couch this message in easy to swallow words, like "we love everyone the same", or "foreigners will be treated equally, and given equal access to vaccines".


Other days, they launch the forty-third iteration of an app, website or hospital.




7 hours ago, StayinThailand2much said:

Sad, but true.


How long will foreigners (except migrant workers from neighbouring countries, who are already getting vaccinated), living in Thailand, will have to wait? Until 2023 or 2024? 


7 hours ago, finnsk said:

There is all reasons to be frustrated as a forreigner.


There is actually no serious way, at this moment, to make a vax appointment as a forreigner without workpermit or thai ID.


We do not exist, but our money they love.



Have all Thai nationals on your age/ risk group been vaccinated yet? 

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

But this is fraught with difficulty in itself as Australia has gone into lockdown too after a surge in cases of Covid-19

658 active "cases" in a country with 26 million people.  A "surge?"  
If Denmark's case breakdown is similar to Australia's, the out of those 658 current "cases" 17% or ~110 people are hospitalized. 
You can't make this up.  How do people fail to perceive the utter lunacy.  I know the answer - Bernays.  Lord!

Too bad these folks weren't in my area.  I'd have had my doctor give them my wife's and my shots gladly so they could feel "safe." 

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I would point out that their use of the word safe is open to interpretation.  Many if not most people do not suffer severely from COVID.  The mortality rate which is poorly counted since they don't test the entire population, but only count the known tested people as having COVID, is certainly less than .1 per cent.

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1 hour ago, remobb said:

Well I have registered thanks. Appointment August 5. Let's hope it happens. Do you know which vaccine the use?

So again, Many thanks.

well, do you know or can perhaps report what type was your vaC??????

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4 hours ago, wensiensheng said:

Probably they expect the same as Thai people in other countries, to be treated the same as all others. The virus kills and spreads without checking your passport.

spreads yes.  Kills, a small percentage of an infected population.  Since they do NOT test an entire population they have no real idea of the true mortality rate.  They only know how many people were tested that were positive and that died.  Millions upon millions more were not tested but probably had the virus and proper numbers must be included in the total number of infected in order to accurately list a mortality percentage

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4 minutes ago, gk10012001 said:

I would point out that their use of the word safe is open to interpretation.  Many if not most people do not suffer severely from COVID.  The mortality rate which is poorly counted since they don't test the entire population, but only count the known tested people as having COVID, is certainly less than .1 per cent.

I won't ask where you pulled that percentage from.

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1 hour ago, moe666 said:

You do realize those are two totally different vaccines, they trigger the immune system in different ways.

From what I read and heard, the Moderna vaccine as a booster after the first two AstraZeneca shots is a good combination that gives good coverage. We'll see how it works out. But at least I have proven it's not that difficult to get the shots in Thailand!!

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24 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


You haven’t answered a question I asked you in another thread - Perhaps you have in other comments but one of your threads is over 1600 posts long, too many to read through. 



Have you ever attempted to or are you able to obtain a Yellow Tabien Baan house book ??


Also, what is the vaccination status of Thai’s in Chonburi? - are Thai’s in your area getting vaccinated ?













The personal baiting part of your post is ignored. I'm so totally disgusted with smug expats implying expats with passports don't deserve jabs.


Don't bait me with that garbage again. Try that on someone else.


As far as Pattaya yes there is a shortage of vaccines here but some high risk Thais have been served with high risk expats explicitly excluded.




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41 minutes ago, hanuman2543 said:

So you imply that the Australian Border Police or other Australian Government Organisations are corrupt?

Not one whit what I suggested.

If a plane load of whomever appear, are the authorities going to turn them back to possibly run out of fuel and crash into the ocean?

Or might they, as suggested in the OP, have them land and right off into monitored quarantine?

Not sure that Border Police are effective at stopping air traffic. I  will freely admit to not having knowledge of their procedures.

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7 minutes ago, eastendanto said:

Is paying privately for VAX in Thailand still an option or is there none available? If avail be cheaper than what the OPs

plans are to fly here, there and everywhere at great expense.

Not anytime soon.

Possibly starting October or early next year.


Not soon enough.

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Book a trip to American if they are that frightened.  Have a nice trip, get free vaccinations, pick the flavor of Covid-government-intervention you feel accustomed to, example (California - high Covid fear, lots of restrictions; Texas - low Covid fear, few restrictions).  Fly back to Phuket as a double doser, do your Phuket-time, and go back to wherever you live. Oh, then worry about having to do the same when your fear drives you to want boosters that you can't obtain either.
Or - find somewhere else in the world to live as you've just explained to the world the nature of Thai xenophobia.  Either accept it or find a more accommodating place to live.  Yeah.  It sucks to be a foreign expat in Thailand.  I've said it before.  If I wasn't married to a woman who wants to live out her live in Thailand, I'd have left long ago.  I don't like being the brunt of xenophobia.  But the vaccines snafu?  I don't care.  Not even a little.  I hope this keep up well into 2022.

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4 hours ago, wensiensheng said:

Isn’t it less than 8% of people living in Thailand that have been vaccinated? I doubt a third have had even one jab? What does nationality have to do with it?

Well, in fairness it has been stated twice, to me, by MoPH officials (you may have noticed that at every location where vaccinations are occuring there is one stationed to oversee things) that despite the medics wishing to vaccinate me because of my age and condition, I cannot be vaccinated because I am a foreigner. I would suggest that nationality/race has everything to do with it.


Meanwhile, vaccines are being gifted by foreign countries, and Thais living in foreign ("Western countries") are being included in the vaccination programmes. The Thai government has stated that foreigners will be included. it seems, to a large extent, that pledge is being broken.


Of course, the media message may have had a little more relevance if they had built the story around residents who actually live here (and pay taxes and so on} rather than people who are tourists who "regard it as their second home".

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4 hours ago, wensiensheng said:

Probably they expect the same as Thai people in other countries, to be treated the same as all others. The virus kills and spreads without checking your passport.

every country will look after their own first ....  they will have processes in place that ensure their own receive a shot before any outsider does....  

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7 hours ago, tonray said:

With all due respect, less than a third of all Thai citizens have been vaccinated as of yet

I get your point, I'm married to a Thai woman. She has been double vaccinated with Sinovac. With all due respect, how many Thai people have been asked to pre pay for vaccination?  I registered at Lanna hospital in Chiang Mai, registration was confirmed and I was asked to pay 2,300 baht up front and informed that an additional charge of 500 baht would be applied to each jab as a service charge to the hospital. Fair enough, wonder when it will happen?

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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:
37 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


You haven’t answered a question I asked you in another thread - Perhaps you have in other comments but one of your threads is over 1600 posts long, too many to read through. 



Have you ever attempted to or are you able to obtain a Yellow Tabien Baan house book ??


Also, what is the vaccination status of Thai’s in Chonburi? - are Thai’s in your area getting vaccinated ?














The personal baiting part of your post is ignored. I'm so totally disgusted with smug expats implying expats with passports don't deserve jabs.


Don't bait me with that garbage again. Try that on someone else.


As far as Pattaya yes there is a shortage of vaccines here but some high risk Thais have been served with high risk expats explicitly excluded.


You are such a princess... there was no baiting involved. Just a genuine question. 


Have you ever tried to get a Yellow Tabien Baan ???? 


At the end of May you started a thread....  if it is possible for you to secure a Yellow Tabien Baan you could now be ‘in the Thai system’ and able to secure a vaccine appointment on Mor Promp.


IF obtaining a Yellow Tabien Baan is impossible for you, then options become a lot more limited. 



But, there are still options, just not in Pattaya.... i.e. registering with MedPark Hospital in Bangkok. 


















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3 hours ago, malibukid said:

i would suggest that everyone contact BBC, CNN, ABC and inform them of the problems we expats are experiencing here

Yeah.  Contact the Yank main-stream news so Jen Paksi can come back out and tell Yanks to ****-off for the third time.  Lol.

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31 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

... erm... You’re not really doing a very good job of convincing us your wife has a 200+++ IQ there Pracha Duang !!!!! :clap2::laugh:

I met a guy last year who told me he met his wife when she was working abroad in a job with the Thai government. His wife later told my wife that she met him in the Pink Pussy bar. 


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7 hours ago, HAPPYNUFF said:

I  have yet to have this confirmed, but I am told a plane load of wealthy Indonesians chartered their own plane and flew  to Australia, they were immediately placed into quarantine, at their own expense, and given  FREE inoculations, which was the reason for their journey anyway, their country suffering badly, and vaccine being scarce there.

One jab or two in quarantine?


How did they get a visa to enter Australia? It's quite difficult for Indonesians to get a visa to enter Australia, and I'm very sure there's no Australian visa for Covid 19 vaccinations. So how did they board any aircraft in Indonesia?


Further the Australian gov't is already under very strong/severe criticism from Australians because there's a severe shortage of vaccinations for Australian inside Australia. It's very doubtful they would allocate vaccine serum to a plane load of Indonesians rich or otherwise? 


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2 hours ago, BobinBKK said:

  Other than blatant racism and segregation, there is absolutely no reason what-so-ever that any foreign national should be turned away from any vaccination location at anytime to register and/or be vaccinated in Thailand. No one should be told, overhear or see signs with the words “THAI ONLY”. We are all equal and everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.


   According to the current Thai constitution and the agreements Thailand signed with the WTO (referenced below), Thai citizens and foreign nationals are to be treated equally, period. Not holding up to ones commitments and agreements gives the appearance that the Thai constitution isn't worth the paper it's written on and that signed agreements or treaties with any organization or country mean absolutely nothing.


   The US State Department confirmed on April 20th that it has sent to each U.S. embassy sufficient vaccines to administer to all American employees. There's absolutely NO excuse why US citizens could not have be included in that plan to countries where foreign nationals are put at the end of the line. If China and France can do it, then so can America, which obviously has the financial means to do so. Without going into details, we are all very aware of why the delay in the vaccine rollout occurred here. Obviously this is why both China and France stepped in specifically to help their own citizens living in Thailand.


   In a bid to win friends in the South China Sea dispute with China, the US government will vaccinate members of the South Korean Military, citizens of The Philippines (under threats from the Philippines president), Taiwan and Thailand.


   The American government has absolutely NO right to accuse any country of human rights violations when they willfully abandon their own citizen during a global health crisis. Speaking as a tax paying American citizen, I have every right to call my own government shameful and a global disgrace!


   American citizens living in Thailand aren’t asking our government to provide us with health care (even though we were all forced to pay into the Medicare system), we are asking for “life saving” Covid-19 vaccines because THIS IS A GOLBAL PANDEMIC!!!


Note: Thailand is a member of the World Trade Organization. National treatment is an integral part of many World Trade Organization (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Trade_Organization) agreements. It requires equal treatment of foreigners (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_(law) and locals.


   Under national treatment, a state (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_state) that grants particular rights, benefits or privileges to its own citizens (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizen) must also grant those advantages to the citizens of other states while they are in that country. Together with the most favored nation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Most_favoured_nation) principle, national treatment is one of the cornerstones of WTO.

You pretty much mirrored a post I did about 48hrs ago.  Now please copy your post and send to various media outlets and the State Dept:




I did.  There is a ground swell movement in Congress to address our plight.

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15 minutes ago, dutchweller said:

I have not been able to secure any vaccine for myself,  my wife

Why does your wife need you to secure it for her? She could probably do better without you doing it as she's Thai. 

Also, if you have been here so long, married and working, you could get Thai citizenship, which stopped my paranoia about the unfairness of everything.  

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4 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

I would be too.  Sounds terrible.

Got to be one of the most draconian controlling of sheepies places in the world now just seems pitiful.

My nephew told me that one lady, aged 90 has died in the last 10 months and the country has been locked down, my sister can't even leave the country to visit my mum in the UK. It's totally crazy,and people moan about Thailand! 

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