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Thailand reports daily record of coronavirus infections and deaths


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3 hours ago, 2 is 1 said:

Number of people Vaccinated. Total - 14,130,489 Million

This is nothing but pure deception

The first Dose number is approx 12M, and therefore only partly Vaccinated.

The Second Dose number is approx 2.5 Million.

Only 2.5 million people are vaccinated fully which is roughly 3.8 % only of the entire population of 66 Million

Please note, there is conflicting information on Vaccinations across various charts.

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1 hour ago, soalbundy said:

The number of deaths from infections are just a little over 1%,  hardly Ebola  is it. The deaths maybe somewhat under reported but then so are the asymptomatic cases and those cases that go unreported.

I take it no one close to you or your family have died?

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3 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

100 posts complaining about the government and 0 discussing this chart. 


Okay, proactive testing numbers are holding steady at 2,470.


Hospital system admissions are up a bit at 7,443. Note by "hospital system", I mean hospitals, field hospitals, hospitel, etc., including beds in parking garages. 


Discharges are at 6,327.


My calculator says that 1,115 patients were squeezed into filled hospitals, ie "net admissions". I expect this number to drop, unless new facilities come online. 


I would have a discussion about what "admission" means, and case management, but it would bore everyone to tears. 


7,443 admissions from 10,082 infections means they didn't squeeze 2,639 into anywhere.

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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


I found later today that I got an email from the U.S. Embassy on this supposed vaccine opportunity for U.S. expats that arrived to my Inbox at 8:26 a.m. this morning.


That was very close to the time news of the supposed vaccine opportunity was first posted here, and then immediately found to be already closed to registrations.


The U.S. Embassy folks don't seem to be fessing up to just how many doses the Thai government "generously" graced them with for U.S. expats...  My guess would be... a very small number.


An ill-fated PR stunt to make them seem like they're doing/accomplishing something, when in fact, they're not.




About 300 would be a fair guess to provide a decent photo op and they are giving them AZ.  So probably one and done and they won't feel under any obligation to share any of the US donated Pfizer. 

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29 minutes ago, Dogmatix said:

There is something confusing in the AZ numbers bandied about for Thailand.  If the production is 15m a month, that is only 10% below the cited nameplate capacity of 200m a year cited when the project was announced last year which should be seen as an excellent result for a completely new and very small vaccine manufacturer.  A small shortfall of at least that order would have been written into the business plan by AZ and SBS and should not have caused any disruptions to domestic or overseas deliveries.  The government is talking as if it only just found that it is entitled to only a third of monthly production, a share which seems perfectly reasonable since it only ordered 17.5% of expected production at the outset, although it increased that to 30% later. It can't be a surprise for the government to find it is entitled to deliveries in line with what it ordered.  So it could be that the 10m a month it said it was going to get was never on the cards without a law to restrict exports.  It is also very possible that the production is much less than 15m a month which is what is really causing the problem.  With the policy change to de-emphasise Sinovac in favour of AZ, 15m a month is about what Thailand need to get back on track.  However, to get back to even 10m a month by taking deliveries away from friendly countries is probably going to be difficult. 


Apparently, the Thai Government upon the initial Contractual agreements with AZ, only committed to 30% of the Vaccine being produced in the SB facility.

Due to the very small commitment on behalf of the Thai Government, AZ were forced to look elsewhere for customers in order to fully utilize the production Plant, and realise the viability of the whole project.

10 Million doses per Month was never an option, as AZ has other orders placed upon them that they have to commit too in SE Asia region.

Remember, the Vaccine is owned and marketed by AZ, and that SB are only the production facility, and nothing else.

This means of course that the Government is only still entitled to 30 % of the production ( about 5-6 Million Doses ) per Month of the AZ vaccine produced locally..

I am starting to wonder where all the AZ doses will come from to fulfill the  promise of the " Mix and Match  Vaccination " scheme that they have now undertaken.

Surely, there will still only be 5 - 6 Million Doses per Month from SB

This whole thing could get very interesting and possibly very messy.



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Just now, ThailandRyan said:

Your so far out of touch with reality it just amazes me.  ICU's are bursting at the seams and more being built. The ventilators are in high use and thousands upon thousands are waiting on hospital beds, field hospital beds or hospitel beds. Try again sir. Bodies are having to be stored before cremation now in containers as the morgue at at least one hospital is full.

Hospitals don't keep large numbers of beds in ICU's so 'bursting at the seams' isn't an impressive argument, the same goes for morgues, they would be designed with normal hospital death rates so not very large to begin with. Thailand had/has the propensity to put people into hospital for covid whether it is essential or not, even asymptomatic people so it's no wonder hospitals a full....a full hospital doesn't imply massive deaths. Two containers have been ordered, assuming that they aren't just going to stuff bodies one on top of the other, dignity would be paramount, so those containers aren't going to hold a large amount of bodies. 

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Just now, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

 Not very true... The real world experience in other countries like the U.S.. and U.K. with significant vaccination rates is that deaths and hospitalizations decline markedly, which is exactly what the vaccines were promised and intended to do.


None of them ever promised they would prevent everyone from being infected with COVID, just that they would significantly reduce symptomatic infections and even more significantly reduce deaths and hospitalizations, which they have done.


Meanwhile, it's impossible to talk about the virus having "outwitted' vaccines in a country like Thailand where -- a year and a half after the start of the pandemic and 7 months after the first vaccines were approved -- only 5% of the population has been fully vaccinated.


And just for the record, unlike Thailand, countries that have significantly reduced COVID deaths and hospitalizations aren't relying on the Chinese Sinovac vaccine, unlike Thailand. But that's the choice Thailand made, and now it's having to live (and die) with it.



I agree, vaccinations save the lives of the vulnerable and reduce hospitalizations.....for now, when a new variant comes along a new vaccine will be found, the old ones will still offer some protection. I am not against vaccination, I have put my name down on a list at both private and government hospitals. I am against this degrading rush by thousands for a few hundred jabs, unless you are old with asthma, heart and/or lung problems you aren't likely to end up in a morgue.

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10 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

10 Million doses per Month was never an option, as AZ has other orders placed upon them that they have to commit too in SE Asia region.

Except the Thai government repeatedly and publicly in recent months based their vaccine rollout plan on the expectation they would receive 10 million local AZ doses per month for the 2nd half of this year.


In light of the newly disclosed documents, the question has to be asked -- how could they possibly / reasonably expect to receive that volume of local AZ doses that they were telling the public were coming their way.



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3 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

 I am against this degrading rush by thousands for a few hundred jabs, unless you are old with asthma, heart and/or lung problems you aren't likely to end up in a morgue.


You obviously haven't been paying much attention to the daily COVID death reports issued by the Thai MoPH that regularly show new COVID deaths among people in their mid to late 20s at the low end of the age range.... 24 years old was the low age end of today's deaths.


I'm sure all those young people dead from COVID would like to hear your opinion... except... they're DEAD!






Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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We’re currently over 10,000 cases.  Let’s see if we can hit 20,000!  GO TEAM GO.


And to think that the Govt calculated that it would take until December to reach 10,000.  I guess the People in charge need to update their dialup connection to Fibre Optics. ????????????

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42 minutes ago, rabas said:

. I repeat your chart and add Vietnam, which is starting to rise as fast but is a little behind.

Yes have couple of friends there. The sticks and also Saigon.

That country is in the background but you make a very good point. 

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand imposed a nation-wide ban on public gatherings

Most of the country is rural.  They don't have enough cops to enforce this except in about 3% of the country. 
By the way.  Big funeral in the village today.  The cops weren't here to throw all the 'gathering' violators into prison.  Those cops were helping with traffic. 

I love rural Thailand!

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4 hours ago, anchadian said:

Thais unconvinced by govt’s unique mix-and-match jab policy

Like many Thais, veteran journalist Wichit Chaitrong had been looking forward to getting a government-provided COVID-19 jab for months – but not anymore. He changed his mind after hearing the government rollout will use Sinovac for the first dose and AstraZeneca for the second – a mix-and-match formula untried by any other country.


“I will look for a safer option,” Wichit said. “I am going to explore alternative vaccines from now on”.


This jab mix-and-match was the last straw, especially after his vaccination booking was cancelled for an unspecified timeframe.



Thai friends, who expected to get their first shots this week, have had their jabs delayed indefinitely by the BMA's Thai Ruam Jai scheme. Perhaps they are hoping that more people will take the same view as Mr Wichit and decline their vaccinations to ease the pressure.

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1 minute ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Except the Thai government repeatedly and publicly in recent months based their vaccine rollout plan on the expectation they would receive 10 million local AZ doses per month for the 2nd half of this year.


In light of the newly disclosed documents, the question has to be asked -- how could they possibly / reasonably expect to receive that volume of local AZ doses that they were telling the public were coming their way.



Maybe they thought that applied pressure would result in some kind of roll over by AZ. That was never going to happen.

And in retaliation AZ have asked that some of the Vaccines scheduled for Thailand, can be deferred until May of next Year.

This is to firmly place Thailand in the mix along with every other Customer that AZ has for their vaccine.

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8 hours ago, anchadian said:

People are waiting for queue numbers for COVID-19 antigen tests at the Thanyarak Institute in Pathum Thani. The site, run by the National Health Security Office, and can perform 5,000 tests a day




Looks like a Covid contagion and virus-spreading festival. 
Nope.  Connected wealthy people need to make big profits from antigen tests that will eventually be sold for quite a markup, so the lower classes will be forced into contagion zones to get their free tests. 
This is all avoidable, just like the spread of the virus from Thong Lor during Songkran.  It's almost like these fools want a regional epidemic explosion.  They seem to be doing everything in the power to create a bigger problem.
I think the end goal is to turn Thailand into and open-air prison.  Sucks for city dwellers.  Not so much everywhere else.

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18 minutes ago, mrfill said:

I added the UK to the chart and was surprised.

If the rises in Thailand and Indonesia are a disaster then what is the UK? And yet most restrictions there are being lifted in 2 days time. And yet the rate is 5 times greater.

Sometimes the story the data is trying to tell is not so predictable.



Just to expand on James105's reply. About half of the UK's population is fully vaccinated. Among the elderly it's much higher. So deaths and hospitalizations are way down. I think about 5% of Thailands people have received at least 1 job. Ya think that difference might be significant?

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Thailand should start expecting 100K deaths over the next 12 months if they can't vaccine their population in time


that's the metrics we have over here in Europe for countries comparable to Thailand in population size when the vaccine wasn't there

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Just now, GrandPapillon said:

Thailand should start expecting 100K deaths over the next 12 months if they can't vaccine their population in time


that's the metrics we have over here in Europe for countries comparable to Thailand in population size when the vaccine wasn't there

So, very likely then.

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9 hours ago, wasabi said:

The problem is not the rising numbers the problem is no end in sight and no hope since the virus keeps mutating and reinfecting the same people like a convection oven keeps on cooking. The best Prime minister Pinocchio can do is spray down streets and bark at people to wash their hands. Will he cling to his precious Sinovac brown envelopes until Thailand becomes a 4th world country? He cannot swallow his pride and admit the dirty Farang mRNA vaccines made in filthy Farang land are the answer. 

So, if he did admit that the "dirty Farang mRNA vaccines" are the answer, they would be immediately forthcoming? All that's holding up their delivery is a failure to concede superiority to them? How does that work? By magic?

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Just now, brewsterbudgen said:

To be honest, passing on rumours doesn't help much.

I did put the caveat maybe in my post. Let's see what happens. Don't put it past this nutter to do this. Latest is maybe 5 days maybe 3. Like I say wait and see but I've definitely got some stocks in just now.

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Just now, dinsdale said:

I did put the caveat maybe in my post. Let's see what happens. Don't put it past this nutter to do this. Latest is maybe 5 days maybe 3. Like I say wait and see but I've definitely got some stocks in just now.

Now you're making me think of panic-buying after work tomorrow! 

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