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Anyone else tired of the nonsense, and contemplating leaving Thailand?

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3 hours ago, Ralf001 said:

its quirks

How simple-minded.


Glad it works for you. Millions of Thai in poverty, economy is trashed, democracy has left the room and not coming back. Hundreds of young people have had their lives ruined for asking for the same rights you were blessed to be born into.



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12 hours ago, wasabi said:

I've typically been agnostic to the political situation in Thailand which I expect will eternally be tumultuous. I didn't pay it much mind until recently because it didn't effect me. that is until Covid when it put my life at risk. For that reason my wife and I currently in the USA. But it has been our plan to split our time between the USA and Thailand long before Covid. Only difference is now our stay in the US is indefinite until the situation is brought under control in Thailand. We will definitely return when the time is right, but splitting our time between the two countries helps balance out the frustrations that go with either place. I am aware it is a luxury that we have this option to split our time, but since we do we take advantage of it and it works for us. 

It is a major luxury to be able to do that. I have been spending 2 months or longer in the US, for the past 15 years, at least twice a year, plus alot of regional and domestic travel around here. It helps alot. No doubt cabin fever is a factor, that is driving me crazy right now. 

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27 minutes ago, kynikoi said:

How simple-minded.


Glad it works for you. Millions of Thai in poverty, economy is trashed, democracy has left the room and not coming back. Hundreds of young people have had their lives ruined for asking for the same rights you were blessed to be born into.



You know damn well that is not what I was implying but now that you mention it.... the very same  quirks many many others countries suffer, including the one I was born into.

Edited by Ralf001
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10 hours ago, habuspasha said:

For reasons expressed  by Spider, I may not become an expat.  I have loved Thailand since first sight in 1978, loved my Thai GF since first sight in 2014, almost bought our house to live together and planned my retirement together shortly after that.  Recently, the generals and covid have made me think half here and half there might be smarter.  I've always loved my life in Manhattan and my GF has always insisted on staying in Thailand.  She knows nothing about my life here, but now for the first time when I suggest we live in NY, she says yes. 

I lived in NYC for many years. One of the worlds greatest cities, and cultures. I miss it. Moved to California, and it was someplace I never fell in love with, like NYC. Amazing place. And the open minded attitude you are seeing in your GF is more common now. They started a Facebook page for young Thais trying to get out, and make a life for themselves overseas, and a million members joined. What does that say about their degree of hopelessness? It really <deleted> off the thugs. Not our narrative! How dare you seek a way out!


Half the time there and half here would be a dreamlike existence. You may be onto something. Best of both worlds, for sure. 

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2 minutes ago, kwonitoy said:

I had tickets booked Mar 26 2020 for my son and I to move permanently to Canada, condo rented, car reserved everything in order. Mar 23 the e-mails started canceling my flights as the world went into shutdown. I thought it best to stay put in Udon for the time and as Thailand handled the first year of Covid better than Canada I was quite happy staying here.

Now of course Canada is approaching 70% full vaccination and Thailand is a complete shotshow. We will be leaving as soon as safely possible. 

The purpose of relocating was to give my son a Canadian upbring, and hopefully better education possibilities in Canada, he's currently 10 years old and very anxious to move.


So our moving was planned before Covid and is not driving our future plans, but to answer your OP, Yeah after 20 plus years being based out of Thailand I am tired of the constant nonsense and stupidity. Sometimes its funny but the constant drumbeat of foolishness has done my head in. see below


Totally agree. Canada is a lovely place on alot of levels. Right now, a number of places are looking very appealing. Just may have this place in the rear view, at some point in the near future. Doubt I would ever look back, though we have had a very good run here, and would continue to visit often for my wife's family, friends here, and vacations.


But, it would sure be nice to visit, and know we did not have to tolerate the nonsense full time!

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32 minutes ago, kynikoi said:

How simple-minded.


Glad it works for you. Millions of Thai in poverty, economy is trashed, democracy has left the room and not coming back. Hundreds of young people have had their lives ruined for asking for the same rights you were blessed to be born into.



I would change that to hundreds of youths locked up facing ridiculous, drummed up charges, and millions of common Thais devastated by the financial ruin these tin pot fools have inflicted upon them. Unemployment currently at 35%? Or higher? Nobody really knows. 

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4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I never bothered, did my first TM30 last year in order to get a 1 year extension. Lots of hate towards Thailand shown in this thread, if I hated Thailand, I'd just leave.


I like it here!

As I have stated many, many times I do not hate Thailand. I love Thailand and the vast majority of it's people. There are two dozen other factors. Let's try not to make this too simplistic. It is not a simple issue. Equating having beefs, and complaining about them is not the same as hating a place, on any level. There are alot of factors. 

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6 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

As I have stated many, many times I do not hate Thailand. I love Thailand and the vast majority of it's people. There are two dozen other factors. Let's try not to make this too simplistic. It is not a simple issue. Equating having beefs, and complaining about them is not the same as hating a place, on any level. There are alot of factors. 

Most of your complaints are about stuff that doesn't effect us.

Government ..... who cares, Military/Communist doesn't matter to us.

Experimental vaccine ........ who cares, wait until the FDA approve one.

Unemployment ....... who cares, I'm not allowed to work here anyway.

Starving people ....... who cares, not my family, not in my gated community.

Schools closed ........ the term cost me 6k, not a large loss, son happy watching Youtube.


Stuff that matters,

The booze shop is still open, housing is still cheap, young Thai Friendly ladies are still available, the weather is still warm (if a bit wet).


One odd thing, bread has disappeared from the stores .......

Edited by BritManToo
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15 hours ago, simon43 said:

BTW, as far as Covid in Laos is concerned, almost every single case detected are in Lao workers returning from Thailand, typically 35% of these workers have picked up this virus in Thailand.  Community spread within Laos is in single digit figures. 

Says a man sitting on a tinderbox.Once Delta gets a foothold in Laos, which it will, the country will blow - and without Thailand's health care advantages and a rotten corrupt government to boot.

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3 minutes ago, jayboy said:

Says a man sitting on a tinderbox.Once Delta gets a foothold in Laos, which it will, the country will blow - and without Thailand's health care advantages and a rotten corrupt government to boot.

A rotten corrupt government? How can any comparison be made with this current batch of overly corrupt fools? We do not even know the extent of the corruption here. It is likely mind boggling. Now, more than ever. 

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1 minute ago, spidermike007 said:

Alot of ex-pats lose sight of how good we have it, with our income from overseas. Imagine having to earn Thai baht at this time? I cannot. 

My Thai daughter finished university and is working 1 month later.

Wage 18k/month for 5x 8hrs day/week, she was hoping to earn 25k but took what was available.

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17 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

And of course, the question is if we leave, where to? Certainly not back to the US. Thinking maybe we will check out Spain for a long vacation. Then we will see. 

Do you know Spain? Or is this just a county which comes to your mind with nice weather and beaches and all that?


I think the problem is often that when we live in a place for many years then we see things which we didn't see before we moved to that place and which we still didn't see when we started to live there for months and maybe years. And additionally we want to see good things in a new place in which we want to live.


Currently I have to deal with the bureaucracy from my home country in Europe. I can't believe what I experience. Now, in 2021, they still don't use email. Even uncritical information is only send out per snail mail which takes weeks to arrive in Thailand. And that is supposed to be one of the leading countries in this world. Really?


I don't know how the bureaucracy is in Spain or in USA or UK or Australia or wherever. But this is just one one the examples which we often don't know before we live there. And then, at the beginning, we probably tell ourselves: We are new here and don't know the system, soon we will know it and all will be fine. And then, maybe many years later, we get to the point on which you are now. This is so frustrating. I want to move to a place where everything is better - at least I think it's better there. ????


Good luck, and think twice!

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4 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:


One more crazy sample is the trend to promote fat women. Now it's not "allowed" anymore to even think that women should be ideally slim and pretty.

I prefer to leave the thinking element to the little head 55

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54 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Do you know Spain? Or is this just a county which comes to your mind with nice weather and beaches and all that?


I think the problem is often that when we live in a place for many years then we see things which we didn't see before we moved to that place and which we still didn't see when we started to live there for months and maybe years. And additionally we want to see good things in a new place in which we want to live.


Currently I have to deal with the bureaucracy from my home country in Europe. I can't believe what I experience. Now, in 2021, they still don't use email. Even uncritical information is only send out per snail mail which takes weeks to arrive in Thailand. And that is supposed to be one of the leading countries in this world. Really?


I don't know how the bureaucracy is in Spain or in USA or UK or Australia or wherever. But this is just one one the examples which we often don't know before we live there. And then, at the beginning, we probably tell ourselves: We are new here and don't know the system, soon we will know it and all will be fine. And then, maybe many years later, we get to the point on which you are now. This is so frustrating. I want to move to a place where everything is better - at least I think it's better there. ????


Good luck, and think twice!

All good points. And yes I have spent time in Spain and like it alot. Whether or not I would love living there, that I do not know.


I have a friend living there who used to live in both Cambodia and Thailand. He left and never looked back. And he is glad he did. He did agree with you about the red tape, and said the visa was very difficult the first year, however infinitely easier to renew each year, providing you can demonstrate the savings. 


We plan to travel there and spend some time. Will likely know better after that.

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34 minutes ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

is it because of the junta, or because of covid-19?

Both. Tourism was dying a slow death for the past ten years. Higher numbers and infinitely lower quality led to far less income for most. And due to the bone headed luxury taxes and wine taxes, they are having a very hard time attracting the "high end tourists", they rant incessantly about. 

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