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Wasnt greener on the "other side"was it !

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lets keep it real, he couldn't get laid anymore since all the bar are close and hoochies goes home, only reason he wants to go home because he's stuck in his condo.

for other they came to Thailand for a different reason and the grass is still greener on the side

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1 hour ago, chicowoodduck said:

 Could never figure out why folks get so very bored living by themselves?  Enjoy the moment and be thankful you can be on your own schedule and burp and fart whenever the mood strikes you...life is good, be thankful for every single moment

Agree - but some are strong, sure of themselves and sure in themselves.

Others - not so much

They must seek validation in the 'respect' and 'affection' of others - things which are not real, and just a sham IM not so HO

Those who are grounded need no such window dressing.

Fear makes people do some pretty funny things - not all funny Ha Ha but many funny Sad

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Considering that you are stuck in Australia, one of the most expensive and one of the most emasculated nations on earth, not sure you have much room to gloat. 


As bad as things may be here right now, most of us would choose it over Oz, unless we were getting paid a million dollars a year, tax free, to be there. 


No thanks. Thailand at it's very worst, is better than Oz at it's very best. 

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On 8/10/2021 at 7:15 AM, sanuk711 said:

He missis work at the office so much , your thinking he might commit  Suicide..

................are you serious..... ..:coffee1:


Then again there are the Pot Plants to consider..........................

It  is not so uncommon that people who retire with the thinking in mind that it will be great can get depressed. I knew two guys that harped on about  being able to fishing and hunting and golfing and and....

Both has good health. one was married. Had the boat, the time, to do it all. But the security/ routine of  many decades of going to an office  job was so ingrained that they could not cope with the absence of it. One shot himself after 2 years and the other electrocute himself after 3 years.

If you add the self imposed disorientation of relocating to a new country I would not dismiss concern for his wellbeing .


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On 8/10/2021 at 9:42 AM, georgegeorgia said:

But as the saying goes ...."it aint always greener on the other side "

Better to venture out and experience life, rather than to remain in the chains of the slave trade I say.


Your friends situation is an unfortunate one, i.e. he saw a circus thinking he would be on the rides all day long, suffice to say there is more to life than sitting on a barstool and playing Russian Roulette with the bargirls.


He seems that he can't handle being alone, I have very much enjoyed being alone all of my life, even though I am very happily married for 15 years, having gone on trips myself pre-Covid days, to Phuket or other places to spoil myself at a nice hotel, taking the occasional young filly for a ride and then just chilling, breakfast by the beach, swimming in the hotel pool, eating at my favourite restaurants, having an afternoon nap, doing some shopping and then returning home to the family, i.e. the base.


Your friends plan if one could call it that failed, because he is the needy type, probably the same as you, and that is probably what has stopped you venturing out and staying in the slave trade, that is your security, that said, sometimes you have to break routine and freefall, but always have a plan and be financially independent.


The grass is on the other side is only greener, if you allow it to be, and from where I have been sitting for the last 6 years, it's very green, a little different from back home (Sydney), but I know Sydney is not as green here, now defining green can be different in a lot of ways, green to me is freedom and affordability, politics and corruption aside,  which I never get involved in here, Thailand is very much greener for me than Sydney, that said, I do tend to return at old pension age, Buddha willing, to re-retire if there is such a word, in some coastal village so that I can enjoy the surf for the next 10 years, after having enjoyed the country life here.


You should support and encourage your friend instead of coming on here to knock him, no doubt his failure makes you feel good because of your own insecurities.


I have friends in Sydney who are screaming to get out of there, their business failing due to Covid lockdowns and harsh government controls, suffice to say, I have not regretted leaving when I did, but I planned it for 10 years and am financially secure and can be alone, never lonely.





Edited by 4MyEgo
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13 minutes ago, Nojohndoe said:

t  is not so uncommon that people who retire with the thinking in mind that it will be great can get depressed. I knew two guys that harped on about  being able to fishing and hunting and golfing and and....

Both has good health. one was married. Had the boat, the time, to do it all. But the security/ routine of  many decades of going to an office  job was so ingrained that they could not cope with the absence of it. One shot himself after 2 years and the other electrocute himself after 3 years.

If you add the self imposed disorientation of relocating to a new country I would not dismiss concern for his wellbeing .

We obviously lived in different worlds Nojohndoe--I didn't know of anyone in the west--like your 2 friends who would shoot themselves because their missing work to much................... family must have came well last on their list, were they also worried about the fate of their office pot plants being watered as well...........:coffee1:

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On 8/10/2021 at 7:04 AM, canthai55 said:

His choice to wallow in misery.

If he wants to be Happy, then be Happy. It is all up to him.

Pattaya dead, bar girls gone, life in his studio apartment not to his liking ?

Then put on your big boy pants and get out and do something.

Lots to see and do, even there, even now.

Oh Woe is Me - cuts no mustard

"bar girls gone"? Er no they've just moved outside. 

It's quiet certainly but if anyone thinks it's dead and it is getting them down the problem is more likely to be within themselves. 

He obviously wears his heart on his sleeve and is a bit quick to react to situations, best to slow down a bit and consider the alternatives. 

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On 8/10/2021 at 6:42 AM, georgegeorgia said:

Now the "Poor B" is sitting and wallowing in a studio apartment in Jomtien by himself ,im thinking he might even neck himself.


So just think any of you who had comtemplated retirement before covid how lucky you were not to go.

Nonsense schadenfreude and generalization from one case. I know a single old Ozzie who made the mistake of returning to Oz for a visit and got stuck there. He's been dying to get back to Pattaya and wallow in his 2 room apartment. ????


On 8/10/2021 at 7:48 AM, georgegeorgia said:

those of you who are alone are finding it difficult

More nonsense. How about just considering people as individuals rather than coming up with silly stereotypes?


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I suspect this gentleman like many others didn’t do his homework before deciding to move to Thailand and perhaps made his decision based on holiday experiences only.

Living in Thailand isn't for everyone as can be said for many countries including Australia.

I have lived here for ten years with my Thai wife and daughter and am very happy and have no wish to return to Sydney.

Compared with Australia and in particular my home city the Covid restrictions here are minimal and our lifestyle has barely been affected.

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1 hour ago, sanuk711 said:

We obviously lived in different worlds Nojohndoe--I didn't know of anyone in the west--like your 2 friends who would shoot themselves because their missing work to much................... family must have came well last on their list, were they also worried about the fate of their office pot plants being watered as well...........:coffee1:

Maybe be  my world has been a little wider? But, be happy to be happy.

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On 8/10/2021 at 6:50 AM, georgegeorgia said:

yes i am, im so jealous ????

Sorry but you really seem to be as most posters have said in thier  comments to you. Should have told your friend that a breakup may hurt but there are plenty of available women in Thailand. Whats that old song say "if you can't be with the one you love , love the one your'e with"   Yes the gyms are closed but he could do what I did  bought a multi speed  bike and ride it around. I bought weights and some strech band equipment (try TRX on Lazada or Shopee) and use them till gym opens back up. As far as massage if you drive or better still walk around Pattaya you can find one sneaking open.  Plenty of freelancers along Beach Road and other areas to keep him company. 

I have streaming services and internet to watch movies so he can do same and not too bored till hre finds a honey to keep him company.

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"Im stuck in this studio" 


small confined space definitely can be tough during a lockdown.


Move into a penthouse.

Get the Tinder app. 

Get and go for walk every day.


problem solved.




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1 hour ago, mfd101 said:

Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration to put it mildly. And a pointless generalization to boot.


Those who complain about how expensive Oz is are those who live on low or lowish fixed incomes. But the average income in Oz now is US63000 nominal, US55000 PPP. Which is not to be sneezed at.

Definitely enough to pay for those $200 diner lunches, for your family.

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5 hours ago, vinci said:

lets keep it real, he couldn't get laid anymore since all the bar are close and hoochies goes home, only reason he wants to go home because he's stuck in his condo.

for other they came to Thailand for a different reason and the grass is still greener on the side

You must be living in a different Thailand to me.

It's just as easy to get laid today, as it ever was.


I always wondered what different reason any single guy would have for coming to Thailand? Can't think of one myself .......... cheap female company ....... it's what Thailand is for! (Your payment plans may vary)


It's as good here today, as it was when I arrived in 2009.

My only complaint, is me getting older, but that would have happened anywhere.


Back to the OP,

I can see how living alone in one room in a city with everything closed might not be a lot of fun. But nobody is forcing him to live like that, he could always get a bigger place in the burbs with a bit of a garden he can sit out in. And invite a younger lady to share his home, or get some pets.

Edited by BritManToo
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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Considering that you are stuck in Australia, one of the most expensive and one of the most emasculated nations on earth, not sure you have much room to gloat. 


As bad as things may be here right now, most of us would choose it over Oz, unless we were getting paid a million dollars a year, tax free, to be there. 


No thanks. Thailand at it's very worst, is better than Oz at it's very best. 

Happy endings expensive

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6 hours ago, Stevemercer said:

At least he did it. He gave his dream a try. Maybe he will find a new girlfriend and life will pick up. Maybe he will return to Australia having got Thailand out of his system.


No matter what, he is better off for his experiences.


As other posters have said, nobody on their death bed regrets all the woman they have shagged.

They would if they got aids

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