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TAT's 2022 tourism assessments: The numbers are dizzying as Thailand aims for World Top 5

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6 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

But, in reality, (because these figures are delusional), they would be lucky to be in the top five of tourism countries in South East Asia ! 

Thailand could be, but on a worst,worst case scenario, Malaysia,Vietnam,Philippines, Indonesia are all having a hard time, seems Cambodia are the only country who know what they are doing...of course leaving Japan and Korea out of it.

  • Confused 1

Once a joke, always a joke. This administration should consider launching it's own comedy channel - would be a huge hit!!!

9 hours ago, Thailand said:

Funny, but I am still waiting for the one to beat the "sex with masks etc" . As TIT must becoming soon.

Actually the "sex with masks" is more believable then this <deleted> . 

  • Like 2
6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

More nonsense, and drivel from the insane, out of touch, Thailand is the center of the known universe brigade. 


Take the worst case, cut the international numbers in half, and you might have a semblance of reality, three to five years post Covid. Maybe, if they are lucky.


Sacrifices need to be made. I do not hear ANY discussion about what sacrifices Thailand is willing to make, to get the tourists, and that multi trillion baht cash cow back. A good place to start would be the submarines. Give them up. you going to do with them anyway? Who will pilot them? No subs for 60 years, and all of a sudden you have the expertise to pilot and maintain them? Hello. Show the people you care.  22 billion is the official number. But, since the first one is already up to 13 billion, the numbers simply do not add up. As usual. What about experience? Thailand has not had a sub for over 60 years. Who will pilot this sub? Who will maintain it? How much is the projected annual bill for repairs, and upkeep? Do you army clowns care one iota about the people? Just be honest, for once, and admit that you don't. 


So, I have one simple question for Phiphat and Prayuth. You say you want wealthy tourists. You keep droning on and on and on about that. OK. That is a reasonable desire. So, what are you willing to offer in exchange? And what sacrifices is your nation willing to make to attract them? Will you lower your luxury taxes, so they can shop? Will you lower your wine taxes, so they can enjoy a good bottle, without feeling like they were abused? Will you work hard to increase English proficiency? Have you even considered any of these notions, or do you still think Thailand is the most important country in the world, and one that tourists cannot resist? We have news for you. 60 plus nations are already open for tourism. Your extreme timidity, and the spectacularly ridiculous restrictions you currently have on tourism are an atomic bomb under the entire industry. 

If a tourist wanted to venture to an island destination, they are all devastated by this shutdown. Was recently in Samui. 85% of the hotels were closed. Most restaurants, alot of bars, shops and other businesses were closed many permanently. Granted, there are some great hotel bargains right now. But, that environment is fairly depressing, seeing so much hardship. So, the lame authorities here need to wrap their minds around that. Tourists would be coming to a hugely diminished destination. Free quarantine? Might be a good place to start. Make some sacrifices, you incompetents. These issues and problems were becoming apparent long before Covid. And none were being addressed. That is part of my point. Tourism had been declining for years already. The numbers were up. But the quality of tourist was way down. And according to everyone I spoke to last year, the year before and the year before that, income was way, way down. So, "this blame it all on Covid scenario" is somewhat disengenuous. Sure, Covid is huge. And the drop now is stunning. But, my point is there were plenty of issues prior to Covid. And are any of them being addressed?


Prayuth and Phiphat where the two worst things to even happen to the once vital and important tourism industry. The sabateurs in chief. And the same can be said about Thailand in general. They are very dark clouds on the nation's future, and likely to cause a decline of Angolan proportions.





I've said it before, I always look for and 'enjoy' your comments Spidermike.

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  • Thanks 1
10 hours ago, khunPer said:

Predicting is difficult, especially about the future, but since I was allowed to peek into another member's valuable antique crystal ball, I got the impression that TAT's "worse case" scenario for 2022 is the most reliable of the three options...????

how do you predict about anything other than the future?


You can keep talking about these incredulous numbers but never actually get them.

There's no accountability.



Great job.

  • Like 1

Look at there official side



It's just amazing

They start with latest news.

If you click on there daily news,

You got all the corvit numbers for each day, like on an official site of a health ministry.


Down is News & Announcement

First news is Samui open from 14 July 2021 

Second news is Semi Commerciale Flights to Thailand from 18.December 2020


Old, older, seemingly dead


Then looked under Visa and Entry.

There are writen informations from 2016 !!!


The last (latest) annual TAT report that can be downloaded is from 2017


The 5 top destinations that TAT recommends in Thailand are:

Chon Buri = Pattaya ok

But why Ubon Ratchathani?


The page looks very dusty, not well-kept and is informatively out of date. My recommendation: you should have seen it.


It shouldn't be concerning to us that Thais love to have their ears tickled with such preposterous claims.  It's a culture thing.  

After all, this is what giving hope is - laying false claim to unattainable numbers.  The worst case scenario that I saw touted would be the best case scenario.  There will be no tourism for the winter season in Thailand other than that absolutely preposterous sandbox that they have going.  

Nobody in their right mind would go vacation where the health care system is collapsing right before our very eyes.  Come on vacation, if you get sick you die.  

  • Like 2
10 hours ago, Joeb said:

I kind of like the Vaccine Tourism idea. Come to amazing Thailand. You pay for your airfare. You pay for your 14 days in a quarantine hotel and you will receive 2 free doses of Sinovac. How could it possible miss.

China loves that headline. 

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It is already mid August in Thailand and look how the vaccination program is going, and how the COVID case numbers keep climbing.  I wonder if Thailand will even have a high season this year? The worst case plan looks too ambitious, but then people all over the world have been cooped up in their own countries, so maybe lots have got the travel itch and will surprise us all with their bravery.  The delta variant is making people sick in many countries, and I wonder just how many of the unvaccinated will be dead in the next month or two.  Maybe by November of 2022, Thailand will have most of their citizens and expats vaccinated.


I sure hope so anyway. TAT sure seem to have a lot of dreamers in their midst, and it keeps us all entertained with their fantasy numbers. I am hopeful that I can go to Thailand by the end of 2022 to enjoy that Winter in the heat, forever hopeful.


  • Like 1
13 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

They should be a little bit more careful out of two big reasons that the world and your people is starting to really see:


1. It is still illegal with fake news, and this is the worst kind.


2. The only reason this is in the news, is to build trust for a stronger baht. That´s called currency manipulation, and is also illegal.

Since when has illegality been a hinderence here?

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In the UK a machine called ERNIE generates random numbers of Premium Bonds and people win cash prizes.  In Thailand they have TAT and nobody wins.

  • Haha 2

the only way tourism will have multi millions of tourists is if Mass organized group tourism as the Chinese did is allowed again.   God I hated seeing those hordes at BKK, groups of 20 following behind the flag bearer of their group.  Totally clogged Walking street in Pattaya.  Few of them going into the local bars or gogos.  Many stay in chinese quietly owned hotels, eat prepared pre planned meals there.  To me, that is not a way to be a tourist.  Go out and eat in local places.  Stay in local owned hotels.  But, to each their own. 

  • Like 2

Could it be that Stamford Raffles had the right idea, all those years ago?


Colonise the bloody place.


(no I don't mean colonoscopy, that's different, but mind you they might keep their grey cell up there, it sure isn't in their brain case.)

  • Haha 2
9 hours ago, bangon04 said:

Quality Tourists...  preferably Thai domestic tourists.. and Chinese cousins buying real estate and failing companies, playing high stakes casinos .  No need for the dirty Farang....


Just ask some V.I.P.s to tour the country with their large entourage, book some luxury hotels, then have those infamous parties... Problem solved!

9 hours ago, bangon04 said:

Quality Tourists...  preferably Thai domestic tourists.. and Chinese cousins buying real estate and failing companies, playing high stakes casinos .  No need for the dirty Farang....


Oh, they need us. Otherwise, who would they have to hold below themselves.

  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

Since when has illegality been a hinderence here?

Since the people started to wake up. About 1 month ago.

16 minutes ago, StayinThailand2much said:

Just ask some V.I.P.s to tour the country with their large entourage, book some luxury hotels, then have those infamous parties... Problem solved!

Except they do not pay, their shareholders or the government does


I sometimes imagine TAT having set up four huge wheels in a cavernous basement room at their New Petchburi Rd. headquarters.


One of the wheels has random foreign arrival figures, the second bears revenue figures, while the third and fourth are for domestic tourism.


Whenever predictions are needed, TAT's top executives will assemble in that room, drawing names from a hat to determine who is going to spin those wheels.


Or perhaps even more likely, TAT employs a shaman who regularly interprets the country's tourism fortunes from fish entrails. 

  • Haha 2
1 hour ago, Grusa said:

Could it be that Stamford Raffles had the right idea, all those years ago?


Colonise the bloody place.


(no I don't mean colonoscopy, that's different, but mind you they might keep their grey cell up there, it sure isn't in their brain case.)

I don't know about that, but I did appreciate the reference to Sir Raffles so I read up on him a bit.  Interesting historical figure and time.

  • Thanks 1

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