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Video: Ex husband trashes his former wife's house after she refused to let him move "mia noi" in


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2 minutes ago, AnotherFarang8 said:

Please do not mix in any religion here, they only serve to control the herd.


There are two kinds of men in the world those who like to be woman’s property and follow her orders and those who don’t. Please keep religions out of this.

Your a little mixed up, a playboy you must be.  Not all married men are cheaters or victims, you must have Stockholm syndrome to believe that one.

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Just now, ThailandRyan said:

Your a little mixed up, a playboy you must be.  Not all married men are cheaters or victims, you must have Stockholm syndrome to believe that one.

See, using the word “cheaters” gives you away immediately. Since young age you’ve been conditioned by society to think of yourself as being a wrong-doer, a sinner, a criminal if you touch another woman. This is a ball and chains you carry everywhere with you, my friend. Invisible to you maybe, but very heavy looking from my side of the fence.

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44 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Thai man wanted to move his Mia noi into the house with the wife and kids.

That's implied, but not clearly stated, as usual the story is only one side and vague. It sounds a little simplistic, there may be more to it. I'd be interested in the terms of the divorce and why he's so angry. Not that I think anything could justify this behavior, just curious.

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2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

He played, got caught, tried to be slick. Lost the plot, lost the wife, then acted like a true Thai man-child.  Nothing more than he wanted it all and ended up with bubkis, nada much, and a soon to be empty bank account as well....yep that's all folks.  Lucky for him he didn't have a gun....

 being thai is not relevant, males around the world are prone to these massive overeactions, for example, in the states, usually men, go on shooting sprees often killing random friends, family, work colleagues or strangers simply becasue they are unhappy about something.

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30 minutes ago, AnotherFarang8 said:

See, using the word “cheaters” gives you away immediately. Since young age you’ve been conditioned by society to think of yourself as being a wrong-doer, a sinner, a criminal if you touch another woman. This is a ball and chains you carry everywhere with you, my friend. Invisible to you maybe, but very heavy looking from my side of the fence.

It depends on whether you either want to be in an exclusive relationship or an open relationship .

  You need to come to an agreement with your partner as to whether you will both remain faithful or you can both have other sexual partners , although you either both need to agree on the same thing or split up . 

  Cheating isnt acceptable

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2 hours ago, Doctor Tom said:

Infantile Thai male; there are far far too many of them around, cosseted by their mothers then fawned on by their wives who will put up with any old <deleted>. We see and hear about it all too often here.   

The Tiny Emperors as they known

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2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Thai man wanted to move his Mia noi into the house with the wife and kids.

I did read that; however, having a mia noi is not exclusive to Thai men.  Stupidity is not limited to one nationality.  

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1 hour ago, AnotherFarang8 said:

Please do not mix in any religion here, they only serve to control the herd.


There are two kinds of men in the world those who like to be woman’s property and follow her orders and those who don’t. Please keep religions out of this.

Perhaps a third kind? Those who understand co-operacy?


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9 minutes ago, PMEL said:

I did read that; however, having a mia noi is not exclusive to Thai men.  Stupidity is not limited to one nationality.  

I can honestly say I have never met or heard of a foreigner, expat having a Mia noi, now maybe a Gik but not a Mia noi where your supporting her as well as the main wife.  Play toys aside.....

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1 hour ago, Smithson said:

That's implied, but not clearly stated, as usual the story is only one side and vague. It sounds a little simplistic, there may be more to it. I'd be interested in the terms of the divorce and why he's so angry. Not that I think anything could justify this behavior, just curious.

Me too , maybe it was his house and he was already living somewhere else appart from his wife and now wanted to move in the mia noi but the wife wouldn't leave . And because of that filed a divorce . Then the husband waited for the divorce to be finalised and trashed his own place so the Ex wife couldn't live in it anymore .

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3 hours ago, AnotherFarang8 said:

Please do not mix in any religion here, they only serve to control the herd.


There are two kinds of men in the world those who like to be woman’s property and follow her orders and those who don’t. Please keep religions out of this.


Nah, there's three; there's also dinosaurs, as your role play so aptly demonstrates ????

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3 hours ago, it is what it is said:

 being thai is not relevant, males around the world are prone to these massive overeactions, for example, in the states, usually men, go on shooting sprees often killing random friends, family, work colleagues or strangers simply becasue they are unhappy about something.

Here's two recent examples, one being especially horrific, from the UK:


Husband burned down the family house to stop his ex getting ...

Plymouth shooting: Prayers to remember victims - BBC News


Apparently the shooter was "angry" with women.


It happens regularly all over the world.


But it doesn't get reported so much on the, now even more parochial, "social media" in which some expats bury themselves in Thailand.


A lot of them seem to have made a whole new little "box" for themselves in Thailand.


They need to get out of it, and think out of it, a bit more.


But most of ones that I meet tend to be pretty much rubbish at doing that.



Edited by Enoon
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ThailandRyan - thank you


'He played, got caught, tried to be slick. Lost the plot, lost the wife, then acted like a true Thai man-child.  Nothing more than he wanted it all and ended up with bubkis'


What is it with 'bubkis'?      Bupkis? Bubkes? Bupkes?  Does it really mean 'goat <deleted>' in Yiddish?


'Just one more thing'   It  was the late great Peter Falk's favourite word.  As revealed 'Inside The Actor's Studio' (on YouTube). Lovely interview with PF.

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15 hours ago, AnotherFarang8 said:

This is why no self-respecting man should date a jealous woman. She will think of him as her property, deprive him of any freedom and make his life hell. Stay away from jealous women if you want to be your own master.

I know, huh? The nerve of his wife to take offense at him trying to have another woman move in the home, while she is still living there…sheesh.

I think you would make great marriage counselor. 

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18 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

To do what?

As far as I know if a couple is married then any one of them can trash anything they own and that is perfectly legal. But please correct me if I am wrong.

From the OP :

" After the divorce was finalized the husband trashed the house."

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4 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

It is those mia nois that are the problem. I just cannot afford a mia noi, as one head ache is enough for me.

  Solution,  no mia noi, no problems.


Or only mia nois - nobody has to tell them that there is no main wife.

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