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You know you're old when..............


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20 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

Add your own tongue-in-cheek observation.

When it takes you all night to do what you used to do all night.

When you touch cloth after breaking wind.

When you look in the mirror and see your dad.

Edited by hotchilli
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17 hours ago, toofarnorth said:

Kenny Everett once said ' When it takes you all night to do once what you once did all night '.


More people would live to a ripe old age if they weren't too busy providing for it.

When you know who Kenny Everett was. (I miss his amazing humour mak mak)

When every sit-up and press-up is vital.

when I stopped playing chasing's with my dogs on the beach

When I stop throwing the dogs favourite fetch-balls and start using a ball-woomera

When I wake up next to a beautiful women and want to swim and do yoga instead of the horizontal mamba

When I started eating lots more vegetarian food.

When afternoon naps became a regular thing

When getting in the ring for half a dozen rounds turned into 3 rounds.

When I started getting someone to clean my house

When I knew I couldn't fly economy anymore

When it took me 30 seconds to scroll to find my birth year on those d.mn.d auto-select calendars

When I learned I had to replace both my hips




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13 hours ago, olfu said:

You realize you're old when you double-check your age with somebody.

A Thai chap a couple of weeks ago where I go for a coffee asked how old I was , I said 73  then after counting the years from 1947 I realised my mistake and said 74 .Nice chap though , he thought I was about 65. He then said most Thais can't ride a bike at 74.  I thought most can't ride a bike properly but i kept quiet.

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When the masseuse asks you to 'turn over' and it takes you 5 minutes to do so.


When you see a video of you drunken dad dancing and it looks like it's been shot in slow motion, when at the time you felt like John Travolta.


When you pack 7 pairs of underpants for a weekend break..


When you dress at the speed of a sloth crossing the highway.




Edited by Saltire
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15 hours ago, PJPom said:

When a light bulb goes out in the ceiling light and you get a table and a chair on top, look at it and seriously wonder if you should. I have considered myself super fit for years but all of a sudden I have started considering the risks, I must be getting old !.

I can climb 2 steps of a ladder easily but I won't go much higher unless there is somebody else (younger) who can do the job for me.

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