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Sinovac has one big advantage over other vaccines, official says


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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

With Sinovac, other than the fact that it is cheaper than the other ones, you'll probably will have to take couple or more of booster shots to make it work and this is when the cheap become expensive...

not mentioning kowtowing ( i would have used stronger terms but it's not allowed) to the big brother China...

I heard Sinovac is more expensive 

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11 minutes ago, wensiensheng said:

He makes a point that is correct at a single moment in time, but has ignored events that preceded that moment.


he should consider:


1. Thailand could have ordered other vaccines  prior to there being a back log. The government did not do so.


2. the government did not order other vaccines because they put their faith in a start up company producing AZ vaccine in quantities required to meet anticipated needs. The company could not meet its production targets


3. the government under anticipated the volume of  AZ vaccine that would be required. As a result they under ordered and had to subsequently try and increase the order. Since the start up company couldn’t even meet the original order, they couldn’t meet the increased order.


4. only when the government realized how much vaccine would actually be needed, and compared it to how much vaccine they would likely receive from their local AZ supplier, did they cast around for other vaccines to make up the shortfall. At that point there was a back log of orders and sinovac was the only one immediately available in sufficient quantities to make a difference.


5. integral to the poor decision on required amounts of vaccine and the urgency with which it would need to be deployed, was a relaxed attitude to the ability of the government to control the virus. Having beaten it back twice previously, a sense of complacency assumed that it could be beaten back again and vaccines deployed in a leisurely fashion. Not enough attention was paid to both alpha and delta outbreaks in other countries, and what could/would happen in Thailand when those variants took hold here.


whether other governments could have done better is open to debate but the under estimation of required vaccine amounts, initial reliance on a sole start up supplier and laissez faire attitude toward being able to control future outbreaks, were with hindsight, serious errors. 

If this were golf they could call for a mulligan. But it isn't.

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It can be agreed that Sinovac was available when other vaccines where not available in large numbers. Possibly because the Chinese where working on a vaccine  at the same time as working on developing the virus.

There is data available that suggests the Sinovac vaccine is below par when compared to other vaccines now available . The purchase from the Chinese of Sinovac in huge orders at this time along with unapproved testing kits . submarines and aircraft carriers  would indicate  the high profile lobbying from influential Chinese business men  based in Thailand has a big influence on the current Thai government .

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1 hour ago, Ireland32 said:

I heard Sinovac is more expensive 

It's actually cheap, but I believe Thailand pays the highest price from taxpayers money to help generate more profits for CP which supports bigger donations to the regime.


You know how it works "I'm gonna get you some milk, give me some cash - it's 3000 baht per litre".

Then you pay 3000 baht for your litre of milk, and collect your 500 baht kickback in profit - whilst the milk should only cost 45 baht in the first place... you get richer.

Edited by ben2talk
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3 minutes ago, Dogmatix said:

Do you think the mega corruption in the rice pledging scheme would have been uncovered, resulting in decades in prison for some, if Yingluck had remained in power?  Do you think there is no corruption in this government because the receipts have not been found left carelessly lying around?    

What I think is what everybody on here takes for a given even if true isn't so easy to prove and the "Everybody knows that .. " just doesn't cut it.


It isn't any secret:


There are high risks of corruption in most sectors in Thailand. Even though Thailand has the legal framework and a range of institutions to counter corruption, companies may regularly encounter bribery or other corrupt practices. Ousted Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has been put on trial for losses to the state allegedly amounting to at least USD 8 billion stemming from a rice subsidy scheme.





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29 minutes ago, Dogmatix said:

Do you think the mega corruption in the rice pledging scheme would have been uncovered, resulting in decades in prison for some, if Yingluck had remained in power?  Do you think there is no corruption in this government because the receipts have not been found left carelessly lying around?    

That was basically why i was pro coup, because as long as a government is in power they can hide all stuff and stall investigations. So IMHO the fact they did not find real proof in the CP connection is not strange. They just cant investigate as they are not in power and those in power use the power to shield themselves.

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14 minutes ago, robblok said:

That was basically why i was pro coup, because as long as a government is in power they can hide all stuff and stall investigations. So IMHO the fact they did not find real proof in the CP connection is not strange. They just cant investigate as they are not in power and those in power use the power to shield themselves.

per Wikipedia:


"With some 200 business subsidiaries in mainland China, CP Group is known in China as "Zhèng Dà" (正大). When China opened up its economy in 1978, the CP Group was the first foreign investor in the country and became the first foreign company registered in the special economic zone of Shenzhen, Guangdong. The company is the single largest investor in Mainland China today commanding over fifth of China's entire feed meal market."


You want to trace Sinovac kickbacks  from China to Thai big shots via CP (if any) good luck

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4 hours ago, uli65 said:

Sinovac is good, but Sinopharm ist better

no comment about the other crappy gene therapy treatments, these are not vaccines

time will tell you

Except of course, the mRNA vaccines are not gene therapy agents. They do nothing to alter the DNA of the vaccinated. Stop spreading falsehoods. And virtually the entire scientific community considers them to be vaccines.

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25 minutes ago, jerrymahoney said:

You want to trace Sinovac kickbacks  from China to Thai big shots via CP (if any) good luck

CP Group, through a subsidiary, took a 15% stake in Sinovac Biotech last year. Seems like a prescient investment.


CP Group has threatened anyone questioning their relationship with the Thai regime's reliance on sinovac with defamation.


Nothing to see here, especially if you're encouraged not to look.



China's Sinovac attracts $515m to help double COVID vaccine output

CP Group affiliate to take 15% stake in unit making CoronaVac


Hong Kong-listed Sino Biopharmaceutical, controlled by CP Pharmaceutical Group, is to put in $515 million, giving it a 15% stake in Sinovac Life Sciences, the unit in charge of CoronaVac production.







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15 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Except of course, the mRNA vaccines are not gene therapy agents. They do nothing to alter the DNA of the vaccinated. Stop spreading falsehoods. And virtually the entire scientific community considers them to be vaccines.


And after 3 days all your vaccine had left your body already.

Left is only the immune response. That's all.

Definetely it has nothing to do with genes. I really don't know why people have to repeat this BS.

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35 minutes ago, jerrymahoney said:

per Wikipedia:


"With some 200 business subsidiaries in mainland China, CP Group is known in China as "Zhèng Dà" (正大). When China opened up its economy in 1978, the CP Group was the first foreign investor in the country and became the first foreign company registered in the special economic zone of Shenzhen, Guangdong. The company is the single largest investor in Mainland China today commanding over fifth of China's entire feed meal market."


You want to trace Sinovac kickbacks  from China to Thai big shots via CP (if any) good luck

I won't be able too and if they did it well nobody will. But when people are in power they have more abilities to hide stuff. 

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5 hours ago, phetphet said:
11 hours ago, HeijoshinCool said:


Sinovac has one big advantage over other vaccines, official says



It is easier for Thais to pronounce than Pfizer or Astra Zeca....?




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Are you sure? Sinowac.


Yes, I'm sure it's still easier, and much more hygienic.....


they don't spit all over you like Dafy Duck when they try to say Pfizer.





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Well yes it had the advantage of being available en masse, but is akin to buying millions of chocolate fireguards for Thais.


But I do rather hate this ‘this is better, that is better, we are the best’ claptrap that typically comes from Thai official-non-official-dom. Just think yourselves lucky that Western-made vaccines have been made available to you, public health official, since your people would be dying left, right and centre. Have some bloody humility!!!

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