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Thai government advised to prepare for financial fallout from China’s ‘Evergrande’ crisis


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Oh dear.

The boards loyal band of CCP apologists will be along soon to put a spin on this.

A country and economy built on sand.


Evergrande set to raise more cash from partial sale of its property services unit




Edited by Cherrytreeview
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I think CCP just delisted Evergrande. Luckly it was never traded outside of China I think?

It rocked the US market very lightly then rebounded quickly.

I only hold one Chinese stock and I wish I had never bought into it now. It is loosing me a few thousand.


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Evergrande is the caricature of a property bubble about to go pear shaped. A power grid so stressed that blackouts are common place now, and even factories are shuttered for days each week. An attack on the tech sector that has caused four companies to lose $250B USD in market value. And now we hear that Xi is selling strategic oil reserves to "stabilize prices" (yeah, nah). The seams are starting to fray, as is inevitable with any communist experiment.

Wow. This is how normies see the situation? Very interesting insight.

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6 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

I thought that a statement was issued a few Days ago, which basically stated Thailand had very little exposure to the Evergrande melt down.

If Korn is sounding a warning, then I doubt this to be the case.

well who knows 


some corrupt spoils are going belly up 


I hope it doesn't impact the baht :crazy:


but honestly I would prefer that certain individuals mentioning no names completely lost their ###

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2 hours ago, chalawaan said:


Well this is a surprise! I never claimed you were being a racist! I was posting in support, in fact, that you went to the trouble to use CCP and not the generic "Chinese". 

If you feel patronised, did I hit a nerve?

If you feel lectured, then you're reading far too much into it on a personal level.

For someone who could not care less, you sure took the time to be quite offensive.


Looks I've inadvertendly pressed every button on your panel!


I will concede I may have been virtue signalling rather shamelessly...

But see? I can laugh at myself, it's only a forum, sport.


BTW. This PC nonsense is still only trotted out by silly old duffers. You sound like my Dad and I'm sixty!

 In any case, everybody under sixty with a heart knows it's just shorthand for jerks to wear their jerk badge with a belligerent pout! LoL.


And, since you don't care what I think, or indeed anything about me, we shan't expect any more unwarranted vitriol from you, right? ????






do you have a patent on that post, could you shift some words around and send it to Xi lol

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2 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Sorry, but I didn't hear it here first. A senior CCP minister made a statement a couple of weeks ago saying the 'reunification' of China/Taiwan will happen soon and will be completed much quicker than most people anticipate. 

And I don't think there's much the US or anybody will be able to do about it - sadly

you're da man

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47 minutes ago, Cherrytreeview said:

Let's hear your insights.

Well, I'm at work so will have to be succinct.


Briefly, some of you guys are overly focused on second-order effects without considering the why of those effects in the context of the country and society in which they're occurring. For instance, why is Evergrande verging on default? Why did CN tech and edu companies see a hit to valuations earlier this year? And why did casino and gaming companies see a more recent slide?


Hint: There's a common thread to many of the items that the poster I originally replied to raised.

Then consider why triggering these short-term difficulties might be the play for an agent whose horizon is very long-term rather than focused on the next-quarter or next-election-cycle.

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1 hour ago, smedly said:

They are preparing for an invasion of Taiwan - you heard it here first 


My estimation is that it is weeks away

Let's hope that my wife can use that as an 'chumming up to China' asylum fear for returning to Thailand one day and save on the immigration settlement fees ! 

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What no one else in the forum seems to have noted so far is that this Korn character offers absolutely nothing concrete that Thailand can do to protect itself from this possibly impending disaster. And there's a good reason for that: there is very little that Thailand can do. Its proximity to the world's 2nd (or 1st in terms of PPP) means that its economy is necessarily highly vulnerable to Chinese economic distress.

There's a basic and universal applicable economic observation characterized as gravity. Basically it means that the closer you are to a country, the more you will trade with that country. (There are a few obvious exceptions in the case of nations that have embargoes foreign trade). And that effect is amplified or lessened depending on the size of their respective economies. It's pretty clear how that consideration describes the relation of Thailand and China.

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15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

The Chinese property giant is the most indebted developer in the world at present, reportedly in the hole by as much as US$305 billion due to its heavy investment in real estate projects in China and a wide range of other industries, including electric cars, health care services, consumer products and even a theme park.

Sounds like China in general, things are going south fast and little cash flow.

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15 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

I thought that a statement was issued a few Days ago, which basically stated Thailand had very little exposure to the Evergrande melt down.

If Korn is sounding a warning, then I doubt this to be the case.

There's also a knock on effect to the Thai property market which will see the first real crash here in many years.


I'm sitting on the sidelines waiting to see what develops.  


It's starting now with Evergrande, and I believe we're weeks away from a massive crash. Asia, because of its reliance on China, will bear the brunt of it. 


Get out of stocks and fiat and into Crypto and metals; Gold and Silver etc. They will be the only safe havens once it starts. 

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