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Tourist faces huge bill, separation from family after testing positive on arrival in Thailand


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48 minutes ago, TheFishman1 said:

 Why does the guy have to stay in the hospital for 10 days can’t they test him the following day in the hospital maybe the test that was positive was a false reading it but I had no symptoms and was tested before he got on the plane it was negative then he gets off the plane takes the test and tighten it says he’s positive maybe that test is incorrect I think the hospital should give them another test maybe the guys even have it TIT

You know the answer. The PM can not control where the money goes if he is allowed out of Covid jail

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5 hours ago, Karma80 said:

nobody is covered for a quarantine hotel for being a close contact.

That is wrong.  My insurance states that I am covered if I am required to quarantine by the authorities. It has a fairly low limit though.

Edited by KhaoYai
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If you know Thailand get away from the slogan " Land of Smile " it doesn't need to be announced just assume based on the other headliner thread " Quality " they assume you can afford it so based on their history and the court recent ruling you should pay and pay dearly because you are better off this country calls themselves a democracy but has a socialist mentality they will bleed you dry that is their goal so I say everyone "  STAY AWAY "  or as their leaders are calling  " Thailand Pass " that should be very clear to everyone. ???? 


While they are urge their own population buy yourself a cheap antigen test if positive have no signs stay home and quarantine we need the beds for the quality foreigners ????  what a concept of their leaders to treat guest? Welcome now bend over!

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4 hours ago, James105 said:

Hopefully this will serve as a warning to other tourists intending to come here and they can make arrangements to go on holiday to an alternative country.   Many people were asking the question of what happens if someone tests positive on arrival and of course there was no clear answer and many suspected it would be the absolute horror show that it is. 


This testing + quarantine on arrival + insurance + expensive imprisonment for positive test (or negative test when near to someone positive) will only stop when the tourists vote with their wallets as this will force them to come up with more sensible requirements to come here, such as simply showing proof of vaccination and nothing else other than passport.  

That's the bottom line. Sorted

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4 minutes ago, Pinot said:

such as simply showing proof of vaccination and nothing else other than passport.  


Like in all those fourth-world 27 EU countries or the USA you mean? (sarcasm aside, to be 100% fair think some you do need a lateral test or PCR before to be fair, but 100x less non-sense than this joke of a system)

Edited by asiam110
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4 hours ago, HAPPYNUFF said:

Not to say that   certain persons  perhaps  own  certain  ASQ  hotel  that just happens to need /want     high paying guests.

I know that being paranoid doesn't mean no one is actually after you, but it also doesn't mean there is.....

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6 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

Not only if you test positive but as in the OP even if you test negative and were next to someone in the car or plane you still get carted off for 2 weeks. I doubt any International Insurance companies will pay out for this? Even if they do you also need to ensure they pay out there and then and not make you pay first.  Probably only Thai Insurance companies will cover this.

How about if someone who lives in Thailand, on a Non "O" or a Non "O-A" visa, tests positive? Would that person have to be hospitalized for 14 days also?

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5 minutes ago, relax33 said:

"1 patient reported being hit with a bill of 937,979 baht for 16 days in a private hospital, which included 3 days in intensive care. Another reported a bill of 989,670 baht for 17 days in hospital, 13 of which were spent in ICU. "
Thai government says Covid treatment is free, but patients report hefty bills | Thaiger (thethaiger.com)

These were the bills some patients were charged ,think the record was the 1.4 mil baht one patient incurred  for covid treatment  at the BKK hospital in phuket last year  ..

Since there is no cure for covid, hospital treatment thus mostly  comprise of temperature checks , use of fever medicines like panadol n aspirin n provision of oxygen for those having breathing difficulties .....
All these technically can be self treated at home ...

In the cases where symptoms were present and treatment was necessary anyone who has arrived with CoE or Thailand Pass has insurance to cover the cost. 


It is the asymptomatic cases and negative proximity cases which are concerning - because treatment is not necessary and insurance could well dodge payment due to 'medically unnecessary’ clause.



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6 hours ago, webfact said:

To date, approximately 25,000 tourists have entered Thailand since the country reopened to tourists on Nov 1. 


Only 26 tourists have tested positive.

25,000 tourists, 26 tourists tested positive. That seems like a high ratio. I wonder if there isn't something being reported such as some were Thai's returning and were not vaccinated etc.

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Why such a high bill ?

Testing positive is always possible and most if not all countries demand quarantine for such people . This is logic , since they can infect others , inside or outside Thailand , doesn't matter .

Having follow up is also logic , since you did test positive , to make sure you do not need extra medical care ... all logic .

Then comes the bill in mind .

350.000 for 14 days , for nothing more then a positive test .... absolute rubbish . I do know Thailand so i guess the story is true , but that doesn't make it right . Quarantine , test again after 7d, 10d and so on until 2 negative results would come in is much more logic. Yes it will cost the price of the room and the tests , so potential bill would not be needed to exceed , price of room + the extra tests .

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I finished quarantine in Pattaya 3 weeks ago. I had assumed my insurance policy would have covered me if I tested positive. whats the point of having it if it didnt? If you are not showing symptoms then surely just a couple extra weeks in quarantine would be all thats required. they are pretty good at no contact with anyone while in lockdown. 10 days just about drove me nuts. whole thing is bonkers with the virus now endemic in the greater population. 

Edited by Mike KIWI
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1 hour ago, MarkyM3 said:

Nowhere else in the world has such stupid rules. 


I have to come back in February for 5 months. If I didn't need to, I wouldn't bother. The Thai government deserves to have zero tourism due to their ineptitude. 

I read that other countries have similar rules if Covid positive on arrival. 

The Thai government has done a lot better than my home country, Scotland's government. So you don't live in Thailand and don't want to come here - welcome to the forum ????

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6 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

Not only if you test positive but as in the OP even if you test negative and were next to someone in the car or plane you still get carted off for 2 weeks. I doubt any International Insurance companies will pay out for this? Even if they do you also need to ensure they pay out there and then and not make you pay first.  Probably only Thai Insurance companies will cover this.

No test in the world is 100% accurate, not just for Covid 19. 

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5 hours ago, vandeventer said:

And yet they still keep coming, word of mouth will catch up soon. If tourism is wanted here they will have to do better than this. Getting tested positive is easy even with all the good vaccines out there.

Any person out there who failed to take on board the published information or lack of is either desperate or just plain stupid for visiting Thailand at this time. The best advice came from Thai banks who suggested that 2025 would possibly be a safer time to plan a holiday in Thailand. This is a land of underhand tactics and outright theft because that's what the government is best at.

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