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Bars should be allowed to reopen, opposition MP argues


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7 hours ago, soi3eddie said:

The pandemic has been very convenient for mobs in charge of many other countries too. It's not just a Thailand thing. Control, control and control the populaces into submission and into being thankful of small freedoms.


Well the Thailand Mob that took the Country should close their business down, pack their bags and go live in Africa where there is a new strain of Covid emerging and lend their expertise to the locals, with any luck the Zulu Nation will rise again and put them down.

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1 hour ago, James105 said:

The thing that mystifies me is why those that have had the jab feel it is their job to interfere with other peoples health choices.

I certainly don’t agree with vaccine mandates, except for some special cases such as aged care workers. I just think that the arguments put forward by anti-vaxxers on the supposed dangers of vaccines are ludicrous. 

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1 hour ago, AnotherFarang8 said:

Half of the populations are so dumb they trust that what is being done is for their safety. A good part of the other half have suspicions that something’s not right but digging deeper would overturn their whole belief system so they usually stop in the comfort zone. Problem now is the comfort zone is getting smaller each day. This artificially manufactured crisis will be fully taken advantage of. Expect more “waves” and “viruses” in years to come now that this approach proved itself with almost no repercussions.

Many foreigner's here in Thailand are lucky to have escaped all the <deleted> in their home countries. I see a bleak future for the younger generations there (and here too). My son is 18yrs and doing well with a paid apprenticeship and degree course in the UK that will likely guarantee him a good job however the wokery and bs concerns me. His freedoms will be curtailed in a way that most of us here on the forum would not find acceptable. The virus and subsequent restrictions on freedoms will be never ending IMO. 

Edited by soi3eddie
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7 minutes ago, CygnusX1 said:

I certainly don’t agree with vaccine mandates, except for some special cases such as aged care workers. I just think that the arguments put forward by anti-vaxxers on the supposed dangers of vaccines are ludicrous. 

My 23yo daughter was rushed to hospital after her first AZ jab.

My woman's 43yo childhood friend died 5 days after his first AZ jab.

This is all in the last 2 weeks, I don't know anyone that had problems with catching COVID.

Edited by BritManToo
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7 hours ago, hotchilli said:

The difference being everywhere you mentioned masks are warn... bars they get put in the pocket.

Not saying masks are the answer but ... just saying.

And can someone please tell me how wearing a mask on a motor bike stops the spread of Covid?

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8 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

My 23yo daughter was rushed to hospital after her first AZ jab.

Hope your daughter’s fully recovered. However, after billions of shots, there’s truly overwhelming statistics showing that the proportion of people suffering severe side-effects is tiny, as in 1 in a hundred thousand or less. Your daughter was just really, really unlucky.  I stress again that I agree that the vaccines should never be mandatory.

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Face it , it is not over yet  .... Europe opened nightlife to almost normal and the infections became disastrous rising , including Germany a country where people are known to be discipline followers , The Netherlands big rise in infections too, and new very worrying mutated virus again in South African region , put by U.K. already 3 country's there on their red list !


"Silver lining on that dark cloud......" your livers became qualified for transplant a new now  .....????????????

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3 hours ago, Mattd said:

You may well be correct, the trouble is the lockdowns do nothing but kick the can down the road delaying the inevitable and the longer the lockdown is the more susceptible the country becomes as there is less immunity, it also allows the virus to strengthen, the last 18+ months has proven this.

Lock, unlock, lock.................

The old saying "You can run but you cannot hide" springs to mind. 

The only way to combat the virus, at present, is to totally lock down everyone and everything except for the most essential services, for two weeks or more. That is impossible, so the virus will continue to circulate. So-called herd immunity has so far been unachievable, and anyway I'm not sure how letting everyone become infected helps get rid of it by creating antibodies. But then, I'm not a scientist and they know better than me.

Whatever, we are still nowhere near combatting this. It will clearly take years, despite all the vaccines that have been produced - which anyway we are now told are only effective for a few months. Can you imagine the panic if we were told a year or so ago that that would be the case - no long-term vaccine and no effective cure will be available for the foreseeable future. Only the fact that that knowledge has developed step by step over the past year has prevented that panic now. Death by a thousand cuts. 

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23 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

The only way to combat the virus, at present, is to totally lock down everyone and everything except for the most essential services, for two weeks or more. That is impossible, so the virus will continue to circulate. So-called herd immunity has so far been unachievable, and anyway I'm not sure how letting everyone become infected helps get rid of it by creating antibodies. But then, I'm not a scientist and they know better than me.

But locking people down does not combat the virus itself, how can it?

I agree that it does in theory help the healthcare services temporarily, I do stress temporarily.


The whole reason that there are protests in Europe now is because people feel that they have been misled, cajoled in to getting vaccinated and told that this will stop them getting seriously ill or dying from the virus, which is supposed to protect the healthcare sector from meltdown and prevent the lockdowns and yet the lockdowns are still happening, there are only so many times this can be done before people question the reasoning behind it.


One thing is for certain, the virus is not going away, possibly ever, the march of time will defeat it, along with possibly better vaccines or natural immunity.

Edited by Mattd
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1 hour ago, CygnusX1 said:

I certainly don’t agree with vaccine mandates, except for some special cases such as aged care workers. I just think that the arguments put forward by anti-vaxxers on the supposed dangers of vaccines are ludicrous. 

Those are my feelings too.

Given that being vaccinated is and should remain a choice, those who choose not be vaccinated must accept the restrictions applied to them.

They can always see sense, get vaccinated and retrieve their freedom.

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You don't have to look very hard in BKK to find not just bars, but entire areas of bars open, with no masks, beer openly sold and plenty of girls.


But no one is going to mention where for fear of unnecessary attention...just walk a little further.

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2 hours ago, CygnusX1 said:

Hope your daughter’s fully recovered. However, after billions of shots, there’s truly overwhelming statistics showing that the proportion of people suffering severe side-effects is tiny, as in 1 in a hundred thousand or less. Your daughter was just really, really unlucky.  I stress again that I agree that the vaccines should never be mandatory.

I wonder if a COVID vaccine death gets recorded as 'due to COVID'?


I really don't care for statistics prepared by a government/WHO/NWO agenda.

But it seems a bit odd I only know of COVID vaccine harmed people, and no COVID harmed people. If the stats are accurate, I should have encountered 1000+ people dead from COVID, before I encountered 1 death from a COVID vaccine.

Edited by BritManToo
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1 hour ago, Mattd said:

But locking people down does not combat the virus itself, how can it?

The whole point of the two week quarantine was that after that period of time it cannot be spread from a person that has it - they are not contagious after that. So, as I wrote, if there was a total lockdown for that period+ that would eliminate the spread. As I also wrote, that is impractical.

Strange though, isn't it, that the quarantine period was later reduced to seven or 10 days, which does bring into question what the 14 day thing was all about. They actually had no clue. As to continuing lockdowns, that is to help slow the spread, not eliminate it because, as you said, that isn't going to happen.

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You posters on here going on about the Government being "anti alcohol" are pushing the barrel a bit

All types of beer, spirits, wine, coolers available in thousands of 7/11's all around the country not to mention Ma & Pa stores where I am, who do do not even worry about any restricted hours.

It is the interaction between customers & staff they are trying to keep to a minimum & they still may be proven right, have a look at Austria & the resurgence of Covid due to non dilligent interaction

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7 hours ago, CygnusX1 said:

 The thing that mystifies me about anti-vaxxers is that even if there was good evidence that hydroxychloroquine etc was effective, surely you’re far more likely to experience undesirable side-effects from a powerful drug that you’re taking every day rather than from a vaccine you take only occasionally, even if you have to have booster shots every 6 months for the rest of your life, which I think will be the case for this virus from China. Just do a web search for side-effects of the various anti-malarials.

There is already medical evidence that the vaccine does strain certain parts of your immune system and in effect makes it weaker to combat some other virus's. Natural immunity in most healthy people seems also to be better able to combat the virus. I am not anti the vaccine but there are definitely advantages and disadvantages. If you are elderly & with any preexisting medical conditions I would definitely recommend getting the vaccine. 

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21 minutes ago, natway09 said:

You posters on here going on about the Government being "anti alcohol" are pushing the barrel a bit

All types of beer, spirits, wine, coolers available in thousands of 7/11's all around the country not to mention Ma & Pa stores where I am, who do do not even worry about any restricted hours.

It is the interaction between customers & staff they are trying to keep to a minimum & they still may be proven right, have a look at Austria & the resurgence of Covid due to non dilligent interaction

I think you are missing the point, there are lots of restaurant workers not working and struggling to feed their families so its not that you cannot buy alcohol but why prevent the restaurants from serving alcohol when as you say you can buy booze in any store, go home and party with family & friends. So its ok for the big business to sell alcohol with no restrictions but not the same rules for small business restaurants. 

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11 minutes ago, paul1804 said:

I think you are missing the point, there are lots of restaurant workers not working and struggling to feed their families so its not that you cannot buy alcohol but why prevent the restaurants from serving alcohol when as you say you can buy booze in any store, go home and party with family & friends. So its ok for the big business to sell alcohol with no restrictions but not the same rules for small business restaurants. 

It is very, very, simple.

The big booze producers have lots of political clout.


The small bar owners and restauranteurs don't.

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Latest news: bars and entertainment not allowed to open before mid-January.

However, curfewwill be lifted. Not sure what it means. Does it mean that restaurants and fake restaurants (bars serving food) will be allowed to open until late? That would be an improvement.

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8 minutes ago, GrandPapillon said:



didn't work before and will not work this time either


some medical experts, who supported lockdowns, are now saying on TV that it's best to let it circulate freely, we have expired all options now


we lost, virus win

Humans as the main cancer on the earth's surface. 8 billion. Nature and biodiversity destroyed.

Combustion and Earth Heating.

The seas are polluted and clean drinking water is a luxury.

Davinism in full swing. Maybe the earth is now defending itself with such a small virus. Perhaps we are now experiencing a natural regulatory mechanism. Yet the current birth rate still exceeds the death rate. I do not care. I want my cold beer now. Can't change it either way, neither do the politicians, as you can see. Cheers.

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17 minutes ago, GrandPapillon said:
5 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

The only way to combat the virus, at present, is to totally lock down everyone and everything except for the most essential services, for two weeks or more. 



didn't work before and will not work this time either


some medical experts, who supported lockdowns, are now saying on TV that it's best to let it circulate freely, we have expired all options now


we lost, virus win

There wasn't a total lockdown as that isn't possible. People had to shop, for example. Transport still operated, albeit with restrictions. So it was a lockdown, but not a total lockdown, which is the only thing that would have stopped the virus in its tracks as it would have had no-one to spread to.

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2 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

It is very, very, simple.

The big booze producers have lots of political clout.


The small bar owners and restauranteurs don't.

You seem to be using something called "logic". The word does not exist as a concept in this country.

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