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Constitutional Court’s full verdict enrages LGBT community, rights defenders


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Thailand’s Constitutional Court ruled on November 10 that Section 1448 of the Civil and Commercial Code defining marriages as only between men and women is constitutional, following a petition filed by two LGBT persons seeking same-sex marriage. The ruling has been met with some frustration, with LGBTQI+, feminist and pro-democracy groups gathering in Bangkok on Sunday, in support of their joint campaign demanding equal rights for all genders.


But it has been only recently the public outrage took to another level, with the full content of the court’s long ruling being released.


A lot of phrases in the text are being deemed by some as sexist, politically incorrect and even demeaning, prompting a much louder outcry on social media, with the Thai-language hashtag translated as “the Constitutional Court is sexist” top trending on Twitter since last night.


Full Story: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/constitutional-courts-full-verdict-enrages-lgbt-community-rights-defenders/


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Relationships are fine, people who are adults should be able to choose whatever partner they want.

Marriage however has a legal status and far-reaching implications in terms of a family as a unit of society. To have a family with two same-sex persons (however you want to call them) is an enormous complication, no the least for their "children".


If we really want to go that way, then we should seriously re-define the legal and social concept of family. And this should be done on a planetary scale.


This said, the all-men Thai CC left much to desire in their language, from "a husband and wife relationship to reproduce their offspring" to "no different to other animals with strange behaviours or physical features". Not helpful at all.



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8 hours ago, Led Lolly Yellow Lolly said:

Whatever goes on between consenting adults is nobody's business but theirs. The legal status of marriage however is for wider society to settle. Myself, I feel there must be limits or you'll get people wanting to marry their dog, or their bicycle, or their lava lamp. Human nature being what is is, not everyone can be pleased, and millions of years of evolution are not going to be dismissed by some silly 21st century social construct, no matter how accommodating.





Very sensible.

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2 hours ago, mfd101 said:

Thailand displays an interestingly huge gap between the elites who think they control and should control everything and everyone, and the bottom end where I live amongst the poor illiterate Khmer peasants of Surin.


In my village people mostly do not 'get married' according to the law (ie official registration) because it makes getting divorced more difficult. That is still the practice in my family: Easy come, easy go, with a Buddhist ceremony in between.


When my b/f and I announced we wanted to get married back in 2012, I inquired about the Buddhist bit etc and the answers were: Buddhism says marriage is for 2 people who love each other and want to live together, and the ceremony is conducted by a village elder (monks are for death). And so it was: We received everything we wanted (recognition & acceptance, which is what a wedding ceremony is about) and lived cheerfully enough ever after.


When you inquire about anything to do with the powers that be (Prayut, Constitution etc) the villagers just laugh. And carry on as they always have since the (supposed) end of slavery early last century.

So you wouldn't even want the option of a marriage based visa?

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9 hours ago, arithai12 said:

Relationships are fine, people who are adults should be able to choose whatever partner they want.

Marriage however has a legal status and far-reaching implications in terms of a family as a unit of society. To have a family with two same-sex persons (however you want to call them) is an enormous complication, no the least for their "children".


If we really want to go that way, then we should seriously re-define the legal and social concept of family. And this should be done on a planetary scale.


This said, the all-men Thai CC left much to desire in their language, from "a husband and wife relationship to reproduce their offspring" to "no different to other animals with strange behaviours or physical features". Not helpful at all.



Its actually not that complicated. You've presented a lame excuse. Maybe interracial marriages are too complicated too?

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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

So you wouldn't even want the option of a marriage based visa?

Have never considered it as not (currently) available. If it ever did become available, I guess I might consider it, but only if there were clear (for me & b/f) practical advantages.

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1 minute ago, mfd101 said:

Have never considered it as not (currently) available. If it ever did become available, I guess I might consider it, but only if there were clear (for me & b/f) practical advantages.

Well I think having the same choices available to others is a good thing whether you exercise those choices or not.

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Many people do want to marry. Excluding same sex marriages is discrimination.

all choices are a form of discrimination.  Someone with good taste is someone who can discriminate finely.  I think governments should discriminate in favour of their nationals and in favour of maintaining their cuture and legal system.  I would much raher live in a world with various cultures than one where the globe is uniform and ruled by the scandalised and the offended.

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Just now, thaibook said:

all choices are a form of discrimination.  Someone with good taste is someone who can discriminate finely.  I think governments should discriminate in favour of their nationals and in favour of maintaining their cuture and legal system.  I would much raher live in a world with various cultures than one where the globe is uniform and ruled by the scandalised and the offended.

What an absurd post. Ruled by the scandalized. Sure thing buddy.

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" the Constututional Court is sexist"

The Thai judicial system operates under common law. According to Thailand's 800 year existence, the ruling is perfectly aligned with the historical tradition and culture of the old kingdom. No change will come from the "top."

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Everyone and everything has acquired these rights - imagined or not. 

Everyone and everything have developed the cause and issue to examined such rights that they attached themselves so dearly to. 


Like most of everything of our existence, all been clearly fabricated to be political - a false political. 

Why not turn deeper into what really comes natural to our life form - social and familial extensions. 


Leave the highly manufactured false political premises behind.



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5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

What an absurd post. Ruled by the scandalized. Sure thing buddy.

Thank you for the compliment.  As Camus said "The absurd is lucid reasoning realising its limits".  


Even Marilyn Monroe considered the absurd of greater value than all being alike as sheep.  "It is better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring"





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I say let them get married. Why should only the heterosexuals suffer and be unhappy? ????


 Missus ("real" woman) and I ("real" bloke) have been together about 15 years now, no marriage and one beautiful, happy little kid, who we both dote on. This whole topic, not just marriage, but also the whole gender, sexuality issue, has been chewed over and over and over again ad infinitum. 


If "they" are allowed to get married, which I have absolutely no opinion on as I don't believe in marriage anyways, how long is it going to be before they get upset about some other injustice - real or imagined? Life isn't always fair and sometimes we just have to grow a pair (no pun intended) and live with it. We can't always have everything the way we want it. Be happy you live in such an open and safe society/time. I can remember reading articles in newspapers back in the 80s about "queers" (term generally used back then) and hairdressers getting beaten up in alley ways. I think society, on the whole, has become more tolerant and understanding (or is just bored to death of the topic and couldn't care less?). So, why not enjoy what you have and whine less about what you don't have. 

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