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Central platform to simplify entry preparations for tourists unveiled


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2 hours ago, Maejo Man said:

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They can't even write their code properly!!!

Quite so...on Chrome I see:



If entering one's personal / financial details on this site is required, one would be very stupid to proceed. ????


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3 hours ago, daveAustin said:

That’s a little napoleon macron politico. He knows it’s already in the house but is just being a nob. Happy Christmas little boy. 

Macron is 1m75 (5' 9") which is not exactly small. Just about average for a Frenchman (or for a Brit, come to it).

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4 hours ago, Cherrytreeview said:

Wasn't aware of this but the problem of getting elderly expat insurance, now and in the future, would be a reason i would advise people to keep a bolt hole in their home country.


Absolutely, be aware and keep your eyes and options open.  I actually started several applications, I noted that from 45 the premiums went up each year until 70. I only came across a few that went  to 75 but not over and the premiums were outrageous. 

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5 hours ago, Cherrytreeview said:


My main blues music places in Bangkok, Apotheka and Saxophone Pub, seem to be closed.

Now it looks like they really are going to demolish a lot of Walking Street in Pattaya.


Less and less reasons to travel multiple times a year to Thailand.


I doubt I'm alone.

I watched that video and several others in the Buzzin' Walkabout series.

Although at present, I agree with what you posted, there's a whole lot of optimism about in Pattaya.  Whether it's misplaced, only time will tell.

It seems more that the nightlife is moving, rather than going away....when allowed to open of course.

Personally, I wouldn't miss Walking Street one little bit - there are far better areas in "Patts" to have fun.

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I still had to pay 9,000 baht for one night in a hotel for my Thai wife and myself, for the quarantine. That will likely turn off most tourists. 


Until they develop some courage, expect no more than 50,000 tourists a month, for the foreseeable future. Sabotage, is what this is. 

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As if there isn't enough frustration .... airlines offering <deleted> schedules with long layovers versus double or triple the normal price for a decent flight schedule; insurance costs that are equal to the flight costs; cost of covid tests prior to departure and on arrival plus the minimum 1 day quarantine, possibly more; uncertainties on the tourist visa's with no guarantee of extension; a requirement to download an app so they can monitor your location; and, uncertainty on getting back to your home country now depending on what happens with the omicron variant. I was originally thinking of coming over for the winter in mid November, then changed my mind and pushed it back to mid December. I recently baulked again and have now pushed my plans back to mid January or later, if at all. It just doesn't seem worth the added costs, hassles, frustrations and risks, and this latest effort to simplify things isn't any better than previous attempts. 

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19 hours ago, MasterBaker said:

this government is dreaming again. it will be another lockdown what they it or not. as an example, here is a part ot the e-mail i got from Canadian Embassy today:

In an attempt to limit the spread of (COVID-19), specifically the new Omicron variant, the Government of Canada has re-instated a Global Travel Advisory to avoid all non-essential travel outside of Canada until further notice..


  • Find out what commercial options are still available to return to Canada. Consider returning to Canada earlier than planned if these options are becoming more limited.


  • Ensure that you have sufficient finances and necessities, including medication, in case your travels are disrupted.


Most governments have implemented special entry and exit restrictions for their territory. Before travelling, verify if the local authorities of both your current location and destinations have implemented any specific restrictions related to this situation and consider your transit points.


Restrictions imposed could include:


  • Entry bans, particularly for non-residents


  • Exit bans


  • Quarantines of 14 days or more upon arrival, regardless of where you are arriving from


  • Health screenings


  • Border closures


  • Airport closures


  • Flight suspensions


Additional restrictions can be imposed suddenly. You should not depend on the Government of Canada for assistance related to changes to your travel plans.


<deleted> me! and many thought the UK was bad enough with scaremongering and control. Glad I'm not a Canadian although I've met and know many lovely Canadians and they have great country. As per many countries they have a rotten government hell bent on destroying freedoms.


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Nchuckle is talking through the wrong end again. When I said I did not have a smart phone I didn't say I could not use one. I have just retired and have had cell phones and satelite phones for many years. The reason is  dickheads used to phone me from all parts of the world with no idea of time diffence. If I need to talk to someone or they need to talk to me the can use a landline number and if I am not available leave a message. I dont need to waste money on the latest toy to take selfies and show the world how good I am.

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On 12/18/2021 at 3:07 AM, ChC1 said:

Translation of SIMPLIFY in Thailand:


Let us throw all complicated duplicated unnecessary bureaucratic processes into one platform while keep all the original requirements and steps.

It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.

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